For €3 in a book fair it would be rude not to pick up this beauty ☺️ one of my absolute favourites! #classics #literature #booklove
For €3 in a book fair it would be rude not to pick up this beauty ☺️ one of my absolute favourites! #classics #literature #booklove
We received our October "Doppelgänger" Nerdy Bookworm Box on Monday and unboxed this beauty of a book. We are very excited to delve into this, it seems so intriguing!
Our airport purchases consisted of this gem 😍 after watching the series we are so excited to be reading this, here come the daydreams of Jamie Fraser!!
#outlander #dianagabaldon #airportbooks #bookstagram
A quick tea and German cake break with Miss Sarthodien and friends
#heiroffire #sarahjmaas #curiousreads #erilea
We are super excited to start this beauty of a book which came in our September #nerdybookbox (apologies if this spoils anything for you) We're also looking forward to enjoying this gorgeous scented candle 😍
What book are you most excited to read this month?
My copy of Empire of Storms has arrived in the UK and I can't touch it yet 😭 the boyfriend is bringing out to Germany for me so I will soon be reunited with my loves ❤️ #empireofstorms #empiresquad
My copy of Empire of Storms has arrived in the UK and I can't touch it yet 😭 the boyfriend is bringing out to Germany for me so I will soon be reunited with my loves ❤️ #empireofstorms #empiresquad
We have fallen head over heels in love with this series. The human is in love with Chaol Westfall, while I absolutely adore Celaena. We're going to be tearing through this series, I can see it now! 😍
Accepting that our #GoingforGold #bookolympics challenge failed and fell by the wayside this week. Life got in the way sadly, but we are getting stuck into this beauty of a book. I am just falling in love with Chaol 😍 and Celaena is my ultimate love ❤️
Yesterday's #GoingforGold achievement. This is a fabulous thriller which had me hooked from the very first twist in the story. At first I wasn't sure what to think, but it soon picked up and launched me head-first into the plot. Definitely worth a read/re-read, recommended for all who love thriller crime novels. #bookisholympics
(Yesterday's #bookisholympics conquest - #GoingforGold)
This book had me hooked from the get go, until the end. I started to lose interest quite quickly, but don't get me wrong it is still an incredible book, but the way that it seems so perfect in every detail just seemed to make it drag on a little where perhaps it didn't need to. All in all, I would definitely re-read, and I would recommend to anyone who loves a good Dan Brown-esque novel.
I have finally acquired a bookcase for all my beautiful books 😍 Hedgehog is very happy with the surprise!
I also found my battered Chronicles of Narnia book, unfortunately it's not pictured because it got cut off the bottom, but I remembered how magical the series is. I must give it a re-read soon!
Day 13 of #augustofpages : #bookstacks Here's an old photo because we're on holiday at the moment, but this is our #tbr stack, which will probably take us a year to complete 🙈 the result of my book buying problem right there! Crown of Midnight isn't featured as it is a new purchase, but I can't wait to start reading it! #augustphotochallenge
I found this on Facebook yesterday and it made me very happy.
I haven't been able to post anything for #augustofpages because I haven't been at home and won't be until Sunday, but I'll get back on it then. 📚
We are so in love with this book series! Crown of Midnight has been purchased and we just can't wait to get stuck into reading it. But first we have to finish Harry Potter.
Day 8 of the #augustofpages book photo challenge : Books that makes you smile.
After a trip to The British Museum I was certainly left smiling at seeing the wonderful collection of books that once were in King George III's possession, particularly these beautiful Shakespeare volumes. Measure for Measure is❤️
Hedgehog is again lacking today 😢 but that is because I couldn't put him on any of the displays in the museum!! He'll be back tomorrow!
Found the Queen of Crime in the Seven Dials area of London today ? reminded me I need to re-read the wonderful "The Seven Dials Mystery" again. #agathachristie #queenofcrime
Hedgehog even let me be in the picture instead of him this time!!
Day 5 of #augustofpages : Books & Sport
I have no books relating to sport, so this will have to do. I suppose The Hunger Games is a sport of sorts. Hedgehog doesn't fancy taking part though.
Day 4 of #augustofpages and today is "favourite bookish squad" My bookish squad goals has got to be the team from Matthew Reilly's "Jack West Jr." series. They are a fantastic bunch that travel the world in search of ancient artefacts, and get into all sorts of mayhem and adventures.
(Book #3 - The Five Greatest Warriors is hiding at the top. Book #4 - Four Legendary Kingdoms is going to be released in October!)
#bookishsquad #bookphotochallenge
Yesterday's #augustofpages challenge post; Day 3: Pink and green books. There is a severe lack of pink books in my possession ? out of this collection, "Temple" and "Labyrinth" are my favourites.
Day 2 of #augustofpages book challenge. Today's prompt was "romance novels". These are the only ones I could find today, there are books absolutely everywhere in my house. I haven't read "Me Before You" or "Anna Karenina" yet, so I'd have to say "P.S, I Love You" is my favourite out of this bunch. (Hedgehog agrees ?)
Belated day 1 of #augustofpages @TheSpinecrackersBookClub
Here is my August TBR, although #TheLuciferCode doesn't really count as we're just trying to finish off the last few pages.
AHHH we are so excited to start reading this! 35 pages in and loving it so much. On another note, the dust cover, end pages, and the golden symbol on the front cover (beneath the dust cover) are absolutely gorgeous! Wouldn't you agree? #hpcursedchild
"A lost gospel, a relic, and a dying pope's final wish send two brothers - both Vatican priests - on a quest to untangle Christianity's biggest mystery." I've only just started this book but wow I am hooked! It is so intriguing.
Absolutely incredible. This book had me hooked from the get-go. I'm only sad I haven't got the rest of the series yet to carry on reading the amazing storylines Sarah J Maas creates!!
"Would you reach in the drawer there and give me my purse. A girl doesn't read this sort of thing without her lipstick." ?
Interactions like this between Celaena and Chaol are my favourite! I'm really enjoying this book so far, I may have to lift my book ban to purchase the rest of the series!!
"To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour" - William Blake, Auguries of Innocence.
Looking forward to getting stuck into another novel by the Queen of Crime.
"If you don't know where you're going, any road can take you there." - Chesire Cat. (My favourite literary character)
I can't wait to get properly stuck into re-reading this beauty after exams. It's a wonderful, thrilling, mystery of adventure. The rich history of the original wonders of the world is told fabulously through the strong characters and excellent story.
"Being aware of language and thinking about it are two different things...Language was created to express thoughts and ideas, to hand down education and history, to paint pictures of things that could only be imagined. Words have such an ephemeral quality to them..."