OK, I‘m satisfied with that information about Morano. Let‘s move along now. #hashtagbrigade #accumulatemoremisfortunesplease #countkidnapper #countdickwad
OK, I‘m satisfied with that information about Morano. Let‘s move along now. #hashtagbrigade #accumulatemoremisfortunesplease #countkidnapper #countdickwad
Read this in September with the #hashtagbrigade
While the conversations we had discussing it were entertaining, the novel itself was a bit bland. All of the characters were pretty unlikeable and it was hard to sympathize with them
Ch 3.7: all caught up! #well #somuchcrying #alittleverdantverdure #ijinxedmyself 🤷🏻♀️ #emilyhasafriend #shesleftatacottagewithanassassin #whatcouldgowrong #lovelywalks #dancingfortheseanymphs #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.6: catching up! Here is yesterday‘s chapter. Sooooo long #anyway #macaronistillwantsemilytosignpapers #emilysayshellno #castleisunderattack #emilyisdraggedaway #isthistheend #willshemakeittoappenines #isvalancourtaprisoner #staytuned #hashtagbrigade #pleaselettherebenoverdantverdure
Ch 3.5: #auntiesfuneralfinallyhappens #macaroniwantsemilytosignpapers #totallyliesaboutthem #emilyrefuses #soproud #andnowwewait #emilythinksitsvalancourttoo #butwhoisitreally #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.4: more drama #macaroniwantsthosepaperssigned #auntiesayshellno #emilygoestorest #guardwithaflamingsword #wtf #auntiediesduringastorm #thiscantendwellforemily #blessedlyshortchapter #hashtagbrigade
Hope I'm not too late to join this fabulous party! I hope to finish SOVEREIGN today because the discussion is tomorrow! I also hope to attempt to catch up to the #hashtagbrigade with UDOLPHO. If only the book were actually as interesting as the cover I found above. I'm gonna try.
Welcome back, @Andrew65. You have been missed. 🧡🤎💛
I‘m excited about the #20in4 Readathon Relaunch Event! My goals are to read for 20 hours. I want to finish A Tyranny of Petticoats for #ReadOrDonate , keep up with The Mysteries of Udolpho with #hashtagbrigade , and begin Whiteout for #SundayBuddyRead . Thanks for hosting, @Andrew65 !
Ch 3.3: some discoveries #macaronirobbingpeople #fightingamongstthieves #auntieisalive #butforhowlong #thecreeperisback #apparentlyhesthedevil 😈 #seemslegit #emilywasalittlebraveforlikefiveminutes #staytuned #happythanksgiving #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.2: The Count is back #kidnapper #well #failedkidnapper #thatsprettymuchit #shortchapter #hallelujah #hashtagbrigade