Overall, *The Chain of Thorns* is a thrilling, emotional conclusion that honors the series and its characters, even if it stumbles in a few places.
Overall, *The Chain of Thorns* is a thrilling, emotional conclusion that honors the series and its characters, even if it stumbles in a few places.
1. Peace, health more time for hobbies
2. Stress, less time for unforgettable scrolling
3. The win in my life so far is having amazing people around me during tough times
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
A productive and fun activity while reading this wonderful book 📚
#cassandraclare #thelasthoursseries #chainofthorns #2025 #crocheting #activity #digitalminimalism #bookworm #books #shadowhunters #cordeliacarstairs #matthewfairchild #jamesherondale #shadowhunterschronicles
Nevertheless, for those invested in the lives of Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily, “Vicious“ provides a satisfactory, albeit slightly hurried, conclusion to this high-stakes teen drama.
#vicious #sarahshepard #prettylittleliars #mystery #Who'sA #Romance #Thriller
Overall, a solid read that strikes a balance between emotion and history, though a slightly brisker pace could have enhanced the experience.
#thebookoflostnames #ww2 #romance #historicalfiction
Folklore middle grade story, hit me up 📚😗
#middegrade #slavicfolklore #thewindchild #gabrielahouston #fantasy
Finally got around reading this last book of the series. Well trash is trash; but this is truly gonna be interesting ending.
#prettylittleliars #sarahshepard #vicious #mystery #drama #murder #wedding #prison
Where is Katherine Royce? will this be the woman in the window remake?
#rileysager #novel #mystery #thriller #psychologicalthriller
I recently had the pleasure of reading “This Winter“ by Alice Osman, and I must say that it was a delightful little novella that warmed my heart despite its brevity. This winter-themed tale may be short, but it is undeniably cute and charming.
#aliceosman #solitairenovella #LGBTQIA+ #heartstopper
“Autumn in Sycamore Park“ by C.P. Ward is a cozy read set in a charming community, but it left me feeling somewhat underwhelmed. While the book had its moments, I couldn't help but find the romance aspect rushed and lacking in depth
#autumn #autumninsycamorepark #CPWard #fallread
“Summer Wedding“ by Sarah Morgan was a delightful read that left me with a warm and fuzzy feeling. The strong emphasis on family, the intricate dynamics between sisters, and the revelation of a long-held secret made for a captivating and emotionally resonant story.
🐦 I prefer watching from the comfort of my home, it‘s to expensive to go to the movies
🐤 Coloring books, dancing, singing
🐧 Little bit of both dine out and cook at home
#wondrouswednesday @eggs
This is interesting so far—a summery read with a mother who is an published author who will be having her fourth wedding. And two sisters whom are estranged, we'll see how this will go 🌞
#summerwedding #sarahmorgan #romance #comtenporary
I was eager to revisit the enchanting world of time-traveling adventures in Toshikazu Kawaguchi's “Tales from the Cafe: Before the Coffee Gets Cold.“ This delightful collection of stories not only rekindled my love for the concept of time travel but also left me with a warm, lingering feeling that only a truly heartwarming book can provide.
#talesfromthecafe #toshukazukawaguchi #fantasy
While “You Have a Match“ held the potential to be a touching and poignant tale, it didn't quite reach the emotional heights I was hoping for. The lack of depth in character development, predictable plot twists, and rushed conclusion left me feeling unsatisfied by the end.
#emmalord #youhaveamatch #romance#comtemporary #youngadult
recently finished Jesse Q Sutanto's novel, Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advice for Murderers, and I'm feeling a bit conflicted about how to rate it. On one hand, the author did a great job of keeping me interested and engaged throughout the entire story. I found myself wanting to know what was going to happen next, and I appreciated the way the plot kept developing in unexpected ways.
In conclusion, “The Holiday Swap“ is a solid choice for readers seeking a light-hearted and comforting read. With its heartwarming moments and lovable characters, the book offers a delightful escape into a world of holiday magic. Just don't expect a roller-coaster of surprises; instead, prepare for a tranquil journey that will leave you with a smile
This was I trying for and interesting world building, but felt rushed with the characters development.
#dreamsliebeneath #rebeccaross #fanatasy #highfantasy #julyread #3star #romance #magic
An intriguing plot so far and cliche but enjoyable, an buddy read 📚 with a wonderful friend. It keeps me engaged
#maggieknox #holidayread #theholidayswap #romance
“The Third Wife“ by Lisa Jewell presents readers with a compelling premise, promising lies and mystery that keep you turning the pages. While the book falls short of fully capitalizing on its potential, it remains an engaging read that manages to hold your interest.
My full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5639589690?type=review#...
#lisajewell #thethirdwife #julyread #
Ashley Poston's “The Death Romance“ is a captivating novel that skillfully blends elements of romance, tragedy, and personal growth. This four-star review aims to highlight the book's notable strengths and why it deserves recognition.
Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5604859589?type=review#...
#thedeathromantics #ahsleyposton #julyread #romance #comtemporary
Little froggy as my companion on my current read. My third book from Lisa Jewell, not sure what to think about it 📚💗
#lisajewell #thethirdwife #mystery #julyread
Little Brooklyn Bakery by Julie Caplin whisks readers away to a cozy corner of New York City, promising a heartwarming story set amidst the delectable world of baked goods.
#juliecaplin #summeread #thelittlebrooklynbakery #romanticescapes #romance #feelgood
My full review on goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5586123750?book_show_action=false
It Happened One Summer by Tessa Bailey promises an enticing summer romance that should keep readers engaged throughout. However, despite its potential, the novel falls short in a couple of key areas, leaving me with mixed feelings.
#tessabailey #steamyromance #booktok #ithappenedonesummer #dissapointment
Read the full review on my goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4773683587
Elizabeth Lim's “Six Crimson Cranes“ is a captivating and enchanting story that weaves together elements of fairy tales, magic, and personal growth. This book takes readers on a thrilling journey filled with danger, self-discovery, and the power of love.
#elizabethlim #fantasy #sixcrimsoncranes #mayread #newfavorite #retelling
My full review on goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4815379213
Getting into this cozy chick-flick book, my first time reading from Tessa Bailey. Let us see what the hype is about 🦀⚓️
#beforebedreading #tessabailey #ithappenedonesummer #mayread
Day 1 of the #AwesomeApril Readathon. Got to finish two books 📚 on the first day , which I‘m proud of. Will be starting to read late today :) hope to at least finish one.
#readathon #aprilreads #MonthTBR #sundayread #nancyspringer
Will be tackling my tbr for this month which are the books listed on my bio. Exited to do this :)
#readathon #AwesomeApril #weekend
Just recently picked this up, so far it‘s entertaining. I don‘t have any particular expectations for it. What were your thoughts on this book?
#nancyspringer #enolaholmes #mystery #middlegrade #thecaseofthepeculiarpinkfan
Just purchased this raved book that I meant to read and hopefully I‘ll manage to pick it up this weekend ☺️ even today? What were your thoughts if you gave have read it?
#peterswanson #everyvowyoubreak #fridayread #thriller #mystery #marriage #stalker
Finally getting around the sequel of one of my faves from last year 💛🌝 heard mixed review of this so I hope I can enjoy it as much as I did the last one.
#suelynntan #thecelestialkingdom #heartofthesunwarrior #readathon
Similar to one book that I‘ve read before ☺️ enjoying it so far. Heartwarming, delicate writing, good characters so far.
#beforethecoffegetscold #toshikazukawaguchi #tuesdayread
I would recommend this and this comic series is getting better and better, the characters are becoming more comfortable in their own skin.
#briankvaughan #sagaseries #comic #graphicnovels #fantasy #sciencefiction
I would recommend it for people who are interested in a quick and entertaining mystery thriller at the end of the night with a cup of tea.
#peterswanson #hereveryfear #thriller #mystery #horror #januaryread #suspense #psychologicalthriller #crime
It took a while to finish this book but wanted to savor the inspiration and knowledge that I could take from this book. Barett integrates easy practices to take into your daily life, both in the mat and off the mat.
I would recommend this to someone who is a beginner to the yoga practice and or wants to develop their knowledge in pocket size and beautiful illustrations of the poses, photos https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5197223659
Can‘t stop reading this book, from the first page is getting more and more intense 🫣 and continuing to crocheting 🧶 a recent hobby. Happy New Years
#peterswanson #hereveryfear #crocheting #2023 #januaryread
My expectations were quite high since the book got such a high rating, but the plot fell flat for me. Don't get me wring some parts were heartbreaking and I felt it. But overall I thought the way the characters and plot developed were predictable. Check out my goodreads review:https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/5164486173?book_show_action=false
#josiesilver #onedayindecember #feelgood #decemberread #christmasread
I recently started reading my second holiday ish themed book. Heard mixed reviews on this, hopefully I‘ll be able to see what the hype is about. 👀
#onedayindecember #josiesilver #chicit #comtemporaryromamce #holiday
A heartfelt book describing the journey of grief from Marin‘s perspective. So far it feels realistic depiction and the storyline feels real and something that I believe many people can relate to 💕
#weareokay #ninalacour #ya #contemporary #queer #mentalhealth #realisticfiction #romance
Fast-paced,mysterious, more puzzles to solve, character development, thrilling plot twists
Avery‘s story is continuing, the bomb-shell ending from the previous instalment was continued in this second-part and over the course of the story all the characters had instances when their were turned upside down.Touching story about finding a family without being blood-related , Avery‘s “revenge” will it succeed?
#thehawthornelegacy #mystery
Cozying up with the latest hit from TJR‘s books. So far liking the tennis 🎾 info and carries story. Different from what we learned from Malibu rising
#carriesotoisback #taylorjenkinsreid #sundayread #cozyread #read #decemberread #
an interesting retelling of juliet and romeo, with intrigue and moster lurking around the cirty and causing havick and death upon it's wake set in 1920s Shangai. This book felt slow at the beginning but picked up the pase quickly, which was enjoyble for me personally.
#chloegong #theseviolentdelights #fridayread
Finally getting around reading this book, heard many good things about it. I am I late to the train 🚂?
So far half into the book, and the characters seem a bit bland to me i don‘t know if I don‘t get them.
#theseviolentdelights #mondayreading #crocheting #octoberread
Happy Saturday to you all!
✍️ Hardback
✍️Harry Potter (never read lotr)
✍️Real books (all the way)
✍️Borrow (always borrowing books)
✍️Read in bed (closest to reading on the sofa)
✍️Read alone ( honestly buddy reads)
✍️Fiction ( occasionally non-fiction)
✍️ Audio ( mostly both, but combined)
✍️ New books ( like to read classics but prefer new)
#thisorthat #saturdayquiz #booklover
Join me on playing this?
An intriguing plot, the characters had a lot of interesting development. One minus is that the love story should‘ve been more developed, other than that I enjoyed it throughly.
The second volume of the Harley Quinn comics (2015) loving the cover art and writing ✍️ been busy these past few weeks and only had time to read my comics
#dccomics #harleyquinn #poweroutrage #amandaconner #johntimms #mondareadin
Not groundbreaking, but a good twist and story about finding yourself in the era of fashion in 1700s (ish) Pari. Our main characters Frances And Sebastian had great plot line and character arc. Defiantly pick it up.
#review #augustread #tuesdayread #comic #lgbtq #theprinceandthedressmaker #jenwang #comingofage
⭐️ 5.0
This… was an heartbreaking, thrilling and heartwarming debut. I couldn‘t let go of the words and the wisdom that were shown in every page. As well as, the characters actions and build-up to the ending was truly a sight to read. How Dauni‘s story and journey showed even of a time of grief you can come out stronger and fight for the rights you deserve.
Only three books left to read, we‘ll see what I think about this? Probably another trash guilty pleasure
#prettylittleliars #sarashepard #thursdayread #augustread
New buddy read, liking the Native American influence and to learn a bit more about how it could look like for a person whom grows up in a community like this. 🥰
#firekeepersdaughter #angelinaboulley #augustread #wednesdayread #fantasy #mysterythriller #realisticfiction #romance #audiobook #ya #contemporary