#bookspin book done. This is really some philosophy dressed up in a novella.Though some lines are captivating,I would recommend his most famous novel,The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Glad I read it anyway .
#bookspin book done. This is really some philosophy dressed up in a novella.Though some lines are captivating,I would recommend his most famous novel,The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Glad I read it anyway .
Welcome to my #bookspin tagged book , and my #doublespin Anne Lamont‘s 3rd book ,Rosie .I think I can manage to read both this month ,Slowness is only 156 pages .
I love Milan Kundera‘s intellect, the way he can express complex ideas simply and his humour & light touch. Interesting thoughts about the pleasure of slowness (or whether people slow down when they‘re happy & want to remember) & current period ‘given over to the demon of speed‘. The ideas, honesty & prose are a joy, but there‘s also casual sexism which I find tiresome. Respect though for the cool cover of this first UK edition. 👌🏼
#Riotgrams #onewordtitles I stopped counting at 50 still on the one bookcase. I didn't realise how many books I had with one word titles 📚❤️
Sorting out my bookshelves - the shelf in our living room is wall-to-wall TBR 😬📚. I found these Milan Kundera books which I bought second-hand, one has a copy of the newspaper review in it!
#onewordtitles I could easily have 5 piles like this, but went for a mixing genres Insomnia by Stephen King cut off at bottom and Kangaroo by DH Lawrence at the top ❤️📚
"For love is by definition an unmerited gift; being loved without meriting it is the very proof of real love."