Making the most of my Sunday, by doing very little 😏
Making the most of my Sunday, by doing very little 😏
When I mentioned maybe doing a year of spycraft reading, Justin (my partner) highly recommended this one, based on Maugham's experiences during the first World War. Interconnected stories, it was excellent! Bonus for being a very vintage copy, although I alternate reading it with an ebook.
This is quite the mish-mash, sort of Cold Comfort Farm mixed with light New England Gothic, but I'm enjoying it.
Realizing that I never posted about the #PersephoneClub book this month, which I quite liked a lot, despite being populated with so many unlikable people 😂. But it was so compelling and, as others have observed, such a strong picture of a particular time and class. I'll certainly read more Crompton in the future.
Also, day off! I am getting my car checked out (leaky tire?) and reading the next Smiley at the cute local coffee shop I should really patronize more. Other exciting plans for the day are buying a broom and neverending laundry.
Finally finished our #furrowedmiddlebrowclub book from last month, and my thoughts echo what others have said. It wasn't my favorite, although I found bits of it amusing in its Over the Top-ness. Addie reminded me a bit of Elizabeth Taylor's Angel, in a kinder and more comic way. But rather melancholy and like I agree that it went in a bit too long. Not sorry I read it, just wish I'd liked it more. A low pick.
Finished this afternoon and haven't been able to stop thinking about it.
Very much enjoyed this launch of a new series. I loved these characters and Osman's humor and style are very much intact. And while I'm not a big audiobook person, more like this might help convert me. We recently moved and it's certainly made the unpacking more enjoyable.
An excellent way to spent the day. Perhaps this will be my year of spycraft? I could see it.
In summation and on to the next 😃📚
Among other things, on a personal level 2024 will go down as the year I read War and Peace. I did it chapter a day (kind of/theoretically) with the Footnotes and Tangents Substack. I can't say I really loved it, or think it's one of the greatest novels ever, but I'm glad to have read it and found the online discussion and commentary enriching.
Christmas trip home went way too quickly. I will be glad to see the boy and our cats, but otherwise I would be ok with a little more time. Alas, her I am at the airport ...
Ok, #PersephoneClub friends - here's your next slate for voting! Sort of seasonal, for those who like that, but not overtly so (I think?). Can't wait to see what you vote for!
@LeahBergen @rubyslippersreads @elkeOriginal @Cathythoughts @Caryl @sisilia @Tamra @andrew61 @willaful @julieclair @Aimeesue @Gissy @Bookbuyingaddict @daena
I was in the mood for a little Stevenson. This one started well, but is meandering a bit at the moment ...
Not necessarily my usual fare, but when looking through the new books at work I paged through it and ended up pretty much devouring it. Pretty trippy and fitting that it started on Reddit, as it will (has) spawn(ed) countless Internet threads. Fun, but I'm not trying to make sense of it!
Okay, posting the options before I overthink it! I've no reasons to offer, just going with my gut! 😆
I have so much to do, but really just want to snuggle under a blanket and read more of this ...
#throwback to a few weeks ago, when I was on vacation and started this one. Finally finished it today and glad to be done with it. Pretty disappointing. A good premise, but I had a ton of issues with the execution.
Not sure I'll rush right out to read the next in this series, but I mostly liked this #nunlit pick, despite some dated bits and a solution I partially sussed out. I wish that modern mysteries were as short and moved as briskly.
This was a complete delight. Highly recommended if you are interested in Dame Judi, Shakespeare, theatre history, the RSC, or acting in general. I googled so many pictures and fell down so many Wiki holes, looking up people and productions she talks about.
I hadn't planned to read this on my lunch today, but then the reserve came in and I couldn't resist diving right into it!
I thought this was great! It made me laugh a lot, but I also cried a few times. And even though it did that thing I hate of constantly referring to Something in the Past for ages before explaining it and at one point I actually said aloud to an empty room, "Please go get some therapy," I think I loved it?
Getting a slightly belated start on this #hashtagbrigade selection, but excited to read another Bowen.
I devoured Everyone In My Family Has Killed Someone, so I've high hopes for this sequel!
Wondering if I'll love this as much as everyone else seems to ...
I started this last month, when @peanutnine was leading the read along, but only managed to really sink into it this weekend. Still, terrifically delightful company on an intermittently raimy Sunday. Can't wait for the next one!
My copy arrived yesterday, so among other things today will be catching up with the #hashtagbrigade. Excited for another Gaskell!
Add me to the chorus of all those singing the praise of this one. I'm only about a third of the way through, but am loving it so much I just had to rave.
Not entirely connecting with this, but maybe that's a good thing? It's very honest and a little messy, which seems appropriate.
Finally going on the Emily Henry train, so to speak. I've a new job that will, I think, require me to read more contemporary and recent things.
A re-read for me, but still a pleasant time. It's probably my least favorite Elizabeth Fair, but very cozy and the quintessential #furrowedmiddlebrow publication, I think.
Just the sort of sweet, feel good and lightweight novel that I needed, after a rather long week. I very much enjoyed Sister B and her community (big C and little c). The ending felt a wee abrupt, but it just guaranteed that I'd immediately download the sequel, so I guess well-played Fran Smith?
Late to the party, but happy just to be here 😉
A rather sweet, happy book, about a young couple's engagement and first year, as they settle into marriage and domesticity. There are challenges and some exasperation along the way, but ultimately there's just so much warmth here. Quite lovely and charming.
The last Alice Munro on my shelf. Pretty terrific.
Despite trying multiple times, I've never actually read this classic. I know how beloved it is, but there's just something about it that I don't connect with. However, it feels like a huge gap in my literary knowledge, so maybe giving it a go with the #hashtagbrigade will help?
I am here for whatever Stradal shares with us. I love that his books are so very much identifiably his and the connections between them. I purposely didn't read this until the paperback came out, because I knew I'd want to own it. Seeing the pretty mixed reviews in the meantime perhaps better prepared me for the bits that seem to have knocked others for a loop? Or maybe I'm just, at heart, a soppy Midwestern girl. Probably both.
I don't think I've ever not loved a Kate Atkinson book? This collection of somewhat linked short stories was a little weird and a lot wonderful.
Not sure where I heard about this one - I thought it was on here, but don't see any posts about it 🤷♀️. Anyway, it's a good lunch/break choice. Relatively entertaining, easy to dip and out of, not so compelling that I have to tote it around to keep reading.
There's a little bit of Coastal-Media-Type-Road-Trips-to-Find-the-Real-America 🙄, but not the worst offender I've ever come across. And it's balanced with lots of pie recipes!
One of the sillier, lighter offerings from Connie Willis, who even at her worst (which this isn't) I adore. It took me some time to really get into this complete mash-up of a book, but once I did it was a full-blown good time
Narratively, I am enjoying this one, although it's pretty early to make any real calls. Physically, on a book-as-object level, there is something I find irksome about it, although I'm not sure what. I may have to switch over to the ebook (or wait for the paperback).