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Love Story | Erich Segal
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I wasn‘t old enough to see this movie in theaters. However, as a teenager it often played on one of the four channels I had to surf. Oh, how it brought me to angsty teenage tears. This is a super quick read and it ages fine - except thanks HIPPA, a patient should learn their fate 1st 😳. I absolutely knew the ending (and catch phrase) yet still I cried - maybe a bit for my 15 yo channel surfing self 🥲😂

June #DoubleSpin Cat: less 250 pages

marleed @TheAromaofBooks I purchased the anniversary addition of this book during the lockdown in 2020 when it seems I spent a year‘s income on book buying. I‘ve been hoping for a hit on this category since I first created BS categories in Jan 2023 just so I could prioritize this little book which took just over an hour to read! 5d
Ruthiella Ah, the years of only network television and the joy of catching movies like this! 😂 5d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2020 is the year I discovered Book Outlet, so I also may have had some book purchasing issues 😂 😂 😂 5d
marleed @Ruthiella omg, if only I could have the hours back that I spent channel surfing (a word and activity lost to technology 😄) as a tween and young teen! This, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Wait until Dark (Audrey Hepburn) are the movies that come immediately to mind. The later two scarred the hell out of me - if I remember right, one channel hosted Friday Fright nights after 9 or 10. …And funny reading this as a grandparent - dad‘s not soooo bad! 5d
marleed @TheAromaofBooks it may take me years to get through my personal stack of books published in 2020! 5d
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One of my favorite (adult) patrons at the library will definitely never look at me the same way again after learning that I loved this one…but it was worth it. 😅

Weird? Yes. *Obviously.*
Captivating? Also yes.

To be fair, she hadn‘t gotten very far…but she was pretty sure she was going to bail. 🤷‍♀️🦈🩵

#ReadingBracket2024 #2024ReadingBracket

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I knew this debut novel had a lot of love. I‘m not sure what I expected but it wasn‘t what I got.

I, like others, LOVED what I got.

Despite first impressions, bears only a surface resemblance to The Lobster (2015). I kept thinking, “This is like The Lobster except…” less self-consciously artsy, more intimate, more feminine. Eventually, the “excepts” piled up. The only real similarity is animal transmutation in an otherwise mundane world. 😅👇🏻

monalyisha 1/2: I‘m genuinely still in awe that this is Habeck‘s first novel. It‘s hard to write past that but I‘ll try. 😅 This is the kind of magical realism I‘m always craving in my (human, and therefore animal) heart of hearts. The fantastical is accepted; the rest is contemporary fiction. The focus is on the characters: their yearning, their struggles, their joy, their connection with their larger community and with themselves. 3w
monalyisha 2/2: If you‘re a fan of nature writing, it‘s got more than a dawn‘s blush of that, too! If you don‘t mind crying at the beach (just wear big sunglasses & you‘ll be golden), I‘d definitely recommend tucking this into your bag with your towel & sunblock this summer. 🦈 It‘d also be a great book club choice! Anticipate discussions about love, caretaking, & formative childhood experiences. I‘m still ruminating on the “why” behind so many details. (edited) 3w
Amiable Fabulous review! 3w
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monalyisha I should also say that this is the THIRD recently published book I‘ve read in under a year that specifically names Our Town by Thornton Wilder — in the text itself & in the acknowledgements — as a hugely impactful & relevant work. It‘s officially a trend! 3w
Crazeedi Excellent review 3w
marleed @monalyisha Kind of related to your noting Our Town…. I went through a couple years were I couldn‘t believe how many book I read made some mention of Earnest Hemingway. I wished I‘d documented every reference I read. 3w
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This book was beautifully written and had very meaningful things to say about love, loss, grief, joy, growing up, and many other things. Everything was very beautiful and heart-wrenching. I just wish there was more character development. I wanted to know and love the characters a little more. 4/5

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I enjoyed this book, but I don't know. It had such sad parts to it, such beautiful love, such loss. It had a lot of “big feelings“.

Thank you again @AlwaysBeenALoverOfBooks


Another #BirdBuddy

Booksblanketsandahotbeverage Is this a feeder with a camera? I love it! 🐦‍⬛❤️ 4w
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 4w
Booksblanketsandahotbeverage ❤️❤️❤️ 4w
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The Wedding | Nicholas Sparks
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“Marriage is about becoming a team. You're going to spend the rest of your life learning about each other, and every now and then, things blow up. But the beauty of marriage is that if you picked the right person and you both love each other, you'll always figure out a way to get through.”


💍 💒 🩷

My beautiful hydrangea 💐

Velvetfur I know I'm an old cynic but....I can't think of the word 'marriage' without thinking of the word 'divorce'. Most people I know who've been married are now either separated or divorced. I'd hate to pay that much money just to break up with someone! I'll stay single 😂 1mo
Eggs Beautiful 🤩 1mo
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This book is STUNNING. One of the strangest stories I‘ve ever read, but it approaches love and loss with unflinching rawness and honesty. If you would have told me a book about a man mutating into a shark would be one of my favourite books of the year, I would have laughed at you. But, here we are. It‘s poetry. It‘s prose. It‘s art and paint and canvas. It‘s a love story. But mostly about self love and selfless love. Read it. Five stars.

The Time Traveler's Wife | Audrey Niffenegger
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@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag! 😘 ... you, too, @Eggs! 😘)

1. For some reason, I can always tell where north is without any app, North Star, whatever. I just instinctively know--no matter what city, either. I have no idea why.

Play? @AmyG @TheBookHippie @PageShifter

Eggs #1 - that is a superpower my friend👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 said the disoriented lost person 🤪 1mo
dabbe @Eggs 😂🤗😘 1mo
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TheSpineView I read that birds know North. Hmmm..Hmm... interesting. 1mo
dabbe @TheSpineView Maybe I was a bird in another life? 🤔😂😀 1mo
TheSpineView @dabbe You never know! 🙃😉😊 1mo
AmyG Thanks for the tag! 1mo
dabbe @AmyG 😘 1mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I am so directionally challenged 🫤 1mo
dabbe @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks As Bogart would say, “Stick with me, kid.“ 🤩🤗😘 1mo
49 likes11 comments
Angel of Hope | Lurlene McDaniel
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Just finished this book. I enjoyed reading this book. It was emotional but good. I rated this book a 3 out of 5 stars.