Yes, so very normal.
#TJKlune #TheBonesBeneathMySkin #Artemis #normal #contemplating #WTF
Yes, so very normal.
#TJKlune #TheBonesBeneathMySkin #Artemis #normal #contemplating #WTF
2nd epoch, part 3: well, this took a turn #herewego #marianissupersick #thedociscalled #porkchopthinksheknowsmore #thedociaunthrilled #doctorporkchophireshisownnurse #thenhepissesofftherealdoc #docleaves #mrsmichelsoniasentonanerrand #thatsnotsus #shereturnsdayslater #marianisgoneoffwithporckchopanddeadeyes #lauraissuspicious #sheleavesthenextday #percypigsaysporkchopwillpickherup #lauraasksmrsVtomeetherinstead 🤞🏻 #mrsMfindsoutthetruth ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Epoch 1, part 2: y‘all. Damn. #herewego #percyshowsup #iamnotafan #heissomanipulative #marianseesrightthroughhim #lauraavoidshim #thelawyerlikeshim #until #lauradoesntwanttomarryhim #gilmoreleavesandawaitslaurasdecision #percyhasthemaloneallweek #suddenylaurasaysyes #wtf #gilmoreworksonthesettlement #percywantsallhermoney #thatsnotsus 🙄 #fairlieallowsit #dude #idonottrustpercy #neitherdoesgilmore #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Reasons given for the acceptable practice of initiating new men into the military using homosexual sex acts. I‘m really going to need them to show their work on that second one. The other two make no sense either, but that one is extra special.
#JaneWard #NotGay #Military #USMilitary #WTF #ShowYourWork
Started this book today. After just the Author's Note, the Prologue, and this quote, I think I'm going to have fun with this one.
Oh my gods, I need to scream and figure out exactly what in Dune‘s name is actually happening here. I‘m not even sure I know what happened at the very end. It‘s going to be a very long 2 years to wait for this next book.
#RebeccaYarros #OnyxStorm #TheEmpyrean #wtf #needthenextbooknow #IllTapeHerTogether #whatjusthappened #help #screamingintothevoid
#TLT #ThreeListThursday
This retired English teacher's score sucked! 😂 Though the 17 books I did read were not from childhood but from my years teaching middle school. My 3 choices are for the following reasons:
OUT OF THE DUST: #lovetoinfinity--in my top 5 list of fave books of all time!
CHARLOTTE'S WEB: Only an Honor winner? #wtf?
Here's the link if you haven't played yet: https://shorturl.at/kosig
WTF DID I JUST READ?! Seriously?! I‘m not sure I even know what just happened. I‘m going to be processing this one for a while. This book is one hell of a mental trip. Just be ready to ask WTF repeatedly.
#BAParis #ThePrisoner #audiobook #wtfjusthappened #wtf #stillprocessing