Ch 21: finally! #wemadeitovertocandleford #snobbyrelations #politicaruinseverything #thefoodsoundedgoodthough 🤷🏻♀️ #lauracantcatchabreakanywhere #thistimeitsherfreckles #imlookingatyouLIW #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21: finally! #wemadeitovertocandleford #snobbyrelations #politicaruinseverything #thefoodsoundedgoodthough 🤷🏻♀️ #lauracantcatchabreakanywhere #thistimeitsherfreckles #imlookingatyouLIW #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: Mrs Herring giving me HO feels 🤣 #lauraisscaredofthecloset #hermomtreatsherlikecrap #notafan #anyway #mrsHcomestocleanitout #mumwonttakegandmedowns #sheplanstopickthegarbageinstead #becausethatsbetter 🤣 #tomorrowwegotocandleford #hashtagbrigade
Ch 19: #gossiptime #rachelthegossip #harrietshappenings 🤣 #iwantagoldenballtoolaura #pattyandyoungamos #larkrisefrownsoncougars #unlessitspatty 🤷🏻♀️ #misshanniganwithouttheattitude #gertieisatrip #shesjustpretty #cameomerton #ilikethenopoliticsthing #bigfan #notafanoftheestablishedrankthough #yikes #sweetoldmaidsandnurses #thiswasafunchapter #hashtagbrigade #oh #iwouldnotwantthesestinkyflowersinmyhouse 🤢
Continue yearlong reads on the right
Continue the monthlong buddy reads; Hard Times #WhatTheDickens, Sense and Sensibility #PemberLittens #JaneAustenThenAndNow and Lark Rise to Candleford #Hashtagbrigade
I want to continue the tagged on audio
I want to finish There are Rivers in the Sky
I want to read book 1 in Fangirl manga series
Hopefully read The Tower at the End of Time and get a start On the Calculation of Volume. V
Ch 18: apparently mom tells good stories 🤷🏻♀️ #poorjimmythough #thathadtohurt #chancerymoney #talkaboutatalltale #andthosedarnpigsagain #stillnotincandleford #butwegettohearaboutit #sortof #andpoacherswiveswithlotsofbutter #sososorandom #hashtagbrigade
📕Continuing with Indian Horse for #OhCanada .
📗Started Sugar Street based on @Lesliereadsalot ‘s intriguing review.
📘The Best of All Possible Worlds is my last #Roll100 for January and I don‘t like it at all.
📙Continuing on with Lark Rise a chapter a day for #HashtagBrigade
I continued with my yearlong reads standing on the right
I continued with the monthlong buddy reads; Hard Times #WhatTheDickens, Sense and Sensibility #PemberLittens #JaneAustenThenAndNow and Lark Rise to Candleford #Hashtagbrigade
I finished The Haunted Bride #NancyDrewBR
I DNFed The Secret River
I‘m making good progress on There Are Rivers in the Sky
Ch 17: 230 pages in and NOW we get a storyline? #laurasoriginstory #uglyduckling #peoplearemean #andletsnotforgetpattyandhershotgunwedding #andofcourseweendwiththepig #wheresfernwhenyouneedher #hashtagbrigade