Coffee in one of my favorite mugs and reading time before I start work in 2.5 hours! ☺️☺️ Perks of working from home and starting at 11am. So far I‘m enjoying this pick!
Coffee in one of my favorite mugs and reading time before I start work in 2.5 hours! ☺️☺️ Perks of working from home and starting at 11am. So far I‘m enjoying this pick!
I had to bail on the last book, A Million Little Pieces. The writing was horrible. I had my son pick another book from my cart. So now, The Woman in the Window. ☺️☺️
Edit - Bailed! I‘m starting this today. I have a cart filled with books, and always have trouble picking what to read next. So I came up with an idea of having my youngest son, 9 years old, pick a book for me. This is the third one he has picked for me. The first one was Heart-Shaped Box by Joe Hill, the second was Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn. I loved both! So I‘m hoping this one will be good too. I‘ve read mixed reviews on this one. 🤞🏼🤞🏼
On to the next read! I‘ve heard good things about this one too.
Whoa! Just whoa!! I devoured the last half of the book in 1 day!! I did not expect the book to go the way it did!! Amazing writing!
This is my first time ever reading a Mystery/Detective book, and I‘m LOVING it! 240 pages left! I WILL finish it today!! 🤞🏼That is my goal for today!
"For all of us that grew up too fast with only ourselves to rely on: I want you to know that everything you did, you did to survive.
And you made it. You are here, reading these words.
You are strong. You are beautiful.
I can't see you, but I know you're there."
Starting this beauty!
(I'm using Lurtz for my bookmark. 😁😁)
I'm loving this book!
I tried to read this book three times before, but I could not get into it. Now I'm about 60% done with it, and wishing I would have read it sooner!
A nice read on a cold, rainy day! Way better than snow!
I tried really hard to get into this book. At first I was into it, but it just went downhill for me shortly after. I couldn't finish it and had to bail.
First snow fall where I live. Beautiful.
Just waiting for my coffee, and it will be a perfect morning. Snow, coffee, book. 😍
"I love children, but I dont think I can eat a whole one."~ Bumper Sticker
(Each chapter in the book has a little quote)
"But I have to say, Uncle Bob, I've recently uncovered irrefutable evidence of why some species eat their young."
??? Having two boys of my own, I can totally understand this! ??
My friend @Crystal3 recommended this book to me a while ago, and I finally picked it up. I'm on page 38 and I already love it!
"Noah listened to the crickets and the rustling leaves, thinking that the sound of nature was more real and aroused more emotion than things like cars and planes. Natural things gave back more than they took, and their sounds always brought him back to the way man was supposed to be."
I started this yesterday and I like it so far. ??
I'm diving in to see what all this fuss is about....
Always around me (or on me) while I read! 😸😸
Do you ever wish you could read faster because the book is so good? But on the other hand that would cause the book to end faster. 😭
~ Side note: That 😲 moment when the title makes sense!!
I kept seeing this graphic novel series everywhere. So I had to check it out!
So I was reading and this guy decided he needed to be in my lap at this moment. 🙄😍 He usually sleeps on my bed. Lol!! I can't be mad at him when he looks adorable! 😍😍
I just started chapter three and I already love this book!
Now to start this one and see what everyone is talking about. 😊
My next read before I call it a night!
Awesome read!!! Can not wait for volume 2!!
I'm hoping to finish this before the weekend is over. Tomorrow is my little ones birthday. I'm taking him and his older brother to the zoo tomorrow. Hubby has to work so it'll be interesting with just the three of us there. 😥 We were there for almost 4 hours last weekend. Hopefully, we won't be there that long this time. (On a side note: I hate zoo's so much. I'm doing this for my boys. 😶)
Reading while I wait for my boys!
Starting this one while I wait for my boys to get out of school. Overwatch FTW!!
"You can dawdle in the past, allow it to shadow you, or you can walk forward into the light of tomorrow."
"Ask a child's guardians what it takes to be good at their jobs, and most will answer with a single word... SACRIFICE. Parents give up so much: time, sleep, freedom, money, intimacy...pretty much everything but complaining about how much they sacrifice".
I love this quote too.
"Being a parent pretty much ensures that you'll never spend another minute alone."
So much truth in this quote. Especially when one has a mommas boy. ?
I picked a new book for the car/purse while I wait for my boys to finish school for the day (and for appts that take forever 😩)!! I've heard good things about this one.
"Scientists say every action initiates an equal and opposite reaction."
Needs. To. Find. Out. What. Happens. NOW!! 😲
*Goes into reading cave until this one volume is finished*
**Update** I finished this one and it's an Emotional rollercoaster. Now to impatiently wait until my request is next at the library for volume 8. 🙃😖
These keep getting better and better. On to volume 6!!
*Update* The ending!! 😲😲
*Starts volume 7 ASAP*
I saw someone post this graphic novel series and had check them out. They're pretty bad ass! I picked up volume 5-7 today. Can't wait to dive into them! The only downfall is that I go through them so fast, and I'm almost caught up to the latest issue, volume 8. 😣😧
I came across this at the library. It will be my first read by Joe Hill. I've heard a lot of good things about his work. I just started, and I like it so far. 🤗
"Because once you tilt the truth, it becomes a lie."
I finally picked this up at the library. I've heard a lot of good things about. I hope it's as good as everyone says it is. 🤞😁🤞
"We lead our lives likes water flowing down a hill, going more or less in one direction until we splash into something that forces us to find a new course."
~Memoirs of a Geisha
Just started reading this and I'm loving it already! This is my "car/purse book" that I read while waiting for my boys to get out of school or waiting somewhere else.
Enjoying another book by one of my favorite authors 📚
One of my favorite authors. Also guilty pleasure. Shhhh! 🙊🙈I read my first book by Cassie Edwards when I was in about the 9th grade, and loved her writing since then.
I started the show before I started reading the book. I now see why some were mentioning how the characters in the show don't match the characters in the book...... The book is always better. 😊😊😊
This is what I'm currently reading now. I'm excited that there is finally an app for booklovers to connect!