Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: I was going to post a pic of Mary and Laura but then we were introduced to the #garibaldi #thatchickwasnutsthough #thosegirlsworkedhard #yikes #soyoung #bessieandchokey #newgenerationofhousewives #yougogirls #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 6: Lydia‘s letters to the fam arrive, giving Sarah the idea of asking Elizabeth to enquire after James…. #smithnotmrsmith #upstairsdownstairs #justafootman #sigh #pemberlittens #chapteraday
Chapter 1: Lydia complains that Hill about how hard her life is, while Sarah and Polly clean all their clothes… you know… by hand. 🙄🙄 also, a mysterious man is prowling around… possibly…. #pemberlittens #upstairsdownstairs #lydiaisabrat #washyourownclothesandthencomplain
Ok #pemberlittens let‘s start this one! Chapter a day, and I‘ll post every day so we can discuss the chapter! This should be a fun #upstairsdownstairs look at the Bennet family! If you would like to be tagged, or if I tagged you and you want to be removed, let me know!!