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Desperation | Stephen King
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Was sort of picturing Johnny Marinville as Donal Logue (King Horik from Vikings) only with all gray hair

Desperation | Stephen King
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Was picturing Collie Entragian as Allan Ritchson from Jack Reacher

Desperation | Stephen King

3.5/5 ⭐️
Finally finished this book after two months! I liked it, it was good but not good enough to make me WANT to read it nightly. I kind of had to force myself to in a way. But I really did enjoy the creepiness of it, and I appreciated God being seen in a good light for the most part.

Desperation | Stephen King
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I feel like I spent most of the month reading this one, but it was really good.

Desperation | Stephen King
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This was a doozy! Not quite the level of It or The Shining, but it was a lot. Great story, very creepy bad guy. My only complaints are King‘s tendency to wax poetic, and his descriptions of women revolving around their boobs. Like I really did not need to know over and over how tiny one character‘s boobs are. Other than my eye rolls on those parts, good book.

Desperation | Stephen King
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I see it. Happy Birthday, Stephen King!

Desperation | Stephen King
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This was so fast paced for King, it was relentless horror from page one. This sucked me in from the get go, with big ol‘ Collie Entragian leading the way to the highway of hell and desperation.

The usual motley crew of King characters: the weary writer, the couple, the extraordinary preteen, the old guy. King writes so accurately of preteen feelings and his depiction of relationships and marriage is unerringly exact. Solid 5 ⭐️

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Desperation | Stephen King
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You have the right to remain silent,' the big cop said in his robot's voice. 'If you do not choose to remain silent, anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. I'm going to kill you. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand your rights as I have explained them to you?

Desperation | Stephen King
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I remember not loving this book the first time I read it. Time, apparently, has been kind to my regard. This was an absolute delight, and full of that most rare (at least, for me) moment in Stephen King's canon - passages that send my skin crawling and lead to a look or two over my shoulder. This group's time in Desperation was as much of a joy to read as it was a nightmare for them. 5/5

Desperation | Stephen King
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1. Hmm…I‘m pretty split between these two, but if forced to choose would lean towards thriller.
2. Haunted House! I love fantastical stories about monsters and ghosts more than the real thing.
3. This is a hard one, but I‘ll have to tag the book that had me the most frightened as I was reading it.
Thank you for the tag @MoonWitch94 ❤️🎃❤️
Tagging @WJCintron @KathyWheeler @Emilymdxn and @Addison_Reads (if you haven‘t already played 😅)

MoonWitch94 Good book choice! Thanks for playing 🎃✨📖🏚🕯 2y
WJCintron Thanks for the tag!! ❤️🙏😃 2y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Stephen King Readathon - 4/19

🎧 From the get-go you know Collie ain‘t right & it gets dark. I like it when King goes off the rails & while his narration isn‘t a performance as much as it‘s a reading, I really enjoyed it, he knows his characters.


Reggie Honestly, this book scared the hell out of me when I read it. And I felt so bad for the little boy whose whole family gets killed off. The mom, the sister and just when you think the dad might make it, nope. This one and Regulators scared the hell out of me. 2y
Twainy @Reggie me too! I like horror that can creep me OUT and it‘s been a long time … this was great. I think some of the books I‘m reading are underrated! Weirdly I don‘t think Regulators is on my list for this Readathon. The covers are cool. 2y
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Desperation | Stephen King

"In Steve‘s experience, some guys simply couldn‘t keep their hands off their horns or their dicks. They were always honking one or the other."

Desperation | Stephen King

""Third, thou shalt not score women for him . . . and he‘s apt to ask you, particularly if some good-looking babes show up at the receptions I‘m setting up for him along the way. As with the booze and the drugs, if he scores on his own, that‘s one thing. But don‘t help him." Steve had thought of telling Harris that he wasn‘t a pimp, that Harris must have confused him with his own father, and decided that would be fairly imprudent."

Desperation | Stephen King

""I see holes like eyes," the cop said. "My mind is full of them.""

Desperation | Stephen King
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I read The Regulators first and didn‘t care for it. I trusted the reviews that Desperation was much better. I really enjoyed Desperation; a creepy cop randomly apprehends people in a desert, in the middle of nowhere. Then, in true King fashion, the story becomes even more bizarre. We‘re talking possessed animals, abandoned mines, and a town with a strange history. The Regulators was forgettable and I will remember Desperation. #MountTBR

KathyWheeler I ended up liking The Regulators better the second time around, but Desperation is definitely the better book. I‘d forgotten, though how religious it got, so I was surprised by that when I reread it. 2y
WJCintron My favorite from Stephen King!! 2y
bookaholic1 This is the book that got me reading more of Kings books 2y
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NatalieR @KathyWheeler Yes! I was also surprised by the heft of religion in this book. Some of his other books have that theme too, but I felt exhausted by it at times in this one. 2y
KathyWheeler @NatalieR They do indeed, but it‘s so much lighter in the other books — it was heavy handed here. 2y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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It‘s a testament to how damn good Stephen King is that even his lesser works are eminently readable. I wasn‘t terribly connected to the plot or the characters, but I couldn‘t put the book down.

Desperation | Stephen King
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Scanning the aisles of a bookstore while actively listening a Stephen King book. My life in a nutshell.

Desperation | Stephen King
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This chunkster was by far my favorite read of #february2021. #12booksof2021

vivastory I only recently learned that this & Regulators we're released simultaneously 🤯 2y
vivastory *were 2y
Andrew65 Can‘t go far wrong with Stephen King. 2y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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⭐ ⭐ ⭐ http://suspensebookreviews.home.blog/2021/12/08/desperation-by-stephen-king/

Classic King tropes of people being trapped and good vs evil. This time a highway leads to Desperation, a small town haunted by an ancient evil. A group of strangers must work together to escape their death. Gruesome, detailed, and suspenseful. A bit heavy on the religion, God, and references in the second part for my liking, however.

KathyWheeler I reread this recently and discovered two things I‘d forgotten. 1: It starts off right away with action, and 2: how overtly religious it was. 3y
bookaholic1 Love, love, love, this book 3y
WJCintron My Favorite from SK! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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1. Sometimes. Sometimes it‘s the cover art. Mostly if the blurb sounds good.
2. Tagged. One of my all-time favorite King novels.

TheSpineView Great choice for question 2. Thanks for playing! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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#littensdressedinblood Today's #Prompt #Nightmareonmystreet
I read this book (Duology: Desperation/Regulators), when I was a freshman in college. I LOVED it! I need to re-read those one day. I really recommend Desperation if you like horror and gore.

I think this cover fits perfectly with today's prompt. This for sure looks like a nightmare on a street!!
#september prompts #september #regulators #stephenking #horror #favoriteduology

bthegood Recently re-read both of those - enjoyed regulators more than desperation but both are as good as I remembered them from my first read - 😊 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Desperation remains one of my all-time favorite King novels. 😍 3y
deeannloso I thought this one was just okay. Desperation was way better IMO. 😊 3y
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bookaholic1 I love Desperation, it was the first book of Stephen King. 3y
WJCintron @bthegood I enjoy going back and re-reading my favorite books. Sometimes my opinion changes, because maybe I read them when I was little, and now I see things in a different way. But SK, never disappoints. Well... some endings, lol. But I love him. I don't have all of his books. I need to complete my collection. 3y
WJCintron @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm It is!! 🙌 100% 😃 3y
WJCintron @deeannloso 😃 👍 3y
WJCintron @bookaholic1 Awesome! Glad it made you read more of his books. 😃 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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I did not get to finish this for our #20in4 #readathon, BUT I crushed the other two goals and had a blast. May finish that book this week! So fun to finally GET INTO IT, thank you❣️#dailycheckin Photo is eldest daughter & her “wife”: they had a dual ceremony at USC, so they walked together last month at the Coliseum, here in Los Angeles. Daughter is off to law school like her mama, and wife is finishing a Master‘s and becoming a sports agent🙏🏾

Andrew65 Well done 👏👏👏🙌🥳🍾🥂🍾🥂😊 3y
Tattooedteacher Awe, well done to them both. 3y
GHABI4ROSES I thank you @Andrew65 and @Tattooedteacher those two work so freakin‘ hard. 3y
Lesanne Awesome, congratulations to all of you!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Goodwill haul because I can‘t seem to be stopped. #sendhelp
Has anyone read these or want to buddy read one? Also was really excited for the meal prep one cause I want to do more meal prepping lol I‘m also a sucker for good looking cookbooks.

#cookbooks #mealprep #mealprepping #stephenking #memoirs #graphicnovel #goodwill #goodwillhaul #bookhaul

Desperation | Stephen King
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According to my records I read this 10+ years ago but I definitely didn't remember it.

This book is such a wild ride, and I absolutely loved every bit of it. 💚 There are sections of this that read like a walking nightmare, with snakes and spiders everywhere. There's a vast array of characters, but they all blend so well and make the story that much stronger.

Now to read The Regulators next month. 😁

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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#OppositeDay @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheKidUpstairs

I'm currently reading this book and the Sheriff is described multiple times as the opposite of #Short.

I'm really loving this one so far too.

robinb Creepy images 😱 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😱😱😱 3y
TheKidUpstairs Those images are so unsettling! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King


Desperation | Stephen King
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As ever King does not disappoint. Creepy premise, characters you love to hate, and a villain you can‘t quite wrap your head around.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this one, it is ranking in the lower levels of my “King” list.
There was something missing. I can‘t exactly put my finger on what, but it didn‘t leave me with the usual “King” satisfaction.

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Desperation | Stephen King
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Look at me playing #wondrouswednesday on a Thursday again 😁

1. Anne and Diana (Anne of Green Gables)
Mary, Dickon, and Colin (The Secret Garden)
Harry, Ron, Hermione (Harry Potter)
2. I like reading alot of different books at the same time, depending on my mood.
3. Desperation, Nevada

Thanks for the tag @Eggs & @MoonWitch94

MoonWitch94 Oh I just love Diana & Anne‘s friendship! Good choices! Thanks for playing 🌸💗🌷 3y
Eggs 💖Anna & Diana💖 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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This is me right now...😳

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego 😆 I feel like I do this often. 3y
Come-read-with-me My daily approach to house work! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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There's so many awesome words in this book...
I particularly love HELLACIOUS

Desperation | Stephen King
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I started working on Monday after a 3 week long Staycation and my reading really suffered this week.

So I'm very grateful for #MarvellousMarch It'll get me back in my reading routine.
I'm keeping my goals simple
🌼1 hour of reading a day
🌼1 hour of Audiobook a day

So that's 9 hours of Audiobook and 9 hours of reading for the 9 days.


Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck. 😊👍 Hope it helps you get back on track. 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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This was my first time reading this one. I have had it on my shelf forever. I really enjoyed this one. After reading the cover makes so much more sense. #losersclub

Desperation | Stephen King
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Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #Desperation!

Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun!

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bthegood thx for posting - loved this book - one of Kings works that doesn't get a lot of recognition (or as much as it deserves IMHO) - the story telling in this book is very good (and see the same excellent story telling in the next book for the #LosersClub - Regulators) - The characters are well developed - I feel like I can see them/know them - 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @bthegood The best King book I've read in ages! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 3y
HeathHof I really liked this one too! I'm a sucker for horror set in the west. The desolation makes the story all that much creepier. The fact that Tak has control over the creepy crawlers was cool, similar to how dracula controls animals but I liked how S.K. gave us the thoughts that were going through the poor cougars mind as it was doing Taks bidding. Also that ending!😍 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @Mynameisacolour I loved it, I'd definitely read it again. I'm really liking The Regulators so far; have you started it? 3y
HeathHof @TheNeverendingTBR Not yet. I'm trying to finish up Mind Hunter first but I am looking forward to starting it soon! 3y
bthegood @Mynameisacolour good point about the desolation - setting is so important - I think if you liked this you will like Regulators - setting here makes it all seem even more unreal. 😵 3y
GHABI4ROSES Still in the same spot! I got super behind when a good life change hit, so I am using this month to catch up; Green Mile is still fresh in my mind! 3y
CaffeineAndCandy @bthegood @Mynameisacolour @TheNeverendingTBR this was a fun read. There's lots of action. I enjoyed the spirituality of it. And yes, the characters are very well-developed. I can picture them all. 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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#LosersClub Discussion starts NOW!

Open discussion is in the FOLLOWING POST marked as a SPOILER. Find the post for #Desperation & tap "show me" on the spoiler tag to join in the discussion. Join in whenever you can! Today. Tomorrow. Next month! The post will always be up so just tag any of us & we‘ll jump in to discuss with you. See you there!

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Desperation | Stephen King
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Started this bad boy last Friday and I'm almost finished but not quite. I gotta say it's not my favorite of his. Sometimes King can be too much King and to me that's the case here. He could have cut this book much shorter by taking out some of the unnecessary side stories. But that's King lol I did like it but it's only OK to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I have also read Regulators which is a sister/twin to this one. I felt the same about it too lol


TheNeverendingTBR Starting The Regulators tomorrow 😌 3y
twolittlefeetreads @TheNeverendingTBR Look for repeat characters!! I think if I had to choose which I liked best I think it would be Regulators 🤔 3y
Caroline2 That is an epic front cover!!! 😯 3y
twolittlefeetreads @Caroline2 It is really cool because the book The Regulators has a front cover that lines up with this one to create a creepy scene! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Finished this today! Love this author, and I‘m loving reading his books again so many years later! #losersclub

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Desperation | Stephen King
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Great snow day.
Finished this book 5 stars. #LosersClub #LosersClub2021 @DGRachel
Counting it as #underrated #Booked2021 @Cinfhen @4thhouseontheleft @BarbaraTheBibliophage
got some reading done on #ThatsClassic book @Annie1215 and #potteraday @Linsy Took a long walk in the snow, reached daily goals @wanderinglynn #BFC21
And found out the covers of Regulators and Desperation fit together @TheNeverendingTBR @Tattooedteacher @CaffeineAndCandy

TheNeverendingTBR Got mine and I'm ready to start on the 19th, looking forward to it - Desperation was so good! 🙋‍♂️ 3y
Cinfhen Well played 🙌🏻⛄️♥️ 3y
Reagan I preferred The Regulators over Desperation but both are so good and I think underrated King books. 3y
bthegood @Reagan I think so too - and looking forward to next book, as always (@TheNeverendingTBR) (edited) 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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I‘d completely forgotten how overtly religious Desperation is, so it was really interesting to discover that aspect again. King is the audiobook narrator, and I think he does a fine job. Since I finished Desperation, I started Serpentine to listen to on my walks until the 19th, when I will start The Regulators. #audiowalk

TheNeverendingTBR Looking forward to it!! 😌👌 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Better late than never. #24in48 begins right now for me! 💜💜💜 my TBR includes the first three Dark Tower books to catch up with the #LosersClub and I have a few chapters to read for #PotteraDay because I just got them all in the mail today! Super excited

Linsy Ooh I love those black and white versions! 3y
CaffeineAndCandy Thx 😘 @Linsy got them from secondsale.com 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Coffee mug gift from my godson...he knows me well🙂
I do believe that most movies do not do justice to the book. Stephen King's writing always gives me a very clear image of the evil that is portrayed. It is never the image that is portrayed in the film version.
#LosersClub #LosersClub2021 @DGRachel
This book will definitely be #underrated , it's a very good King! #Booked2021
@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft

Cinfhen 🙌🏻❣️ 3y
TheNeverendingTBR I love it!! 😍 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Great pick for this prompt! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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I have a few hours left in this novel for #losersclub2021. I‘d read it when it first came out, but I‘m glad to be reading it again. I was really into the story today, so I closed my office door and listened while I worked. It was a lovely day for a walk; I‘m going to miss this weather when we get our hot summers (we only have about 2 weeks of spring.) #audiowalk

TheNeverendingTBR It was so good, I found it to be one of those exciting page-turners which made me fall in love with reading at the beginning. Are you reading The Regulators this month? 😃 3y
KathyWheeler @TheNeverendingTBR I am. The Regulators is another book of King‘s that I‘ve only read once, and that was the year it came out. I remember preferring Desperation, but I‘m looking forward to reading The Regulators again too. 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Just finished this one up for #losersclub2021
This was a wild, violent & gory (but necessarily so) ride! That ending was everything and I can't wait to discuss this with everyone on the 18th! Definitely moving this to the top of the my favorite of Stephen King's list!

TheNeverendingTBR It was so good, I'm glad you loved it too! 🤘 3y
TheNeverendingTBR Reading The Regulators this month?? 😃 3y
HeathHof @TheNeverendingTBR Yes I am! Just waiting for my copy to arrive, it's supposed to get here Thursday!!😬 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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#dailycheckin more like monthly‼️ I have been PARTYING through this first #20in4 #readathon AND managed to get so much done with My Mandy🙌🏾 I start in the office of a new firm tomorrow (Monday), and only began with them a week and a half ago🏙 Amanda knows this drill🥰Thank you for continuing a great reading weekend, ANDREW❣️

I also hit my #potteraday and #losersclub (big time on that one) this weekend📖

Anyone here read with Barnes & Noble❓

Lesanne Yay! Good for you and good luck today!! 🍀 3y
Eggs 💕💕 3y
Clwojick Good luck 🍀 3y
Andrew65 That‘s great 👏👏👏 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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The large part of my walk is around our new stadium. I couldn‘t figure out why all the cars were there. Turns out that it‘s practice for the Senior Bowl which is being played at our stadium instead of the downtown one where it‘s been played for years and years. Desperation is just getting creepier and creepier. #audiowalk

Reggie And those woods that look really nice, I bet just become creepier and creepier!😱 3y
KathyWheeler @Reggie I hadn‘t thought about that! Now I will. 😱 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Continuing with Desperation. #audiowalk

Desperation | Stephen King
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Just finished this morning. It was a good book after all. I didn‘t think I could handle it when I first started. Mostly the verbal and physical violence, especially Pie. But I overcame it and finished. Truthfully, I think this is one of the books I could read a second time and get much more out of it. You can peel the layers of this one and understand it anew. #losersclub #stephenking #buddyread

BookDragonNotWorm There's a 'sequel' called The Regulators. Same story but kind of in an alternate reality. Between the two of them my mind was blown! 🤯 3y
bthegood @BookDragonNotWorm we are reading the Regulators next month! (edited) 3y
GHABI4ROSES How crazy is it that King did that character cross over when the assistant guy encounters her hitchhiking?! And Regulators is also related?! OMG!! So behind, but not giving up for sure💪🏾 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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My grandsons bookpile looks more manageable than mine😂. I figured out my February book goal for #BFC21 five chapters a day in any combination of books. It will help me keep up with all of my book clubs and challenges👍 #LosersClub #LosersClub2021 #potteraday #Booked2021 #ThatsClassic
Lebanon and Kenton County Library Book Clubs(my on the ground, right now zooming, book clubs)!

wanderinglynn Sounds like a good goal! 👍🏻 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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I last read this book in 1996 when it first came out. I had completely forgotten that it starts out with action and pretty much continues nonstop. I also see the connections to the Dark Tower that I never noticed before. I got in a nice walk today, but it looks like winter here — all grey and overcast with naked trees — but it wasn‘t cold at all at 61°F. #audiowalk

Desperation | Stephen King
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This one is about a bunch people who, while traveling along 'Lonely' Highway 50, get tricked/abducted by a huge town deputy cop who is clearly absolutely insane and get taken to the mining town of Desperation and thrown into cells....

I've read most of Stephen King's books and he's still blowing my mind, now that I've finally read it; it's the best one of his I've read for years!

https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3146372550 ↩full review

Jari-chan The cover looks so nice and fitting! 3y
AlaMich I‘ve never heard of this one, but the cover really sells it! ETA: I just looked this up and learned that there is a “mirror” novel called The Regulators which is supposed to be like a parallel universe to the tagged book. (edited) 3y
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TheNeverendingTBR @Jari-chan I love it! 😍 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @AlaMich This one is going to be my next read of King's 🙂 3y
MrT Love the Freaky cover of this edition. 3y
Tattooedteacher I agree @MrT the cover is absolutely perfect. 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Yay!!! So glad you enjoyed it! This one was my introduction to King, so it holds a very special place in my heart. 🖤 3y
ScoobySnacks3 I loved this book. It‘s so underrated! 3y
bthegood I agree @ScoobySnacks3 and I can use this for #Booked2021 underrated book, thx! 3y
Bookish.SAM So underrated... I‘ve read a lot of King‘s books and this was the first to really creep me out. 3y
BookDragonNotWorm The Regulators is an alternate reality of this one. I like this one better, but the whole concept kind of blew my mind! 🤯🤯🤯 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @BookDragonNotWorm I'm looking forward to starting The Regulators in February! 😃 3y
Reggie I realize that you have a life but I missed your spookysaturday this week. It was nice to have a banner post where all the horror Littens could gather. Maybe next week. 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @Reggie Geez, I've forgotten! 😂 sorry!! 3y
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Desperation | Stephen King
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Came home to find this chunkster on my doorstep. January's #LoosersClub2021 selection has arrived! I had no idea it was this long but I am definitely looking forward to getting back into reading some King!!

TheNeverendingTBR I'm loving it!! 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Love this one! It was my introduction to the author and has remained a favorite throughout the years. ❤️ 3y
HeathHof @TheNeverendingTBR I'm just starting it. You really blew through it though!! 3y
HeathHof @MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Awesome, definitely looking forward to it! My first S.K. was Through The Eyes of the Dragon. 3y
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