This just in! TWO #horrorpost packages! Woohoo! I haven't gotten one of these in awhile and both of these picks are awesome! So excited to start reading! @teebe #nightmaresahead
This just in! TWO #horrorpost packages! Woohoo! I haven't gotten one of these in awhile and both of these picks are awesome! So excited to start reading! @teebe #nightmaresahead
Full review on Goodreads - 3.5/5 stars
This was a fun book full of action and intrigue! Loved Aeduan, the Bloodwitch so of course now I'm so exited to read book three!
Have you read any of the books in this series?
#truthwitch #thewitchlands
I am so out of touch with the Litsy crew! It's been forever since I've logged on! But I'm still over here reading my heart out!
2019 is all about mood reading, reading what I own and library hauls. The only challenge I joined was the Goodreads challenge with a goal to read 75 books.
How's everyone been? What are you reading?
I just finished up the new novel by Camilla Way which I received from @BerkleyPub via a Goodreads giveaway. (Out 10/9/18)
The plot itself was not unique or new but I rather enjoyed the fast paced thrill of it all. If you like psychological thrillers then I would say that this is definitely worth picking up!
Woo I finished my reading challenge for the year! I guess I should've gone for a higher goal. So many great books read and still so many left to read!
This is honestly the only challenge I'll finish. I've sort of gone way off track with the other challenges I was participating in which isn't surprising #moodreader #whoops #2018readingchallenge #goodreads
Current read. My TBR has gotten a wee bit out of control and this library hold came in that I had forgotten about. This is a pretty short read so I'm hoping to finish it this weekend while I'm at my mom's. Has anyone read this?
Hey friends, don't forget our discussion for The Lost Girl is this Sunday! We're also starting book 4! Whose excited!?
Also, is this schedule working for everyone? Or do we want to pick up the pace since these are pretty quick reads?
#fearstreetrelaunch #buddyread #FearStreetBuddyRead #FSBR #RLStine #litsybuddyread
@JenlovesJT47 @JoScho @MiyakoBunny @OnlyMeJustT @BookwormAHN @AndreaReads @TheReadingMermaid @whatshesreadingnow @MinDea
The only reading I've been able to do this whole #24in48 so far 😂
Next time I'm running away for a weekend.
Here's my TBR for the #24in48 readathon! Honestly, I'll be lucky if I get a few hours of reading done but any reading is better than no reading!
Anyone else participating?
I was beginning to think the giveaways on #goodreads were all just a ploy but I actually won something!
Woohoo! 🎉📚
There was something strangely addicting about this. The drama that unfolded between some of the characters was really fun to read but the rest, ehhhh. The descriptions of haute couture and all the designer name dropping seemed to go on forever, and the amount of money these women dropped on dresses and earrings they'd never wear... Yikes!
It's like The Housewives but with a budget that would make even their eyeballs pop!
#bookhaul from the Book outlet scratch and dent sale! Im so excited about these books! Everything is in great condition and now begins the difficult decision on what to read first!? I've actually read Hidden Bodies but wanted a copy of my own.
Has anyone read any of these?
I didn't LOVE this book. It was just kind of 'meh' for me and I hate to say that because I love Caroline Kepnes!
Full review on my blog and on Goodreads but this was to 'love story' focused for my taste!
Have you guys read this? What did you think?
#providence #carolinekepnes #bookreview
Earlier this evening was reading and margaritas. Currently continuing the trend on the couch while everyone else sleeps! #arc #netgalley #davidbell
Congratulations on your #litsymilestone @Literary_Siren and thank you for hosting this giveaway! #5001Giveaway 🤗🎉
Sorry for the late start discussion folks! Totally slacking in #buddyread duties! But who is ready to talk about the second book in the #fearstreetbuddyread!? This post is marked with a spoiler tag so let's begin!
#rlstine #fearstreet #FSBR #fearstreetrelaunch #litsybuddyread
@OnlyMeJustT @BookwormAHN @JoScho @AndreaReads @Craftylikefox @TheReadingMermaid @ads0123
(Please don't forget to let me know if you want to be tagged or untagged)
Used bookstore haul with the hubs! I had to restrain myself, I had another stack bigger than this but I decided to save it for next time 🤣
Has anyone read amount by Lucinda Berry or Jane Casey? They're new to me authors.
You guys I just totally nerded out SO hard! They probably thought I was such an idiot 😂 BUT it was awesome listening to #paultremblay and #carolinekepnes talk about their books and the writing process. And of course I got my books signed! 🤩🎉
Any #bostonlittens attending the Caroline Kepnes and Paul Tremblay event tonight in Arlington!? I'm going solo! #noshame #booknerdproblems
Current read while the kiddos play on the porch. I should go start dinner buttttt...
#fearstreetrelaunch #buddyread #rlstine #dontstayuplate #fsbr #fearstreetbuddyread
Currently listening to Providence by Caroline Kepnes! Her books have really made me love and appreciate audiobooks! So well done!
Nope. This would've been a DNF had it not been for the fact that I was reading this with friends. This is supposed to be a dystopian novel of sorts, taking place in 2095 amid the next Civil War, only it felt like a re-write of the civil war in 1865 just add in some drones flying over head occasionally. And the character development was lacking and SO MANY plot gaps...ugh. I'm glad that's over.
I picked up a copy of this today because I keep hearing how its "so amazing". I'm not sure if this is considered chick lit (which I hate) but I'm going to give it a shot! #summertbr #summerreading #crazyrichasians
Full review on my blog and on Goodreads.
This was so interesting and not your typical 'serial-killer thriller'. I enjoyed the uniqueness of the plot, even though it was more of a slow-burn. It cleaned up nicely and I felt closure after the mental game of ping pong. Worth a read, especially if you liked her book Black-Eyed Susan's.
#netgalley #arc #juliaheaberlin #paperghosts
Another current read (one of four because I'm indecisive like that) that I'm enjoying at the moment! And another lunch break outside in the lovely city of Boston. So nice to finally enjoy lunches out of the office!
Has anyone else read this yet?
#netgalley #arc #paperghosts #juliaheaberlin
I'm starting to really get into audiobooks so I started my Audible account back up last month in order to listen to You by Caroline Kepnes (which I LOVED). I may have gone a little overboard today with the Members Only sale (plus I had two credits)! #audible #audiobooks
A modern retelling of Shakespeare's Macbeth. It was a very slow build and not overly original. Macbeth is head of SWAT. Duncan, the police chief commissioner, is his boss and Lady runs the Casino and convinces Macbeth to "kill the king". Not love for me because it was painfully SLOW.
#arc #netgalley #crownpublishing #hogarthshakespeare #macbeth #jonesbo
I can't believe I waited until now to read this! Fast paced and SO well written, I devoured this book. Patrick has Asperger's and he's profoundly fascinated by death. Samuel Galen has been in a serious car accident and ends up in the neurological ward at the hospital unable to communicate. The two meet in the most unconventional way and so begins a wild thriller you won't be able to put down! #rubbernecker #belindabauer
Change of pace - crawling into bed with something a little bit more terrifying 🖤💀 this has been on my TBR since Christmas! #peterstraub #ghoststory #horror
Sneaking in some fresh air and reading on my lunch break this afternoon. Not really vibing with this book yet but I'm holding out hope that the pace picks up.
Also, the weather in Boston seems confused today: warm and sunny or will it pour!?
#americanwar #omarelekkad #buddyread
Currently reading this with a couple of friends. Set in 2074, oil is outlawed and America is cascading into a second civil war. Sarat is only six when her family is forced into Camp Patience, a tent City for refugees.
Whose read it? #americanwar #omarelakkad #libraryhaul
Congratulations on your #litsymilestone @monalyisha !! Birdman is my pick. I am a die-hard Mo fan, until the bitter end, and Birdman kicks off the Jack Caffrey series with a creeptastic bang! #lilnuggiveaway #mohayder #birdman
Sorry for the late start friends but join the Party Games discussion below! #fearstreetrelaunch #buddyread #fearstreetbuddyread #FSBR #litsybuddyread #rlstine
@OnlyMeJustT @BookwormAHN @JoScho @TricksyTails @AndreaReads @Craftylikefox @TheReadingMermaid
Current book bloggers, I need your help! I'm thinking of writing again on my book blog laundrypiles.wordpress.com so I have some questions: how often do you post content? Do you only post reviews? How do you use it to reach out to authors/publishers for ARC's?
Any tips welcome! #bookblog #wordpresshelp #questions
Loved the intro by Chelsea Cain, author of the Archie Sheridan series that follows a female serial killer. Josie Schuller is your picture perfect house wife and mother but she's also a ruthless assassin whose eyeliner is always on point. Loved the storyline and the artwork. Betty Draper meets Dexter! Gimme some! 🙌🖤🔪
#graphicnovel #serialkillers #ladykiller
Thank you SO much @Shadowfat for this sweet #bottleandbookswap package! I've been wanting to read Lady Killer for quite some time and the water bottle is pretty rugged! Love it, thank you! @JoScho
I really enjoyed the narration of this, it was a great car ride listen. I'm probably the last person in the world to jump into this book and I found it to be just "ok". Extremely unlikable characters so if that's your thing, you're golden. I don't really get the hype or the Gone Girl comparisons but I will say that it's fast paced and dark.
#thegirlonthetrain #paulahawkins #audiobook #penguinaudio
I'm totally behind the eight-ball with life lately so I'm being a little unconventional for the #bottleandbookswap! @Shadowfat your package is headed your way direct from Amazon and should be there Saturday! Enjoy! @JoScho
So I have a question for my fellow NetGalley readers. How do you prioritize your ARC's? I had a few already on my shelf, went a little request happy, and now have a TON on my shelf! Some have actually been published already like this one by Nesbo.
#netgalley #advancedreadercopy #macbeth #jonesbo
When your family just GETS you. ?❤️?? A text from my brother this morning, he's 16 years younger than me so the "old, creeky" thing makes it even better ?
I get it @JoeStalksBeck , I totally get it.
The way that Santino Fontana read this, sort of made me wish Joe was my stalker, in a creepy but really hot kind of way. I could listen to him read me stories all night...but I digress.
This book is crazy, dirty, and terrifying. Read through the POV of Joe who becomes obsessed with Beck and wants nothing more than for Beck to just LOVE him.
#you #carolinekepnes #hotstalkers #serialkillers
Okay I just devoured this first read! How are all my fellow #fearfans doing? Review to come after our group discussion, I can't wait to see what everyone thought!
#FearStreetRelaunch #RLStine #buddyread #litsybuddyread #FearStreetBuddyRead #FSBR #PartyGames
I decided to take a mental health day today - no work, no kids, no husband and no housework (well except the laundry I folded while watching Santa Clarita Diet this morning). It's completely blissful.
About to finish the first book of the #fearstreetrelaunch and then I have a bunch of NetGalley reads to knock out. #thisisthelife
#fearstreetbuddyread #rlstine #partygames #FSBR
Thank you @Astroneman for the bountiful goodies! My daughter has claimed the cute pens and erasers and all the different bookmarks are so beautiful ❤️ #giveawaywinner
Are you dying to play? Because I am 🖤💀 #FearSteetBuddyRead #FSBR # buddyread #litsybuddyread #RLStine #FearStreetRelaunch #blameitonstephanie
@MiyakoBunny @OnlyMeJustT @BookwormAHN @JoScho @TricksyTails @AndreaReads @Syndelle777 @Craftylikefox
Okay my friends, whose ready for a trip down memory lane!? Sunday we're starting Party Games, the first book in the #FearStreetRelaunch. This is a super chill #buddyread in the name of good fun and nostalgia.
If you're joining and want to be tagged in related posts let me know!
#FearStreetBuddyRead #FSBR #litsybuddyread #RLStine #blameitonstephanie
@JenlovesJT47 @JoScho @MiyakoBunny @OnlyMeJustT @BookwormAHN @TricksyTails @AndreaReads
OMG @Astroneman you're not going to believe what came in!! Your original package that you mailed on 3/17 AND the replacement!!! 😯😆 #postalserviceforthewin
I love the 'idea' of this book but unfortunately it just fell flat for me. Quick break down: Hannah doesn't speak. Hannah hates mommy. Hannah loves daddy. Hannah wants mommy dead. Hannah is also seven.
Events were nonsensical and it felt like the author was trying to hard just to shock you. It was a bit disappointing. Full review on Goodreads
#arc #netgalley #babyteeth #zojestage @StMartinsPress
Not book related but relaxing and watching a little Santa Clarita Diet - this show is actually pretty good! 🥃 Anyone watch?
The last two weeks have sucked so it's nice to sit and relax and do absolutely nothing. Fortunately things are feeling a little less stressful so I'm getting back to regular programming; which really means more reading and scrolling Litsy. Thank God for the weekend!