Ch 31: Laura is adjusting to her job #religiontalk #leavethatathome #learningaboutwork #readingwhenevershecan #sneakingaroundwithdonjuan #janeausten #trollope #librarycard #soproud #hashtagbrigade
Ch 31: Laura is adjusting to her job #religiontalk #leavethatathome #learningaboutwork #readingwhenevershecan #sneakingaroundwithdonjuan #janeausten #trollope #librarycard #soproud #hashtagbrigade
Ch 30: Laura starts at the post office #sortof #veryofficial #swornintomorrow #somanypeopleinthathouse #randomstoryaboutwells #becausewhynot #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 29: Laura is moving to Candleford #holyshortchapterbatman #workingfordorcas #nowtheadventurebegins #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I've heard such good things about this from fellow Littens; I'm excited to get to it. #bookmail
Ch 28: Laura has a bestie #emilyrose #theperfectchild #thatteacherthough #yikes #runfreelittlelaura #nocandlefordthatyear #lauraandEdwanttofarm #momloseshershit #becauseobviouslyfarmersarelowestofthelow 🙄 #momisntverynicetolaura #notafan #poorlaura #shellfigureitout #hashtagbrigade
Ch 27: Cousin Dorcas is a badass #femaleblacksmith #postoffice #telegraph #whatcantshedo #socool #hashtagbrigade
Ch 26: laughing because this is what came up when I tried to google that game Laura was playing 🤣 #uncletomsvisitors #queerfishindeed #peoplewatchingFTW #thatyounghubbythough #catlady #tomgavegreatadvice #eventohimself #shortchapter #hashtagbrigade
#bookwormslimited this chapter was a joy ( although the games Laura plays between books are a bit 😳)
Ch 25: #letsjustletourkidswalk8milesalone #candlefordvisit #mamaispregnantbutwedonttalkaboutthat #livingtheirbestcandlefordlives #eatingboatingshoppingcharades #boooooooks #cranfordFTW #ilovetheiruncle #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24: I‘m digging these shorter chapters #schoolvisitors #teawithteacher #readingallthebooks #politicsinschool 🙄 #notafan #nobodyshouldtellanyonehowtovote #especiallyateacher #anyway #backtothebooks #ilovehowtheyplayact #momhidingthebooks #laurashouldbesewing 🙄 #imwithlaura #sewingishqrd #hashtagbrigade
We have a saying in UK 'got a face like a cat's arse' reminds me of the chicken a few chapters back.
Ch 23: Laura goes to school #snipesnipelongleggedsnipe #kidscanbesomean #thatethelthough #pieceofwork #poorpolly #andletsendwithaneardrowning 🙄 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21: finally! #wemadeitovertocandleford #snobbyrelations #politicaruinseverything #thefoodsoundedgoodthough 🤷🏻♀️ #lauracantcatchabreakanywhere #thistimeitsherfreckles #imlookingatyouLIW #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: Mrs Herring giving me HO feels 🤣 #lauraisscaredofthecloset #hermomtreatsherlikecrap #notafan #anyway #mrsHcomestocleanitout #mumwonttakegandmedowns #sheplanstopickthegarbageinstead #becausethatsbetter 🤣 #tomorrowwegotocandleford #hashtagbrigade
Ch 19: #gossiptime #rachelthegossip #harrietshappenings 🤣 #iwantagoldenballtoolaura #pattyandyoungamos #larkrisefrownsoncougars #unlessitspatty 🤷🏻♀️ #misshanniganwithouttheattitude #gertieisatrip #shesjustpretty #cameomerton #ilikethenopoliticsthing #bigfan #notafanoftheestablishedrankthough #yikes #sweetoldmaidsandnurses #thiswasafunchapter #hashtagbrigade #oh #iwouldnotwantthesestinkyflowersinmyhouse 🤢
Ch 18: apparently mom tells good stories 🤷🏻♀️ #poorjimmythough #thathadtohurt #chancerymoney #talkaboutatalltale #andthosedarnpigsagain #stillnotincandleford #butwegettohearaboutit #sortof #andpoacherswiveswithlotsofbutter #sososorandom #hashtagbrigade
Ch 17: 230 pages in and NOW we get a storyline? #laurasoriginstory #uglyduckling #peoplearemean #andletsnotforgetpattyandhershotgunwedding #andofcourseweendwiththepig #wheresfernwhenyouneedher #hashtagbrigade
Ch 16: this chapter was all over the place #thebicyclethough #somethingsneverchange #stillinlarkrisethough #maybewewillseemoreofcandlefordtomorrow 🤷🏻♀️ #staytuned #whoamikidding #staytunedforwhat 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
Yet it was thrilling to see a man hurtling through space on one high wheel, with another tiny wheel wobbling helplessly behind. You wondered how they managed to keep their balance. No wonder they wore an anxious air. ‘Bicyclist‘s face‘, the expression was called, and the newspapers foretold a hunchbacked and tortured-faced future generation as a result of the pastime.
(This would have been something to see, and in my google search for a picture
Ch 15: holidays #somuchyummyfood #gingerbreadandchocolate #queensjubilee #livingtheirbestlives #untiltheywerent #thatlastline #ripedmund #offtocandleford #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: church, this reminded me of the second episode of LHOTP where the Rev lectures the wives because the husbands stayed home 🤣 #godunderstandsfarmers #somanycustoms #notmuchchanges #poormissellison #ripmarley #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: I couldn‘t find any pics on google that showed #mayday with a #creepydoll 🤷🏻♀️ #beautifulchapter #shortchapter #perfectspringday #exceptthatcreepydoll #isaidwhatisaid #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: school testing #someveryinterestingcharacters #iseethatschoolteachersnevergotrespect 🙄 #theconcertattheendthough #everyconcertateveryschooleverywhereforever 🤣 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 11: school #everybodywaskungfufighting #poormisshiggs #lauradidntfaretoowell #savages #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: playground games #thiswasfun #untiltheend 🐦 🐰 #icomefromahuntingfamily #thisdidntfeellikehunting #butthegameswerefun #ifnotalittleodd #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: I have so many things to say 🙄🤣 #melodeon #thiswholechapterwasbassackwards #somanyconflictingtheories #hesterprynnewantsherABack #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #readysetgo #hashtagbrigade
“Steal not this book for fear of shame,
For in it doth stand the owner's name,
And at the last day God will say
'Where is that book you stole away?'
And if you say, 'I cannot tell,'
He'll say, 'Thou cursed, go to hell.‘
All or any of these books were freely lent, for none of the owners wanted to read them.”
Apparently there‘s a special place in hell for people who don‘t return books, even though nobody in Lark Rise cared 😂 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: callers #tinkerjones #gipsies #thesejobssoundexhausting #thatteaservicethough 😍 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 6: basically a chapter about all the ways you can gossip 🤷🏻♀️ #worksforme #whiledoinglaundry #lookingforthepostman #whatacrank #teaparties #visiting #borrowing #butnotthemethody #shewasjustsweet #swappingflowercuttings #hashtagbrigade
My thoughts @BarkingMadRead while reading today's #HashtagBrigade -
"As to flowers in pots, they didn't hold with the nasty, messy things. But they did, at least, believe in cleaning up their houses once a day, for public opinion demanded that of them."?
Ch 5: such a sweet chapter! #sallyanddickgivingoffharrietandnelsvibes #notthemoneyaspect #thehenpeckedhubbyaspect #queenieandherbees #twisterwasquitethecharacter #tellingthebeeshedied 😭 #grandpawassosweet #mypopwaslikethat #mynanwaslikethegrandmatoo 🤣 #somanyfunpersonalities #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4: this is william Gladstone #ifyouactuallycare 🤣 #meninbars #notmuchchanges 🤷🏻♀️ #drinkingbeerwithallthatsparemoney 🙄 🍻 #drunkenbarsinging #hashtagbrigade
i have the cutest tiny edition of this from the library (shown on a regular sized hardcover for scale.) But the print is too small for my aging eyes, so I have to use my ereader!
Ch 3: men farming #superexciting #inowknowmorethanieverwantedto #momsgettingtheirsonsoutthedoor #christmasstoryvibes #icantputmyarmsdown #starvingpeopleinchina #staytuned #maybethenextchapterwillhavemoredrama #otherthanthatoneladyhavingakidoutofwedlock #andalgyhavingptsd #hashtagbrigade
I managed to slog through #thebros and #therearenomysteriesatudolpho but this one might end me let‘s skip 1000 words and add pictures
I went with audiobook edition for #HashtagBrigade. I'm caught up. Although @BarkingMadRead last night Chapter 3 was my Sleep Story. 😴
Ch 2: I have a great pic of a pram with a creepy doll in it, but Litsy won‘t let me add it 🤣 #anyway #thesearesomeseriouslywellasjustedkids #thegrownupsnotsomuch #ihopethisisntboring #thedescriptionsarestunning #thevillagekidsarenightmares #theauntsoundsdelightful #howdidthecupbreakthough #andwhyaretheysopoor #thesearethequestionsihave #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 1: we meet the town #pigs 🐷#outhouses #crops #allthefunstuff #noverdantorverdure #nocryingorfainting #iykyk #winning #hashtagbrigade
Repost for @BarkingMadRead
Ok #hashtagbrigade I know we are still reading Udolpho, but it‘s time to start thinking about January! If you would like to be tagged for the next book, drop a comment below! Everyone is welcome to join in, just remember that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so read the chapter before my post each day!
See original post at
Ok #hashtagbrigade I know we are still reading Udolpho, but it‘s time to start thinking about January! If you would like to be tagged for the next book, drop a comment below! Everyone is welcome to join in, just remember that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so read the chapter before my post each day!
Such a warm, cozy read. Loving the slow, simple pace. Perfect reading for autumn.🍁