It's here in South Carolina, from some falls in Wisconsin. I don't see a Litsy handle, so just know it is here. Insides will be revealed Wednesday evening. Thank you, KS!
It's here in South Carolina, from some falls in Wisconsin. I don't see a Litsy handle, so just know it is here. Insides will be revealed Wednesday evening. Thank you, KS!
This book will be delivered into the custody of the USPS tomorrow morning. Is it coming to you for the #AllHallowsReadSwap?
Thanks for taking this on @MaleficentBookDragon!
This was a book I feel conflicted about. It was good, but what happened was horrible. It seemed all too real to this reader of true crime. It goes beyond bullying, so be warned. It is a criticism of the clannish nature of high school "stars," the treatment they receive, and the value system of winning being priority number one.
I love this prose. How beautifully the words are put together. And I am learning about dictionary publishing and Japan!
I sailing through this book. I don't want to put it down, but life demands that of me.
I cannot believe how quickly I am gobbling up this book. I will admit that it took a few pages before I got lost in it, but I'm hooked.
I imagine that the workplace and norms are customary for Japan, but I don't know. I do know that people are people, with universal fears, foibles, and hopes.
Great read that I need to put away. Gotta go to work in 7 hours!
Maybe this wasn't the best choice after the amazing "Radium Girls." I don't understand why women buy into this crap with my head, but I know we are conditioned to buy into it from early in our lives.
It's got to stop. BTW...This is a Chinese author, so the women as second class citizens seems universal. Time to change those socializations everywhere!
Really enjoying this audio read. I quickly realized it is NOT appropriate for the workplace. Language, people! Yikes.
It reminds me of Greg Iles' Penn Cage series. They were great to read, despite some pretty awful scenarios. I like the ranger, and am rooting for him to survive the negatives in his life.
We know this, we document this, and still it is okay, somehow. I'm a college faculty member because I want to help adults. I am not a parent. Who is fighting for these kids, though?
This is a challenging memoir. No mistaking the ugly reality of slavery. Grim, gruesome,and heart wrenching, and still worth reading. I'm only halfway through.
Great audio book! I think I know people from Piney Woods...
It wasn't working for me. The reader just didn't work to bring the words to life. For me. So I'll read this, because what I made or through was interesting. I am glad I had a Plan B... "Sleeping Beauties." It got me home and we unloaded the car.
I just started this audio book. Perhaps it's a good thing it's a bright day and I'm driving home from a conference...👻
Started listening to this while peeling peaches to make a reduction. It's a sad story. I am also learning a lot about multitasking, or, should I say, the myth of multitasking. Yes, I can walk and chew gum at the same time, but am I paying attention to either fully? According to the research, maybe not. Time to listen again...and attend.
Didn't see that coming! I was getting bored with Anna's behavior, and then, kaplouey! Well done! I'm hooked again.
The postman did not ring twice, but left a #NightmaresAhead package containing this lovely journal, the sticky notes, and something I am sure will keep me out of the water if it involves such beasties of the deep! @Bengali.bookworm chose well.🐙🦑🐋
Thanks for sending it on, @sid2!
Such a good book, despite the tragedies he recounts of injustice done, or simply a lack of mercy. He is a fine writer, a brilliant advocate, and a hero for so many reasons.
He will be presenting at our conference tonight, and later, signing this book. I surely don't agree with a lot he wrote, nor do a number of my fellow faculty scholars. It should be an interesting evening and discussion.
I love pro football, and remember when this happened. I listened to it while cleaning the office today. I'm moving to another office after 10+ years, and there is a lot of paper to eliminate.
This was heartbreaking, and as you can imagine, as the sole survivor, the author feels guilty. It is also a tribute to the friendships between the men as well as informative about boat safety. I was done very quickly, so it's a quick listen.
I enjoyed this audiobook, but wonder if I did myself a disservice listening to it instead of reading it. The readers were excellent. The story itself, though, is full and rich with nuances that I think I would have appreciated more with visual, not auditory cues.
Thank you, Harper Collins, for this book. I am excited beyond belief to receive it, and read it. It has to wait until later this month, after a conference, but just knowing I have it waiting puts a smile on my face!
I am so angry at the people who allowed this to go on for decades. The victim blaming by the exploiters had me cursing them all. And the citizens of the town used the same excuses of ignorance uttered by Germans about what was going on under their noses!
And yet, the boys made me smile as I learned about each of them. They are individuals whom I came to know. Well done.
This is a heartbreaking tale of exploitation of men who went from institutions to modern day slavery. Because of their mental retardation, they were unaware of the wrongs being done to them. Worse, our governments, federal and state, endorsed this treatment with laws. And yet, there are wonderful moments between the men...the boys. I'm halfway through this audiobook, and encourage you to give it a listen (read).
Warning! This is scarier than a lot of horror because it is easy to imagine this as a true crime novel. I kept thinking that this could be real, and if someone were in this situation, how could they get out? I didn't want to put this down. So it is creepy good. Be prepared, though.
Wowzer! I am so thrilled with these wonderful #Sockswap accoutrements! The socks are definitely going to conference with me next week! I don't think the chocolate will last that long, despite my doctor's nagging voice in my head. The candle is divinely delicious. And the book fulfills my inner nerd, which always wants more! Thank you so much, @LadyChristy, for a perfect box of reading bliss.💗💗💗🤗
I inhaled this audiobook! Fascinating, but then considering it was about Tupac and written by MED, I'm not surprised. Hearing about the life of Tupac, and the huge variety of influences, juxtaposed with my recollections of "The Hate You Give," made me reconsider some things. Great, great read.
Just started listening to this, and really, really glad I did. It is fascinating and educational in so many ways. Be warned, though, if you are potty mouth averse. I'm keeping the office door closed and turn it off when someone enters. No hostile work environment accusations for me!😳😱😬
@Reading-In-The-Wings ... Your #Sockswap package mailed this morning. I sincerely apologize for the delay. I hope it gets to you in two days. I just didn't have $50 to pay for Express Mail. And they changed the rules on flat rate boxes / envelopes. I hope you enjoy the goodies I fit in the box.
I learned a lot from this audiobook, from the historical origins of memory making to the global championships. As an educator who struggles to memorize but learns with ease, some of the reasons for that were explained. I don't necessarily agree with it all, but found this fascinating. What struck me is that the competitions seem dominated by males. Why? That was not even a topic of discussion.
4 Stars - Photo Editor gone wonky.⭐⭐⭐⭐
Disclaimer: I love Colbert, so I might be biased.?
Listening to this audiobook, I laughed, giggled, and even spoke right back to him. He pokes fun at what has become tribal America...the entrenchments we hide within to mask our fear of or dislike of "the other." Definitely offensive satire, which is always a good time for this reader.
A big thank you to @cobwebmoth for this fabulous #ChooseYourOwnGiveaway.
You have 3 options to select from: gift cards, goodies, or books (I think). Follow the hashtag for full deets.
All of the options are tempting, so it is tough to decide. I will take two books. I mean, a gal cannot ever have enough to read, right?
I just started this very short audio book. I already know I'm going to be very, very sad when it's over. Of course, Colbert would be disappointed to know I borrowed it from my library. Yep. I'm a mooch. Sorry, Colbert. You say mooch, I say economically savvy.😇
The characters are characters. Each man has quite a personality, and still retains a certain naivete. This is really, really good. I'm almost halfway through and just want to keep going. But life interrupts.
BTW...Won this eARC through Library Thing. More free reads! The "price" is my review when I'm done, which is fine with me.
@BarbaraTheBibliophage is a generous and positive influence on this Litten. She has enriched my reading in many ways, which is a community norm I love.
Congratulations on a tremendous milestone. Can 3000 be far behind?
My Litfluence is broken. It has been stuck on the same number since Friday. Yes, the 13th. 😱
I have finished one book and added two. I know that I liked a number of posts, and may have commented, too.
Has anyone else noticed something similar?
This is a story that keeps you smiling. Two psychiatrists are researching the sex lives of the geriatric set, in Cyprus. The first case study involves retired British soldiers, ex Pat's all. The officers and the enlisted men, along with wives, are having a five course meal, and this line captures the dissolution of the proper British behavior. Loving this eARC from #NetGalley! #OldSexSymphony
I have been an Erica Spindler fan for a long, long time. Coming across this as an audio book was a treat, because I knew I could listen while getting things done, and not have to worry about zoning out.
But I zoned. This is good, but just not as thrilling as I've come to expect. I guessed the killer, although there are a few twists which drew me back.
If you want a quick, easy read, consider this one. Not too scary for a thriller.
#25inFive @Andrew65
A little under an hour remains, but I managed to get in 18 hours and 56 minutes so far. I just had to do that pesky work thing, darn it! Great challenge.
Finished "American Heiress," "Secret Life of Souls," started "The First Wife," "The Old Sex Symphony," "White Privilege...Post-Racial Society," "In an Empty Room," and continued "The Haunted." Some audio, some e, and one print.
I won a copy of this eBook from Library Thing. Set in Vietnam, during the war, I'm learning about the men in the patrol. They are a diverse group. So far, it is holding my interest, leaving me wanting to keep going. But that pesky work thing...
This is a good story about the link between a girl and her dog. A little suspension of disbelief is needed, but I don't mind. A good twisting, turning story full of the unexpected. I still have about 100 pages to go, and wonder where it is going.
I'm releasing my 1st book into the wild tomorrow. I learned about BookCrossing on LibraryThing, and I think I'm going to have fun. I plan to see about setting up some release zones on my college campus.
If you're near Charleston, SC, an d if you want to catch this release, look up BCID 289-14984780 at https://www.bookcrossing.com. Happy hunting!
He is writing about his paternal grandmother. Such a wonderful image in my mind. His father is a horrible person.
Sharing this fun swap created by @JPeterson. It's not too late to sign up, AND it's 🌎🌏🌍!
I mean, can one ever have enough pairs of bookish socks? Really?
This was a good, quick read. A policeman becomes unhinged when it seems like his wife is a victim of a car accident. Except, the body has vanished in the fog. Family drama, secrets, a need to be right instead of really caring for loved ones all contribute to the mayhem.
And throughout, the baking bread is tempting. Well told drama with elements of suspense.
This collection of essays is free on ereaders. I've only read two so far, and want to continue, but also need a break. It is not easy to read, and I am grateful to the authors who are telling the stories.
Thanks go to Lori Perkins for the book. It helps.
Thanks also to Riverdale Avenue Books for literally giving it away.
#MeToo #NetGalley