This has been on my TBR for a while now, starting it today as I think it will be a good combo with the Olympics!
This has been on my TBR for a while now, starting it today as I think it will be a good combo with the Olympics!
This was a different type of WW2 novel. It was mainly the story of two girls in pre-war Germany and the paths that they took. It went back and forth between the 30‘s, the 60‘s, and the 80‘s, so I was glad I had a print copy so I could flip pages. For me it was disturbing in a different way than other WW2 novels. Lots to think about here.
Fast paced legal thriller. Good break from heavy literary fiction. First in a series, so some back story set up throughout.
I picked this Kindle book because it was on sale, and because I had heard interesting/conflicting things about it on the Currently Reading podcast. It didn‘t disappoint. I can‘t say that I loved it-there were things that I did not like about it-but it was certainly a propulsive story. I will think about this for a long time to come and can understand why it would be a good book club pick.
Historical fiction - a past and a present timeline - intriguing premise of missing Russian Fabergé eggs - I should have loved this, and I did, for a while. Then it took a turn and became disturbing, both in events and in how the characters handled the events. Trigger warnings should abound. Not a pick.
Thank you so much! @Alfrazier21 😊
I am very excited to read this, and I will enjoy the Lindt truffles while reading! What a nice surprise!
@MaleficentBookDragon thanks for organizing!
Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!
🎄I live relatively close to Harrisburg, Pa. The Blue Orchard is historical fiction set there. Very interesting work. 🤓
🎄Moscow, Russia. ❄️
🎄I think I would like to live in the Shire as a Baggins. 😍
@Eggs #wondrouswednesday
Great fun!
I loved this book! It was exactly what I needed/wanted right now. I took longer than usual to read it, but that fit the pace of the book-it didn‘t feel like a story that should be rushed. I will keep this one on my shelves, for sure! 🤓
So there‘s a snowstorm, and Christmas lights, and a new Snoopy robe, and a really good book! Life is good!
#jolabokaflod swap package headed your way @heylaurenmack 😊
UPS estimates delivery about the middle of next week, so it should get there in time. Sorry for the delay, I had some online ordering/shipping issues this year.
Started this today, feels jut right for December! 🤓
#jolabokaflodswap Look what arrived today! Already under the tree, waiting for opening day. Thanks @Alfrazier21
I so thought I would enjoy this, as WW2 historical fiction is one of my go to genres. However, this was a slog. It may be an #unpopularopinion, but it was so dry, more like a history book than a story. Little to no character development and without some personal connection to the characters, there were too many of them to keep track of or care about.
Recently started—I am enjoying this so far, an interesting and informative start in Pre-WW2 Germany. Strong group of women! 😊
I spent some time in a bookstore today—-it felt so good, I could have stayed for hours! 🤓 It was the first time in quite a while that I have gone out and done anything approaching “normal” as I have been teleworking since March. Anyway, here are my purchases, along with my BOMC book.
On to the next book.... have heard good things ......
I thought this had promise, but I ended up skimming much of the second half. Too many coincidences, too much going on, yet it felt very slow-moving. I won‘t be reading the next one.
I loved parts of this book, but wished for more from others. It is about a young boy who was the sole survivor of a plane crash. I thought the descriptions of his feelings and struggles felt very real and some of the character interactions moved me very much. However, I also wished for more character development with the secondary characters. My final comment-I am not a fan of epilogues in general.
Beautiful fall day today! Did some hiking in nearby State Game lands- we are also very close to the Appalachian Trail. This is my current read. 🍁☀️🤓
I really wanted to like this-but when I look for other things to do rather than read, I know there is a problem 😬
Add to that the fact that it is a trilogy so it probably won‘t wrap up at the end of the book—I‘m out.
Banned books week is September 27th through October 3rd this year. I think I will use this bookmark this week to celebrate my freedom to read! 🤓
Still enjoying this 75% through. To me, classic Follett. 🤓
📚I am not-maybe in October?
📚 tough one, I guess mostly lit fiction, with a healthy dose of fantasy and a whole shelf of SK 🤓
📚I don‘t snack much while reading, usually it is ☕️or 🍷
Thanks for the tag @RamsFan1963 😊
#thoughtfulthursday @MoonWitch94
@ScientistSam @Cinfhen @SilversReviews @BarbaraTheBibliophage @CareBear
I have wanted to read this for a long time, and am finding it very interesting. A little thrown off by what just happened half way through! 🧐. I need a blanket to be out on my porch this morning 😊
Solid 3 star WW2 fiction for me. A bit predictable, but it offered insight to Prague during the war years, so that held my interest. An absolutely refreshing morning on my front porch-hope you are able to enjoy this day, fellow Littens! 😊
I have been trying to like this for 250 pages 😳 Now I am invested enough that I have to finish. Enough of a mystery that I need an answer, but, oh, I don‘t really like anyone in this story!
What do you do when you are this far along and not liking a book?
Overall a solid pick. It was interesting to read about the atmosphere in 1918 Philadelphia-dealing with the Spanish flu, especially considering our current state of affairs. Possibly a bit overdone at times, and Bernice was just too evil. It is saddening to imagine that children were actually treated this way during this time.
Probably an #unpopularopinion , but I didn‘t care for this second in the trilogy as much as I liked the first one. It felt slow and maybe I wasn‘t in the mental place to put as much work into reading it as needed. I do still want to finish the series, just not right now. 😊
Hmm. no. I‘m telling this wrong.
This was an excellent installment in this series! The village of Three Pines was a centerpiece of the book (oh, how I would love to visit there!). In addition to a good mystery with an interesting background, many pieces of the ongoing saga involving the Surete fell into place.
Book mail is the beat mail! My delivery from bookshop.org arrived today! 🤓
I love the feeling I get when I begin to read the next book in this Inspector Gamache series! I feel as though I am checking in with old friends, so I space the books out-like special treats!
Others have described this as endearing and charming. I would say that is exactly what it is. Not a lot of substance, but probably just what I needed right now. Light, easy. I enjoyed the book and movie references throughout. 🤓
🍹July was a very disappointing reading month, I wouldn‘t recommend anything that I read, unfortunately.
🍹Sandra Bullock? Loved her in The Blind Side and she has been clumsy in some roles, which is very much me😂
Thanks for the tag @Sharpeipup !
Enjoying a quiet evening of reading, but not sure how I feel about this one yet, only 12% into it. Has anyone else read it?
I enjoyed this one, almost as much as People of the Book.
Interesting historical fiction of the year 1666 and the Plague.
Me and my reading buddy, enjoying the sound of the birds this morning 😊
Thanks for the tag @Sharpeipup !
☀️Central Pennsylvania
☀️probably the tagged book (I am a Constant Reader), but I‘ve also enjoyed The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny and Wanderers by Chuck Wendig
☀️350-400 pages
☀️ @Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @DGRachel @Soubhiville @CareBear
Done with Saturday chores so I am settling in to treat myself with this intriguing ARC.
Quiet, sunny, lovely afternoon on the porch with a good book 😊 Simply heaven!
I don‘t have the words yet for how this book made me feel, I believe I will be thinking about this for a long time to come. Important subject matter, important to read.
When I start a SK book, I feel like I am saying “ok, I am along for the ride, take me on an adventure “. Therefore, I don‘t mind when the story unfolds slowly or has twists and turns-I enjoy and expect it. That is what this story felt like to me, an adventure that I could not quite see how it would turn out. “Great events turn on small hinges.” A ride I am glad I took 🤓
Quiet Thursday evening, re-reading this classic for a challenge that I set for myself: to read one classic book per month in 2020. This will be for February 🤓
Work holiday today, so I spent some time reading the wonderful comments in my #postlit book!Thank you so much to @ScientistSam @daniwithtea @irre @Kappadeemom @RiotMom @StellarDoc @melyndarae @goodthinkrebel @ReadingsByTheC @trazo @aroc @CareBear for all of your wonderful insights and impressions! I have enjoyed this bookish journey with all of you! 🤓💛Thanks @CareBear for the awesome bookmarks and for sending all the books my way-it‘s been fun!
How appropriate to be reading this wintery book today!
I am also glad it is on my Kindle because our power just went out!
#audioknitting plus watching exciting playoff football this afternoon 🧶 🏈 📚