Epoch 3, part 1, ch 9-11: short chapter tomorrow! #wellnowweknowthesecret #waltplaysdetective #somanyobstacles #jail #assholes #nightrunningwithoutaheadlamp #fire 🔥 #vestryisgone #soispercypig 🤷🏻♀️ #cliffhangerending #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Epoch 3, part 1, ch 9-11: short chapter tomorrow! #wellnowweknowthesecret #waltplaysdetective #somanyobstacles #jail #assholes #nightrunningwithoutaheadlamp #fire 🔥 #vestryisgone #soispercypig 🤷🏻♀️ #cliffhangerending #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Epoch 3, part 1, ch 5-8: the beginning was giving me Clue vibes #sonowweknowhowtheygotanne #freakingporkchop #ireallythoughtitwaspercypig #walthuntsdownmrsC #thetruthcomesout #kindof #annesmomissomethingspecial #butwhoisannesdad #percypigsupportsannesmom #nosurprisethere #annesmomispsycho #nicetrywalt #whatsupwiththeclergymanthough #doesannesmomhaveatype #hmmmmm #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Epoch 3, part 1, ch 1-4: Walter does some sleuthing #sonowweknow #mariansneakslauraoutoftheasylum #justintimetofindwalter #walteriatryingtofigureoutthedetails #typingerror #movingon #visittothelawyer #hastobesneakytogethome #poorlaura #anyway #porkchopsendsalettertomarian #passiveagressiveass #hethreatenswalt #walthasanewplan #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
2nd epoch, part 5 aka all the narratives #eventhetombstone #letsstartwiththenewcook #stjohnswood #porkchophaslaura 😳 #lockedawayinaroom #sick #arethoseflowerspoison #lauradies #omg #myheart #thedocarrangesthefuneral #alongwithjane #waltersurvivesthreetragedies #makesithome #mamatellshimlauradied #offtothecemetaryhegoes #tobemetbylaura 😳😳😳🪦🪦🪦👻👻👻#stop #omg #cliffhanger #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
2nd epoch, part 3: well, this took a turn #herewego #marianissupersick #thedociscalled #porkchopthinksheknowsmore #thedociaunthrilled #doctorporkchophireshisownnurse #thenhepissesofftherealdoc #docleaves #mrsmichelsoniasentonanerrand #thatsnotsus #shereturnsdayslater #marianisgoneoffwithporckchopanddeadeyes #lauraissuspicious #sheleavesthenextday #percypigsaysporkchopwillpickherup #lauraasksmrsVtomeetherinstead 🤞🏻 #mrsMfindsoutthetruth ⬇️⬇️⬇️
“(Am I responsible for any of these vulgar fluctuations, which begin with unhappiness and end with tea?)”
2nd epoch, part 2: this was actually really funny 🤣 #andalsodevastating #countessdeadeyesdruggedpoorfanny #stolethelawyersletter #leftablankinitsplace #uncleuselesshatesmariansletter #marriedpeople 🙄 #secretions 🤣 #invitesmariantovisitalone #porkchopshowsup #bullinachinashop #overwhelmsuncleuseless #askstosendlaurahome #interesting #uselessagrees #lawyerwasconcernedbutnotenoughiguess #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
2nd epoch, part 2, ch 7-10: #yall #myheart #herewego #buckleup #percypigcatcheslaura #interceptsanotefromanne #thinkslauraknowstheSecret #firesfanny #abuseslaura 🤬#locksherup #countporkchopanddeadeyestakemariansside #ordotheyidonttrustthem #deadeyesspies #marianwriteslettersforfannytodeliver #thecountfollowsher #didheintercepttheletters #icanttell #percypigandporkchopmeetinthelibrary #marianspiderclimbstospy #soproud #talkofdebt #talkofmurder ⬇️
Epoch 2, part 1, ch 4-6: so stressful #laurawontsignthepapers #soproud #countporkchopstepsin #percyleaves #marianwritestothelawyer #countporkchopreadit 😳 #countesscoldeyeshelpshim 🙄 #lauraandmariantakeastroll #followed 😳 #bywho #butnowweknowwhatanasspercyis #notsurprised #dick #marianinterceptstheletter #countporkchopshowsupimmediately #porkchopcluesinpercy #nosignaturenow #whew #but #anneisback #sheknowspercyssecret #theplotthickens #staytuned
Epoch 2, 1st story parts 1-3: Laura is back #differentbutthesame #nopeekintothemarriage #seemsshady #countfoscothough #verypowerfulman #hebroketheaunt #thatwomanwillsnap #ihopewegettowatch #shadydealingswithpercy #ihopelauradoesntsign #marianisleftout #butfirstawalk #countisananimalwhisperer #yesideliberatelyavoidedthedogdying 😢😢😢 #percyisunthrilledaboutmrsC #tenseconversations #foscoworriesme #thatpaperworriesme #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Epoch 1, part 3: Marian‘s diary #ihavesomuchtosay #lauraleavesituptopercy #aftersheconfessestolovinganother #hestillwantstomarryher 😳 #thiswouldmakeagreatsoapopera #mariandoesnttrusthim #percychoosesaweddingdate #whilethegirlsareaway #thatsnotsketchy #mariangetswaltajobinSAmerica #waltislosinghisshit #orhishe #whoisfollowinghim #marriageprep #mariantriestoseepercyinabetterlight #shesucceeds #until #wtfdidhesaytolaura #toolatenow #shabbyring ⬇️⬇️
Epoch 1, part 2: y‘all. Damn. #herewego #percyshowsup #iamnotafan #heissomanipulative #marianseesrightthroughhim #lauraavoidshim #thelawyerlikeshim #until #lauradoesntwanttomarryhim #gilmoreleavesandawaitslaurasdecision #percyhasthemaloneallweek #suddenylaurasaysyes #wtf #gilmoreworksonthesettlement #percywantsallhermoney #thatsnotsus 🙄 #fairlieallowsit #dude #idonottrustpercy #neitherdoesgilmore #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Epoch 1, ch 11-15: #solong #sorryyall #theletterwasnuts #waltthinksitsanne #timetoinvestigate #annehasbeenvisitingthecemetary #ghaists #waltwaitsforher #percyputherintheasylum #annerunsaway #gilmorearrives #moreinvestigating #gilmorehadtwowordstosay #themancannotcount #waltmustgo #veryemotionalgoodbye #thelawyertakesoverthetale #staytuned
Epoch 1, ch 6-10: so much happened! #mshalcombeisperfection #evenifwaltthinksshesugly #mrfairlirleisnotperfection #hecanpeacerightout #exhausting #missfairlie 😍 #womaninwhitegossip #laurastwin #apetstudentofmissHsMom #backtolaura
#ofcoursewaltlovesher #betrothed 💔 #waltisdevastated #soislaura #Hwantswalttoleave #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#bookspin2025 #bookspin @TheAromaOfBooks (thanks for hosting! 🤗)
ND Tongue Twister: try to say “brass bound“ 10 x as fast as you can. 🤣
“ Lulled by the Syren-song that my heart sung to me, with eyes shut to all sight, and ears closed to all sound of danger, I drifted nearer and nearer to the fatal rocks “(66).
THIS just arrived in the nick of time for our #hashtagbrigade buddy read! I already had the Barnes and Noble version, but this was much prettier! I need “pretty” in order to get through this one!
Th it s is my pretty edition of this month‘s #HashtagBrigade book. Though I‘m probably going to do as much as possible on audio with a Hoopla download from my library.
Looking forward to it. It‘s a re-read for me but a real favorite. I love getting lost in a chunky Victorian novel.
Strong opening line for the latest #HashtagBrigade read might make up for the wonky chapters that make it hard to read on schedule. #BoringKindleCover
repost for @BarkingMadRead:
God forbid he uses actual chapters to make our lives easy 🙄 #thisfreakingguy #anyway take a look at how I divided it up and let me know if it doesn‘t work. I can spread out some of the longer sections an extra day. For the multiple day chapters… they are divided into sections, so the numbers at the end are how many sections each day. Hope this makes sense. Drop your thought below #hashtagbrigade we start Saturday
Repost for @BarkingMadRead
#Hashtagbrigade Next month‘s book is The Woman in White. Drop a comment below and tag @BarkingMadRead if you are joining in. Everyone is welcome but just remember her hashtags are ridiculous and always chapter spoilers. You should always read the chapter before you read her post!
Start reading a chapter a day on March 2nd.
#hashtagbrigade next month‘s book is the Woman in White, drop a comment below if you‘re joining us! Everyone is welcome, but just remember that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers. You should always read the chapter before you read my post!
We star my reading a chapter a day on March 2!
First book completed-November 2024. I started this book late on October but it is a long one so I finished it on November. Three editions? Well I knew I will like the story😜Did I mention I need😳😜the Spanish edition from Alma publishing? It is so pretty😍 Im a book collector😌
confess that I was so interested at the beginning of the book but there were some parts that I felt bored. But there were only few pages because I was intrigued again⬇️
Prepping for our Q4 #chunksterchallenge2023 read with @Kelly326 (this one is more like a mini-chunk).
Thank you for hosting, @Amiable ! We love picking these big books to buddy-read every year!
I enjoyed this classic. It was written in 1859. I consider it a gothic mystery. The reader follows along from each person's view of where they were when it happened. It's the first classic I have read in a long time and I enjoyed stepping back in time to see how society was during that time.
Finished listening to it with one day to spare🙂
#BookSpinBongo #classics #libbyapp
Started this audiobook today, while I cleaned the house. It's been on my TBR list for awhile. Enjoying it so far but only 20% in.
Book poetry - The woman in white answered prayers Saturday up in honey's room
#bigbookchallenge.#52bookclub23 #cliffhangers I am glad I read this Vivtorian "sensational" novel. It has been on my TBR for years. It is very sexist, xenophobic as well as fat shaming. You can feel the change of what is acceptable is society. It was entertaining, and I enjoyed the mustache twirling. @Clwojick @BookBelle84 @jennifer80 @Librarybelle @triplem80 @AshleyHoss820 @LauraReads @KarenUK @britt_brooke @CarolynM @Smarkies @Bluebird
1. I almost said Elizabeth Bennet, but I'll go with Marion Halcombe from The Woman in White.
2. This doesn't exist, but I want Marion in a graphic novel spin-off where she works through her internalised misogyny and becomes a suffragette by day and a superhero (suffrage-hero) smashing the patriarchy by night. The self-righteous Mr Hartright is relegated to sidekick as she matches wits with her nemesis, Count Fosco.
I absolutely loved this book. I loved the way the author used various narrators rather than one to unveil the intricacies of the whole story.
The characters were each brilliant; the storytelling exceptional. Uncle Fairlie was my favorite. His account made me laugh aloud as I read.
I highly recommend this story. I have already picked up a second work by Wilkie Collins and am looking forward to diving into it.
Love road trips - but to think of a fictional character to go with is quite hard. I've never been one for #fictionalcrushes
Being so infatuated and happy with the men irl - my boo especially, that is.
I'd love going on a road trip and getting lost with him. 😊
Well, back to the question. If had to pick one, I'd go with Walter Hartright from the tagged book. He's the closest I ever got to a fictional crush.
#SundayFunday #gothic #roadtrips
#AlphabetGame Letter W
One of the gems I discovered on the list of #1001books. This gothic novel is fantastic!
I sometimes wonder what the epistolary novel of the 2030s onwards will be like. Just a smattering of cobbled together conversation snippets, written in text shorthand and punctuated by emojis? 🤔
I read more in October than I expected with a total of 14 books, and 6 of those are on the #1001books list. It was an interesting mix, but The Woman in White was a clear favorite.
#ReadingStats #MonthlyStats #BookSpinBingo
This story was so good and a perfect October read! The mysteries were fascinating and completely explained in the end. I enjoyed all the gothic aspects without feeling they were overly dramatic as in so many stories. I appreciated seeing the story from different perspectives and how they all came together. Additionally, the narrators of this audio version were fantastic.
#audiobook #1001books #Reading1001
I‘ve been listening to this book off and on throughout the day, and it‘s a perfect atmospheric read for the end of October. I‘m enjoying it so much that I might actually finish it tomorrow.
#1001books #audiobook #audiowalk
Good morning! I‘m looking forward to participating more in today‘s #Deweys24HourReadathon than I have recently. This is my main TBR stack. I‘m starting with The Woman in White on audio while posting, getting breakfast, and doing some housework. I hope to finish Song of Solomon and Romeo & Juliet later today. #Readathon
Opening Survey on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/topic/show/18076759-daisey-s-readathon?page=2
Classic tale that I feel like gets talked about in other novels and I had to track it down! You know when you just want to find a book the old fashioned way? Second hand bookshop with a shipment of classics for the win!
Can't wait to see how it is! Anyone read it before?
#gothic #white #wilkiecollins
🎧 up next 🎧