1. Gardening, walking around Longwood Gardens, going to the beach
2. I pick up books about bees and gardening when I want inner peace.
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. Gardening, walking around Longwood Gardens, going to the beach
2. I pick up books about bees and gardening when I want inner peace.
@TheSpineView #two4tuesday
I‘ve been MIA! Got to spend almost 2 weeks in Germany visiting our daughter and her family. Did a side trip to Belgium. Enjoyed reading to my grandson - 17 books!! I miss them so much and hope they move back to the states soon. 🧡
Wow!! Loved this one. Couldn‘t put it down!!
Good one! I bought it a long time ago because I read some other books by this author that I enjoyed.
This was good. Started out slow but definitely got better!!
I could have read this in one sitting if I didn‘t have so many obligations!
I definitely could relate to this. But it didn‘t live up to the hype. Quick easy read though.
Beach with my hubby
Pink Hydrangeas
Fresh haircut
Longwood Gardens with my niece
Bee on a pink Zinnia
@DebinHawaii #5JoysFriday
Finishing a good book
Starting a much anticipated book
Fresh flowers from my gardens in new to me vase
Spending time with my grandson and his parents
FaceTiming with my daughter and grandson
@DebinHawaii #5joysfriday
Ah! Starting a new book at the pool!
Up late last night as I came to the end of this. I loved this book! I did find that there were some things that bothered me but not enough to stop me from enjoying it.
1. A door to a secret garden
2. Butterflies
3. Johnny Jump Ups!
4. A bee sleeping on my lavender
5. The American flag on Flag Day
@DebinHawaii #5JoysFriday