#CoverStories #Feather I thought this was a good read , I have his second book on the TBR pile . 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
#CoverStories #Feather I thought this was a good read , I have his second book on the TBR pile . 📚📚📚📚📚📚📚
#TLT #ThreeListThursday So many good ones !
1. Born Yesterday an all time favorite !
2.The Maltese Falcon Book & movie so good! Dashiell Hammett ,yay!
3. Yankee Doodle Dandy James Cagney , yes please
4.Gaslight so good and creepy!
Thanks for the tag @dabbe
I‘m 100 pages in. Smart, witty ,and engaging! Plus , Phoebe might finish Mrs. Dalloway ! Sshh , no spoilers please 😁
#WomensHistoryMonth A book that isn‘t referenced as much today ,I have never forgotten it. Creativity is not enough, Tillie was a creative person working regular jobs while raising 4 girls , despite her longing to write, a life so busy leaves little time to find a room of one‘s own. Lack of time,lack of money, lack of hope. To be taken seriously, to be considered,in her era of 1st wave feminism, most of the publishing gate keepers, old white guys
Absolutely couldn‘t resist! Maybe they can tell me if I should leave the country! Funny/Not Funny 💀
#CoverStories the #Stairs lead to the elegant townhomes around Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village NYC . Henry Jameses family lived on Washington Place, just around the corner. The park has been a hub of the Village , as the society folks moved further uptown, the area drew artists, bohemians, and radicals. NYU is near by , it has been a place of meetings , protest , music ,and games of chess.
#CoverStories #Clouds McGuanes protagonists are funny ,seems that they seem smart enough to avoid bad decisions, walk into them anyway. I read them years ago, not sure if I‘d like them as much now.
#CoverStories #EveningGown A little Fred and Ginger for Oscar day/Night !
#CoverStories #2SimilarCovers sometimes similar covers are designed to identify a series. I have noticed that many recent thrillers and contemporary romances seem to have similarly designed covers .
Here‘s the line ( part of it) for the first day of the big two day booksale that has been put on by the VNSA people in Phoenix, Az for over 60 years ! All for charity. Mentioned by @PaperbackPirate today
Starting this tonight with Sophie.His other book , “On Tyranny”is a must read ! Shorter than this one and a recent reread for me .
When Inaba hears the cries of a kitten, she follows the sound to a tiny thing stuck up high in a fence. Not thinking of keeping a pet , despite that , Mii won her over. Inaba finds her writing voice in the company of the captivating Mii. Beautiful writing highlights the wonderful bond between pet parent & cat . Her constant care of Mii in her old age showed such dedication and made me cry. A short moving book I‘m glad to have read.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday on Friday! Thanks for the tag @dabbe
So many great ones .
All about Eve , Casablanca, American in Paris , Amadeus , Terms of Endearment are favorites.
Crash winning over Brokeback Mountain is ridiculous in my humble opinion.
Not just today .
It‘s hard to believe Clinton was only 54 when he left the White House. He came out of the experience ready to use his influence to making the world a better place. He‘s been involved in disaster relief, medical care in far flung countries w/ little resources. With his various foundations he has worked hard to seek out people who through their work can make a difference & passionate patrons to fund worthy endeavors. His insights into US politics 🔽
#MentalHealthMonday a day late !
1.every day is crazy day.I have much to do but the pain & cruelty coming down in this political scene is toxic.
2.music is always a great idea!
3. I was pretty edgy in my choices as a young adult, I find myself in this crazy time gravitating to the pop/rock of my childhood for comfort!😁I am diehard NPR usually, but can‘t take the ridiculous crap all day long.
Mugs in my local indie! So Cute!
#FeelinTheLove Being alone doesn‘t always mean that you are #Lonely Laing explores this topic after moving to NYC alone in her mid 30s. She also explores many artists that use their solitary existence to create great art. A wonderful book that is hard to explain, actually!
First spring training game was Thursday, I went to a game on Friday! Happy Spring training to all who celebrate! ⚾️
#feelinTheLove #LoveOnTheRocks Oh, the late 1970s I think! https://youtu.be/450Unsb5BCw?si=5PGeT9bI5POF0Gt9
Always happy to find a green Virago at a book sale !
#NationalLoveYourPetDay Really? I love them everyday ! Tom Tom , currently the oldest gentleman cat !
A well written small town saga that takes place in the 1958. The town is small enough everybody knows everyone, big enough to have a lot of dark secrets. Murder mystery filled with memorable characters doing what they need to do to get by , nice layers of intrigue. Enjoyed it very much
When a little bookstore stamp sends you down the rabbit hole ! https://laist.com/news/la-history/stanley-rose-bookstore-literary-las-hottest-sp...
Middle class smut from the sixties. I read them as a kid hiding them from my parents. I don‘t remember much only the feeling of being subversive!😂the Carpetbaggers 1961, tagged book , 1966. I probably would find culturally offensive things now , but look at those covers ! From the big book sale.
#Bookplates If you look closely you shall see the new owner erased the name of the original owner from this one.
#TLT #ThreeListThursday Thanks for the tag @dabbe
1.A Room Of Ones Own/ To The Lighthouse are both faves love Woolf
2.Slaughterhouse Five
3.The Sun Also Rises
4.White Noise
I wanted to complain , on the website all clicks go here ! 😡
#FeelinTheLove perhaps one of the greatest tales of #LoveLost Gatsby does everything to try to turn that around.
😢Nobody else like him! https://www.npr.org/2025/02/09/1167079326/tom-robbins-obituary-novelist
Sherlock Holmes display at the Phoenix, Az. location of Bookmans! I always compliment them on their displays. Lookin at you 👀 @dabbe
#AllThingsWoolfy Found this little jewel today as well !
#BlackHistoryMonth This one has been on my radar awhile, fortunately I found a used copy in a store where I had some trade credits (Yay) Antonia Hylton has the right background to write this unique study,a Harvard grad that often writes about race,mass incarceration, and psychiatry.
Thanks for the tag @dabbe
#TLT #ThreeListThursday
Just too hard to only do 3 😂
Mrs. Dalloway
Portrait of an Artist As A Young Man
Parable Of The Sower
About a third of the way through, enjoying it so far . So grateful I enjoy reading, to wind down a bit at the end of the day & shut off the crazy!
#FeelinTheLove #FavoriteLiteraryLove why Mr Darcy of course ! Brought to life on screen by Colin Firth ! 😁🥰