The readers have spoken and the February Reads have been chosen!
The readers have spoken and the February Reads have been chosen!
It's almost time to face Monday again but before we do let's hear where your reading adventures took you this weekend? PS Don't forget to vote for the reads of the month for Feb: https://s.surveyplanet.com/DZJGLLk53
Spinecrackers, the voting poll has opened for reads of the month for Feb. Please head over to https://s.surveyplanet.com/DZJGLLk53 and cast your vote!
The nominations for the reads of the month will close today. Remember to cast your nominations. A voting poll will be available from tomorrow. For more information on this see the previous post.
Spinecrackers! The nominations are open for February Reads. Please nominate 1) Classic of the Month and 2) A book of the Month which you would like to read and discuss with others in February. You can nominate by commenting on the post. Once all nominations have been made I will set up a voting poll. Recommendations may be repeated. 🎉
Since today is the 5th day of the new year SCBC would like to hear about your top 5 reads from 2018. You can comment on this post or create your own post and tag Spinecrackers Book Club to share your best reads with other Spinecrackers. 📚5️⃣👓
Fellow Spinecrackers, so I have been quiet for the last two years (life happened). Recently, I stumbled upon this account and was astonished by the amount of followers the group has gathered. It inspired me to basically revive the book club. Now the question is whether there would be any interest to activate the group again? Thoughts?
Today is the 6th day of the #septphotochallenge co-hosted by @RealLifeReading and us and the theme is book and drink. So c'mon Spinecrackers show us your read and what's in your glass. ☕️🍷🍸🍺🍹🍾
Spinecrackers, we're still busy voting for our September read of the month which start on the 10th. So fat The Underground Railroad and Dark matter have equal votes in first place. Some books that aren't featured on the picture are: The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet (3 votes), Six of Crows (10 votes), Secondhand Time (5 votes), The Girl with all the Gifts (10 votes). Still need to vote? Go to: https://surveyplanet.com/57cb17fc58e56ac161b5587a
The time is here to vote for the The SBC Read of the Month for September. Head over to https://surveyplanet.com/57cb17fc58e56ac161b5587a and vote for your choice. I used the two runner-ups from August and added the first 8 nominations. The remaining nominations will be used for the voting in October. Voting will close on the 6th.
In case you missed it our classic book of the month is Rebecca for September. Daily questions will follow after two weeks of reading.
Spinecrackers, so since #augustphotochallenge was such a success we will continue with a photo challenge in September. The Spinecrackers Book Club will be co-hosting the challenge along with @RealLifeReading every other month. Time to start capturing your gorgeous book collections! Today a #bookandeat photo is the theme of the day!
Spinecrackers, so since #augustphotochallenge was such a success we will continue with a photo challenge in September. The Spinecrackers Book Club will be co-hosting the challenge along with @RealLifeReading every other month. Time to start capturing your gorgeous book collections! Today a #bookandeat photo is the theme of the day!
Spinecrackers, I would just like to thank everyone for their participation in the #augustphotochallenge. I've seen some really interesting posts during the last month. It's such a shame that I missed the last few days due to wifi connectivity issues. Now the big question is would you guys like to have a photo challenge again? Do we make it a daily thing again or maybe every second day? Or otherwise every other month? Let me know your thoughts 💭💭
The votes are in and with a clear lead our classic read for the month is Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier. On second and third place we have 1984 and Emma with 19 votes each.
To all new members just a quick introduction of how the SBC functions. I initially had no idea that this club would attract so many members so it's definitely still developing and changing as the need arises. If you have any suggestions or questions please leave a comment.
The nominations are officially opened for the book of September. 8 nominations will be considered. The two books that are automatically accepted into the votes are The Nightingale and The Heart Goes Last. Hurry and get your votes in!
The nominations are officially opened for the book of September. 8 nominations will be considered. The two books that are automatically accepted into the votes are The Nightingale and The Heart Goes Last. Hurry and get your votes in!
This is part 2 of the original post on the votes. As can be seen Rebecca has a clear lead in the votes. Yet if you haven't voted yet please head over to https://surveyplanet.com/57bd9c813cf9070c2a954df2
Woohoo! Wifi was restored today and I am back on line. This is the current votes for our classic book for the month of September! This is only part 1 will upload part 2 in the next post. In the lead we have Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. The votes will close in 24 hours. If you haven't voted yet make sure to get your votes in. Will add a link to the next post.
Woohoo! Wifi was restored today and I am back on line. This is the current votes for our classic book for the month of September! This is only part 1 will upload part 2 in the next post. In the lead we have Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. The votes will close in 24 hours. If you haven't voted yet make sure to get your votes in. Will add a link to the next post.
The nominations are in and the votes are open : https://surveyplanet.com/57bd9c813cf9070c2a954df2. Please only vote once. You need not enter your email address. I have tried not to repeat books that we have had on the lost previous months. As mentioned though I have added the two runner-ups from August. If there's anything you would like to see on the list in the future let me know and I'll keep it in mind and add it to coming months nominations.
Spinecrackers the nominations are open for our classic read for September! Happiness! We decided let month that the two runner-up(s) will automatically be added to the nominations. So we already have 1984(lost with 1 vote) and Emma on the list. We need 8 more nominations then voting can commence via surveyplanet.com again. Let the nominations begin!
Spinecrackers, I apologize once again for my absence but since my beloved wifi has left me abondened I can only access wifi at the work and it's time for semester tests. I'm so glad to see that the #augustphotochallenge is still going strong and just by scrolling down I've seen some great photos. I'll look more as soon as I have wifi again. In the mean time I realized we need to nominate our reads for next month so I will start the process
We're already at #day19 of the #augustphotochallenge. Today's theme is #poetry. So shows us some of your poetry books or favourite poems 📇
Since I missed out a bit maybe you guys can update me on everybody's progress in the #bookisholympics!
Do we have any gold medal winners yet or maybe silver or bronze?
Spinecrackers, apologies for my absence this week! It's that time of the semester where I have to set all my tests and examinations. To make it worse I have bronchitis and then on top of this our wifi has stopped working. Phew! Now that I'm done complaining, I'll be working my way through your posts of the week.
Fellow Spinecrackers, I had a very hectic day and didn't have time to check into Litsy until now. I will definitely be more active again tomorrow. In the mean time another daily question to get you thinking about Frankenstein. Did it affect the story due to Frankenstein's monster remaining nameless. Also, how many times does it often happen that people refer to the monster as Frankenstein instead of the doctor?
Spinecrackers it's been two weeks since we started reading the classic of the month. I think it safe to start with questions from the first part of the book. So first question is an easy one. What did you think about the book? Just a general view? Is it 👍 or 👎. Did you enjoy reading it or was it a bit of a drag?
Spinecrackers, it's Monday so I'm posting a picture with all the themes for the rest of the month again. I can't believe we're almost half-way through the #augustphotochallenge. Today our theme is peach coloured books! I'm not really sure of I have any books in peach will have to go have a look. To everyone competing in the #bookisholympics good luck!🏅 happy reading all!
Take a break from the #bookisholympics and the #rioolympics and share an unique fact about yourself with us. Since we started this #augustphotochallenge I have been looking forward to #day14 's theme.
The people have spoken and the games are on! 🏆The SBC Bookish Olympics will kick off tomorrow 14 August at 00:00 and end 21 August at midnight. Thus it will take place over 7 days. The different medals are illustrated above. A novel needs to have 220 pages or more. To qualify for the Silver medal you need to read at least 4 novels. Audiobooks also count as novels but you are only allowed 2 audiobooks in any of the categories. 🏅🏅🏅
Spinecrackers, so I've been inspired by watching too much Olympics. Being a girl who hasn't competed in any sport except for reading (it is a sport right?) I decided that it could be fun to have our own bookish Olympics! So I want to know what my fellow Litsians think about this? I was thinking maybe we can start the tomorrow (14th) and end it with the end of the Olympics on the 21st. Let me know your thoughts on this 🎖📖🎖📖🎖📖🎖📖🎖📖🎖📖🎖
It's time to share your #favsiblings for #day12 of the #augustphotochallenge! So who will it be? Maybe, the Weasly siblings from Harry Potter, Katniss and Prim from The Hunger Games or some favourite siblings from your childhood like Jessica and Elizabeth from Sweet Valley?
I saw this and just had to share it with my fellow Litsians. Thank you once again for all the participation and support. If you have any ideas on how we can improve the club or something you'd like to change let me know. If you have any questions based on our reads that you would like to see in the daily question section send me an email at spinecrackersonlitsy@gmail.com
Today's theme for the #augustphotochallenge is #politicsandbooks! I'm not really sure if I have any books based on politics . I'll maybe have to dig for an odd one. Hopefully my fellow Spinecrackers are more interested in to this topic.
Now that the time has come for our new book of the month, we need to rate A Man Called Ove! I'd like to do the same as what we did for Fahrenheit 451. So basically all members just give their rating of the books and a short review. The general review score will be awarded and the best review by a member according to the score will be added as well.
Spinecrackers, due to all the excitement involved with the #augustphotochallenge I almost completely forgot that today is the 10th of August! You know what that means, right? It means it's time to start reading our book of the month Jane Steele. Also remember we're still busy with our classic, Frankenstein. Remember to tag the club in any of your blurbs of quotes. Will be posting daily discussion questions soon on Frankenstein 🤖
Today marks the 10th day of our #augustphotochallenge and today's theme is #laidbackbooks. So if you are picturing yourself at the beach today instead of at work (work only gets in the way of reading anyway) what book are you picturing in your hands?
I'm not sure if there is a camera lense large enough to photograph a bibliophile's #alltimefavebooks for the #augustphotochallenge but let's see what the Litsians come up with!
Today's theme will hopefully make your Monday feel a bit less dull. Coming up on #augustphotochallenge for #day8 is books that made you smile. I realized that I mostly have serious books so looking forward to adding a few suggestions to my stack.
Spinecrackers, I'm overwhelmed by the interest in this challenge and I'm having so much fun every day with all your interesting picks and pics 😋 I though it may be wise to post this every week so you don't have to scroll through all the posts each day to see the theme for the day. If you haven't joined us yet feel free to jump in anytime! Remember our current classic read is Frankenstein and on the 10th we'll start with Jane Steele.
We're officially almost done with our first week of the #augustphotochallenge! Today is #day7 and our theme is #favbookishfriendships. When I think of bookish friendships Frodo and Sam immediately come to mind as well Pooh bear and all his friends. So, who is your favourite friendship?
Hmm...todays challenge may be a bit tricky...show us your #minimalisticcovers for the #augustphotochallenge
This month's classic of the month is Frankenstein! So I found it quite fitting to share this on this fabulous Friday!
We're in to #day5 of the #augustphotochallenge! Today's theme is #booksandsports. Being a girl that typically refers to any kind of sport activity as "sportsing" I only read books on golf. Thus for this challenge I'll have to steal a bit of the boyfriend's books for a photo. So show me your sportsing books!
Today is #day4 of the #augustphotochallenge and our theme is #bookishsquads. According to the definition a squad is "a small group of people having a particular task". This is quite a tricky challenge and I'm excited to see what our members come up with! The perfect example for me of a bookish squad would be Dumdledore's Army. I think when it comes to a bookish squad you must be left feeling that you wish you were part of this amazing gang.