I'm kind of pretending that it's not a mere week until April. 😬 But here's the April #ISpyBingo board anyway. 😂
As always, all the 2025 boards can be found here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGVO4NctsY/-lGsmflP3sUW9FsAung8hg/view?utm_content...
I'm kind of pretending that it's not a mere week until April. 😬 But here's the April #ISpyBingo board anyway. 😂
As always, all the 2025 boards can be found here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGVO4NctsY/-lGsmflP3sUW9FsAung8hg/view?utm_content...
Is anyone else having issues with Litsy's website? I have tried multiple browsers and posts don't want to load; I get "Bad Gateway" messages while waiting for the comment area to load. If I do get the comment area to come up, it takes forever to post my comment or doesn't post it at all. The app seems to be okay. Any thoughts/is anyone else having these problems?
February's #BobWhiteBuddies read was enjoyable but not particularly outstanding. There really wasn't much “mystery,“ but I did enjoy the interactions of the gang.
Query: What do you all think was the point of making Dan a member of the Bob Whites and then literally never having him do anything with them?? 😂
Feel free to share any thoughts you had on this one!!
The move is progressing!! My windowsill books have moved to the piano for now. The bottom picture is an attempt to fit all my crates of books into one picture (unsuccessfully) - ended up with 96 crates of books + a few boxes.
I had read this Agatha Christie mystery before, but as usually couldn't remember the solution 😂 I'm the worst armchair detective ever, but it doesn't reduce my enjoyment of reading and rereading Christie's tales. ⬇
Good morning, everyone!!! The next two posts below this one are the #BookSpin numbers and #BookSpinBingo board, both marked as spoilers!! As a reminder, because I'm in the middle of moving, I am posting quite early!! So as you all are looking at the numbers and making your posts about what you are reading, please mark them as spoilers/don't show the BookSpin numbers. Thank you!!!
I apparently packed my bowl of numbers and has to use a random ⬇
Sticking with the cardboard box background here, because that's my life right now 😂 I know everyone loves posting their boards!! But if you decide to post yours before March 2, could you please use the BookSpinBingo book and then hide it as a spoiler so that people don't see the numbers unless they want to? I appreciate everyone working with me this month!!! 😁
Apparently I have somehow managed to pack literally everything I need to create create the #BookSpin post, including, but not limited to, the bowl of numbers, copies of blank bingo boards, and permanent markers 😂 Random number generators and Canva to rescue, I guess!!
March's #BookSpin is TWELVE and the #DoubleSpin is ONE!!
Please remember that because I am posting VERY EARLY that some participants may wish to wait until March 2 to look at the⬇
100% would have forgotten about posting this if @Liseworks hadn't reminded me 😂 As always, anyone can play along - items can be found on the front, back, or spine of the book. Unless a word is in quotation marks (in which case, you need that actual word), items can be a picture of the item or the word (i.e. stripes on the cover or the word stripes). You can use this board just this month, or keep going until you clear it. One book can clear ⬇
Greetings, friends!! We are only a week away from March!!!
First off, please note that #BookSpin will be EARLY this month!! We have purchased our new house (YAY) and are in the process of cleaning/painting/moving/etc. Next week are planning to make the big shift to actually sleeping there (!!!) BUT our internet situation won't be set up yet SO I will be posting BookSpin on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28!!!
I will post the BookSpin numbers and mark them ⬇
My mom got this as a library discard when I was a kid, and I always loved it growing up. Smalleata is a mouse whose clan moves into the human house across the field when winter comes (and the people leave for the season). There, she falls in love with a house mouse. Lots of adventures, but it's actually pretty intense for a children's book, as some of the mice get eaten! I really enjoyed this reread and still find this a delightful book. And it ⬇
I first read this book back in 2012 and knew it was one I wanted to find and add to my own collection. Lindbergh writes from a seaside cottage where she is on holiday, each chapter looking at a different seashell and using it to reflect on a different aspect of life. Published in 1955, it was an era where woman were still mostly home-focused, but with advancing technology opening up more time and opportunities for them. I found her thoughts on ⬇
I was delighted to pick up this lovely hardcover/library discard edition of this book, which is the sequel to The Alley. Both written and set about 8 years after the original story, the main character is one of the younger siblings of The Alley's characters. This one was a little more implausible, but still a super fun story and one that I would have LOVED as a kid. These are both fabulous read-aloud books and as cute as they can be.
I have a lot memories of Dad reading this one out loud to us when we were growing up, but I don't think I had read it since! It's a pretty adorable story about a group of kids who live in a little cul de sac alley neighborhood. The main story is that there is a robbery, but there are a lot of little side stories and it's all such good fun.
#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
#ReadtheUSA - New York
#ISpyBingo (Bare Feet; “Author of“) #BookSpinBingo
Almost every book in my Pango shop is on sale for a dollar!! Trying to find new homes for some of these before we move. Only a few pictured... I somehow have 54 listings 😂
This is an older book of Roberts's (1991), which was mainly illustrated by how many cigarettes the MC smoked 😂 Cilla a night DJ for a Denver radio station who starts getting threatening calls from a listener who says he wants revenge and is going to kill her. You'll be unsurprised to learn that Cilla ends up with a hot, single detective to help her through these trying times. This book definitely had some weak spots in the suspense aspect of ⬇
If you ignore the fact that these people have only known each other for, like, two weeks, this was a perfectly fun read. Violet's off to Alaska to talk to a grumpy guy who could help her fix her job, but he isn't interested in having an Outsider tell him what they should do with their land. So he challenges her to see if she can handle an Alaskan winter. Violet seemed like she should annoy me, but I actually found her can-do attitude to be kind ⬇
I first bought, read, and loved this book back in 2020. Now that we're getting ready to move and I have an entire house to update, it seemed like a great time to revisit it. Atwood just does a fantastic job with this book. She gives you the science behind color and our perception of it, then moves into the more emotional aspect of it - somehow, she stays out of woo-woo land by encouraging readers to ground the way they feel about colors with ⬇
#BobWhiteBuddies !!! I finished this a couple weeks ago but then spaced on actually posting at the end of the month 😂 Did you all get to this one in January? Did you like it? I thought the setting was fun, although we've already begun the trend of leaving poor Dan behind! Why did the authors even make him a member of the gang?? I really liked the way Trixie didn't have all the answers here, and had to stop and reassess a few times. However, the ⬇
Well, February's #BookSpinBingo apparently knew it was a short month and needed to help us out, because look at all those free spaces together 😂
I packed my first box yesterday! It looks like we will be closing on our new house in about 2 weeks. I actually weirdly love moving, but it's been soooo long since we moved here that I'm out of the groove. Our first 5 Christmases were in 5 different houses, then 10 years here 😂
Anyway, the usual info⬇
Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Our official #BookSpin number is FOUR! Our official #DoubleSpin number is TEN!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone‘s lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!!
My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card. I am NOT tagging anyone on that post!! If you want to bingo, please just check my profile for the card. This saves me having to double tag ⬇
I loved this book growing up, and it definitely encouraged my ongoing love affair with alleys 😂 I hadn't read this one in several years, and it was super fun to revisit. Cleery buys a box of magic at a flea market, and accidentally magics a stuffed crow into being alive - and able to talk - but not able to fly. With an enchantment of being able to find something magical in every new alley she visits that summer, she and her best friend set off ⬇
Finally got to my November #TravelingThrills book 😂 I thoroughly enjoyed this one. It's not super fast-paced - definitely more suspense than thriller - but I liked the MC so much that I didn't mind. The back and forth between past and present chapters felt balanced and even though there were some aspects of the grand reveal that left me scratching my head a bit (a side character's motivations/methods seemed like a bit of stretch), I'll still be ⬇
At first, I enjoyed Blair's sassy attitude, but after a while the flirting aka bickering between the two MCs began to get on my nerves. It could be because my husband and I are both super chill so I've never understood the “arguing as foreplay“ concept lol The mystery aspect didn't make a lot of sense either, which meant the entire plot began to drag around 2/3 through. It was an okay read, but one of those that I enjoyed less as I went along.
Me: I really need to not get so entangled in buddy reads and challenges because February is going to be super busy.
Also Me: Has 16 “assignment“ books 😂
I usually leave my leftover slots open for whatever TBR books come up in my random draw throughout the month (I have a prompt jar), but my personal challenge is that I have to fill them in in order instead of what would strategically make bingos.
Still plenty of time to post a list if you want⬇
When I first read the Swallows and Amazons books in 2019/2020, I knew I would want to reread them over and over. I've been working my way through them slowly and enjoying them every bit as much - or even more - as I did the first time. Winter Holiday is adorable, with plenty of wintry adventures to go around. I personally had an idyllic childhood, but I still think I would trade to be a Swallow or Amazon! 😂
Here is February's #ISpyBingo board!! A reminder that you can play these however you like, but I encourage covering multiple prompts with one book if you can!!
Link to all the 2025 boards: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGVO4NctsY/-lGsmflP3sUW9FsAung8hg/view?utm_content... ⬇
Well, unbelievably there is only one week left in January, which means it's time for 2025's first mini-existential crisis!! 😂 It also happens to be time to get together your lists if you are planning to #BookSpin in February!!!
Thank you all for the well-wishes on the new house!! We are under contract and things seem to be moving smoothly so we are hoping to close by the end of February!! We've been here 10yrs so even though this move is only⬇
This one just wasn't for me. I've enjoyed some of Thompson's other writing - he can be brilliantly insightful and cutting, with an ability to call out hypocrisy and hold a mirror right up to your own face - but I struggled with this one, mostly just him and his attorney being out of their minds on drugs. Actually, it was great anti-drug propaganda 😂 I just kept thinking - do people do this for FUN?!😆 Anyway, it was worth the one-off read for me⬇
I'm always happy to reread Christie and I'm pretty stoked about the #ChristieCapers readalong that @Librarybelle is hosting. While this isn't my favorite of her mysteries, it's still a great introduction to Poirot, Hastings, and Christie's writing style. This edition also included an alternate ending that Christie had written having the final reveal being in court instead of in the intimate family gathering, so that was interesting.
Funny story, life has been CRAZY this month and I legit forgot about getting this giveaway sorted out until yesterday 😂 Apparently, vacation + family from out of state + buying a house all within a two-week period means I start forgetting other things!!
ANYWAY here are the 2024 winners!!! @Megabooks @vonnie862 @robinb @CSeydel @julsmarshall CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I have emailed each of you at the email you provided, so please check and let me ⬇
https://fromthepagecandles.com has an annual sale where you tell her which book you want (along with any scent preferences) and she makes you a candle based on the book!! It's SO fun and I've done it for several years. You have to have your orders in by Thursday night, but if you love high-quality candles with wonderful scents, her shop is fabulous. If you've ever gotten a swap box from me, you've probably gotten a couple of her small candles 😂
This book was a load of fun, with entertaining characters and loads of wry humor that I quite enjoyed. My overall rating was somewhat lowered by the ending - it felt like the red herrings got a bit out of control - seriously, how many people have secrets centered around this one spot?? - and one other issue I had I'll put as a spoiler below. But overall this was a great time and I'll definitely pick up the sequel.
Any of these strike your fancy @Jerdencon @bookandbedandtea ? I have a neverending pile of mystery/thrillers from which to choose, so I can pull another four if needed 😂
Since we aren't #LMPBC anymore, do we need another name? #TravelingThrills ? 😆
It's always a pleasure to return to Kate Burkholder's world, and while the 16th installment had some plot twists that stretched believability a bit, it was still enjoyable. Love the characters in this series. Kate is gritty and tough without being obnoxious (actually, she kind of reminds me of Eve Dallas of the In Death series) and Castillo always writes the Amish as real people. It's also always fun to read books set in Ohio and actually know ⬇
The husband & I have been off this week, and instead of going to FL as originally planned, we've hunkered down and had the most relaxing, chill week ever - and three days left to go!! I've been reading up a storm and have completed 6 books so far this year. None of them were mind-blowing, but since it's the beginning of the year, they check off so many challenge prompts 😂 So here's the skinny (sorry for the hosts getting tagged multiple times!):
Thank you so much for my #LittleChristmasSwap package @actualdisneyprincess !!! I've been wanting to read this book forever as I've enjoyed several of Painter's other books. And I'm always a sucker for chocolate and peanut butter 😂
Thanks for hosting @bookish_wookish !!!
@julieclair is hosting a nonfiction challenge, and goodness knows I need the motivation! My husband loves nonfiction, and I always THINK I'm going to love NF, so we have quite the collection. As I've conveniently shelved it using the Dewey Decimal system, I am going to try to read a book from each category each month. The tagged book is considered “journalism“ and shelved in the 070s.
Whoops, already dropping the ball on posting the #ISpyBingo board each month 😂 Here is January's board!! You can play this however you like - I personally let a single book fill as many prompts as it can, or you can do one prompt per book, whatever you like best!! If you want all 12 boards for the year, let me know and I'll post the link!!
Yay!! First #BookSpinBingo card of the year!!! The Spin Fates have blessed us with a free space in line with both Spins (two for BookSpin!!) so I think we are off to a great start!! I love seeing everyone's cards and lists and plans and successes and failures, so thank you so much for joining me for another year of fun and tricking our brains into reading what we think we should 😂 Happy New Year!!
Standard text + “rules“ below ⬇
2025 has OFFICIALLY arrived because here is your first #BookSpin of the year!! 😁 I am SO EXCITED to Spin with all of you this year!! Just a reminder that I am using my new 2025 tag list, so if you don't get tagged today and would like to be added, please let me know (I may also have messed up your username).
The 2024 giveaway link is still live but I will be CLOSING that form sometime tomorrow, January 3, 2025, so please complete your entries ⬇
I usually like Kasie West's YA fare because she writes characters whose problems feel real/regular to me. There's drama, but it's not over the top. Like most of her books, we have a MC who needs to learn to get out of her comfort zone a little, find some balance in her life, and be willing to wrestle some of her inherent prejudices. There's also some great snark and fun characters. An enjoyable read, even if it didn't really bring anything new ⬇
I've enjoyed a few of Arnold's novels, so when I saw he had written a graphic novel, I thought I would check it out even though that isn't my usual wheelhouse. I liked but didn't love this one, involving zombie squirrels. There were a few side characters who just felt a little to bizarre for me. But there were some funny moments and the main characters were a likable crew.
#WinterGames #HolidayBookDragons @LiseWorks
My final holiday read of the year is the sequel to Christmas at the Shelter Inn. I liked this one better than Shelter Inn, mainly because I found this MC to be more likable haha It's cute and pretty traditional fare for the genre, but nothing mind-blowing. As usual, by the end of December I'm ready to set aside holiday romance and jump into some other stuff!!
#WinterGames #HolidayBookDragons @LiseWorks
I'm joining @Librarybelle for #ChristiesCapers and am super excited!! While our first read, The Mysterious Affair at Styles, has the same title in both the US and the UK, several of her later books have two different titles, which confuses the heck out of me. So, I made a table of her books with the publication date, UK title, US title, and a few notes. Feel free to save this, make a copy to edit for yourself, or whatever!!
If the US Title is ⬇
Still wrapping up a few Christmasy reads for #WinterGames and #ReadOuttheOld This month I've focused on books that I already owned and have checked off 15 books (some of which included multiple shorter stories), almost all of which are now in the donate box, meaning I have room for that many more Christmas books for next year!! 😂
This one was a soft pick. It's classic workaholic city girl has to go home and get caught up in small town ⬇
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I low-key enjoyed this one 😂 It was objectively terrible, with a plot that went nowhere, absolutely no sense of suspense or pacing, and wildly unlikely twists. Yet despite her tendency to burst into tears and/or faint in basically every chapter, I found myself liking Emily. I appreciated her commitment to what she believed was right and her determination to follow her morals even when they weren't the easy path. ⬇
This one just didn't really work for me. Part of it is that I should have bailed on this book as soon as I realized that a big part of the plot was going to be lying/withholding information/secrets. I'm just not a fan of stories where ONE CONVERSATION could solve all our problems BUT NO ONE WILL HAVE IT. The thing was, I really liked the characters and the setting, so I thought maybe it would be okay. It was not. I was stressed the entire time ⬇
Believe it or not, we are less than a week away from not just a new month, but an entirely brand new year!! Since all my efforts to stop time have been to no avail, I guess I have to accept the inevitable and start planning my 2025 #BookSpin list!! I am super excited to Spin along with all of you this year, even if creating this post does give me a mini-existential crisis every month 😂
As always, a reminder to make your lists work for you!! ⬇
A spontaneous readathon that starts today 😂 Join me as I #ReadOuttheOld and get ready for 2025!!! Even though there is less than a week left of 2024, there is still time to wrap up a book or challenge, or maybe just pretend you had zero reading goals for 2024 and read whatever you want! 😆 Feel free to tag me and let me know what you're reading!!
I'm tagging my WinterGames team, but anyone is welcome to join!!
Borderline so-so, but hey, it's the season of generosity 😂 This one kind of felt like someone was trying to write a book based on a Hallmark movie screenplay, but not in a good way. The writing was kind of clunky and character development was abrupt. And who names a human character “Wink“?? There were a lot of scenes like this: Person A: “Please go out to supper with me.“ Person B:“I don't want to date you while things are so complicated“ ⬇
@BarbaraBB @Deblovestoread @Faranae @julieclair @lauredhel @LiseWorks @LitsyEvents @MatchlessMarie @Read4life @peanutnine @PuddleJumper @willaful @Sarahreadstoomuch @OriginalCyn620 @Julies_Bookshelf_Adventures @cewilf @mom2bugnbee 9h