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Joined September 2019

Books ❤ Tea 💙 Cats 💛 Cake 💜 Videogames
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All Fours by Miranda July
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Ducks, Newburyport by Lucy Ellmann
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'Salem's Lot by Stephen King
The Turnglass | Gareth Rubin
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I should have adored this! Look at the cover! Meta-mysteries are my thing, and this novel of two halves should have been a winner.

Although the concept was excellent, the execution was mediocre.

For some reason, the writing didn't breathe life into the plot. It felt more like a list of stuff that happened and I had to keep re-reading because none of it stuck in my mind.

Excellent ideas, but bland characters and guessable twists.


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Bit obsessed with the Bridgerton generator.

I tried to Bridgertonify Pickles, but it wouldn't let me 🤣🤣

Yuki_Onna You're beautiful, Rae!
@everybody Isn't she the most beautiful one?
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna if only I looked anything like this!!! 😅🤣😅🤣💕💕 22h
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Untitled | Unknown
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#5joysfriday @DebinHawaii 🥰

1. I make a rather dashing Regency gentleman

2. Italian meringue

3. This ridiculous bookmark that Rare Birds sent me

4. (Which is OBVIOUSLY number 1) Meeting my adorable new nephew Benjamin Simon 💕💕💕💕

5. Mucking around on AI image generator

Texreader Benjamin is adorable!! Congratulations! 2d
RaeLovesToRead @Texreader Thank you! 😊 He is very smol 🥲🥰 2d
DebinHawaii Aww… sweet baby! 🩵 You are quite dashing! 😉 Thanks for sharing your joyful list & sharing the joy! 💛💛💛 20h
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All Fours | Miranda July

"I didn't think a lot about death, but I was getting ready to. I understood that death was coming and that all my current preoccupations were kind of naïve; I still operated as if I could win somehow. Not the vast and total winning I had hoped for in the previous decades, but a last chance to get it together before winter came, my final season."

All Fours | Miranda July
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I tried to type this whole passage out but it's too long!

"It was now obvious that H was openly rewarded for each thing he did while I was quietly shamed for the same things...

H couldn't see the haunting and this was the worst part: to be living with someone who fundamentally didn't believe me and was really, really sick of having to pretend to empathise - or else be the bad guy!"

Ruthiella I noted this too. If a father does anything for his kids, he is applauded. If a mother does anything, it is accepted as the least she can do-normal- nothing special… 2d
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All Fours | Miranda July
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"I had booked a room at the Carlyle and then, on Saturday at four o'clock I had sent naked selfies to all my New York friends. We regularly send these, along with pictures of our kids and pets - it's just part of keeping in touch these days."

Wait. Do people do this?

I have a feeling people don't do this.



Susanita Absolutely not 3d
BarbaraBB 🤣🤣🤣 No way!! 3d
KLyn1 Pets, yes... Naked selfie, nope, nope nope 🤣 3d
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Aims42 LOL! That‘s news to me 😆🫣 3d
Oryx Nope nope nope 3d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Nooooooo!!!!!! 3d
ImperfectCJ Not intentionally. And I generally am very careful never to have even the remotest chance of it happening unintentionally. I'm looking forward to starting this book, though. This MC seems like a trip 3d
RaeLovesToRead @ImperfectCJ "Not intentionally" is my fave answer so far ???? 3d
Ruthiella I think this book is turned up to 11. I‘m about 100 pages in…🫣 3d
Soubhiville Um, no. 3d
Crazeedi Oh crikey, I don't even look at myself in the mirror when naked, let alone take a pic!! 🫣 3d
Clare-Dragonfly I do hear that the young folks take a lot of nudes, but sending to platonic friends?! I don‘t think so! 3d
AnneCecilie I‘ve never heard about anyone doing this 3d
atenelli I am with #Crazeedi on this one. I am not sure I want my friends to see me naked, nor do I need to see them in their birthday suit. 3d
RaeLovesToRead @atenelli I expect this book is gonna get pretty wild... 🙈 3d
atenelli @RaeLovesToRead Certainly sounds like it. My TBR list has just grown. 3d
Roary47 Oh dear. For the record I prefer pictures of clothed people, children, and sometimes pets. 😳 3d
Hooked_on_books What in the hell?!? If not for #CampLitsy24, I definitely would not be reading this. Now, I‘m really not looking forward to it. 😩 3d
RaeLovesToRead @Roary47 @Hooked_on_books I'm 90% sure things are going to get a whole lot weirder 🤣🤣 3d
Night_Reader 😂😂😂 Just finished the book. What a crazy ride!! 1d
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Untitled | Unknown
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In this vid I run through the top 10 books on my shelves that make me feel guilty for not having read them 😅😅😇 As you'll see, the reasons are different...

Let me know what's on your shelf of shame and why!

PatriciaU As I‘ve aged, I‘ve changed my thinking about reading. I truly don‘t give a care what people think about what I read, or don‘t read. So, there‘s nothing on my “shelf of shame.” 4d
RaeLovesToRead @PatriciaU The shelf of shame is just for fun / tongue in cheek, don't worry 😊 4d
wanderinglynn I haven‘t read Of Mice & Men either. Or Circe & Song of Achilles. I have all 3 books. I do think that The Great Gatsby (& Fitzgerald in general) is overrated. But I love Frankenstein. 4d
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RaeLovesToRead @wanderinglynn Thanks for watching!!! 🥰🥰🥰 Hopefully I'll get them read in the next year! So many books, so little time 🥲 4d
Hooked_on_books Your video is charming! I haven‘t read Gatsby, either. And I‘m American! But, like @PatriciaU , I don‘t care! I have read To Paradise and really liked it. It‘s much less devastating than A Little Life (which I felt lacked balance). And I also had The Luminaries for an age before finally reading it. It‘s very good and reads more quickly than you‘d think based on its size. 3d
RaeLovesToRead @Hooked_on_books @PatriciaU I salute you both! Life's too short 🤣 Having said that, I bought all these books for a reason and I'm gonna read them IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO 🤣🤣 They just keep staring at me from the shelf judgementally, haha 3d
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Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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the fact that I'm just chilling out reading some Ducks, Newburyport, and I hear some munching, crunching, lunch, punch, hunch, ba dum bum tsh, and I think oh good Pickles is eating her food for once that's nice when all of a sudden who walks past but MR YOWLY, thieving ass cat, ass hat, pack a mac, ball sack, and I'm like who invited you in for breakfast, breakfast, The Breakfast Club, David Beckham, anyway, anyone want a free cat?

Leniverse 😂 4d
Caroline2 You needed at least two more ‘the fact that‘s‘ in there 😂 4d
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Caroline2 I‘m gonna give it another go but I think I‘m gonna throw in the towel soon, I have so many books waiting to be read this month 4d
Bookwomble Am I the only person whose stream of consciousness is grammatically correct, punctuated and spell checked? I struggle with SoC novels as they entirely do not relate to my interior narrative! 4d
RaeLovesToRead @Caroline2 clearly I'm better at driving a story forward than the author.... 😋😉🙃 Also, you can't DNF a buddy read. You have to suffer to the bitter end!!!!! We can do Ulysses when we've finished Ducks... 4d
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble I also think in sentences, and it took a good while to get used to the constant POINTLESS NOISE that peppers the narrative of this one. I found girl, woman, other brilliant though. (There's a reason why it won the booker with Atwood over this one.) 4d
MicheleinPhilly I still haven‘t started it and may bail before I do! 4d
RaeLovesToRead @MicheleinPhilly It's not as annoying as House of Leaves!!! 😊😁 4d
julesG 🤣🤣🤣 Not as annoying as HoL is high praise! 4d
dabbe 😂🐾😂 4d
Ruthiella Other cats‘ food tastes BETTER than what Mr. Yowley gets at home (even if it‘s the exact same thing!). I know this. My cat concurs. 😹 4d
Ruthiella Also, FWIW, I found Ducks really rewarding. At some point the narrative became hypnotic and it just carried me along. I even started thinking that way (the fact that). And there is a story arc…it just takes a while to get there. (edited) 4d
RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella I am led to believe we are not the only house in the neighbourhood that gets Mr Yowly inviting himself in for lunch 😅😅 It's funny you should say this because when I was editing my latest video on YouTube I noticed that I came out with THE FACT THAT at least once.... whuuuut.... get out of my brain, book!!!! 4d
The_Penniless_Author He's probably there to pick up Pickles. Haven't they been dating for some time now? 4d
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author If by "dating" you mean he likes to sniff where she's been sitting and try to see how close he can get to her before she hisses at him? (Also, after a chat with a man at the handicentre, it turns out he may have been two timing Pickles with his cat! The man calls Mr Yowly "Elsie" which I think is hilarious.... he looks nothing like an Elsie!!!!) 4d
Chelsea.Poole The fact that this review caught me totally off guard and yet I knew right away where we were headed…great job being super Ducks. I had no idea you all were doing a buddy read of this!! I read nearly half and then life got in the way. I should really finish that thing…. 4d
slategreyskies How far along are you in the buddy read? I need to pick it up again. I‘m part of the way through, and if I‘m close to where you‘re at, I‘d join in on your buddy read if you all didn‘t mind. 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 🦆 3d
RaeLovesToRead @Chelsea.Poole @slategreyskies You guys are more than welcome to join us! 😊 It's a casual buddy read and we're going at our own pace. I'm about 100 pages in. 3d
slategreyskies Ah, okay. I‘m about 300 in, so I‘ll definitely join in. I‘m excited! I think, as part of a buddy read, I‘ll actually have the motivation to finish it now. 😊 3d
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies Yay! Use the hashtag and I'll tag you when I post about it!!! 😊😊 3d
The_Penniless_Author Elsie? Is Mr. Yowly actually a MRS. Yowly? Maybe she hasn't been serenading Pickles after all, just coming by to yowl some neighborhood gossip with her. 😸 3d
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author I'm not sure. I haven't sexed the cat 🤣 I assume he's a boy because of his size, his yowling and all the seat sniffing. You can't get anywhere near them. Mx Yowly moves like greased lightning! 3d
The_Penniless_Author That does sound like Linus, all right. Maybe your neighbor's just a little off his rocker. 😅 All right, Mr. Yowly it is! 3d
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Every time I hear munching now I'm on high alert... like HE'D BETTER NOT HAVE SNEAKED PAST ME AGAIN!!!! 3d
The_Penniless_Author No barrier on Earth can prevent TRUE LOVE! 😻❤️😻 3d
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Overall a positive book full of information.

I did, however, have a few issues with it that have left me feeling disproportionately annoyed.

As usual, I've written down my thoughts in a ranty essay in my phone notes that I'll never post anywhere because expressing strong opinions on the internet never usually leads anywhere positive 😅


Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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This was a lovely book, but personally I find understated little stories that try too hard to tug at my heartstrings a bit irritating. I'm at my most curmudgeonly with this sort of literary work (Claire Keegan had a similar effect on me.)

Also, there's a LOT of weather talk and scenery description. Tolkien would approve.

Clear was still a concise and moving story, and I was happy to read something sweet and literary for #camplitsy24


Daisey This review made me laugh because I really enjoyed the scenery description and didn‘t mind the weather aspects either. I also consider Tolkien my absolute favorite, so I guess that all makes sense. 😂 😆 5d
RaeLovesToRead @Daisey Hahaha, to each there own! Personally it made me feel kinda chilly and damp 😂 5d
RaeLovesToRead *their 😅 4d
Oryx I thought this was very like Claire Keegan, but I like her writing, so I enjoyed this one too. Interesting that we had the same comparator, but different outcome/impression ❤️ 3d
68 likes4 comments
Finch | Jeff VanderMeer
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView 💕

1) Stuart Turton, but you're probably all fed up of me plugging his books by now, so I'm gonna give a shout out to Jeff Vandermeer, Emily St John Mandel, Helen Oyeyemi, Neil Gaiman, Haruki Murakami, Brian K. Vaughan, Patricia Lockwood, Blake Crouch, David Mitchell, Alison Rumfitt, Patrick DeWitt, Stephen King, N.K. Jemison, Claire North, and Bernadine Evaristo.

2) Jeff Vandermeer's fungalpunk Finch was decent.

TheSpineView All good choices. Thanks for playing! 5d
Caryl What a great list of authors! 4d
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'Salem's Lot | Stephen King
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Still my favourite Salem...

Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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#bookspinbingo @TheAromaofBooks


I've decided that I need to be more focused this month or I'm not going to do very well with my buddy reads and challenges! So I've just specified 10x books and I'll give myself 2 squares for each.

May be slightly cheaty but seriously have you seen how big Ducks is???

Leftcoastzen It‘s huge , read it surprisingly fast especially for stream of consciousness! 😄😳 1w
AnneCecilie Completely understand when it comes to 🦆, but I loved it when I read it a few years ago 1w
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Sometimes double squares are the way to go - motivation!!!! 1w
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'Salem's Lot | Stephen King
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Starting a spooky buddy read with some buddies! (You know who you are 😊💕)

I LOVE the cover of this version.

Branwen YES! 1w
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Untitled | Unknown
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#5joysfriday @DebinHawaii 💕

1/ Books arriving in enormous boxes
2/ New dress
3/ Dolly mix from the sweet shop
4/ Mucking about with AI image generator (yes, that is Batman's baroque library on a pizza.. you should see the Polly Pocket version...)

and 5/ I'M AN AUNTIE AGAIN!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

Tagging @Branwen @DaveGreen7777 @The_Penniless_Author @CBee @Yuki_Onna

kspenmoll Auntie!!! 1w
rabbitprincess Congrats Auntie! 1w
julesG Congratulations!!! Double Auntie! 🎉🎉 1w
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julesG Or is it Auntie^2 1w
Chrissyreadit Congrats! 1w
The_Penniless_Author Congratulations, Auntie Rae! ❤️ (Sorry, no time for the prompt, I'm off to Lake Placid to visit friends. Actually, that can be my one joyful thing for the week. 😄) 1w
Branwen Congratulations! 🥳🎉 1w
DebinHawaii What a wonderful, joyful list! 💛💛💛 Congratulations on being an auntie! 🎉 Thanks for sharing & spreading the joy! 🤗 1w
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The Fire Next Time | James Baldwin
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The Fire Next Time | James Baldwin

"If the concept of God has any validity or any use, it can only be to make us larger, freer, and more loving. If God cannot do this, then it is time we got rid of Him."

TheBookHippie 💯 and I need to reread this book again. 2w
IndoorDame ❤️❤️❤️ 2w
dabbe 💙🩵💙 1w
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A Day of Fallen Night | Samantha Shannon
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When you have 3 hardback copies of a book already, but you get it in paperback because it'll be comfier to read 💁🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

I'm working my way through the Fitz and the Fool 2nd trilogy at the moment. Once I've finished that it's either this or Acotar next....

Amiable Gorgeous cover! 2w
Yuki_Onna 😄👏🫶 1w
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Misshapes: The Making Of Tatty Devine | Rosie Wolfenden, Harriet Vine
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Feeling feminine and floaty today in my new summer dress and Tatty Devine Whitby Abbey necklace.


Now to seek coffee, cake and sunshine...... or perhaps ice cream 🤔

marleed Beautiful! 2w
Liz_M I recommend both cake and ice cream 2w
Cathythoughts Lovely ♥️ 2w
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RaeLovesToRead @Liz_M Can confirm that I had both cake and ice cream and also stopped at the sweet shop 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️😅 2w
DaveGreen7777 OUR QUEEN!!! 👸🏻 2w
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 😁💕 (Queen Rae has eaten so much dolly mix that she may need to be airlifted to the throne tomorrow 🤣) 2w
Velvetfur That's such a lovely photo! ☺️ 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Velvetfur Nyaww, thanks! 😊 I actually look kinda haggard irl 🤣🤣 2w
Yuki_Onna You're so beautiful, Queen Rae❣️ 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna 🥰🥰🥰 I actually can't remember why @DaveGreen7777 decided to call me Queen Rae, but I'll take it 😁 haha 1w
DaveGreen7777 @RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna I actually do remember this, Rae! One of your pictures from Italy featured you at a castle , and from that, the legend of Queen Rae was born! 👸🏻🏰 1w
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 @Yuki_Onna Oh yeah 🤭 That was literally only a couple of weeks ago 🙈 Right now I seem to be bricking myself into a fortress of books...... MAI QUEENDOM!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 1w
Gissy Beautiful necklace 😍👌 1w
RaeLovesToRead @Gissy Thank you!! 🥰🥰 7d
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Untitled | Unknown
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Got overexcited at the prospect of double points.

On the plus side... I'm now ready for #camplitsy24

kspenmoll 🎉🎉 2w
StaceGhost I loved Queen of the Night! There are some great newer releases here I‘d love to hear about, especially that Miranda July 2w
julesG That's quite the haul! 2w
Caroline2 Oh wow!!! 🤩 2w
Megabooks Yay! 1w
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView ?

1) Neither my car nor my house are presentable ?

The grass is so long that it could be concealing any number of cats. I suspect the number to be between 1 and 3.

Books in my room cover every available surface and quite a lot of space that could not be described as a "surface". This is a situation that has not been improved by Waterstones' recent double stamps offer.


2) Garfield

TheSpineView I'll see what I can do about that help. Thanks for playing! 2w
RaeLovesToRead @TheSpineView Mainly help needed in tunnelling out when the inevitable happens and I get squished by a huge pile of paperbacks 😅 2w
TheSpineView @RaeLovesToRead At least we know where to look when you go missing. 🤣 2w
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Local café is shut for Bank Holiday so I'm recreating the experience in the back garden.

I've heard Strange Sally Diamond described as "like a dark Eleanor Oliphant". Fits #pop24 prompt for 42 year old character.

Continuing The Fire Next Time.

@Megabooks @jenniferw88 @BarbaraBB @KarenUK @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @MissHel @AshleyHoss820 @Ruthiella @OriginalCyn620 @BookBelle84 @graciouswarriorprincess @WJCintron @Branwen @BarkingMadRead

yourfavouritemixtape I love your bag!! Where is it from? 2w
RaeLovesToRead @yourfavouritemixtape It's from Vendula, but it's a weird one because it's a Japanese exclusive apparently. I got it off ebay. I have a huge collection of Vendula bags... they all have different shop fronts on them 😊 2w
slategreyskies I‘d love more bag with a book posts! That bag is super cool. 😎 3d
RaeLovesToRead @slategreyskies https://youtu.be/5W-V9g_eOFE?feature=shared you may enjoy this little video on my most-booklike Vendulas 😊😊🙃 3d
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Untitled | Unknown
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I think I may now be addicted to AI generated art...

Anyone want to come and hang out in my library?

Karisa Beautiful! 2w
Cuilin Yes, me, I do. 😍 2w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 Which AI did you use? 2w
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willaful I dunno, I fear the books will not be legible and I'll have too many fingers. 😂 2w
julesG @willaful 🤣🤣 2w
julesG Very Art Deco. 😃 2w
Bookbuyingaddict I have the YouTube scenes on all the time whilst I‘m reading 📖 I love ❤️ them & the clever people who create them ! Wow 🤩😆 2w
RaeLovesToRead @dabbe Microsoft. It's very moreish. Although we ended up with a Batman style library in Polly Pocket format. On a pizza. 2w
RaeLovesToRead @willaful It is a risk.... 🤣🤣🤣 We have lamps though. 2w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Art Nouveau 😉😋 2w
julesG You're right. And that's what I was thinking of. 🙄🙄 2w
The_Book_Ninja Just don‘t expect it to do hands and fingers 2w
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Franco Fontana | Franco Fontana
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Morning all. Major insomnia last night 😵😵😵


^ Highlight on Franco Fontana (brilliant Italian colour photographer)

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Sontag is a fierce intellect. A force to be reckoned with. The kind of intellectual mind that can distract from her own contradictions with sophisticated wordplay & verbal a***-kickery. Convince you that you've got it wrong regardless of reality.

She'll elegantly explain the patriarchy, but then pooh-pooh advances in equal human rights as "reformist" & suggest we should politicise our sexual preferences.

My brain hurts. Send help.

willaful Yeah, not happening. 😂 2w
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The Turnglass | Gareth Rubin
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This one flips!

I've only read one other book that does something similar: Ali Smith's How to be both.

I bought it because of the cover. Who could resist that deliciously baroque-looking manor?

Disclaimer: looks baroque to me, but what do I know about architecture?

dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 The gold SCREAMS Baroque. #goodenoughforme #beautifulcovers 2w
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Less fancy and more frustrating is Danielewski's Only Revolutions, where rotating & revolving the book is part of the reading mechanic. 2w
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Arrangements in Blue is intense, raw, poetic prose on the absence of romantic love in the life of a woman who idealises it.

Amy Key writes with a vulnerability that is painful to me. The world is not a place that celebrates the single, whole woman & coming to terms with this is fraught with obstacles.

I have so much to say about this book, but I fear it will turn into an outpouring of personal grief.

Beautiful, fragile, and poetic.

Bookwomble ❤️‍🩹 2w
kspenmoll Wonderful review-i have this somewhere in my shelves now to find it to read it thanks. 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble @kspenmoll My Goodreads review goes into more detail, (in a more flippant way). I'm actually contemplating writing down my own thoughts in a similar format because the subject interests me so much. This was a very well written exploration. In some ways the author and I are so similar, in other ways not at all. 2w
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"I summon the defences of romantic lovelessness... [the song] is though, eager to undermine my situation, to designate my life incomplete.

I open the windows above a windowsill on which I have arranged the precious totems of my life. Let the rain & wind disrupt & ruin what I felt content with. A deliberate trashing. Like the lack of another soul that I can touch makes my own soul smaller, insubstantial.

And I so badly want to have a soul."

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Untitled | Unknown
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It goes against my curmudgeon way of life but here we go 😋 #5joysfriday @DebinHawaii

💙 Buttercream
💙 Waterstones Double Stamps this weekend!!!!! (Yes, that's a picture of me in Venice and not at all related... I'm in love still)
💙 Pickles
💙 Franco Fontana's Colore exhibition - I took home the book and I love it
💙 Despite saxophone practice going badly, I'm now finding it MUCH easier to blow the clarinet. Every cloud.

You're all tagged!

dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 2w
KadaGul Fabulous 🤩 and Serene 🙂‍↔️ Joys 2w
Susanita Pickles 😻 2w
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Leftcoastzen 😻👏📚 2w
kspenmoll Buttercream! 2w
DebinHawaii I appreciate you going against your curmudgeon ways to spread joy! I love your list, especially Pickles 🐱 & buttercream 💛💛💛. Thanks for joining in! 🤗 2w
Velvetfur Waterstones has double stamps?! Looks like I'll be leaving the house this weekend after all then! 😂 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Velvetfur I had so much in my basket (online) and I'd been waiting to see if they did it for the bank holiday.... it paid off 🥰🥰 Only problem is, because it's a bank hol I won't get my books for a while 🥲 2w
Velvetfur @RaeLovesToRead ah well, just think of the points! 😂 2w
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Untitled | Unknown
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My friend sent me this.

Now I'm bummed out 🤣🤣🤣

Ruthiella I plan to come back as a ghost and haunt people by reading over their shoulders. 👍👻 2w
IndoorDame @Ruthiella ooooh, capital plan! 2w
slategreyskies @Ruthiella I love that idea! 2w
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RaeLovesToRead @Ruthiella @IndoorDame @slategreyskies I'm gonna be a "judgemental reading ghost". They'll just be sitting there casually reading something terrible and all of a sudden they feel a draught blowing through the room and be like "wow, for a moment there it felt like someone was judging me!" ??? 2w
Clare-Dragonfly Luckily I read closer to 100 books a year. And I plan to read long past 70 😁 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Clare-Dragonfly This is true of me too... but in the first 20 years of my life my tastes were........ not great 🤣🤣 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Clare-Dragonfly Also hmm... not sure I can quite claim 100 a year unless I start counting menus and shampoo bottles 🤔😅 2w
Bookwomble @RaeLovesToRead The number of cereal boxes and sauce bottle labels I've read when I've not been allowed a book at the dinner table can be counted? 🧐🤔💭📚📚📚📚📚📚 2w
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble Haha, yes, but it still doesn't solve the problem of my mortality and the unread millions 🤣 2w
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The Haunted Hotel was OK. I wasn't wowed. I enjoyed that the hotel was in Venice because I went earlier this month and fell in love with the place. Luckily the place I stayed didn't formerly house any of my dead relatives or generate any eerie bad smells.

I would describe the story and writing as quintessentially Victorian through and through. The sort of tale that would probably be scarier read at a time before electric lighting.

emz711 Another Wilkie Collins book that I've never heard of! I feel like I keep collecting them and they sound so good 2w
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Any of my US buddies going to see my favourite Autobuy author this week or next???

Tell him I said Hi 😁

Susanita It‘s tempting, but I don‘t think my nerves could handle a trip to the beach over Memorial Day weekend. 3w
Roary47 Awww man. That would have been fun. Its today, and I can‘t get there that fast. 😢 (edited) 3w
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I'm a bit speechless. And emotional. And just... processing.

There is so much to unpick here and I am unequal to the task!

Tremendous mystery novel with dark academia vibes that is strongly rooted in reality and explores issues of race, class, privilege, exploitation, and power dynamics.

Manages to be both a pulse-raisingly compulsive whodunnit and a nuanced, highly-charged political discussion (think Yellowface / Such a Fun Age).


Branwen YASSSSS! 😎👍🏻 I feel so proud that I was the one that recommended this to you! And that you liked it! 🥰 It's definitely in my top five reads of the year so far! 💕 3w
Suet624 I don‘t know why I thought this book was about something completely different. 3w
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Just in case you haven't had enough of me going on about Italy, here is 20 mins of RAE IN ITALY CONTENT.


Badly spliced holiday footage? YES
Dreadful holiday apartment audio? YES
Book ranting? YES
Excessively large notebook shopping? YES

This video has it all.

The last 5 mins is me reviewing My Brilliant Friend and The Enchanted April. #booktube

Amor4Libros Just subscribed to your channel 🤗 3w
RaeLovesToRead @Amor4Libros Awww!! 🥰🥰 Thanks for the support! My vids aren't usually this haphazard... oh, who am I kidding, yes they are! 😅 3w
Velvetfur Such a cute little vid! I left you a comment and subscribed 😁 3w
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RaeLovesToRead @Velvetfur Thank you so much!!!! 🥰🥰 Glad you enjoyed it. Venice was amazing and a paper-lover's paradise!!! 3w
Velvetfur @RaeLovesToRead I've always been scared to go to Venice as I have a real fear of 'big water' (swimming pools, seas, oceans) but now I want to go after seeing 'real' footage from you 😁🩷 3w
RaeLovesToRead @Velvetfur Hmm... well it is quite watery, but on the other hand there are cannoli everywhere... 💕💕 3w
Suet624 The video was great! Thanks for sharing. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @Suet624 Aww, thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed it 🤗💕 3w
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So now that I've read both the bloke and non-bloke versions, you'll be wanting to know who wore it best, right?

Well the art in this one is just as good as in The Story of Art, but I did sometimes find myself wishing for Gombrich's infectious storytelling whilst reading this excellent collection of art-thusiasm.

You can tell which eras Hessel is most interested in because then her writing gleams.

Another wonderful book about art ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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I don't think I got the memo about being back from holiday 🤣🤣

Just want to sit in the sunshine and eat cake and scones!!!!!!

Supposed to be sorting out the house, but Pickles has sat on me and started purring and she looks so comfy I don't want to move her 🤣

JenReadsAlot Looks perfect! 3w
marleed You are exactly where you need to be! 3w
Branwen That looks absolutely glorious! 😎🩷 3w
Velvetfur That looks fantastic, especially the green drink! 3w
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"In that sudden, temporary darkness, I had one of those moments of bold thought that you feel might change you forever: I would never be loved in the body I am in by someone I could trust with it. I had never felt loved in the body I am in.

How could I enjoy a shell-shaped pool when I didn't know if I would ever feel loved? I was dessicating from the lack of it."

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 😍 3w
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The Enchanted April | Elizabeth Von Arnim
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I dunno.

This wasn't without charm, but it also irritated the life out of me with its selfish, infuriating characters, and weird narrative choices.

The men were all shallow, amoral, self-important creeps.

I was hoping it would be a book about freedom, independence, joy, and self actualisation, but the moral of the story seems to be that if your husband is an asshole, it's probably 'cause you're no longer glowing enough to keep things on track.

Bookwomble I read a few pages of one of her books and was horrified by her autobiographical MCs attitude to her staff. IRL her husband was a pre-war German aristocrat who had a Polish slave workforce, so I was happy to DNF. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble I don't know if I've got you on GR, but my review is basically a rant ? I know it's "of its time" but sometimes that affects my reading experience more than others. 3w
Bookwomble @RaeLovesToRead Yes, we're GR friends, but I go in disguise over there under my real name! I've just liked your review by way of identification 😄 3w
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RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble Aaahhh yes! I have now put two and two together! I think I read this book at exactly the wrong time (for me) personally. Almost everyone else seems to think it was sweet. 3w
Bookwomble @RaeLovesToRead I had the same reaction to the tagged: Everybody else seems to think it's sweet and relaxing, I thought it was a glaring example of the exploitation and oppression of the poor by the rich, but to be fair I only got about 40 pages in then threw it in the bin! 3w
RaeLovesToRead @Bookwomble Sounds ghastly. No thank you! The other one of hers I want to read is called Vera. The blurb makes it sound like Rebecca and I can't imagine it being saccharine. 3w
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No kitties to see here... only pile of logs...

(Seriously though, that can't be comfortable...)

#picklescat #catsoflitsy

Jari-chan Cats do have a weird idea of what's comfortable 😹 3w
Crazeedi Cutie! My kittie lays on wood by our wood stove!! 3w
julesG 🤣🤣 Cats! 3w
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JenReadsAlot Omg Pickles!! Lol 3w
IndoorDame Don‘t you wish you could sleep anywhere? #catshavemagicpowers 😹😹😹 3w
DaveGreen7777 Why does Pickles sleep on logs? 🪵 Because no one will dare tell her not to! 😹 3w
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I‘m so jealous of how cats can sleep anywhere and how many naps they get! 😻 3w
AmyG Cats will sleep on anything! 3w
dabbe 🤩🐾🤩 3w
RaeLovesToRead @willaful That is so adorable! 3w
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The Enchanted April | Elizabeth Von Arnim
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I don't remember the last time I read a book with such annoying characters 🤣🤣

Waiting for the others to push Mrs Fisher from the battlements 🍿🍿🍿

(I suspect I will be disappointed... this isn't a murder mystery after all... Still, there's 100 pages left... plenty of time for it to end in a shoot-out...)

AvidReader25 🤣 definitely not a mystery. 3w
willaful Oh dear, you were misled.... 3w
RaeLovesToRead @AvidReader25 @willaful Haha, I was just kidding about. When I wrote this earlier there was a lot of stressful holiday bickering. By the end I was annoyed about other things... see my GR review for details 😅🙃 3w
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Side view!!!!!

KadaGul From a bookish point of view, the view is absolutely breathtaking. 🌅. 3w
Susanita 🤩 3w
BookmarkTavern Wow! 🤩🤩 3w
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julesG 😍😍😍 I should have ordered some of them too 3w
rockpools Oh my goodness! You need standalone bookshelves in the middle of the room, so you can admire your collection from all angles. They‘re gorgeous! 3w
Branwen So beautiful! 😍 3w
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Clear: A Novel | Carys Davies
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Other parcels that were awaiting me on my return 🥰🥰

The first book for CampLitsy24 has arrived 😁

KadaGul How long were you gone? Who are your friends 👥and can they take me in🤣🤣 3w
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When you go on ebay whilst on holiday and make purchases while in "holiday mode"...

Soubhiville Wow! 🤩 4w
vivastory I totally thought you were joking about the saxophone 4w
RaeLovesToRead @Soubhiville @vivastory I've wanted one my whole life!!! 😇 (Almost ended up with two, but I was outbid on the other which is probably for the best, especially seeing as I haven't managed to get it to make a proper noise yet 😅) 4w
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DaveGreen7777 Does this mean we can look forward to a saxophone solo in a future YouTube video?! 😀🎷 4w
julesG Fantastic! What kind of reed(?) does it have? 3w
The_Penniless_Author You say you've wanted one your whole life, but I notice you didn't take the plunge and buy one until I introduced you to Kenny G. 🤣 3w
RaeLovesToRead @DaveGreen7777 I was hoping so! But so far I've not managed to get much of a sound out of it... once I get my lips right though YOU ARE ALL IN FOR A TREAT!!!!! 🤣🤣 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Reed? Are there different kinds? It's an alto sax if that's what you mean? Think the reed is pretty standard, but I may be wrong. Think it might be the same as my clarinet. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Much as I respect the G-ster, he had no part in influencing this purchase! 😆 3w
The_Penniless_Author That's just how subtle Kenny's influence is. 🎷😎 3w
julesG A friend back in school played saxophone and bassoon. She explained that a natural reed needs "soaking" before playing, whereas a plastic reed doesn't. She had a hell of a time finding a natural reed for her saxophone (can't remember why). 3w
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author He plays Soprano.... so.... 🤷🏼‍♀️ 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG It's a wooden reed, not plastic. You can get them in multipacks on Amazon. I wonder what your friend was looking for 🤔 3w
julesG That was before Amazon and I suppose she was looking for a reed-reed. Not wood. 🤔 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG I think mine is a reed reed. Isn't reed a kind of wood? Whatever it's made of it isn't working for me haha 3w
julesG I have no idea. I played the recorder and the flute. I'm sure you'll figure it out, unless it's broken, which I hope it's not. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG I suspect it's just me that is bad haha 3w
julesG Practice!! Don't give up! 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG You bet! 🙃🙂 3w
SaunteringVaguelyDownwards Nice! I really need to get mine cleaned so I can start playing again. 3w
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This was fantastic, but doesn't stand alone. Finishing it feels only like finishing the end of a chapter.

My Brilliant Friend is about two girls growing up in a neighbourhood in Naples. It rings true in a way that is either very clever, or based largely on the author's own personal experiences. Essentially, it has a biographical feel to it.

I will reserve final judgement until I've completed the quartet, but this book was immensely readable.

jlhammar Hope you enjoy the rest! I thought the whole quartet was brilliant. 4w
RaeLovesToRead @jlhammar It's a promising start! Look forward to the next ones arriving 4w
sarahbarnes I loved this one, and still need to read the rest. 4w
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Ruthiella I loved this quartet! 4w
LeeRHarry I found reading this series was a real endeavour but it was so worthwhile by the end.😊 3w
Velvetfur Oh I'm obsessed with this quartet, some of my favourite books ever! I'm glad you're into it too now as well ☺️ When you've read this you'll have to watch the first series of the TV adaptation, it's just as good! Then after the second book, watch the second series, then the third.... They haven't done the fourth yet ☺️ 3w
RaeLovesToRead @sarahbarnes @Ruthiella @LeeRHarry @Velvetfur I just found myself dragged into the flow of the story against my will. I zoomed through it. Definitely onto the next right away! 💕 3w
Branwen I keep wanting to read this! 3w
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Venice | Jir? Taniguchi
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Lovely book of watercolour paintings of Venice that come to life even more after experiencing the city in real life.

Wouldn't call it a graphic novel as it's not really a story!

Gladstone's Library (formerly St Deiniol's Library) | Hawarden, Flintshire, United Kingdom (Library)
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#wondrouswednesday @Eggs

1) I think y'all know what I'm gonna say here 😁

@Oryx @scripturient @CGainor3 @TrishB @squirrelbrain @Leniverse @jhod @Caroline2 @jenniferw88 @julesG @Susanita @rockpools @BarbaraBB @MicheleinPhilly @LeeRHarry #gladstonerds

2) Waterstones, and subscriptions, and Indie stores.

3) I have about 6 on the go at the moment. Need to sort out what I'm doing!

BarbaraBB Time flies! 4w
Susanita ❤️❤️❤️ 4w
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julesG 😁🤣 4w
TrishB That doesn‘t sound too far away. 4w
Eggs What happens after those weeks and days? 4w
RaeLovesToRead @Eggs The yearly gathering at Gladstone's Library. Basically a reading resort 😊 4w
Eggs Wow that sounds Awesome 👌🏼 😎 👏🏻 4w
LeeRHarry Woohoo! 😊 3w
jenniferw88 😍 😍 😍 3w
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Pickles: "you spent HOW MUCH on macarons???!"

#catsoflitsy #picklescat

Unclear whether she missed me or not...

Jari-chan How could you spend money on macarons, but not bring cat treats? 🙀 4w
JenReadsAlot Awww 4w
Leftcoastzen I‘m sure she missed you ! Kitties always play hard to get.😹 4w
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julesG No idea, open a shop that sells cat treat macarons. Maybe next to the gelateria. Maybe name it Pickled Treats? 4w
dabbe 🖤🐾🖤 #preciouspickles 4w
RaeLovesToRead @Jari-chan I know. Terrible hooman! 😅 4w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Hmm... I'm not sure if this idea is ridiculous or genius 4w
julesG Btw, it was supposed to be "new idea" - autocorrect was drunk yesterday 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Haha, I thought you meant you had no idea whether she missed me... she wanted to dry off her wet floofs on me again today so she missed me as a towel if not as a person 🤣🤣🤣 3w
julesG That's cats. I was loved like a long lost lover just now - her feline highness slept on the balcony, I didn't see her and pushed the door too about an hour ago. She meowed, I let her in, she complained and then basically kissed me and fell asleep on me. 3w
RaeLovesToRead @julesG Give Ghost an extra snuggle from me! 😊 3w
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Thanks for the tags @TheSpineView & @Yuki_Onna 😊💕

1) CAKE!!!!!! Maybe a Colin the Caterpillar.

My friend and I always used to have Quiche picnics at Newark Castle back in the day.... we were all about the quiche 😊😁

2) Maybe The Enchanted April. I'm reading it at the moment and it would suit!

CBee Tell me what a Colin the Caterpillar is please 😀 4w
RaeLovesToRead @CBee YOU DON'T HAVE COLIN IN THE US???? 4w
TheSpineView Live 🎂 Thanks for playing! 4w
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RaeLovesToRead @CBee Colin is basically a chocolatey Swiss roll in the shape of a Caterpillar. Most UK supermarkets do their own version 4w
RaeLovesToRead There was controversy a while back when Cuthbert the Caterpillar cake was thought to infringe copyright law... I liked how one article (at the time when all the Downing street parties during lockdown were in the news) described Colin as "rumoured to have attended the controversial parties at Downing street" ?? 4w
CBee @RaeLovesToRead we have Swiss rolls but no Colin! I‘m very disappointed, none of our snack cakes have names! Unless you count Twinkie or Ding Dong 😂😂😂 4w
CBee @RaeLovesToRead omg that‘s hilarious 😆 4w
Yuki_Onna @CBee @RaeLovesToRead In Germany we have nothing like a Colin the Caterpillar either ... Could we have ANYthing yummy or fun here, plz?!?... 👿 (edited) 4w
CBee @Yuki_Onna let‘s start a petition for Colin the Caterpillar to be sold all over the world! 😂 🐛 🍫 4w
Yuki_Onna @CBee Yesss!!! Absolutely!!! 👏😂🤤 4w
CBee @Yuki_Onna whereabouts in Germany are you? My husband‘s parents were from there, immigrated to the US in the 50s. I always love telling him about any Litsy peeps who are from there 😊♥️ 4w
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna @CBee Great excuse to visit the UK. "I'm here for Colin..." ?? 4w
CBee @RaeLovesToRead yep, first thing I‘ll say if I ever get there 😂😂 4w
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It's a toss-up between classic bullying anthem Ugly by Daphne & Celeste and the absolute cringefest No Way No Way by Vanilla.

You guys are naming some absolute bangers though... Ding Dong Song! Barbie Girl! Tubthumping! Y'all aren't invited to my ultimate 90s party haha 😉🙃

kezzlou85 UGLY by Daphne and Celeste was our group song whilst on holiday at school. We were singing it (yelling really) across the Ardeche in France in our canoes. It made sure we lost no one but people did look confused. Not my choice of song. 4w
vivastory 🤣🤣 4w
RaeLovesToRead @kezzlou85 I'm concerned by any sentence that has "Daphne & Celeste" and "our song" in it together ??? Oh my God they were so bad!!!!! 4w
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TieDyeDude Wow, I had heard the cheer before, but I never knew it was a song! Ugh.
No Way No Way is the first suggestion that isn't on Spotify (and it seems like there is a good reason 🤣

“Thanks“ for playing 😉
TieDyeDude Hooray for regional restrictions! It looks like it is just not available in the USA. 😝 (edited) 4w
RaeLovesToRead @TieDyeDude Oh man, you guys dodged a bullet. Can you please take Daphne & Celeste back too? 4w
The_Penniless_Author @RaeLovesToRead I was about to say, "they aren't American!", but apparently they are? But their songs were only released in the UK? Is this what we do with our surplus pop stars, banish them across the Atlantic? ? 3w
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author Please remove them immediately from our shores! 3w
The_Penniless_Author You're the ones who made them "famous", you deal with them! 3w
RaeLovesToRead @The_Penniless_Author 🪓⛏️🗡🔨🏹🪚🪛 3w
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Bye bye Italy and friends 🥲💕

willaful Aww, looks so joyous! 4w
marleed Ohhh, lovely! 4w
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