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Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky
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mcctrish You have to admit that when it‘s all about Mitya it‘s all action and no thinking #adhd give the boy some Ritalin 3mo
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Bookwormjillk 27 minute chapter tomorrow… 3mo
Aimeesue @mcctrish Dmitry no care! He‘s making me dizzy, and I haven‘t even had any champagne! 3mo
mcctrish @Bookwormjillk nooooooooo ☠️ 3mo
mcctrish @Aimeesue champagne would help and hinder in equal measure 😵😵‍💫 3mo
currentlyreadinginCO I like these wild chs!! 3mo
Ruthiella This was like the worst party ever! 😝 3mo
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A Passage to India | E. M. Forster
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Ch 1: let‘s see those covers! There are 37 chapters so we will double up for the last week of the month. #yall #nothinghappened #shortchapter #beautifuldescriptions #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade

Librarybelle I thought it was a lovely description too! 9mo
IndoorDame Yes, beautiful writing! 9mo
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AnnR The first chapter was unexpectedly lovely. I'm so glad there was no drama. 9mo
Bookwormjillk Short and lovely! Just what the doctor ordered after Vanity Fair! 9mo
julieclair Please add me to the tag list. Thanks! 9mo
Daisey I enjoyed listening to the first chapter on my way to work this morning. Also appreciated the tag as I couldn‘t remember if I officially signed up for this one or not. 9mo
julieclair The two halves of Chandrapore sound very different. Beautifully done descriptive writing. If all the chapters are this short, I should have no trouble keeping up! 😆 9mo
Cuilin I have the same copy!! 9mo
mcctrish @julieclair I agree on all counts. School starts on Tuesday and I‘m in a panic over how many chapter a days I‘ve thrown my name in for 🤦🏻‍♀️ how the heck did it become September so fast 😆 9mo
julieclair @mcctrish I'm in the same boat with chapter a days. But they are all so much fun! 9mo
Bklover @julieclair I agree! One half sounds awful! 9mo
eeclayton I think I'll sit this one out after all. I'm quite overwhelmed with work and haven't even finished Vanity Fair. I'll rejoin you in October, but until then can you remove me from the tag list, please? @BarkingMadRead 9mo
BarkingMadRead @eeclayton I got you! We will see you in October! 9mo
eeclayton @BarkingMadRead Thank you ☺️ 9mo
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Vanity Fair | William Thackeray
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mcctrish I am thanking the goddess for Becky, I‘m sure Amelia is lovely but that letter re.graduation 🤢 from finishing school 🙄#teambecky 10mo
Cuilin I‘m holding out a little on Becky. I mean throwing a book away. However I like her sass 💁‍♀️ 10mo
BarkingMadRead @Cuilin 🤣🤣 I mean, it was a dictionary 🤷🏻‍♀️ 10mo
dabbe I hope that every time I see Amelia's name, I'm not going to think “Bedelia“ in the back of my mind. She seems too Pollyanna-ish to me. I laughed out loud at the audacity of Becky tossing the dictionary out the window! 📕 10mo
julieclair Becky is going to be quite entertaining! 10mo
Bookwormjillk Lol #Teambecky here too. 666 pages 🤣 10mo
willaful Chapter one makes me wonder if Frances Hodgson Burnett was inspired a bit by this. The sister schoolmistresses are very similar to those in A Little Princess. Also some name similarity, though the characters are very different! 10mo
Bklover @willaful I see what you mean. Now I‘m going to drag out The Little Princess. 😉 10mo
Bklover I‘m already getting attached to Becky. I was feeling sorry for her until the departure scene, when I realized she can quite take care of herself. I did feel a bit sorry for Jemima, though, as she risked her sister‘s wrath to sneak Becky a dictionary! 10mo
Bklover @dabbe I do love Amelia Bedelia! Remember when she was camping and they told her to go pitch the tent and she threw it over a cliff?! 😂🤣 10mo
Bklover I think I‘m a chapter behind already- didn‘t realize we were doing two a day! Will go catch up right now. 10mo
eeclayton I'm with @Cuilin on this one. Becky will definitely be an interesting and entertaining character to watch, but whether she's likeable, we'll see. 10mo
SamAnne Oh I want to join! 10mo
Cuilin @willaful I thought this. I kept seeing Maureen Lippman and Miriam Margoyles as they played the sisters in the tv adaptation of The Little Princess. 10mo
BarkingMadRead @SamAnne I will add you! @Bklover yes, two chapters a day so we will finish this month! 10mo
Cuilin @eeclayton keeping an 👁️ on Becky. #havemydoubts 10mo
BarkingMadRead @eeclayton I think she will keep things interesting!! 10mo
JamieArc I was “meh” after 25 pages and lots of footnotes but then she threw the dictionary and I was like “Okay, I see you. I can get with this.” 😂 10mo
BarkingMadRead @JamieArc I feel that in my soul 10mo
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Agnes Grey: Large Print | Anne Anne Bront
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Morr_Books I do feel a bit less disturbed by this family, but I am getting the feeling like Agnes isn't happy here either. Thoughts? 14mo
TheBookHippie @Morr_Books I had the same thoughts… 14mo
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Bookwormjillk Agnes is quiet quitting these kids. They‘re not treating her like she thinks they should so she‘s doing the bare minimum. 14mo
Ruthiella @Morr_Books @TheBookHippie Same. Not as overly sadistic as the first family, but still quite selfish and dismissive. 14mo
TheBookHippie @Bookwormjillk yes exactly!!! 14mo
TheBookHippie @Ruthiella Agree. Seeing her as less than.. 14mo
willaful I'm finding myself a bit dissatisfied with Agnes. There doesn't seem to be a lot to her. 14mo
BarkingMadRead @Morr_Books I totally agree! @willaful she definitely needs to grow a personality 14mo
mcctrish Her arrival after that arduous journey was a complete non-event! And I totally agree @Bookwormjillk quiet quitting! 14mo
julieclair @willaful I agree. I really want to like her and be supportive of her, but she keeps disappointing me. 14mo
Clare-Dragonfly I think she‘s doing what she can, which isn‘t much… but she also never advocates for her own needs whatsoever, and then resents that they ignore her needs, which is annoying. 14mo
willaful @Clare-Dragonfly it's not so much her (unsurprising) passiveness, but the feeling that she's very bland, nothing there but virtuousness. However, the next chapter has some actual dialogue between her and one of her charges and I feel she's come more alive. I hope it continues. 14mo
dabbe Yet the older daughter comes to like/accept/put up with her. There must be something to Agnes, right? Right? (edited) 14mo
AnnR I think Agnes is consistent and maybe a good listener, even if her personality isn't terribly exciting. The parents probably aren't terribly interested in listening to their children's chit-chat. 14mo
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What Big Teeth | Rose Szabo
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So EXCITED about the ARC I got of “What Big Teeth“! Can't wait to read it!! 😃
Thank you #fiercereads #whatbigreads #excited #happy #tbr #ebook #arc #RoseSzabo #yallfest #yallread #yall #YA #lovethecover

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