Just started…..so far so good. How I could I pass up a cover like that!!
Just started…..so far so good. How I could I pass up a cover like that!!
5 stars!! This is my second time reading this…..books are kinda dated but it so accurately describes the slow descent into collecting that can happen. If you like books about books - you‘ll like this. Reminds me of 84,Charring Cross Road.
Finally beginning to catch up! One of many more to come:) The book is pretty good too! Lol #litsylove
I actually gasped and squealed. My poor husband thought I was having a heart attack. I‘m so excited for this!!!
This was a very sweet story. I think in translation it was a little awkward at times and at first the main character was annoying. But I love books about books and books about the love of books. This is short and sweet quick read! Get it from your library! You won‘t regret it.
5/5 - This book changed my life. Basically if we live to be 80 we get 4,000 weeks to live so at 47 I‘ve got roughly 1500 left. What am I going to do with that? What matters really? I‘ll re-read this again because it was that impactful!
My library hold came in!
#bookspinbingo Hello! My April card! I‘m not sure how this month is going to go. Wound up with my four year old grandson for six months to forever - not sure yet. So reading this month could be an adventure! Do kid books count? Lol
My last book finished this month. 5/5 stars. This will be a re-read for me:)
Just started this…….mentally preparing myself for a heavy read…
All the stars! Josh Gates is my fan girl crush!! Love this and incidentally will be seeing him live in Texas at the end of may:) Did about 6 hours for #20in4. Not bad for my first time:)
My ending time today. Not the best for night two but it‘s my first #20in4 so baby-steps:)
5 Stars - I will visit this again and probably try some of the recipes. She has a nice writing style. If you read her blog (I don‘t) this is probably not new stuff. But I‘m a sucker for a foodie memoir.
Sorry I‘m late. These are what I have. Not sure the last one qualifies but josh gates is my fan girl crush and he is traveling in it…… #LMPBC
5 stars!! Makes me want to jump in a camper (with a bathroom) and start touring the United States! Doreen might be my travel spirit animal! My first finish of of February but not a bookspin :(. #bookspinbingo
Just got back from NurseCon at Sea! It was so amazing signed up for 2024!
Here we go again - 3 books read in January and none a bookspin or double bookspin. There‘s always hope….. #bookspin
I really enjoyed this book. I didn‘t know she was a social media personality - I thought it would be similar to Nomadland. It wasn‘t but it was very good and very compelling. These books make me want to go live in a van. Unfortunately my library wouldn‘t fit…. 5/5 stars:)
I realize my happy place is snail mail and books! After soul searching, two Covid surges, two jobs and building a new house y‘all are my sanity and I miss you! Can I please be added back to the #litsylove list? I‘m sorry I ghosted for a bit - it took me a little bit to get back to my happy place:)
I really enjoyed this book. It took me a while to finish it but once I got into it - it was pretty good. The next one comes out march 2023.
I need a girl dog name, I already have peaches, blueberry, Wednesday, and Pugsley. She‘s not really a morticia so nothing is sticking….
5/5 stars. This book was amazing! I think better then The Sundown Motel. Now I must read everything else she has written or at least try too! Definitely worth the time!!
This book was lovely. I was worried reading the so/so responses about whether I would like it - but I loved it so much I have book hangover. What do I read after this! The Starless Sea of course. I will add this to the occasionally re-read pile!
February wasn‘t bad tweaked some things for March. #bookspinbingo
3.75 stars. It didn‘t pull me in at all parts but the story was compelling and definitely different.
My library hold came through and I have to say this reminds me of Lock Every Door by Riley Sager - for the moment Lucy Foley appears to be the better read but damn if they don‘t read similarly. Or maybe it‘s just me….
Loved it! Not what expected to finish but I‘ll take my wins where I can get them!!
4 stars. A very good and moving book. Getting a lot of reading done at work tonight. ED on the eve of a four day weekend. I‘ll enjoy it because Monday will suck:(
All in all I liked this book. 5 stars because I‘ll probably read-read it at some point. I‘m not sure I‘ll do the challenge yet but she inspired me to simplify my closet and look into my clothes for some things I‘d rather love then what makes me look “good”.
My current bookstore haul with Peaches oblivious to my photo taking ways….
The cover is gorgeous which meant I must buy it….and hello - lost knowledge, libraries, books, and preserving knowledge - hope it‘s as good as the cover and blurbs!!
A re-read and very good. I wonder how all these people faired through Covid and the pandemic? If you haven‘t read it you should. All of this is probably just as pertinent today as it was when it was first written! 5 stars.
#doublebookspin #bookspinbingo. A re-read so of course 5 stars. After The Discovery of Witches series this is the next favorite! So steadily re-reading them. This happened to also be my double spin so yay me!!
This was on audio through Scribd. It was a 3.0 for me. I finished it, but wouldn‘t have had I been reading it. It was an ok.
#bookspin yay! I finished my book soon for January! A first ever for me!! Now to move on to the double spin and a look at my card! Read the tagged book. It‘s a 4 star read for me - I‘m not sure I like the author as a person but it was eye opening to see how it feels to be inside a depression spiral as I‘ve never had one as bad as hers. This helps make it easier to relate. I‘m not sure she‘s likable, but she‘s understandable.