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A Book of Spinning Wheels
A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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#bookspin list for April @TheAromaofBooks
I‘m almost done with the first part of my book challenge (from my library), so these are mostly for fun/mood reads.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 5mo
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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@TheAromaofBooks Excellent spins!!!! My #bookspin is one of the 2 #CampLitsy books I‘d hoped to join in for (though I‘ll never get my Libby copy read in time to actually do that, so I may buy an audio version) and my #doublespin was the #Roll100 book I was most excited about reading last month but never managed to, so now I have extra motivation to go back to it.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Enjoy!! 1y
JamieArc The Bandit Queens is my BookSpin as well! I will look forward to your review of Fingersmith - I really liked it. 1y
AmyG Two wonderful books. 1y
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SamAnne Bandit queens is my bookspin too! 1y
IndoorDame @SamAnne @JamieArc we‘ll have a whole little cohort! 1y
TheLudicReader Fingersmith. Jealous you get to read it for the first time. 1y
IndoorDame @TheLudicReader ooh, books that elicit that reaction are always the best! I‘m excited! 1y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Good morning, everyone! The moment you have all been waiting for!! Our official #BookSpin number is SEVENTEEN! Our official #DoubleSpin number is TWELVE!! I have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyone‘s lists & am really looking forward to seeing your reviews!!

My next post will be the #BookSpinBingo card. I am NOT tagging anyone on that post!! If you want to bingo, please just check my profile for the card. This saves me having to double tag ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont‘d) everyone/keep track of who wants to bingo and who doesn‘t!!

I use the same tag list for the entire year, so if you would like to be added or removed, please just let me know. It takes me a while to tag everyone (there are over 200 of you!!!) so I will add “FINISHED” to the last tag batch so you know whether or not I missed you. If I did, it was completely inadvertent. Sometimes I just spell someone‘s username wrong. ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) As always, the link to the masterpost about how this challenge works can be found on my profile or here - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - and the link to the Google Form where you can track your reads for the end-of-the-year-giveaway can be found here - https://forms.gle/tc6U17AuVw4ssG2v8

Thanks for playing, everyone!! Please know that I read EVERY comment on this post but don't always ⬇
TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) have time to reply to them all!! Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm and for making this challenge SO much fun!!

I'm going to post the Bingo board, and then come back and start the tag list on this post. Happy reading!!!
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BarkingMadRead I‘m away from home for the weekend, I can‘t wait to see what my picks will be when I get back! I wish I‘d brought my journal with me! 1y
Librarybelle Yay! I have The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and Mousse and Murder - sounds like a month of mystery and murder 😂 1y
staci.reads Bookspin is tagged and Doublespin is Tripping Arcadia! Excited to read these two off my shelves! 1y
JackOBotts Ahhhhh! And Emily Henry June! Double whammy! I‘m thrilled. 💜💜💜💜 1y
claudiuo Just what I was waiting for, to make yet another month whooshing by bearable. My BookSpin is any TBR book that will help me advance one of my many challenges and the DoubleSpin is the tagged book which I wanted to read for years now. Thank you so much! (edited) 1y
Allylu So many tags! Phew! My #BS is Old Friends, New Fancies and my #DS is Romantic Comedy - two “for sures” for June. Yay! 1y
Bookwormjillk I completely forgot it‘s bookspin day! Yay!!!! 1y
GinaKButler Yay!!! Thank you! 1y
julieclair Yay! My BookSpin is a still-to-be-determined book for one of the many #SeriesLove lists I have going, and my DoubleSpin is Birnam Wood. 1y
Soubhiville Yay! Thank you! 1y
JamieArc Yay! I just started my BookSpin yesterday so perfect! 1y
Clare-Dragonfly Yaaaay! Elizabeth Bear and Naomi Novik again! 1y
Julsmarshall Whoohoo! Here we go! 1y
IamIamIam Whoo hoo!! I ran out of the house today & forgot to check my list because I was obsessed with this!! 1y
bookandbedandtea Woohoo! Thanks Sarah! 1y
BeckyWithTheGoodBooks Yay!! My bookspin is An American Marriage and my doublespin is Notes of a Native Son. 1y
SpookyMazeOfBooks Will find out what my books are and then will post them 1y
AmyG I am reading Birnam Wood. Perfect! Thank you. 1y
Bookworm04 So 17 is our first number so do I check my list and number 17 is chosen book ?? First time joining book spin :) 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Bookworm04 - Yes!! You'll check your list and try to read book 17 sometime this month. 😁 1y
Bookworm04 Perfect :) I have 5 books that are part of series how do manage that part hunting party guest list and blade it self and 2 following have I to change my list 1y
AllisonM89 I'll be participating this month! Please add me to your list! 1y
UwannaPublishme Best day of the month! 💃🏻📚💃🏻 1y
Bookzombie Woohoo! My BS is And Then I Woke Up and my DS is Strange Love. 1y
TheAromaofBooks @Bookworm04 - If one of your series books is your BookSpin book, you are welcome to just read the next book in the series instead of the specific title on your list. Feel free to make the challenge work for you!! 😊 1y
MatchlessMarie Wow my BookSpin this month is June, Reimagined. Fate! 😜 1y
BookishMadHatter 👍 thanks! Looking forward to another great month 1y
AshleyHoss820 I get to pick books from the 52 Book Club reading challenge and the Flourish and Blott‘s reading challenge! 1y
AllDebooks Thank you x 1y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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These are the books I need to read for my masters paper! Hoping #BookSpin #BookSpinBingo can help me out with knocking some of these out!! (Oh and this is just my physical TBR, I have some kindle ARCs headed my way too! Also I have a physical ARC coming. I will add those in once I officially get them!)

If anyone sees any I need to bump to the top of my list - let me know! I need all the support I can get!!💙💙


Booksblanketsandahotbeverage I‘ve only read Ace of Shades and Only Mostly Devastated and I liked them both 😊 2y
BkClubCare Looks to me like you chose a fun masters! Mine didn‘t have colorful covers 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks Looks great!! 2y
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AsYouWish @BookHoarder32 I started Only Mostly Devastated and I am loving it so far!! 2y
AsYouWish @BkClubCare My paper is about the importance of having LGBTQ+ literature available to students and then suggesting a bunch of books!!! 2y
AsYouWish @TheAromaofBooks 💙💙💙💙 2y
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Awesome! I think that was my last goodreads giveaway win lol 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Here I my BookSpin Bingo Board for February! Super excited about these books! Hoping I receive my Spin and Double Spin books soon! (Both are ARCs I haven‘t gotten yet - of course they are, 🤦🏻‍♀️!)

#BookSpin #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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I totally forgot to post this! Here are my choices for #BookSpin I know I only have 12, but I am still adding books and/or I can assign each book two numbers so it will work out. Hope that is okay, 😁.


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Ah! Here we go - my #BookSpin list for January!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Here‘s my #BookSpin for December! @TheAromaofBooks Are you still planning a #PromptMaze for December? The one I did in November was fun. I went through once, then started over again. You are so clever! 🥰🎄📚🎅🏻🎶

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I actually did post it earlier and I'm not sure why you didn't get tagged!!! I'll tag you now!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Been a while since I formally tried this, but here we go!! I need one more book for spot 20, but I will cross the bridge when/if I get there.

#BookSpin #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Starting this book bingo/spin, done for the month of may ⭐️ #BookSpin #monthofmay #bookreading #readingtime

melzen Inspired by: @KristiAhlers 2y
KristiAhlers Love it!!! Hope you enjoy this. I find it fun and keeps me on track! Happy reading!!!💜 2y
julieclair So pretty! 2y
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!! And to answer your question on my other post - there are new numbers/bingo board drawn every month, and I always draw them on the 2nd of each month. Glad to have you along!! 2y
melzen @KristiAhlers I‘m so exited thank you 2y
melzen @julieclair thanks 😊 2y
melzen @TheAromaofBooks alright! Do you draw every number or on the 2th? Of what I understood. Yes exited to try something different 2y
TheAromaofBooks Yes, new numbers every month!! You can either keep reusing the same list every month or make a new one, whatever works best for you!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Well I‘ve got my list ready for #bookspin for the month of May! Can‘t believe April is most over! Hopefully May will be as productive as April has been! #bookspin #Mayreadinggoals @TheAromaofBooks

melzen How does book spin work? 2y
KristiAhlers @melmes you write out a list of 20 books you‘d like to read, then they post the bookspin numbers in a bingo style card along with the bookspin book and double spin choice. You then read books on your card to complete bingos. Choose any book that speaks to you. It just keeps you focused on clearing out your TBR pile. Or in my case bookcase 🤣 2y
melzen @KristiAhlers thank you for the explanation 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Okay, here we go! This is my May list. It shouldn‘t change too much before May 1st. 😊📚💕🌺

Allylu @TheAromaofBooks I didn‘t realize that I skipped numbers 16 - 19. I will just put the FREE ones there. 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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I‘m ready to jump back into #BookSpin & #BookSpinBingo this April!!! 😉. Here‘s my list⤴️


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa Numbers 1 & 18 Madeleine Albright & Lagoon, both of which have been sitting on my TBR for way too long! (edited) 2y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Well here it is, my #BookSpin list for March. Let‘s see how I do. Last year, March was my best reading month and I‘m hoping to do as well this year.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! I really love Pollyanna and also read Aurora Rising last year and loved it, too!! 3y
Allylu I had to have a book that was older than me and one with an orphan MC so I picked Pollyanna. 😊 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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I‘m late… but #BookSpinBingo list for December. If you posted the numbers already, I promise I didn‘t look.🙈

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! I did post the numbers this morning, but I trust you!! 😂 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheAromaofBooks Both picks happen to be ones in the same place from last month that I didn‘t read, so I even have proof I didn‘t fudge them 😂🤪 they are in the exact places on last month‘s list. 3y
TheAromaofBooks The BookSpin Fates REALLY want you to read those!! 😂 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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#BookSpin list for November @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Updated #BookBingo for September, with the #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin circled! @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Looks great!!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Hello Sarah! Here is my September #bookspin #doublespin #bookspinbingo

To be extra tricky I will have the numbering start in bottom right-hand corner and go back and forth. So:
#1 Dinner Party
#5 Bryan Cranston
#6 enchanted
#10 southern journey
#11 the evenings
#15 silence
#16 Wool
#20 Fourteen

And so forth.

I will have five free spaces on my bingo card.

Thanks for doing this! I‘m excited to read any and all of these books!

TheAromaofBooks Looks great!!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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And another #BookSpinBingo card all laid out.

Thanks Again @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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August list of books for #BookBingo #BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

I really need to vacation at a secluded cabin and just read them all. Maybe someday / #BookReadingDreams! 😉

TheAromaofBooks My aunt & uncle bought a small cabin in Wyoming a few years ago. It's a little west of Laramie, so perfectly pleasant but not a lot going on haha My husband & I stayed there for a week & we did some hiking & went on some drives but spent hours just sitting around reading & it was honestly the most restful vacation I've ever had! 10/10 definitely recommend!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
tenar I‘m jumping in for July, too. I‘m interested in what you think of a lot of these, especially The City We Became! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @tenar I liked the short story leading up to it, so I‘m curious to see how it develops too. 3y
tenar Me too! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Here‘s my July #BookSpin list! Lots of series catch-ups this month, and some new things. I‘m doing the #MermaidMarathonReads Readathon, the #ThankfulAthon, and I have started reading about the First Ladies. I‘m always excited to start a new month! 💕📚😊🎶📚

MatchlessMarie How did I miss that there was a Gatsby GN 👀 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yay!!!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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No #BookBingo for me this month...I didn‘t even get my #DoubleBookSpin finished, so I‘ll carry that one over and start a new Bingo card for June. 🤷‍♀️ 🤪 @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Still a great month!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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#bookspin list for May

Once again keeping categories on the odd numbers so I can mood read while still reading books off my shelves.

Even numbers are book club reads as well as books I want to read soon — some I didn‘t get to are carried over from last month.

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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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My May #BookSpin #DoubleBookSpin #BookBingo list for May @TheAromaofBooks

Fingers crossed I can catch up on some of my reading groups and series.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Nearly forgot to post this! My April #bookspin list was finished last weekend but I waited to make sure I didn‘t want to adjust it.

Keeping genre categories and added a few more so I can choose books off those shelves for mood reading while still getting a title off my tbr list.

Interspersed those with the book clubs I need to get to this month, a few books to continue series, a couple ARCs and one borrowed from a friend much too long ago.

LazyOwl I loved Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom. I love your idea of throwing in some genres 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
MaleficentBookDragon I love that idea of sprinkling in categories. I may steal that next month. 3y
MeganAnn @MaleficentBookDragon steal away! I‘m a big mood reader so categories allow me a little more freedom to choose what I‘m in the mood for that month while still getting a book off the tbr 3y
MeganAnn @LazyOwl I read them both a few years ago and loved them! With the Netflix adaptation of Shadow & Bone including the Six of Crows characters, I felt like I need refresher before watching it later this month. 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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My #BookSpinBingo March board! I read them all! Okay, this is the last time I will say it. Woohoo! I read 17 physical books, 3 ebooks, 7 audiobooks, and 16 were from a library. I loved reading Middle Grade books. Now it‘s on to April and YA books!

megnews Did you decide to host #YApril? 3y
britt_brooke Excellent!! 🙌🏻 3y
TheAromaofBooks Genuinely fabulous month!!! 3y
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Allylu @megnews I would but I don‘t know how exactly. Have any advice? 3y
Allylu So @megnews I did it. I posted a thing about #YApril. Hope I don‘t get in trouble. Yikes! 3y
sblbooks Great month, and you'll be wonderful hosting YA April. 3y
Allylu @sblbooks Thanks, I appreciate that. 3y
megnews @Allylu you won‘t get in trouble. That‘s what Litsy‘s for. I‘ll join in for #YApril! 3y
Allylu Okay then...awesome. 3y
Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🙌🙌🎉🥳🍾🥂🍾🥂🎉😊 3y
Roary47 Still amazing! You should be proud. I‘m just happy to have gotten 2 bingos. Maybe I‘ll clear the board in the summer. 😍 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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#BookSpin and #DoubleBookSpin possibilities for April


TheSpineView Some great books on your list! 3y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheSpineView I know, I feel embarrassed that I haven‘t gotten to some of these yet, but except for some of new releases, they‘ve been waiting for awhile and I know they‘ll be good reads! At least bookspin is helping me to prioritize a few each month! 3y
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TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
Copwithabook Those are a lot of good pics. I‘m particularly fond of The Bean Trees 3y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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List for #BookSpin for March.

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
Andrew65 @TheAromaofBooks Looking forward to it. 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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My #bookspin entry for March. Hopefully it‘s a lucky month 🍀🍀

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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#BookSpin and #DoubleBookSpin possibilities for March @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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I rewrote my February list a few times to settle on mostly Black authors for Black History Month. 💖

#BookSpin #BookSpinBingo

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Updated #BookSpin for February! I carried over some and added some more that have been sitting on my shelf for awhile now. 🤞

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
tenar I was so touched by The Body Is Not an Apology‘s genuine inclusion of disabled bodies. It‘s a wonderful book. Can‘t wait to read Well-Read Black Girl with the group! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @tenar That‘s great to hear, and makes me even more excited to get to it. It‘s one of many that I‘ve picked up here and there, that one on a kindle sale, but I just get too busy with other group reads to get to it...so hopefully ( at least so far) this #bookspin has been helping me move some of them to the top of my reading pile again. 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Ok... This was my first #BookSpin #DoubleBookSpin list for January! And I didn‘t do too bad. I read 6 of them, and I‘m currently reading one which I‘ll probably finish before the end of the month making it 7.

I read my #DoubleBookSpin, but not my #BookSpin, so note to self, don‘t include a whole series in your choices because you might not get to the last book in 1 month if it‘s the one picked. ⤵️

Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ However, I did start the series, and I‘m enjoying it, so I‘ll get to that particular one in the series some time (probably next month) so I still consider that a win. So overall, great way to pull up and prioritize books that may have been getting pushed to the back way too long, just maybe next time pick a list with more standalone reads and/or just the next book in the series. 😉 @TheAromaofBooks (edited) 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick If you'd like inventive to read the series, include them but just label it as "the series" book or next. I've done that before as a little extra incentive to read a few. 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Thank you, that sounds good! Great advice. 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Ok... I‘m going to try this #BookSpin #DoubleBookSpin to keep me motivated... here‘s my list for January! Chock-full of series books that I want to read or need to read to finish up a series #SeriesRead2021, lots of choices for #AuthorAMonth, plus a few I‘m planning on reading for other groups, #PratchettPosse #StarWarsBuddyRead #SheSaid, etc

Sweettartlaura Book spin??? Please elaborate 🤔 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Sweettartlaura @TheAromaofBooks does this challenge. Essentially you list 20 books you‘ve been meaning to read forever, and she picks a number each month and the book that corresponds with that number you need to read in that month, she picks a second number too, for those who want 2 picked #DoubleSpin. Basically it‘s a way to try push books up your list that keep getting pushed to the back by shiny new books. It‘s my first time trying it, so⤵️ 4y
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Riveted_Reader_Melissa ↪️ I hope I‘m explaining it right, and you might want to check with her for more details. 4y
TheBookHippie Why the Middle East needs a sexual revolution was good. FYI 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @TheBookHippie Good to hear! We are reading her other book with #SheSaid in January, so I thought I‘d try to read both since this one‘s been sitting on my TBR list for awhile anyway. (edited) 4y
TheBookHippie @Riveted_Reader_Melissa oh yup I‘ve read that too! Enjoy! 4y
Lucy_Anywhere The Fifth Season is one of my favourite books! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did 4y
TheAromaofBooks Glad to have you along @Riveted_Reader_Melissa & you did a great job explaining the essentials!! @Sweettartlaura - Here is a master post I made that explains the basics of the challenges (& the bingo part, which is for people who want to read more than 1-2 books from their lists) https://www.litsy.com/web/post/1989556 - Just let me know if you have any questions & if you want to join just post your list & tag me when you do!! 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Lucy_Anywhere I read The Fifth Season a few years ago, and then didn‘t read the rest. First I thought I‘d wait until all the books were out, then when the final one came out I was busy with something else, and now it‘s been so long I‘m planning on re-reading the first book before the rest of the trilogy to refresh my memory. 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Ahh... I got them to fit...kind of. Here‘s my #BookSpinBingo, #BookSpin and #DoubleSpin for December! #BookSpin has helped me read many books off my shelves this year, so much so I had to rearrange them to consolidate the spaces. Thank you @TheAromaofBooks I so appreciate it! Happy Thanksgiving and #Friendsgiving 😊🎶💕📚🦃🍁

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Glad to have you along for another round!! Happy Thanksgiving to you as well!! ❤ 4y
Clwojick These look like some great books! I loved Sheets, and as well as then second volume called Delicates. 💙🤍 4y
Allylu @Clwojick My daughter is reading Sheets right now and I put a request in on NetGalley for Delicates. I know I will like them. 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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My November list (I know that it's not the best picture but.. I know what is what and I will be ready to make my bingo card!) Yay!!!


Chrissyreadit I love how eclectic this list is! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 4y
ElizaMarie @Chrissyreadit Ha! This is all the physical books I have in my possession right now during this contract. I am trying to see if I can get a bunch of them done before the “big move“ whenever that is ! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Not gonna lie....I‘m off to a great start for #BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks
I‘ve read both my #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin
And I used 2/5 free spaces 😁

Grrlbrarian Wow!!! 🔥🔥🔥 4y
Prairiegirl_reading WOW!! 😲😲😲 4y
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squirrelbrain Woah! Slow down there! 🤣 4y
Heideschrampf Wow! You‘ll have the whole set ready in a week! And i thought i was good with my 3 check offs 🙈💪 4y
TheAromaofBooks Your board is filling in fast!! Awesome progress!!! 4y
sharread Awesome, I'm falling behind from the sudden interruption of Edward in Midnight Sun. 😁 4y
Megabooks I thought I was doing well with 7 on my board and 9 this month!! Get it girl! 🔥🔥🔥 (edited) 4y
Cinfhen I love that Littens reveal in my reading, my kids on the other hand want to stage an intervention @Megabooks @sharread @TheAromaofBooks @Heideschrampf @squirrelbrain 😂😂😂 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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My list for June‘s #bookspin 😊

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Glad to have you back for another round!! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Not doing #bookspinbonanza but I will do an audiobook #double spin again!

Megabooks Enjoy! You‘ve got some good ones there! 4y
Amandajoy @Megabooks thank you! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Glad to have you along for another round!! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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My #bookspin for May. Not doing the #bookspinbonanza but y‘all have fun!

Kammbia1 I've enjoyed reading the Binti books. I have read the first two and need to read book 3. 4y
JamieArc You have some good ones there! The Crimson Petal and the White and Fingersmith are two of my all time favorite reads. Fingersmith has one of the best twists I‘ve read. 4y
Amandajoy @Kammbia1 that one is for the Book Riot Read Harder Challenge (last book in a series). I heard it was good and the whole series is pretty short. 4y
Amandajoy @JamieArc most of these were the books on my TBR I most regretted not having read yet. 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Great list! 4y
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A Book of Spinning Wheels | Joan Whittaker Cummer
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Love it when my sister, Rheanna sends me pictures of my 2 year old nephew reading before bed. She didn‘t like reading until she was an adult so I am glad her son, Ted has caught the bug already just like his Aunty Allissa or AA as he calls me.