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Bingo Palace
Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
44 posts | 14 read | 9 to read
A tapestry woven from the stories of the characters from "Love Medicine," "The Beet Queen," and "Tracks," this widely acclaimed bestseller is "wonderful . . . hopeful, wrenching, funny, sexy, intense and penetratingly true .""--Los Angeles Times Book Review" "Beautiful...Shows us a place where love, fate and chance are woven together like a braid, a world where daily life is enriched by a powerful spiritual presence." "--New York Times Book Review" "Wonderful...hopeful, wrenching, funny, sexy, intense, and penetratingly true."--Pam Houston, "Los Angeles Times Book Review"
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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One bingo Column 1 🎉 and a “sort of” bingo Row 3 when I randomly placed the books I was currently reading when I realized I had failed to put them on the original list of 20. OOOOPs❗️ I won‘t likely finish any more books from the card in the next few days…. I am proud that I got the Spin 🍭 Book read 😁 I read 14 books this month — only 6 were on this card 🤔 #BookSpinBingo

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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Like @Centique said, this is not my favorite of the Love Medicine novels. Many characters are difficult to love, and there is less humor and more relentless depression. But I did love Fleur‘s final act. And I think I know what happened with Lipsha, but would love to discuss with anyone else who has read this. Number 10 for #24in2024 @Jas16

Jas16 Still haven‘t read this one. I need to. 6mo
Centique Im glad someone else has read this book! Whats your theory about Lipsha? 6mo
Lcsmcat @Centique I‘m wondering if she meant us to think he got away with it by being perceived as his father‘s hostage. 🤷🏻‍♀️ 6mo
Centique @Lcsmcat oh i like that theory. I was wondering if theyd all died because he saw his mothers ghost again - but i much prefer thinking he got out of there 6mo
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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I finally finished the Love Medicine tetralogy (apparently that‘s what a 4 book series is called). While still excellent this one has the fewest stars from me - possibly because my favourite older characters aren‘t in the foreground and something in the plot that didn‘t get resolved disturbed me. I think I understand why it ends that way but if anyone else reads this I‘d love to discuss it!
Also here‘s my library in autumn - not spring here 😊🍁🍂

Reggie That pic is such a vibe. I would lay down in the leaves. Lol 1y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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RaeLovesToRead 5 is good! And I got Malibu rising to read this year too! 😊 2y
Yuki_Onna @RaeLovesToRead Good to know you liked it and it seems to deserve the hype! I'll let you know what I think! 💚 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Coming along nicely! I now have one 4/5, and three 3/5 lines - surely I can swing another bingo soon. #bookspinbingo

Megabooks 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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My #BookSpin and #BookSpinBingo update. Haven't started my two book spin books yet, but I'll be starting one today, might start the other one too. I also made two changes to my bingo board as I realized when making it that I had one book twice and accidentally picked a March release (Added A Bad Day for Sunshine and Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?)

Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Found this travel-based bingo on a book blog I follow (fictionfanblog.wordpress.com) for those of you who are as addicted to bingo boards as I am 😂

Yuki_Onna @TheAromaofBooks Ooh, this is awesome! 😀Might clear a few off my TBR this way... Stacked. 👏 4y
marleed Great board! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks

Q: Just to be clear, (haven‘t played Bingo since I was a young Catholic) the free spaces , even without a finished book, can complete a Bingo in row/column? Last year I put titles in each free space but what if I don‘t?
Also, does it seem like just yesterday I posted my December 2020 bingo?!? 😳😂

TheAromaofBooks Yay!! I don't know what the official bingo rules are (lol) but for this challenge, you have to read a book to complete the free space, but it can be any book that isn't already on your list - you don't have to decide ahead of time. So basically they're for those mood reads that always seem to pop up!! 4y
marleed I love to keep my free spaces unnamed so I can surprise myself with mood reads. 4y
Eggs @TheAromaofBooks @marleed OK -thanks 🤗 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Week 3 Checkin: I really let the ball drop this week as far as reading goes and only finished 1 short book (Comfort & Joy). I did watch quite a bit of holiday movies so that helped get me at least some more points and another bingo on my movie bingo board 😆. Total for the week: 263 #merryreaders #wintergames2020

TheAromaofBooks Still good progress!!! Sometimes your brain needs a little break!!! 4y
candc320 Haha! @TheAromaofBooks that is very true! 4y
Clwojick 🌲 💝 Amazing! Way to go! ❤ ✨ 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Chugging along on #bookspinbingo - trying to decide what to read next!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Got this made last night for my first ever #bookspinbingo and am really looking forward to getting started!

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looks great!! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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With one day delay, finally I can post my #BookSpinBingo card for December. Given how busy was November at work, I am not sure I will make much progress but it is something I really look forward to.
Thank you, @TheAromaOfBooks.

Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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December‘s #bookspinbingo board 😁 need to try and get a few holiday reads into my free spaces for #WinterGames #MerryReaders have made a start on my #bookspin as well yay!!

Clwojick Woohoo!!! ♥️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks Looks fabulous!! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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I made my December #BookSpinBingo card. I can‘t wait to get started! I made sure this one was loaded up with lots of titles for #wintergames so this month you will find me curled up under a blanket reading stories about white Christmas.


StayCurious what a great board! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Here's the bingo card! First, I put our official numbers (19 & 9) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!! ⬇

TheAromaofBooks 1. I totally forgot!! #WinterGames participants - the bingo card isn't worth readathon points, but it is worth the regular bingo scorecard points (20 per line, bonus 100 for clearing the board). #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin reads specifically are worth a bonus 15 points on top of whatever the book itself is worth!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks 2. I‘m tagging everyone who specifically said they wanted to participate in the Bingo aspect of the challenge, but ANYONE IS WELCOME. So if you posted a #BookSpin list (or even if you didn't haha) and now you think the Bingo looks fun – just jump right in!!!

TheAromaofBooks 3. Remember – NO PRESSURE!!!! If this starts to stress you out, just take that page right out of your journal and pretend it never existed!! This challenge is to encourage you to read, not to make you feel like reading is a chore!!!

4. FREE SPACES can be filled with any book that is NOT already on your list!!
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TheAromaofBooks 5 & final - As a reminder, only the “official” numbers will count towards giveaway entries. I don‘t want the giveaway to be stacked against people who aren‘t able to read lots of books each month. So basically there is still a maximum of 2 entries possible per month no matter how many books you read from your list.

I love all of your posts and your enthusiasm so much!! Keep me posted on your progress!!
CindiB Thank you! 4y
MittenGirlPeach Soooo excited as always! Thanks for all you do! 4y
Liz_M Yay! Thank you! 4y
i.besteph Oh happy day 🙌🏽😂😍 4y
Allylu Thank you! Always love doing this! 😊💕🎶📚🎄 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Gonna get my card done right now! 4y
RaeLovesToRead @TheAromaofBooks hello, thanks for tagging me, can't wait to get started!!! I have one more question... what are winning numbers? Oh wait... another question... do diagonals count?? 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @RaeLovesToRead She posted the winning numbers about an hour ago...9 & 19. She does it separately. And yes, diagonals count. 4y
RaeLovesToRead Yeah I saw that... I meant what ARE they? Lol. Are they at the end of the month? Do we get to treat ourselves if we read them? 4y
RaeLovesToRead (Sorry, I'm new to this) 😁😁 4y
Bookishlie When someone bingos is there a new card? Or is it a new card every month? Thinking of doing this next year:) I am going on a book buying ban to get my tbr and library under control:) 4y
Eggs Will post my bingo card soon! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RaeLovesToRead - I'm not sure I completely understand your question haha If you read the BookSpin/DoubleSpin books (9 & 19 from your list this month) & tag me in the reviews then each review counts as an entry for my end-of-the-year giveaway. Otherwise, the only other reward is the joy of checking books off your TBR 😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Bookishlie - There is a new bingo card each month, just the same as you can make a new BookSpin list each month. I don't really track the bingos (although I love hearing about them!!) so it's not a competition with anyone besides yourself!! 4y
RaeLovesToRead @TheAromaofBooks you've answered my question! I was just asking what they were lol. I wasn't sure if they were mystery numbers for last month and if you had read them you get to reward yourself (I.e. eat lots of chocolate).... I've got Neurotribes and American Rust.... how exciting, I love that you've chosen my next two books for me 😁😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks @RaeLovestoRead - Yay!! And I also say that you DEFINITELY deserve lots of chocolate if you can get them read!! 😂 4y
RaeLovesToRead Woo! Let's do this! 😁 4y
ncsufoxes Yeah, so exited. Thank you! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @RaeLovesToRead Sorry I missed your reply! 🤦‍♀️ I see Sarah answered your questions so you should be good to go, but if you wanted to see my take, I just posted on the two pulled numbers post prior giving a quick rundown, too. 4y
RaeLovesToRead @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick thank you! 😊 I've got my square all worked out now... the numbers have fallen in a really convenient pattern... must be fate! 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @RaeLovesToRead I love it when that happens! Good luck 🍀 4y
faelinwolf I posted my list for Bingo but forgot to do just #Bookspin on it. But I found the numbers, so I'm set! 🙂 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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So far so good on November #bookspinbingo

Dare I hope to complete another this month? It‘s been tough with school and having hubby around again, but he‘s now back at work after his R&R so maybe I‘ll get a little time to myself again. Of course, it‘s also Thanksgiving, so...

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!! 4y
Hooked_on_books I‘m impressed by your ability to stay on track with reading to bingos. My board is all over the place! 🤪 4y
ravenlee @Hooked_on_books this month is an aberration, for sure! Usually when I participate I‘m very scattershot. Knowing I‘d have limited reading time right now has kept me a little more disciplined - but mostly because the books I‘ve read have been quick reads! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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And finally, my #bookspinbingo board! With my #bookspin DNF and the ones I did finish, I‘ve got not one but TWO bingos! I‘m hoping to get at least one more, but that remains to be seen. I have one more hoopla borrow to read this month, and two more of the mythology series from the library, and then maybe I can read some of my own books.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Looking fabulous!! 4y
paper.reveries What a cute board! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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From Dead to Worse ⭐️⭐️
Menagerie ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (August's #DoubleSpin)
Rising ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
The Harp of Kings ⭐️

TheAromaofBooks So many almost-bingos!!! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Final bingo board for #SummerFun!

The Obelisk Gate by N. K. Jemisin covered On TBR over 6 months
That Summer by Sarah Dessen knocked off both "Summer" in title and Summer romance or wedding, getting me another bingo!

Brings me to a total of 29 entries if I'm adding right.

Thanks for the fun, @4thhouseontheleft & @StayCurious !

StayCurious Wow you did great! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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#bookspinbingo August . mid month check in. Finished my #bookspin working on #doublespin “Bonfire of the Vanities “, finished up two that filled free spaces.
Going to start “Wretched of The Earth” because it‘s a square that has 2 possible bingo rows in common.

TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 4y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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My #BookSpinBingoAugust is coming along nicely @TheAromaofBooks
Since #bails and #hibernations count I‘m racking up several BINGOs 😜

TheAromaofBooks Sometimes it just feels really good to get those books off the list and I am totally here for it!!! 4y
emilyhaldi Oooohhhh I really loved Beautiful Ruins, it surprised me! I hope that doesn't mean you'll hate it 😅 4y
Suet624 Look at you go!! 4y
Cinfhen Im having a good month @Suet624 The free spaces are really a lifesaver/ it fulfills my #MoodReads 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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#BookSpin - done. #DoubleSpin - done. Next up: Hmm... how do I wanna #BookBingo? 🤔

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich

If I give someone my list of books . Can they make a bingo for me ? I probably won‘t stick to it if I do it myself lol. #bookspin #bookbingo

BookmarkTavern If you want to drop me an email with your list, I‘d be happy to set up a bingo board for you. 😃 I‘m at mx_behaving at outlook.com 4y
coffeewithbooks @ozma.of.oz thank you I will send it to you sometime today 4y
coffeewithbooks @ozma.of.oz Heyy I forgot about to send this to you. Life been busy. I am about to send it now 4y
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BookmarkTavern No worries! I totally understand life happening! 😁 4y
coffeewithbooks @ozma.of.oz Just sent it 😊 4y
BookmarkTavern Got it! 👍🏻 4y
BookmarkTavern Just sent something back! Let me know what you think. 4y
coffeewithbooks @ozma.of.oz Email you back 😊 4y
Revenge4bess I have the same question. Can someone please help me set up my book bingo? 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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SOOO excited for July‘s #bookspin Bingo! I‘ve got my card all filled out (with the #bookspin and #doublespin picks highlighted) and I can‘t wait to put the holiday weekend to work!

TheAromaofBooks The timing is perfect this time around!! The Fourth always feels like such a delightfully lazy holiday weekend around here. 4y
Hestapleton Yes! The hubs and I normally don‘t do parades or anything, but even more so now with the pandemic. We might go on a brief motorcycle ride depending on the heat, but that‘s still three days of reading time, which I desperately need. :) 4y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Oh my gosh everyone I'm SO SORRY - Litsy is being INCREDIBLY slow and buggy this morning!!! WHY!

Anyway!! Here's the bingo card! First, I put our official numbers (3 & 15) back in the mix. Then I drew them all out & wrote them down as I went, meaning the official numbers are just mixed into the card with the rest! As you can see, 21-25 are both labeled with their numbers & also as free spaces, so you can use them to match however you ⬇

TheAromaofBooks Wrote your list. To score a bingo, just read books (in any order) that are in any row or column!!

I‘m tagging everyone who posted a #BookSpin list, so if you‘re being tagged, please don‘t feel pressured to participate in the bingo!! I know a lot of people thought it would be too much & just want to read their regular numbers, which is totally cool. I just didn‘t differentiate when I was writing down everyone‘s lists!!
TheAromaofBooks My next post (which I am NOT going to tag everyone in) will be a picture of my original list next to my filled-in bingo card, in case you would like an example. I‘m super excited about this month of reading!! Be sure to tag me in your posts so I can see your progress!!

PS As a reminder, only the #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin reads count as giveaway entries. The rest are just for fun!!!

You all are the best!!!
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Sarahreadstoomuch This is fantastic! Thank you! 4y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm YAY!!!! Filling out my card now! Thank you for this fun way of digging into my TBR! ❤️❤️ 4y
coffeewithbooks So what about the rest of the numbers and books? 4y
mollyrotondo Yayyy! Thank you! 4y
OriginalCyn620 Awesome! Thanks so much for doing this, Sarah! 😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks @thereadingunicorn - I'm sorry, I'm not sure I understand your question? 4y
Maria514626 🥰👍🙌👏🎉 4y
Librarybelle So excited! I have plans to fill out my bingo card after work. Thank you so much for doing this! 4y
Cinfhen Woohoo!!! Just created my bingo card 🥳🥳SO MUCH FUN!!! Thanks for organizing, Sarah♥️ 4y
TheAromaofBooks @candority - Here's the bingo card!! 4y
candority Thank you, Sarah! 4y
squirrelbrain Just done my bingo card - so excited! 4y
jenniferw88 Yay! Still so excited! 4y
Smarkies I just laid out my bingo card and my "plan of attack" for the month. ?? 4y
Bookwormjillk Happy reading 👏👏 4y
coffeewithbooks @TheAromaofBooks like how do we read other books on the bingo? 4y
JenReadsAlot So excited!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks @thereadingunicorn - Everyone started with a list of either 20 or 25 books, so you read the books on your list that match the numbers in the bingo squares. Everyone has their own list, so they'll all be reading different books but the same numbers. You can see a sample here - https://www.litsy.com/web/post/1970952 - I have my list of books on one side & then how they fit into the bingo card on the other side. 4y
coffeewithbooks @TheAromaofBooks okay cool thanks I was very confused 4y
Mollyanna So excited. Now to strategize how to get as many bingos as possible. ☺️❤️ 4y
Butterfinger Thank you so much for doing all this. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @thereadingunicorn - no worries, this is my first month doing this one so it's a little complicated haha 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I planned for today to be my office day so that I can print a bingo card, fill it in, and compare it with the Summer Fun (and JR) bingo cards to see if getting at least one on all 3 is feasible! 4y
Addison_Reads @TheAromaofBooks can you add me to your tag list? I'm usually on it, but I wasn't this time. Thank you 💚 I'm off to fill in my bingo card and see what I'm reading first. 😀 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Addison_Reads - Absolutely!! Sorry I missed you!! You're on my list & everything... just somehow didn't get typed in!! 4y
Addison_Reads @TheAromaofBooks It happens. No worries.💚 I was stalking your page for this post anyway because I was excited to see the numbers. 😉 4y
VeganCleopatra I keep being forgotten or tagged last...how does one move up the priority list around here? 😆 jk Love this idea, looking forward to seeing what my card looks like. 4y
Gissy Well, it looks interesting.🎉I will choose my lines so I can read different genres since I'm still need to read June book spins that are related with summer📚📚📚🤗 4y
Gissy So those free spaces I can skip them as free or do I have to place those books there? I'm confused😳 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - Well, I write people down in the order that they post their lists, and then tag the in the order I wrote them down... so you gotta be quick to make your list, I guess! 😂 4y
TheAromaofBooks @Gissy - Since #BookSpin is traditionally only 20 books, some people chose to make their lists be 25 books long to fit the bingo, while others wanted to stick with their 20-book lists. So yes, read a book for the free spaces, but it can be any book, not one from your BookSpin list. 4y
VeganCleopatra Ah...well I guess I should get comfortable with the bottom of the list then. 🤦‍♀️😏 4y
Gissy Ok. Well I like my BookSpin list but I need to read other books too. Let's see. 4y
TheAromaofBooks @VeganCleopatra - Hey, someone has to keep the back of the line in order! 😁 4y
VeganCleopatra @TheAromaofBooks HA. I suppose I would be pretty good at that...hmm...perhaps this is all for the best after all. 😉 4y
BookishGirl06 Is it too late to try this if I didn‘t use the #bookbingo in my original post? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @BookishGirl06 - This is totally open to anyone and everyone who wants to join!! There isn't any prize or anything for getting a bingo, so it's not a competition, just a personal challenge, so you can jump in any time!! 4y
BookishGirl06 @TheAromaofBooks just want to double check. I have 5 books not including book spin pics so I realized I could try to fit those in the free spots 4y
rockpools Fun! Thank you Sara 😁 4y
TheAromaofBooks @BookishGirl06 - No worries!! I'm glad to have you along for the bonus BookSpin craziness!! 😂 4y
Clwojick These are the best kind of posts to wake up to! This is motivating me to get outta bed and start my day 🤣 There‘s #ButlletJournal pages to be made! ❤️ 4y
bookandbedandtea This sounds so fun! I'm excited to create my bingo card and see how far I can get this month. 4y
Powered_By_Plants @TheAromaofBooks thank you , You are AMAZING!! 🤩 now lets see how long it takes to get a bingo #funtimes 4y
BookwormAHN Fantastic, thanks 😸 4y
Sargar114 So fun! Thanks for organizing!!! 4y
sharread Should my Bingo card be numbered just like this one? 4y
TheAromaofBooks @sharread - So what you will do is match the books on your list to the numbers on the square. So your no. 9 book will be the top left square of your bingo card, then no. 20, etc. You don't have to actually number it if you don't want to, as long as your write in the book titles that go with each number. 4y
sharread Thank you this is awesome. The ❤ 4y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Erdrich is my favorite author so I had to start the decade with one of her books!

The Bingo Palace carries the stories of the characters readers have come to love from Love Medicine, and this books focuses on the Pillagers, specifically Lipsha, and his odd, loving, and frustrating voice and thought process as he falls in love and searches for his path in life.

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich

“I can see that although she is tired she is also sure of her path.”

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich

“She‘d always acted as though she owned everything and nothing: Amy, earth, those who crossed her path, road, and Pillager land. It was because she owned herself, they said, because she was a four-souled woman. Like her grandmother, Fleur Pillager possesses more souls than she had a right to. It was not proper. Even now, who knew how many she had left to use? She could not be killed”

Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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#bookwormbingo @EclecticReaders
I‘m close to reading all of Vonnegut and Anne Rice.
Haven‘t had the chance to go to a signing.
I don‘t fly enough to have bought a book at the airport.

EclecticReaders Very nice! 5y
readordierachel Looking good! 5y
umbrellagirl I‘ll buy one on your behalf next week 🙂 5y
OrangeMooseReads @umbrellagirl thank you ☺️ 😁 5y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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I‘ll be joining in the #litsyreadingchallenge2018 are you? Thanks to @jessberk13 for this fun challenge!

Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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I have been so crazy busy at work this week, my Litsy-ing has been very limited.

But I found this new Little Free Library today outside my favorite brunch place!

ferskner Snow! 7y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Okay, @scripturient it's just too easy for littens! #bookwormbingo

RinaBrahmbhattBarot How did you create this? It looks super cool :) 7y
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Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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@Mimi28 posted this and I thought I'd see how I did. Lol

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Been thinking about The Commons a lot lately. And then the skunk comes along in this book and supplies the perfect quote for how I've been feeling.

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Can't.Stop.Reading.Erdrich. Crushed this one in two days and already on the @Powells site picking up a couple more of her linked novels. I ❤️ libraries and used bookstores.

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Finally made my #tbrbingo into a nice graphic and expanded it too!

WhatDeeReads It's pretty. 7y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Yay! Inspired by @WhatDeeReads @JenP and others, I'm doing TBR bingo! Anything to help me work through this stack (or part thereof 😉). Just realised the generator has scrambled my carefully planned rows, so this will be interesting ... (= bingo novice 😂)

WhatDeeReads Awesome! #TBRBingo (edited) 7y
emilyhaldi 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 itt has definitely helped motivate me! 7y
britt_brooke Persepolis 💚 7y
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Cinfhen Good luck 💚it's a great motivator 7y
JenP Looks great! 7y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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I'm hopping on the bandwagon! #TBRBingo ... I cheated a bit and used my already set up #TBR2017 ... I'm going to make a couple more, bookshelf, digital/kindle, and audio.

CrowCAH So cute and creative your Bingo board! 7y
OrangeMooseReads @CrowCAH Thanks 😁 7y
Texreader Love your little books!! So stinkin' cute!!! 7y
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JaclynW Cute! You have some great books on there! A Confederacy of Dunces is hilarious! 7y
OrangeMooseReads @JaclynW Thanks. I've heard good things about it. It might be up next. 7y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Summer bingo card from The Ripped Bodice. The only all romance store in the U.S.

The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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View from my reading nook under the stairs. It's been a long day, but Ian is out picking up pizza 🍕 (because he is really nice and I don't want to go back out) and I'm here staring at my books 😍. Sunday is looking up!

Bibliogeekery Great picture! 7y
LeahBergen 😍😍 7y
erzascarletbookgasm Lovely view! 💗 7y
Gissy Beautiful!❤ 7y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Flea markets & thrift stores make for a good day. #bookhaul #Ireadeverything

sisilia Nice stack! 7y
Texreader Whoohoo! Nice 📚 haul! 7y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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PurpleyPumpkin Yay, should be fun!😉 8y
kuhkuhbird Let's do it!! 8y
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The Bingo Palace | Louise Erdrich
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Indigenous Book Club Month Rec: Another great story of modern day Native life. This book showcases all the weird, drama-filled relationships on the Rez - with illegitimate kids, large and complicated families and the constant conflict between modern and traditional worlds.

Kbanski Really enjoyed her book The Round House - this sounds similarly interesting 8y
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