My son is only two so he doesn‘t read yet but he loves books and to be read to so I decided it was time for a library card. He was so excited to get one
My son is only two so he doesn‘t read yet but he loves books and to be read to so I decided it was time for a library card. He was so excited to get one
Baby‘s down for the night (hopefully), so a glass of white and book for the night
Clearly exhausted in this photo. I bought my son this book and in one day I may have read it six times and multiple times a day since then. I‘m ever animated when I read to him, maybe that‘s why, or he just knows a good book when he hears one. Another book to add to his list of favorites.
Finally getting some time to read. Hoping I can actually finish a book. So far I‘m enjoying this one. Crouch is one of my favorite sci-fi authors. Between him and Andy Weir I wish I continued to study chemistry.
I think this is the third time I‘ve tried to read this book. It‘s not bad, I just don‘t have much time.
This is what my last year has been about. Haven‘t really had the time to start, let alone finish any of my own books. But he‘s been enjoying mommy reading to him his books. His favorite at the moment is Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Plus we‘ve moved again and most of my books are still in storage. Can‘t wait to get them out and organize my bookshelves when I order new ones.
Just joined a Book Club and this is our first book. I‘ve been wanting to read this book for years, I guess maybe I was waiting subconsciously for this group of women before I did. Edit: In these times this book was very difficult to read and it took a long time for me to get through. When I finished I was actually relieved it was done, like a weight was off my shoulders. It was a great read though.
Finally getting to thins one. I‘m so excited. EDIT: Fantastic read, fastest I‘ve read a book in a long while.
#isolationTBR Great read during a pandemic. Real life doesn‘t seem as bad. It could be worse.
I‘m going to have come back to this one. It just wasn‘t holding my attention.
Catching up on the pile I put together last year. Slow read. I like Ruth Ware but this one didn‘t grab me like the other books of hers that I‘ve read.
New York ComicCon book haul. Not much but I love what I got. The posters are amazing too.
I‘ve been so busy that I‘ve just been collecting books without much time to read any of them. Finally getting a chance to dig into my piles but I can‘t read like as quickly as I used to.
When my job moved, I went from taking public transportation and having time to read, to driving and having no time. Slowly getting back in the habit. This is a book read so far.
Good short read. I enjoyed it. I even read a short passage to my six year old niece and she enjoyed the dialect.
Feels like a bit of a prequel to The Handmaid‘s Tale. This is why we March.
First book of 2018, and I loved it. Powerful topic, thought provoking. I think it should required reading.