Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @peaKnit
1. I have made some but am still thinking about some others!
2. There are lots of books I am looking forward to reading in 2025!!
@Pageturner1 @Mommamanzi @KateReadsYA
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @peaKnit
1. I have made some but am still thinking about some others!
2. There are lots of books I am looking forward to reading in 2025!!
@Pageturner1 @Mommamanzi @KateReadsYA
#Two4Tuesay @TheSpineView and thank you for the tag!
1. I think I‘ll set a goal of 100 books this year. I am curious what retirement will look like and will it mean more time for books? 🤔
2. I‘m looking forward to the John Boyne element series, I broke down and ordered the first one. It‘s not readily available in the US. I think I‘ll check with my interlibrary loan hook up to see what magic could happen.
@JenReadsAlot @Kshakal @BethM
Thanks for the tag @peaKnit
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I don‘t know that I have a favorite song… my music tastes change with my mood.
2. Don‘t know why by Norah Jones
I tag anyone who wants to play and hasn‘t!!
Thanks for the tag @peaKnit
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I love a good polka dot!
2. I finished my library book this morning and am now reading my book club book, but am sure I will return to a library book soon, since my Christmas reads are coming in at a steady pace!
@Mommamanzi @Pageturner1 @KateReadsYA
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesdays
1. I dressed up as a magic 8 ball for my friends Halloween party this past weekend!
2. I don‘t like to be scared so I didn‘t read anything scary…
@BethM @peaKnit @JenReadsAlot
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @peaKnit
1. Wine
2. First Lie Wins … it as so good!
@Pageturner1 @Mommamanzi @KateReadsYA
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. Apple
2. I finished listening to Spare by Prince Harry on my phone
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaKnit
Thanks for the tag @peaKnit #two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Oh my gosh, it has been over 10 years
2. I totally would take a book with me to an amusement park!
@Mommamanzi @Pageturner1 @KateReadsYA
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Somewhere near water where I can rest, relax and recharge
2. Something light, fun and beachy
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaKnit
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
1. My ideal summer vacation has been a staycation with equal parts day trips and yard work. I don‘t enjoy the hustle of summer vacation with all the kids out of school, so I prefer little doses. I treasure a fall trip.
2. Staycation is a blend of easy reads and more thoughtful ones, I tend to keep it light on vacay when I travel. Last week I made a list of reads and checked them off, a book vacation success!
I would love to get anything from my tbr on litsy… I am not picky! 🤓
#two4tuesday #tuesdaygiveaway @TheSpineView
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaKnit
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @JenReadsAlot
1. I think that by nature to be an author you have to be creative but I love an author who can knock a dual timeline out of the park like Fiona Davis
2. I think my favorite of hers is the lions of fifth avenue
@KateReadsYA @Mommamanzi @Pageturner1
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Neither but if I had to choose, I would rather have a dirty car than a dirty house
2. Oscar Madison from the odd couple
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaKnit
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Not that I can think of!
2. I love the special abilities of the characters in Fourth Wing!
@BethM @peaKnit @JenReadsAlot
Thank you for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. I am excited for my book club books this month… coincidentally they are all psychological thrillers and I have been in the mood for that genre!
2. I just pre-ordered my copy of black onyx (the third fourth wing book)!
@JenReadsAlot @BethM @peaKnit
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. Nope
2. Anything by Tessa Bailey or Lucy Score
@BethM @peaKnit @JenReadsAlot
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I hate Valentine‘s Day but I love chocolate!
2. I love the friendship that develops in legends and lattes
@BethM @peaKnit @JenReadsAlot
Thanks for the tag @JenReadsAlot and @TheSpineView
1. Being able to travel and to read endlessly
2. Eat, Pray, Love first came to mind
@BethM @peaKnit
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @JenReadsAlot
1. It isn‘t a must but it is always a plus!
2. The holiday mix-up
@peaKnit @BethM
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView @BethM
1. I want to read 100 books this year and attend bookish events!
2. I am not doing any through litsy
@JenReadsAlot @peaKnit
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I just had Christmas with my book club this morning and got lots of bookish things!
2. Book journals, bookmarks, etc.
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaKnit
Thanks for the tag @JenReadsAlot
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I want to learn to play guitar
2. Harry Potter is the first one that comes to mind!
@Mommamanzi @KateReadsYA @Pageturner1
Thanks for the tag @peaknit
1. I loved catch me if you candy by Ellie Alexander
2. I read nothing but Christmas fluff in December and love every minute of it!
@KateReadsYA @Mommamanzi @Pageturner1
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. That my food can‘t touch!
2. The very secret society of irregular witches
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
🍁 Yes
🍁 Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys
Want to play? @CoverToCoverGirl @mom_of_4 @Clwojick @Tove_Reads
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. It is a tie between remarkably bright creatures and the extraordinary life of Sam Hell
2. The weather is gross here so I doubt I will have many trick or treaters so I plan on curling up with the kittens and watching hocus pocus!
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Why make me choose when I can have both!
2. Cozy mysteries
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. Breakfast… I could eat breakfast all the time!!
2. The bakeshop mystery series by Ellie Alexander!
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @peaknit
1. I haven‘t… I have thought about it but have never done it
2. I can‘t think of any but would love some good recommendations!!
@JenReadsAlot @BethM
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I enjoy playing most sports and but the only sport I like to watch is track and field!
2. I found The Boys in the Boat by: Daniel James Brown to be very interesting!!
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView and @peaknit
1. It is a 3 way tie between the wishing game, our missing hearts, and the home for unwanted girls
2. I loved them for different reasons but all 3 grabbed my attention and didn‘t let go, even after I finished!
@BethM @JenReadsAlot
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. I go back for inservice on the 28th and students come back on September 1st
2. Only child by: Rhiannon Navin
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. There‘s something about merry by: Cody Hall
2. I am a sucker for a good romance and an even bigger sucker for a holiday romance!
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Staying inside mostly
2. I don‘t know that an author has inspired me… there are many that have stuck with me, however!
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView
Thanks for the tag @Sharpeipup ☺️
1. Starbucks passion tea lemonade 🍋🌺
2. Outside if it's not too miserably humid 🥵 I love reading in my hammock in the shade
Tagging if you haven't already played @dabbe @Catsandbooks @Roary47
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. I love a good lavender lemonade or a peach iced tea!
2. If it is nice outside I am a total outside reader… if not, it is inside for me!
@JenReadsAlot @peaknit @BethM
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. Yes, many of them
2. There is no real organization to them, just as long as they look pretty! 🤓
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
1. All are going good. Over halfway with my GR goal.
2. Nope! Just keep plugging away at the ones I am doing.
#Two4Tuesdays @TheSpineView
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. I am over halfway to my goal, so I am feeling good about that!
2. Just to keep plugging along! 🤓
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Reese Witherspoon
2. Emily Bryant from Lost Coast Literary
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
1) probably to a quiet beach resort where I could spend the day reading with plenty of libations being brought to me,
2) I probably would go on my own
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView
1. I would go to Ashland, Oregon the setting of my favorite cozy mystery series!
2. My friend Kellie, who also loves the series
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #two4tuesday
1. Horse by: Geraldine Brooks
2. May was actually a really good reading month for me… I enjoyed everything I read this month!
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. Cookout at my Mom‘s on Monday
2. Health, happiness and all the books in the world!
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot
1. Literary Lady
2. My tbr books and the Harry Potter series!
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
@BethM @JenReadsAlot @peaknit
Thanks for the tag @Eggs
#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
1. There is a local place called the Scheely House which does wonderful seasonal food!
2. I always enjoy a cozy centered around a bakery or restaurant!
@BethM @peaknit @JenReadsAlot