This book is delicious. Intersectional body positivity?! Just what I needed right now. #loveyourself #readingwomenwriters #feminism
This book is delicious. Intersectional body positivity?! Just what I needed right now. #loveyourself #readingwomenwriters #feminism
I don't use this in my work, but I think old Freud texts are a fun psychologist bookshelf staple. This edition is from the 60's.
#dreams #heartsandhardcovers
A man is fueled by his #truelove for his son as they journey across a bleak and horrific dystopian landscape. To me, this novel is a love story at heart, underlining the power of our love for others in the most seemingly hopeless circumstances.
Have you read this Eco? The premise of someone waking up to remember nothing of his life other than what he's read is intriguing as a reader. It's been on one of my tbr shelves for years, but, perhaps ironically, I keep forgetting about it.
#thisremindsmeof #🔥
Eliza was shaped into a #richmansdream as she became both more and less herself. I don't typically read plays, but this one speaks to me. I'm also partial to this beat-up old copy that I got who knows where.
I listened to Coates present the audio version of his love letter to his black son growing up in the US. As the white mother of a fierce and kind brown girl living in this crazy nation right now, it was a gut punch reminder of my privilege and all the things that I can't prepare my daughter for. Powerful, and I definitely recommend the audio.
#fiercefeb #tobeyounggiftedandblack #readsoullit #signofthetimes
Anyone else shamelessly obsessed with VC Andrews in a past life? As a teen, the salacious #secrets throughout her books kept me turning pages. I wonder what it would be like to read these now. 🤔 #heartsandhardcovers
Introduction to the benefits of mindfulness meditation on mental health. #Freedom from unnecessary suffering (but not useful pain) through acceptance and being present in the moment. #readingresolutions
I love that the #moderngirl in this book is the fierce and sassy daughter of undocumented immigrants. Representation matters. Especially right now. #fiercefeb
I've been in a reading slump this week. I've picked up several books that I just can't seem to keep reading. Not sure if it's my mood, the books, or poor fit between the two. I'm going to try this one. Any ideas for slump-busting reads are also welcome!
I finished the second in the Wayfarer series and am grumpy about having to wait *months* for this one (the third) to come out. I'll miss hanging out in this universe until then.
I can't pick just one #favlgbtqauthor but I certainly appreciated this brief but moving novel. Levithan interweaves the omniscient observations of the deceased from the early years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic with current gay youths' stories of love and struggle. You should read this if you haven't yet. 🏳️🌈
Did y'all see this? Which are you picking? I'm leaning toward What I Told My Daughter.
An irreverent little book with sound yet snarky advice on how to find #peaceofmind using tenets of psychology and Buddhism. It's been on my shelf for years and brought a smile when I stumbled across it. If you need a pick-me-up, check it out (in print because the illustrations and fonts are delightful).
Sage would prefer that I focus on him rather than my current read. It's a good one though! It's second in the Wayfarer series. You should definitely check it out if you enjoy humorous fantasy/sci-fi with a diverse cast of characters that skillfully incorporates issues of species, race, and gender.
One of my all time favorite reads: a twin's struggle with his #conscience in caring for his brother with schizophrenia while trying to keep his own life afloat. Loved the story within a story that helped him understand his family influences and, thus, himself. I'm planning a reread though I'm curious if my reading experience will be different now that I'm in the mental health field.
A compassionate look at the relationships among therapists and their patients. Written for newly-minted therapists but a refreshing read for seasoned practitioners and an intriguing look behind the curtain for nontherapists. While I don't agree with all of Yalom's views, I appreciate his discussion of the beauty and healing power of the therapeutic relationship. It's certainly why I do what I do each day.
I'm a third into this heart wrenching read about the merging paths of an undocumented Mexican woman and an Indian American woman struggling with infertility. There are too few novels that allow readers to witness the often traumatic struggle that female immigrants experience as they journey to the United States and what it means to live here in the shadows. Highly recommended thus far.
Beautiful read about the lives of two 19th century Chinese women and the risks they take to stay connected. Though it's historical fiction, the loving and difficult emotions explored might apply to friendships between disempowered women during any century. One of my favorite books and a gift from my best friend several years ago.
I want to read this Mexican classic examining the relationships among indigenous Mayans and landowning peoples in the fictionalized 1930s but am trying to avoid book buying. I've heard great things about this book's exploration of oppression and power connected to gender, culture, and money. Why doesn't my library own it?!
She's not on litsy, but my daughter's current book sounds like an incredibly powerful read about a black South African boy's experiences during apartheid. Moving true story for this MLK weekend.
I've been meaning to read this for ages and keep forgetting that I own a well-worn copy a grad school lab mate gave to me years ago.
#forgotten #newyearreads
I can't fully comprehend much of it but this sounds like a love letter written to physics, mathematics, and the cosmos. Beautifully written and it's possible that I may be learning something.
I was initially having trouble getting into this book. Having a sick day in bed with some coffee in one of my favorite mugs is helping. I'm starting to care about the characters and their futures. As I learn about Sarai's gift, I'm also finding the plot much more intriguing.
#inmymug #newyearreads
I'm not sure how I feel about this cover. 🤔 I am, however, very much enjoying listening to my first favorite book. Meg is so full of self-doubt, love for family, and exasperated sass. I can see why she spoke to me reading this the first time as a pre-teen.
#newyearreads #reread #currentlylistening
Feliz Día de los Magos! Anybody else celebrate the twelfth day of Christmas with gifts from the three kings? They brought our daughter this, which I will likely swipe from her soon!
Book club brunch this morning to discuss this mystery (?) novel. And why yes, that is a little champagne of beers chaser that they give you with your Bloody Mary. 😄 As for the book, it held my attention despite being way longer than it needed to be. Lots of twists and turns, some predictable and some surprises. Probably a good pick for people who enjoy mysteries/psychological suspense. So so if that's not your thing.
I'm beyond psyched for this to be released. This cast though! I'm revisiting the series before its released in March to prepare. The book, as the first I ever chose to reread as a tween, holds such nostalgia for me. Because I devour print books, I plan to savor the series via audio this time around. Has anyone else listened to the audio version? Or planning a reread before the film comes out? #currentlylistening
I'm about halfway through and feel like I still don't "know" the main character. Purposeful deception or poor writing? ? Still intrigued and want to finish this one up in the next couple of days so my book club members don't spoil it during our brunch. #currentlylistening
So, I love Brené Brown, but this didn't speak to me like her others have (ahem, Daring Greatly). The ideas felt too familiar, which may just be the result of obtaining intensive clinical training on therapies focused on belonging and relationships over the past couple years. If you haven't read her work, I wouldn't start here. That being said, it's still worth reading for her exploration of creating belongingness in the age of Trump.
Killer NYE brunch courtesy of my daughter. I may need a nap now before I dive back into my last read of the year.
What a fun read! I thoroughly enjoyed traveling in this universe filled with interesting species and their fleshed out cultures. The diverse cast is lovable and often hilarious. This novel has a bit of everything--sf/f, adventure, romance, loss, politics, and some light exploration of ethical/philosophical issues. I'm eager to read the next installment in the series!
So this is my what-just-happened-in-this-trilogy face. I think I enjoyed it? I will likely be thinking about this series for quite a while. A great journey for readers who love sci-fi/fantasy and like to try to make sense of weird happenings.
This series. The world building, the characters...and, oh the character development! Even better is the diverse cast of characters in which women, LGBT folks, and POC aren't ignored or just cynically trotted out by the author. It's a joy to find a fantasy plot that feels so fresh. Anybody read Jemisin's other novels? Definitely on my 2018 to-read pile.
Cheers to holiday reading with a Christmasy drink!
Quite the cast for this audiobook! I'm halfway in and just starting to get to know the main characters due to all the switches in point of view. The acting is fabulous though. #currentlylistening
A blend of the detailed science of trees and their ecosystems while charmingly anthropomorphizing old growth forests. I loved trees before reading and now feel even more connected to them. Check it out if you're a literal tree hugger!
I've been putting off reading this for quite a while, assuming that I'd ruined it by seeing the movie first. Not at all. The movie, which I love, is quite different from the book, which I also enjoyed. More character development and interpersonal drama in the book. But less magic. Worth a read! Happy Halloween! 👻
Fascinating and approachable analysis of the metacommunication in women's friendships. I highly recommend it and plan to read more of Tannen's work. I enjoyed thinking about how women connect through highlighting sameness. In honor, here's a pic of me with some of my favorite women sharing the same shade of lipstick during our last annual weekend together.
I was expecting a silly riff on Scooby Doo. What Cantero delivered, however, was a scary, hilarious, and genre-bending satire. This one took longer than usual because it had enough horror to keep me from reading it before bed. During daylight hours, I enjoyed its fantasy, sci-fi, and queer romance themes.
Satisfying end to the trilogy. Loose ends tied up, characters developed, and all that. I enjoyed the author's humorous writing style, which was not only in the dialogue but throughout the narrative. I will miss this fantasy world.
I enjoyed this second round in The Magicians trilogy much more than the first book. The characters grew to understand their worlds and themselves, and they grew on me, particularly Julia. The deepened backdrop of this fantastic world is intriguing and thought provoking. I'm off to swim through book 3.
This was an easy, decently written read I enjoyed with my feet in a baby pool. Contrast this with the privileged family in the novel complaining as they vacationed in Mallorca. Nevertheless, I found myself rooting for most of these flawed, and occasionally stereotypical, characters. I savored the food descriptions and appreciated the theme of cooking for family as an act of love.
Such a lovely mash up of the fantasy, sci-fi, romance, dystopian, and comedy genres. Not a bad spot to finish reading it either!
An engrossing look at how relationships, and we who are in them for years, evolve. I adored the accurate explorations of psychological theories sprinkled through this novel of one couple's journey past initial infatuation. Beautiful. (Also, shameless share of my grandparents who weathered so many decades together.)
Beautiful read on the hammock following a breezy nap.