#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin
Lend me an 👂 or 👂👂, Sherlockians. 😱 Thoughts?

#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @Cuilin
Lend me an 👂 or 👂👂, Sherlockians. 😱 Thoughts?
Much Ado About Nothing
Paradise Lost
I guess I like old stories. #TLT @dabbe thank you for the tag!
It‘s getting depressing over here with Fantine. I am trying to keep going but I skimmed ahead a bit and saw where this was heading. When I start doing that, it‘s not a good sign. #ReadLesMis
Ch 32: y‘all. This chapter was so random. #townlife #sickfolks #pleasedontmakemethatjelly 🤢#beerbrewing #bathtime #poorjoe #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #theclergymanandwife #sosad #allsorandom #hashtagbrigade
1. I'm a bit sleepy. Cats woke me up early. I may nap later! 😆
2. I read this book the summer of 2016. I hadn't dealt with depression in years, but that changed after the November election. I'm glad I read it when I did. It reminded me it's OK to be not OK. I wrote Jenny & shared how much her book meant to me. She wrote back to thank me & said she really needed to hear it that day.
Came across this in A FATAL GRACE by Louise Penny. Definitely something we don't experience in Phoenix, AZ!
Least favorite books I read or DNF‘d this year 🙃
#NoPlaceLikeHolmes @cuilin
Thoughts, Sherlockians?
1. This month's book has two different versions again:
The original 1937 edition features a whispering statue that resembles Nancy and Nancy's investigation in locating a client's estranged husband.
The 1970 edition also has a whispering statue that looks like Nancy, but Nancy investigates a swindle taking place involving her client and rare books.
Which edition did you read? Overall thoughts on the book? #NancyDrewBR
So it would appear that our spelling book is out of date.