The previous book I read by this author really tugged at the heart strings. This one is no different, although I guessed what was coming it was still really sad 😢
Really well written and I liked the way the two timelines came together.
The previous book I read by this author really tugged at the heart strings. This one is no different, although I guessed what was coming it was still really sad 😢
Really well written and I liked the way the two timelines came together.
Thought the writing was beautiful, the story great and I‘m in love with the cover ❤️
Daughter started the Collins the minute she got in from work!
Scary dystopian shit, that‘s not really dystopian. Claustrophobic and you can feel this isn‘t far away.
Great read, even if terrifying.
Have read the last 2 in the series back to back because of a cliff hanger and now this one ends on a similar one!! But the next one isn‘t out yet 😮
Great series.
So it looks like I‘m on a crime run, brain too tired after work this week!
Model Home was just a so- so for me, I struggled with the style of writing maybe it was the tired brain!
My bad week/double Waterstones points book haul.
There hasn‘t been a bad one in this series yet and I‘m at no 11. Roller coaster ride of action and a jaw dropping cliff hanger of an ending.
If you love Rose‘s books you‘ll love this one. A lot of horrible things happen to a lot of people, but (mostly) the baddies are caught.
Loved The Dark Mirror ❤️
The Other Tenant was an ok thriller.
Penitence was good- lots of unresolved questions at the end, so if you like all things tied up, probably not for you.
Currently reading the new Karen Rose.
Soft pick. Entertaining and you really want to know what‘s going on.
Brilliant story telling as always ♥️ Paige continues to make bad decisions and deal with the consequences and have lots of battles!
This one is set outside Scion (not a spoiler -it‘s in the blurb!) which is really interesting to see the free worlds perspective.
Hopefully not 4 years until the next one!
Making progress!
Got 50% through Nemisis, usually love this series but this one is flat and boring….may finish.
Loved My Good Bright Wolf.
Started Dark Mirror this morning and it‘s great 😁
It‘s time 😁 I have so much to do today, but…
I love Moss‘s books and her writing style and this memoir explores many of the themes that come out in her fiction.
Hard to say you loved a book that‘s so full of trauma and self hate. I thought the narrative was so well done - as if keeping at arms length the horrible and harmful thoughts in her head.
I wish her all the best.
Finished re-read of The Mask Falling
Read 2nd in AI detective series- Leave no Trace
Debut novel Exile was good
Just started next one in Orphan X series - Nemesis.
On way to London to see a play 😁
I‘ve been arguing with our history department all week about GAI and assessments and then read a book with an AI detective.However, I did enjoy the book 😁
The re-read was just as good! All ready for number 5 next week and going to see Samantha talk about it ♥️
Old Soul was great.
Re-reading The Mask Falling to be extra prepared for the next one which I‘ve very excited about.
Hardly any reading this week. Ofsted in work, don‘t get to pee or eat never mind read.
On way to crime book festival with @squirrelbrain . I‘m looking forward to MW Craven and Michael Wood and hearing some authors new to me.
Two new books today.
Merch is from new exhibition at British Library that I sadly can‘t get to- Medieval Women. The bookmarks are Joan of Arc and Eleanor of Aquitaine ❤️
Really good historical fiction. Jumps between WW2 and the Berlin Wall going up. Not an easy read and a lot of traumatic goings on.
Loved Wolf at the Table
Continued series with A Deadly Promise.
Currently reading The Silence in Between and enjoying!
Very surprised at all the meh reviews here (have only looked now once finished!).
I thought it was great.
Dysfunctional family, with one mega dysfunctional son. Decide yourself what made him this way.
Busy work week, slow reading week
2 wolf books! Currently reading Wolf at the Table and enjoying.
A pick because I was engaged and wanted to know what was going on. This became apparent half way through! Could have cut first half by 100 pages or so. Really stretched the plot.
Great last 25% and a whopping cliff hanger.
#seriesread2025 19/19
#serieslove2025 3/4
I‘m re-reading for the build up to number 5 being published next month.
This is the one where the series really takes off for me and you‘re waving the flag for Paige.
Finished The Martyr‘s Curse- from the Ben Hope series.
Finished Still Missing- tense harrowing read.
Nearly finished The Song Rising.
Brought this book because some of my trusted Litsy folks put it on their best of lists for last year.
What a compelling, sad, haunting read. I couldn‘t look away, this is the sort of dread you just don‘t want to ever imagine.
Very well written, sad reminder of homophobia in the 80s, though not gone away completely obviously.
Usual all action, killing of people everywhere, saving the world plot 😁 if that‘s what you‘re expecting you‘ll never be disappointed.
#serieslove2025 11/30 - that‘s still a lot of series left.
Back to work and no time or brain power for any ‘hard‘ reading! So I‘ve just been picking next one in the many series I‘m reading.
I‘ve mostly given up on Patterson for a variety of reasons. Can‘t quite give up this series yet. An improvement on the last couple.
#serieslove2025 22/25
The last couple I‘ve read in this series have definitely been the weakest- but back with a bang with this one. Great plot/twists and turns and a right woah at the end I wasn‘t expecting!
#serieslove2025 11/12
Another great addition to the series- solving cold crime cases and getting the baddies! Unexpected twist in this one.
#serieslove2025 6/6 up to date in this one.
Good weeks reading. Enjoyed all these.
Sadly work is looming on Monday!
2 things the government told teenage me in the 1980s- sex with anyone, ever will give you AIDS and you will die. Hide under the stairs or a table and you‘ll survive nuclear war. As we know, both are a big, fat lie. I learned politicians lie.
‘Humans‘ ability to do science has helped humans refine killing.‘
There will be no winners in a nuclear war.
6 minutes to decide how and who to kill?
Terrifying scenario.
I have read this book in the last 24 hours and feel a bit battered and broken.
It‘s amazing, a work of art, but brutal and honest.
I learned a lot and googled a lot!
Brilliant story telling.
Not influenced at all by Litsy folks….
As ordered on Christmas Day 😁
Very twisty thriller, kept me entertained and thinking all day.
Lots of trigger warnings.
Pretty sure I won‘t finish another one before the end of tomorrow. Took me ages. Got to 18 quickly then just couldn‘t decide another 6. Anyway, here we are for today.