After announcing the 6 fabulous books for #camplitsy24, Meg, Barbara and I thought you might like to see the 10 books that ‘nearly‘ made the list. (In no particular order)
James was by far our runaway winner, with 4 in 10 Littens voting for it. Next were Bear and Clear, with around a quarter of you voting for each one.
The other 3 winning books gained just a few more votes than these 10, so a close-run race!
We‘d love to hear your thoughts!
@Addison_Reads @AmyG @BarbaraJean @batsy @bennettBookworm @Bkclubcare @Bklover @Bookbuyingaddict @BookNAround @Bookwormjillk @cariashley @Caroline2 @CarolynM 11mo