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Joined April 2018

Reader, Musician, Crocheter, Super Aunt, Christian
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My #Roll100 selections for May! Can‘t believe I got two #sunfires in one month!

Funny Girl Like Me | Jan O'Donnell
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I will probably keep this book just because Lori Loughlin is on the cover! 🤣 #FullHouse

Another #paperbackcrush selection, and this one was pretty fun. It‘s so interesting to read these 80‘s YA that I never read. They seem harder to read than things from the time that I did, even though I know SVH and BSC have those moments too. Amazing what nostalgia adds to a read!

Savage Spirit | Meg Cameron
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I can‘t remember where I found this book, but I enjoyed it way more than I expected. This was written at a time when stereotypes weren‘t kind, but liked the story between the two main characters. The mullet on the cover kills me though! 😂 😂
#doublespin - April @TheAromaofBooks

Ruthiella Business in the front, party in the back! 😂 5mo
TheAromaofBooks I love the 80s habit of having the characters in the cover have various 80s things going on rather than attempting to make them actually match the era of the book. I have read several Grace Livingston Hill books (can you get milder romance than that??) originally published in the 20s with dramatic 80s covers and they always crack me up 5mo
keys_on_fire @TheAromaofBooks Yes! I called out the mullet because your eyes are drawn there first, but the female model also has a much for 1980‘s ‘do 😂 I may have to look for the ones your mentioned! 5mo
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Sing about Us | Winifred Madison
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Another #paperbackcrush book and my #bookspin for April. I did not like this one. It was cringy all the way through. I remember being at odds with friends over boys, but this guy was a jerk! The only reason I finished it was because it was so short.


Sace That dude looks like the guy on the cover of Superflirt too! 5mo
TheAromaofBooks At least it's off the list!! 5mo
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Read this as part of the readathon a couple of weeks ago. I‘d call this a soft pick. It‘s a collection of short stories about love and life in high school. The book benefits from the stories being short, as the book on the whole hasn‘t aged well. Mostly fun, a little squirmy 😂

MaureenMc I owned this book as a tween. 😄 5mo
BarbaraJean Hahaha—I remember reading Ellen Conford as a tween/teen! Also: I have that same bookmark 😁🌮 5mo
keys_on_fire @barbarajean Haha awesome! 🌮 5mo
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Power Outage | Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti
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Power outage at the campground last night due to the wind and the rain. Until it warms up outside or the heat comes back on in the cabin, this is where I‘ll be starting the readathon!

BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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Just realized I never posted my #bookspin list for April! Better late than never, I guess… 😂
#bookspin is Sing About Us
#doublespin is Savage Spirit

Hoping to knock both out tomorrow!

TheAromaofBooks Yay!!! Looks fabulous!! Love the umbrellas!! Very fitting for the April we've had so far around here 😑 5mo
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My #TBR for tomorrow‘s #Deweys24HrReadathon!
I am at my cabin retreat, so I always bring more than I know I can read, cuz I definitely need choices! 😂

Hoping the rain stops as predicted so I can read outside a bit, and maybe even have a fire!

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The MinaLima edition is so beautiful; the cover, the illustrations and the pop outs! Can‘t wait to read The Chamber of Secrets next!

Annie Bot | Sierra Greer
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I can‘t WAIT for someone I know to read this so that I can discuss this with someone! I devoured this book. It was a quick read, and sometimes frustrating but in a way that serves the story. The themes of gender expectations, AI, and relationships keep you thinking long after the story is over. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Michellesibs Loved it also, so good!!! 6mo
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I enjoy books about the Windsors and this was no exception. I really liked how the author interviewed common contemporaries of Elizabeth and was able to set the stage for each chapter with a compare/contrast between them.

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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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I didn‘t complete my #bookspin or my #doublespin this month, but I did get a bingo!! 🥳 🌈

2,676 pages read over 11 books:
Victoria (Sunfire)
When Jesus Wept
On What Grounds
Elizabeth & Phillip
HP & the Sorcerers Stone- MinaLima Edition
Annie Bot
The Steps of Pittsburgh
Killing England
And three BSC books


TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 6mo
Megs_R If you have time, I highly encourage you to read the Poisonwood Bible. By far my favorite book! 5mo
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The Real Deal | Caitlin Devlin
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#bookspin: The Real Deal (tagged book)
#doublespin: The Road

Going hard for a bingo this month!!!

Gissy Love it! 💕 👌 7mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🩷🩷🩷 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 7mo
See All 6 Comments
monkeygirlsmama Such a cute board. 7mo
Deblovestoread I love your bingo boards! 7mo
keys_on_fire @Deblovestoread Thank you! I like to make it fun for me to fill in! 7mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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No bingos this month 🙁, but it was fun building snowmen! Hope to make February a better month!


AnnR Cute! ⛄️ 7mo
Gissy So organized ⛄️ 👌 7mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Great progress this month!! 7mo
monkeygirlsmama OMG and again! So cute. 7mo
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The Woman in Me | Britney Spears
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Media is about selling…doesn‘t matter if it‘s papers, books, music, movies…or people. I‘m not saying that Britney is an innocent victim, but that there were a lot of people who sold her out & made money off of her WAY before her family stole her freedom.

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Super cute book! I loved the relationship of Flora and her dad, but felt sad/mad that the mom had to be the adversary.

monkeygirlsmama Read this with my daughter years back and remember thoroughly enjoying it. 7mo
CogsOfEncouragement I read this with my kids years ago and we loved it. 7mo
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I love nonfiction that reads like fiction! For the most part, I felt this book fits that bill. There were a couple of chapters that felt like they went off on tangents, but the main story was obviously how there is usually a hardworking ancestor who amasses a fortune that is ultimately squandered but those who follow. Looking forward to Astor!

marleed I love that Anderson‘s sons have his published perspective. I have Astor on a long library hold but it‘s slowly moving closer to me! 7mo
keys_on_fire @marleed I lucked into a half price copy at Books-a-Million so I snagged it. Hoping to start it once I‘m done with Legendborn! 7mo
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This was my #doublespin for January, & Circle prompt for #ISpyBingo.

It‘s always fun to find books that refer to places you know, so when I heard about this I had to read it. I‘ve never read Pride & Prejudice, so I can‘t make comparisons, but I liked the romance between the two MC‘s.

@TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 7mo
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What the River Knows | Isabel Ibaez
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Catching up on my posting, having been super sick the last week of January.
#ISpyBingo - grave/tombstone

I enjoyed the background of Egypt and found myself looking up things that were mentioned. I appreciate how the author was trying to weave a magical element, but I feel like it wasn‘t fully baked or explained. I‘m torn as to whether I will read the sequel or not.
@TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick

TheAromaofBooks Hope you are feeling better!! I've enjoyed other books by this author - this one is on my list to get from the library soon! 7mo
monkeygirlsmama Glad it sounds like you're feeling better!! 🌞 7mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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My #Roll100 books for February!

The Firebird
The Road

I‘m looking forward to all of these actually!

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Beginning this one on an evening spent in a hotel room that is in an old NASA engineering building!

We Ate the Dark | Mallory Pearson
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I know it‘s likely not fair to judge a book on its first 10 pages, so I‘ll say that maybe it‘s just not the right season of my life for me to be reading this right now. Either way, the story that should be sucking me into reading it is lost with analogies, metaphors and overly descriptive sentences that actually say nothing at all.

keys_on_fire (Continued) It also felt like the author was trying to create a sense that the reader should already know what was going on, a familiarity that really wasn‘t yet grounded. DNF‘ing 8mo
TheAromaofBooks I usually try to get a book 50 pages, but sometimes you just know right away that book is going to be a big NOPE 😂 8mo
monkeygirlsmama Too many books out there, if this one isn't doing it for you right now then there's no shame in calling it! 8mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 💜🩶💜 8mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My nephew saw me using my own #bujo to log my #bookspinbingo and wanted his own version! He got a notebook and picked his books and we crafted the bingo board together. I‘m so excited that he‘s into it!


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Awwww 💙💙 8mo
JackOBotts This is the sweetest! 🥹🥹🥹🥹 8mo
TheBookgeekFrau Omg, So. Cute! 8mo
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TheSpineView Train them young.😆😊📖📚 8mo
BookishMadHatter That's awesome! And such a sweet thing you guys can do together 8mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 8mo
Smrloomis Oh so adorable 😍 8mo
Ruthiella That‘s adorable! 😊 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Oh yay!!! I love it!!! 8mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My total for #wintergames2024
My apologies on the late post…I‘ve been under the weather and it totally slipped my mind. I hope it‘s not too late, but completely understand if it is.

I had a lot of fun this year! Thanks to my team and to the hosts! @StayCurious @Clwojick

StayCurious Hope you‘re feeling better! 8mo
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The Christmas Fix | Lucy Score
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I was not expecting such a steamy book! Fun ‘enemies-to-lovers‘ story set in a Christmas town that is getting an overhaul from a reality fix-it show. Loved the characters, but I figured out the gist of the ending pretty early on in the book. I‘ll put my mild spoiler in the comments so that if you‘ve read it, you can chime in.

keys_on_fire I knew that Car should or would build her school in Merry so that she could have everything and not have to choose. HOWEVER, I wish that she could‘ve figured this out on her own rather than pick to stay with Noah and then NOAH saves her dream with the suggestion/realization that she could build the school there. 😑 😂 9mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My December #bookspinbingo results! So close to a bingo 😩
I didn‘t get as much reading done this year compared to the last couple of December‘s. I blame Disney Dreamlight Valley! 😂😂😂


Jari-chan Oh, your journal looks so nice! 9mo
keys_on_fire @Jari-chan Thank you!! 9mo
marleed What a pretty journal! 9mo
TheAromaofBooks Yay!! Fantastic month!! 9mo
keys_on_fire @marleed Thank you!! 9mo
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BookSpinBingo | Untitled
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My #bookspin list for January!
#bookspin = We are the Dark (Kindle First selection)
#doublespin = my library hold


TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy - can't wait to see your snowmen!!!! 9mo
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Reading Tracker | Amy Collins
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I liked doing my pixel tracker for my reading so much last year that I set up a new one for 2024!
#bujo #wintergames @StayCurious @Clwojick

Clwojick I did a version of this last year too, and I loved how it came out, until i hit a major slump, then it made me sad. 😂 I should try your version of this with daily pages read, instead of daily books finished, since that seems a little more realistic for my upcoming year.

Also, look at you go with all those purple blocks! You go girl!
(edited) 9mo
keys_on_fire @Clwojick yes! The pages read made it so that I felt I had progress each day because even 1 page counted! 9mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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I decided to join the #SeriesLove2024 challenge with all of you and our awesome hosts @TheSpineView and @Andrew65
Some I‘ve started, but most I‘ve purchased but haven‘t begun. A couple have way more than 12, but I‘m just hoping for one a month. Either way, I‘m just happy to start making progress on them!
#wintergames @StayCurious @Clwojick

Andrew65 Great to have you with us. Good luck 😁 9mo
TheSpineView So glad to have you!📚📚📚 9mo
Clwojick Love this #BulletJournal spread! I still have to get my 2024 pages done. You should double up the challenges, and join the #BacklistReadathon!

P.S I have to finish ACOTOR too! I devoured the first 3, but I desperately need to get back into it!
keys_on_fire @Clwojick I‘ll check out #backlistreadathon! Thanks for the tip! I read the first one of ACOTAR for a book club several years ago and loved it, but other reading goals kept me from setting aside time for the others. Time to reread the first and keep going with the rest! And thanks for the compliment as well! 9mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Last day of #wintergames and still trying to rack up those points! Was watching HIMYM while getting my #bujo layouts done and this episode comes on where the gang is riding around to different New Year‘s Eve parties.
6pts for #TeamWreathItAndWeep - @melissajayne @StayCurious @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @julieclair @JenReadsAlot @Lin3han @GHABI4ROSES @ncsufoxes

Untitled | Unknown
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Feeling pretty good about this, considering that I had to pack, move, and unpack this summer. Likely keeping the same goal for 2024, since I read A LOT of SVH to start this year off and donate them before I moved. Gonna try to read more substantial books this year…
#Happy New Year!!

Ruthiella Excellent! 👏👏👏 9mo
wanderinglynn Awesome! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🎉 9mo
eeclayton Congrats! 🎉 9mo
Gissy Congratulations 📚📚📚🥳🎉🎉🎉👏👏👏 9mo
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Untitled | Unknown
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Really looking forward to all of these! #roll100

Untitled | Unknown
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I‘ve never done #roll100 before, but here‘s my list!

Are there any rules or guidelines I should be aware of?
Thank you @PuddleJumper for hosting!

Texreader @PuddleJumper Please let us know how to play. I‘ve never done this either! 9mo
PuddleJumper @Texreader @keys_on_fire I don't think there are any rules! 😅 You make a list of 100 books you want to read, every month I roll 3 numbers, and you read the corresponding books. You can read them all or none. People read them later on etc etc It's a fun way to clear down TBRs 9mo
Texreader @PuddleJumper oh awesome! I‘ll give it a try!! 9mo
keys_on_fire @PuddleJumper Thank you! That‘s pretty much the impression I got, but just wanted to make sure I wasn‘t missing something. Can‘t wait to start! 9mo
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Needed one more book to hit my Goodreads goal! Thanks to my nephews for supplying a book 😂
Impulse Read - 10pts
Total: 11pts

#wintergames #TeamWreathItAndWeep - @melissajayne @StayCurious @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @julieclair @JenReadsAlot @Lin3han @GHABI4ROSES @ncsufoxes

julieclair Woo hoo! Congrats! 9mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Since my nephews were born, I‘ve been staying in to hang out with them. The last several years we have played hourly games, usually Minute to Win It style. We have a ‘photo booth‘, and sparkling grape juice with gummy bears or gummy worms in it.
New Year‘s Eve next year might be something completely different…I‘d like to go on a trip and celebrate in a completely new place!
#wintergames #teamwreathitandweep

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The Reunion: A Novel | Kayla Olson
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I really enjoyed this behind-the-scenes love story. The use of social media & news articles interspersed with the actual narrative was a fun touch. The female MC was a little bit annoying in the beginning, but I‘m glad I hung in because it paid off. It also turned out to have a few #WGWordSearch hits! 720 pts
TBR read - 15pts

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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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1. The House of Eve by Sedeqa Johnson
2. Sparing the Heart by Tracy Krimmer
3. Playing Minute to Win It with my nephews - one game per hour
4. Don‘t celebrate Boxing Day, but it was Christmas part 2 for the other half of my family 😊
5. Somewhere between brown and green lol!😂 I‘m always happier with a white Christmas!
50 pts #wintergames

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I love discovering pretty books under the dust jacket! I stayed up way later this evening than intended because this book just sucked me in! It‘s not a completely unique premise, but I just really wanted to see how things would pan out. I also really loved the accompanying gifts for this book box. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#wintergames #wgwordsearch 7880 pts
Impulse read 10 pts, Holiday read 25 pts
Licorice Castle badge: 20pts
Total: 7936 pts

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Highland Christmas | M C Beaton
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Sorry for the review dump, but catching up after a week of just getting ready for Christmas and fighting off some sickness. I listened to this while driving to the outlet mall last weekend and it was a fun little story. Loved the Scottish narrator!!

#wintergames #wgwordsearch 1300 pts
Impulse read 10 pts, holiday read 25 pts
Total: 1336 pts

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A Quiet Life: A Novel | Ethan Joella
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While the story centers around loss, I was drawn in by the characters and how they each were trying to find their new path. Not typically the type of book I would read this time of year, I appreciated the message and it made me thankful for what my own blessings are.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
#wintergames #wgwordsearch 1090 pts
TBR read 15 pts, winter read 25 pts
Total: 1131 pts

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The individual book was not in the database. This is for the 3rd book in the series. I had fun with this one, mainly because I could relate to the piano playing and the movie theater aspects of the story. Very quick and fun read for this time of year. Looking forward to trying a full length novel by this author soon.
#wintergames #wgwordsearch 1280 pts
TBR read 15 pts, holiday read 25 pts, Bingo 20pts
Total: 1341 pts

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I forgot that I ordered this, so it didn‘t make it onto my #wintergames TBR, but what better way to spend Christmas evening than with a holiday story where you can open some gifts along the way?!?

#TeamWreathItAndWeep - @melissajayne @StayCurious @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @julieclair @JenReadsAlot @Lin3han @GHABI4ROSES @ncsufoxes

StayCurious sounds wonderful! 9mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Watching The Holiday while wrapping presents! Part of my #holidaytradition 🎁 🎄

5 points for movie
20pts for tradition
Total 26pts for #wintergames

#TeamWreathItAndWeep - @melissajayne @StayCurious @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @julieclair @JenReadsAlot @Lin3han @GHABI4ROSES @ncsufoxes

ncsufoxes We watched this tonight too. Probably my favorite Christmas movie ever 9mo
StayCurious Holiday Tradition earns you 20 points! Plus 5 for the movie, plus 1 for the post! 9mo
keys_on_fire @StayCurious Forgot about the tradition piece! Thanks for the reminder!! 9mo
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Stayed home today with a sick nephew and we decided to watch the original How the Grinch Stole Christmas!!
#wintergames #teamwreathitorweep
10 pts for holiday movie based on a book

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This review is for One Enchanted Eve, which is the second in this novella series. It is not in the catalog. I enjoyed this one more than the first, likely because the characters were already established. This family likes to meet and fall in love quickly! 😆
This was my #doublespin for December @TheAromaofBooks
#wintergames - TBR Holiday read 40pts
#WGWordSearch - 2360pts

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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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My first James Patterson - very quick and easy read. I feel the style of this is almost like that person in a friend group who tries too hard to tell the best story to make you like them. With two authors, I‘m not sure who this style belongs to more? Fun for #wintergames tho!
#teamwreathitandweep @StayCurious
1651 pts - Holiday TBR and #WGWordSearch
Ice Cream Sea Badge - 20pts
Total: 1671pts

StayCurious James Patterson may be a tad...dare I say...overrated? 9mo
keys_on_fire @Catsandbooks #candylandreadathon Magic/Supernatural Event, Solves A Mystery, Character Is A Grinch, Features Animals, Pun/Alliteration in Title (edited) 9mo
keys_on_fire #wintergamesbookbingo Grinch Gets Into Holiday Spirit, A Miracle Occurs 9mo
Catsandbooks Woo! 👏🏼❄️🍭❤️ 9mo
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Wintergames | Litsy Litsy
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Just squeezed this in! 😂

#wintergames #teamwreathitandweep

julieclair Great list! I love your journal page. 9mo
StayCurious Great job! 9mo
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Fifteen | Beverly Cleary
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I love this story and reread it every so often. It is set in the 50‘s and it‘s neat to see what has changed and what has not, even in regard to dating and love.

This was an impulse read for #wintergames: 11 pts
Lollipop Woods badge: 20 pts
Total: 31pts

#TeamWreathItAndWeep - @melissajayne @StayCurious @BeckyWithTheGoodBooks @julieclair @JenReadsAlot @Lin3han @GHABI4ROSES @ncsufoxes

StayCurious I've never heard of this one, but I like Beverly Cleary 9mo
Ruthiella I didn‘t know she also wrote for teens! I‘m intrigued. 9mo
keys_on_fire @Catsandbooks #candylandreadathon Red Green or White on Cover, Reread 9mo
keys_on_fire @wintergamesbookbingo Red or Green Cover 9mo
Catsandbooks Yay! 🎉❄️🍭❤️ 9mo
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Quick and easy holiday novella, with an interesting twist of having a narrator that chimes in to explain certain ‘missing pieces‘ of the story. Kind of reminded me of the narrator in the Grinch, stylistically. I liked it, but could be something others would not. The next book in the series is my #doublespin for this month, so glad this wasn‘t a bust!
#wintergames #teamwreathitandweep
TBR Holiday Read: 40pts
#WGWordSearch: 1520pts

CogsOfEncouragement I read this and the second the last two Decembers. I plan to read the third this month. I enjoy them. 9mo
keys_on_fire @Catsandbooks #candylandreadathon - Nature Featured on Cover 9mo
keys_on_fire #wintergamesbookbingo published in December, Fairytale Ending 9mo
Catsandbooks ❄️🍭❤️ 9mo
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