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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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How good is Elizabeth Strout? 💕#currentlyreading

BarbaraBB Great quote. So true. 1d
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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Nearly matches my bag.
But not quite.
#BookshopDay #UK

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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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On the photo is my room at Gladstone‘s! And that‘s where I just finished this book. I loved being in Lucy‘s company again and I was happy to reconnect with Bob and Olive. Strout writes as beautiful as ever and yet it‘s not my favorite of hers (you were right @squirrelbrain !). It felt as if she had so much to say that she had to put a dozen different stories in just this small book. #gladstones24

MrsMalaprop I have this waiting patiently on my bedside stack. 1w
sarahbarnes What a cute room! I still want to read this to spend some more time with these characters, even though I know it might not be as good as the other books about them. 1w
squirrelbrain It‘s still a great book @sarahbarnes - just not her best but it‘s a high bar to start with, isn‘t it?! 1w
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Megabooks I loved the crossovers even if, I agree, it wasn‘t her best. Maybe her most heartwarming, though! And I‘m so sad I‘m not there with you and @squirrelbrain !! Maybe next year the whole CL counselor contingent can go. 🤞🏻💜💜😘 7d
Suet624 What a wonderful adventure you‘re on. 7d
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Yes it‘s quite special to spend time reading and talking books with people you‘ve known online for years! 7d
BarbaraBB @Megabooks Heartwarming is definitely the right word. And imagine, you being here too! That would be the best!! ❤️ 7d
LeahBergen I‘m living vicariously through your photos of this weekend! 7d
BarbaraBB @LeahBergen Gladstones would be just the place for you too! 7d
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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A story about stories and love. Strout brings together all of her beloved characters from previous novels. I adored this book. The ending is perfect! My only hope is that this doesn't mean the author won't continue writing her amazing novels.

Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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22-30 Sep 24
I love the Lucy Barton series and this was just wonderful. I have been scouring the internet for the Olive and Burgess Boys in the same hardcover format, but to no avail.
This books sees Lucy back with William and living in Maine where she has befriended Bob Burgess and also Olive Kitteridge. They recollect stories and follow the investigation of one of Bob‘s clients for murder.
None of which explains why I love it so much. I just do

Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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I feel so good about this grid. I wanted to read each book before I pulled into seasonal reads. And of course, Strout wins the tag!

5* = Loved It, want to shout out loud about this book! I do/will own/keep a physical copy. A+
4*= I liked it, would love to discuss. Solid B
3*=Meh, no need to discuss. Avg C
2*=Nope D
1*=DNF F

BkClubCare Yay for Strout! Can‘t wait. You have some great reads here 👏 4w
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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This book brings together my favorite Strout characters from ALL her books and features a beautiful friendship between Lucy and Olive. A can‘t miss if you enjoy hopeful books about friendship, love, and community.

A man has been accused of murdering his mother, and Bob Burgess takes the case. Meanwhile, other people in his circle‘s lives start falling apart. He tries to balance it all to help his family, client, wife, and community.

AvidReader25 I‘m excited about this one! Somehow I haven‘t read The Burgess Boys and so I want to get to that one first. 1mo
sarahbarnes Glad you liked it! I‘m excited. 1mo
BarbaraBB Super excited for this one. Great review ❤️ 1mo
Megabooks @AvidReader25 You\'ll get a lot more out of the book if you read BB first, so good plan! (edited) 1mo
Megabooks @sarahbarnes @BarbaraBB I think you\'ll both love it!!! 1mo
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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A reading realization I‘ve come upon over the last few months is that I really like quiet books and Elizabeth Strout soothes my soul. Olive Kitteridge, Bob Burgess, and Lucy Barton all together in the same book - yes, to that! Lucy and Bob‘s friendship was so interesting, and I was completely entertained by how Olive and Lucy came to meet and share stories. I loved this.

jlhammar So looking forward to this- love Strout! 1mo
BarbaraBB Echoing @jlhammar ! Great review! 1mo
marleed @jlhammar @BarbaraBB There‘s just so much story here. You get the fascinating short story segues from Olive but then Olive, Lucy, and Bob each have full stories of their own - great storytelling! 1mo
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Lesliereadsalot Can‘t wait for this one to come in! 1mo
sarahbarnes Yes to this. I‘m looking forward to reading this one. 1mo
marleed @Lesliereadsalot @sarahbarnes Oh I hope you think it is worth the wait - I sure do! 1mo
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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All about Maine with today‘s little #bookhaul. And both continuations of series!

squirrelbrain Enjoy! Love the cover on Tell Me Everything. 💛 1mo
BarbaraBB Such a great haul 😍😍 1mo
Lesliereadsalot Looks like two great books! So jealous! 1mo
Aimeesue Nice! 1mo
kspenmoll Fantastic! 1mo
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Tell Me Everything | Elizabeth Strout
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I still really liked this, but it‘s not my favourite ‘Lucy Barton‘ book. As well as Lucy, Bob Burgess is highly featured, as is Olive Kitteridge.

Early on, there were too many disparate threads and inconsequential stories about characters we‘d never met before. The book soon picked up though, as Bob becomes involved in a murder investigation - I wished this had been the whole focus of the book.

Published 19th Sept in the UK.

BarbaraBB I‘ve been looking forward to this one! 2mo
sarahbarnes What @BarbaraBB said! Sorry to hear you didn‘t love it. 1mo
squirrelbrain I still liked it though @sarahbarnes - I think my expectations were too high after Lucy By The Sea. 1mo
sarahbarnes I get it! My expectations are high as well. 1mo
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