Ch 14: church, this reminded me of the second episode of LHOTP where the Rev lectures the wives because the husbands stayed home 🤣 #godunderstandsfarmers #somanycustoms #notmuchchanges #poormissellison #ripmarley #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: church, this reminded me of the second episode of LHOTP where the Rev lectures the wives because the husbands stayed home 🤣 #godunderstandsfarmers #somanycustoms #notmuchchanges #poormissellison #ripmarley #hashtagbrigade
You need a modern hunger games with a twist? This is the book for you! This book was nothing short of fast paced and thrilling. Come join Adina on a journey of self discovery and self preservation.
*fan art found on google
So Good!!! Didn‘t expect the ending. I felt like I was watching Back to The Future in my mind as I was reading this. Great plot twist. Must read!!!! #fallread #cozyreading #bookclub #plottwist
Chapter 3: Mary Crawford and the Colonel hit it off #timeforaride 🐎 #annenotnancyisridiculous #edwardisatpemberley #plottwist #somanyworldscolliding #fanfictionexplosion #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 26: the wedding #orwasit #speaknoworforeverholdyourpeace #plottwist #wifeintheattic #masonwtf #masonknowsjanesuncle #hetellshernow #afterallthistime #somanyquestions #runjanerun #pemberlittens
Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. I am drawn to books about books and writing as a rule and this book was a delight to read from the very start until the ending. Very likeable characters I was swept up into their worlds from the very beginning. I found myself wondering what the characters were up to when I wasn't reading it, like they were actual people I know. An engaging feelgood read.⭐⭐⭐⭐ #plottwist
Boom 64/2021. Finished 9/3/21 ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
#netgalley #arc #plottwist
⭐⭐⭐⭐ Another great read from Lucy Dawson. Even in this more domestic type of thriller she has me captivated and unable to put this book down. I loved the twist at the end. #lucydawson #theonethatgotaway #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #litsy #amazonkindle #thestorygraph #bookqueen #bookstagram #thriller #plottwist
Ah, we finally get to meet Ragnar!
#JohnGalt #plottwist