Might be delayed getting home because of Hurricane Henri. I‘ll just have spend a few extra days here. Don‘t know how I‘ll manage!
Nashoba Valley Winery.
I did not want this to end.
Loving the latest selection from our book club at work.
Reading is occurring. I swear.
Downloading an audiobook for the drive tomorrow. Joining the Pfizer club and getting my first dose. Such a relief.
“He had had many mistresses in the past, from one of whom he had contracted syphilis, and as a cardinal he had fathered three daughters.”
on Cardinal Della Rovere/Pope Julius
Is there anyone in this book who *doesn‘t* have syphilis??
I heard about this at a talk about witches on International Women‘s Day earlier this month and was pleased to find it was available as an ebook through my library. For all the time I‘ve spent in the places listed in this book, it never occurred to me that there were so few monuments to women. We must do better.
Has anyone tried her teas? Are they as good as they sound? I am so tempted by her descriptions.
Still hoping for an appearance by Crowley though.
“All good secrets have a taste before you tell them, and if we‘d taken a moment to swish this one around in our mouths, we might have noticed the sourness of an unripe secret, plucked too soon, stolen and passed around before its season.”
It snowed here today. Massive amounts and still falling. Perfect night for warm gingerbread and a foggy Victorian detective story.
Actually reading an #arc whilst it is still an arc and not five months after it‘s been published! Charles Lenox is always good fun.
January #recap #wrapup #januarywrapup
Nine for me.
Three nonfiction, six fiction.
Goodreads challenge: 9/52.
“Why do you think your values would work in a culture you don‘t understand?”
2021 may just be the year of the chunkster. I didn‘t set any reading goals or challenges, apart from my book a week goodreads goal, but I‘m feeling motivated to take on some of my bulkier TBRs.
“I prefer cinnamon twists over scones because they‘re easier to eat while I‘m reading. That‘s my main priority when it comes to food. Other people are obsessed with calories, nutritional value, antioxidants. I look at food and wonder: Can I eat that without having to put my book down?”
Me too, Nora, me too.
@AmyG this is one of my faves! #berniememes
Starting with the third book in the series, but I think I‘m familiar enough with this cast of characters to keep up. 😉
Highly recommend the tagged book. A great multigenerational Mexican-American family story. I will be looking for more from this author. #integrateyourshelf
1. Tagged book. I‘m laughing. I‘m crying. It‘s good.
2. Last book I finished in 2020 was Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch
3. Same as last year, 52. No challenges or themes, just making my way through what‘s on my wee TBR cart.
“Our Lord and Savior demands a sacrifice! Sacrifice your favorite television programs.”
“Chingado,” Big Angel said, looking around at his family. “There goes Ice Road Truckers.”
Today‘s very restrained book haul from The Book Barn. I am now looking for the remaining two in the Cazalet series to match these three.
Happy new year and happy Hogmanay to any Scottish Littens out there! May your 2021 be free from interruptions.
The St Mary‘s short story, becoming a bit of a Christmas tradition for me.
I hope all of you are tucked up with a good book today. Merry Christmas!
It took less than two minutes to get to my place and I spent the entire car ride wondering whether my outfit looked good enough for my ghost to float around in for an eternity.
And you would not believe how many pajama pants you can get away with wearing to nice places if you just slap a sharply cut blazer on top of them.
Probably going to be up all night reading and laughing.
Thanks to the kind friend who included antique map magnetic bookmarks with her Christmas card! #bookishfriendsarethebestfriends
Just one more day of work and then I plan to install myself here for the rest of the year.
Forgot to sign up for the swap, so I bought myself a #jolabokaflod gift. At 700+ pages, that should keep me out of trouble for a bit!
I have seen this little train at Jai Vilas!
...for delivering after-dinner drinks and sweets: Then he pressed a button—and the train started. It is a lovely silver train, every detail perfect, run by electricity and has seven trucks—Brandy—Port—cigars—cigarettes—sweets—nuts—and chocolates. If you lift the glass lining to the truck or a decanter the train stops automatically. It is the nicest toy—and perfect for a State Banquet!
Hot spicy food was condemned as overly stimulating and likely to arouse dangerous passions and lusts.
Surprise #bookmail is the best! Can‘t wait to start this.
#goodreadschallenge #goodreadschallenge2020 #readingeurope2020 #england #history #herstory
Thanks to goodreads for this timely giveaway!
Great weekend with #dar friends attending our virtual state meeting. So nice to socialize and feel normal for a bit.
Wondering what‘s the best way to report an error in a book. This image, intended to be the coronation of Henry I, is actually the coronation of Edward the Confessor.
Buy two get one free on used books at Powell‘s with TIMETOVOTE code. Website only, not valid in the store.
Him: what do you want for our anniversary?
Me: just buy me a book.
Another lazy day on the sofa with a book and tea.
Spent most of today with this one. Of course you already know the ending but still a good read.
When your library reopens after lockdown and all of your holds come in at once.
Few stork-revering peoples have gone quite as far as the Maghribis: according to Ali Bey, the endowments of the Fez lunatic asylum were regularly diverted to pay for the nursing of sick storks, which were believed to be temporarily transmogrified humans.
Not a lot of reading this month. Still feeling in a bit of a slump I suppose. Just four for September.
On a positive note, I‘m enjoying the virtual Wigtown Book Festival and have several new TBRs as a result.