This book was very good. I had no idea it was apart of the Mr Mercedes series until about 30% through which cake as a big surprise to me. I may be a bit biased, I love Kong‘s work. If you are on the fence, definitely check it out.
This book was very good. I had no idea it was apart of the Mr Mercedes series until about 30% through which cake as a big surprise to me. I may be a bit biased, I love Kong‘s work. If you are on the fence, definitely check it out.
Building my Stephen king hardback collection. Still got a ways to go but it‘s going lol what say you? What do you think I most definitely need to grab?
Rebuilding my Stephen King collection with all Hardbacks. So I ask you my friends... what is THEEEEE book I should have? Or what‘s your favorite king/Bachman book? .
#booksonbooks #booklover #bookblog #reading #bookstagram #bookworm #booknerd #bookporn #bookgeek #favoriteauthor #bibliophile #bookaddict #bookshelf #books #bookphotography #stephenking #underthedome #heartsinatlantis #bookcollection #collector
Re-did the covers to my series “The Palace Program” which is a dark human nature/science fiction tale about what happens to a cast of interesting characters when they lose it all to an aggressive pandemic, and end up in gov facilities together over a 20 year span. Hope you guys like them. I‘m pretty excited.
Today book 2 of my series released. Tomorrow‘s Wrath and I made it an instant sale. .99 cents and book 1 (New Kings of Tomorrow) is free. If you are into some light science fiction, heavy on the introspection and human nature stuff. This is the series for you. Two books for .99 cents. Feel free to check on reviews 4.5 stars and 5.0 stars.
So excited to start this book today. YESSSSSS!!!! Now I need some food and my kids to disappear. Lol #stephenking #theoutsider #novel
Just doing my morning writing.
How many of my Litsy friends actually write novels? Short stories? Novellas? Or just for fun? Don‘t you think being a writer changes the way you read books? It has for me, I‘m liking picking things apart that I didn‘t before. Lol 😂
What‘s the best short story you have ever read? Mine has to be the jaunt.
If you are looking for a #dystopian, #postapocalyptic #LoveStory novel to read on kindle unlimited or otherwise I‘d be honored for you to check out my new novel. My book hit the #bestselling list last week on amazon and has received some great praise from readers. Check out reviews if you get a chance. #NewKingsOfTomorrow #Fiction #ScienceFiction
I‘ve been reading this book for about 3 months. 😂😂 I‘m loving it, but I‘m a notoriously slow reader and i‘m an author so most free time is spent doing that. My question is.... HOW FAST DO YOU READ??!! HOW MANY BOOKS DO YOU READ IN A MONTHS TIME?
I loved the ending of this king novel. It was one of his longer and deeper books but I enjoyed it.
Who‘s up with me tonight?
“That deepening desire of wanting a thing is all too easily extinguished by receiving a thing. Therein lies the flaw in our kind.”
#newkingsoftomorrow #dystopian #postapocalyptic #sciencefiction #goodreads #bestseller
WOW, Litsy added my book to be stacked if u choose to read it. I think you should, New Kings of Tomorrow” became a #1 bestseller a few days back. Only 3.99 and on kindle unlimited. Your support would be amazing. Thank you all. STACK THAT BOOK!!!
‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️MAJOR GOAL ALERT‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
For anyone that cares.... today is one of the best days of my life. Today my book “New Kings of Tomorrow” became a #1 best seller. I can‘t say how this feels, but it‘s amazing. If you haven‘t yet you should download and at least read the first 3 chapters. I love you all that have supported my journey.
#bestseller #amazonbestseller #dystopian #postapocalyptic #sciencefiction #newkingsoftomorrow #jmclark #number1
Finishing up book 2 of my trilogy. What are you guys reading this week?
One of the men I‘ve looked up to for some time died today. I hope now he has learned all the secrets of the universe. RIP Stephen Hawking
Check out reviews for my new dystopian novel NEW KINGS OF TOMORROW. If you are looking for something new, refreshing, and a challenge to how we view ourselves and our history. This is the book for you. I‘d love your feedback.
Anyone looking for a new and interesting read about a post apocalyptic world in the near future, and what happens when everyone that u have ever loved dies. This story is about how the human psyche would deal with such a trauma amidst a truly intriguing backdrop.
#postapocolyptic #Dystopian
Just picked up two new books. Anyone else read these?
Today is the last day to download “New Kings of Tomorrow” for FREE FREE FREE on amazon. Grab it before it goes back to 3.99
#Dystopian #PostApocolyptic #Free #Goodreads #Kindle #ScienceFiction #Fiction #HandMaidsTale #TheMazeRunner #UnderTheDome
I always loved this book, it was like The Hunger Games before the hunger games. If you haven‘t gotten a chance to read it then you should. It‘s a short one.
FREE FREE FREE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Hey friends, I‘m running a two day FREE special on my book. Go to Amazon and download for free. Check out the reviews. Give this book a chance and check out the first 2 chapters. I think you will enjoy it.
Hey my friends. I entered my new book into kindle unlimited, if you have it go download the book for free and check it out. You can read the reviews as well to see if you would enjoy along with the blurb. If you don‘t have kindle unlimited they have a free trial. THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT
Hey my friends, I was wanting to ask... who is your favorite book character and why? Mine is the man in Black from the dark tower series.
Thanks to everyone that supported the book. You guys are amazing. That‘s love for sure.
Multi time USA TODAY BEST SELLERS winner Michael Ploof read my book early and had great things to say while adding it to his mailing list. IM STOKED!!!
Today my book released and I‘m overjoyed. It‘s surreal to see it there. I worked super hard on it and the reviews from beta-readers are coming in. They are all very good. If someone is looking for a thrilling page turner to read, please give “New Kings of Tomorrow” a chance.
#newkingsoftomorrow #dystopian #thriller #romance #goodreads
Tomorrow my first book releases and I‘m super excited. Long time coming and I‘m hoping to possibly hit a best sellers list. This feels surreal, and even though I‘m super happy, I‘m writing books 2 and 3 right now. Lol thanks for all the support guys.
Reviews coming in from my book makes all the lonely hours writing worth it. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feels great to see people holding onto and reading the thoughts that once only existed in my mind.
If you are up with me tonight, tell me your favorite book and why. I need a new read. Having trouble choosing lol
Do you enjoy love stories? The backdrop being a dystopian world where everything is meant to be perfect. To learn rather than kill, to think rather than react. All things aren‘t as they seem though, and the Palace program is at the heart of the mystery.
Only 2.99 on amazon today. #Dystopian #lovestory #goodreads
Got a few hundred copies of my book in the mail today. The book comes out next week, and I have a few book signings setup in my city. I‘m beginning to get very excited. DO YOU ALL LIKE THE BOOK COVER!!!???
#dystopian #newkingsoftomorrow #goodreads #goodbook #thriller #lovestory
Got a review back from one of my beta-readers for my new book coming out next Tuesday. I hope that people like what I wrote. It‘s my first book. #dystopian
#lovestory #newkingsoftomorrow #goodreads
I went to “The last bookstore” in LA a few months ago and picked up some favorites of mine.
#darktower #thriller #fantasy #horror #stephenking #LA #THELASTBOOKSTORE #goodreads #dystopian
Does anyone here loves any characters or books enough that you got a tattoo to commemorate? If so I‘d love to know what you got. #darktower #king #roland #bangbang #fantasy #writers #readers
Im very new to the literary world and I have a new book coming out in less than two weeks. Lol I‘m nervous to say the least. I‘m glad I found this app so that I can talk to other authors and get advice and good conversation. If anyone is interested in reading a new dystopian novel, please preorder. Only 2.99 on amazon #dystopian #scifi