Never read McEwan, but when l saw this book on the return pile, l couldn't resist this gorgeous cover.
The Almanack is my read for the train ride, a carry-over from the #24B4Monday and #25inFive readathons.
Never read McEwan, but when l saw this book on the return pile, l couldn't resist this gorgeous cover.
The Almanack is my read for the train ride, a carry-over from the #24B4Monday and #25inFive readathons.
And this my final time for the #25inFive
Not too bed considering l was travelling and couldn't read the first day and was down with flue the third. Didn't think l'd come that far.
While l'm reading Tolkien with the #YearOfTolkien readalong, The Almanack is completely for this challenge. I'm 17% in and enjoying it so far. I really like the spring le of alchemy in it, and the mystery is intriguing.
It was a great readathon!
I still wasn‘t feeling too great today, so aside from working on my bullet journal and listening to a bit of my audiobook, I didn‘t get too much reading in. I also didn‘t track my exact times... but I read roughly 3-3.5 hours today. So that would be 19.5 hrs for 24B4monday and 23.5 hrs for 25inFive.
#24B4Monday #25inFive #Readathon @TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 #readallthebooks #challengeyourself
#24B4Monday 13:03:49 Not 24 but pretty good having worked all weekend.
#25inFive 15:06:56 I won't get in 10 hours of reading Monday (stupid work!!) but I hope to make it to 20hrs
@Andrew65 @TheReadingMermaid @Clwojick
#24B4Monday #25inFive
I‘m amazed at how much I was able to fit in with the RV work this weekend. I finished six books, three were audiobooks, and the other print books had already been started. Im about 15% into The Air You Breathe, which is amazing so far. ❤️. I may get a little more in later before bed, but maybe not. Thanks @TheReadingMermaid and @Andrew65 for hosting.
I‘m too lazy to go upstairs and get my current #25inFive #24B4Monday read so I started this novella on my Kindle.
Well, in spite of losing most of yesterday to the flu, l'm happy of the result because a) l did better than last time and b) l finished 'The Cabaret' which l didn't think l would.
The Cabaret is a fantastic intro to this form of entertainment. It focuses on the Weimar Cabaret, but it reached out to other places and other time.
This is the conclusion of my #24B4Monday Still have one day of #25inFive Let's do this!