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It struck me as a little amusing when CBS started using a song by Muse as part of the music background for March #Madness but hey why not. 😎

Alas, my school didn‘t advance, but I‘ve attended the conference tournament a couple times and had a good time. 🏀

Fun fact! One of my college classmates was selected in the NBA draft. However, he mostly rode the bench and gave up after one year to become a geologist. 🪨


Eggs Love your fun fact 🪨 1y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Interesting fun fact!! 1y
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I‘m a bit late posting but here‘s my March TBR for #bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! 2y
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March #bookspin list! Basing this month on the books I got at the library book sale. Determined to actually read the books I bought before looking for more! 😊 I have already finished one, so swapped in another from the same author.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
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I plan to join in on the #MarchMadness readathon, but since I'll be in the Philippines for 10 days, I'll keep my goals simple. I plan to take books with me of course, it's a 20+ hour flight after all, but once I get there I don't know how much reading I'll get done between sightseeing and eating. I will try to finish 5 books and read over 60 hours.
Good luck to everyone joining in.
#MarchMadness @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES @Andrew65

Lizpixie The Phillipines sounds fun! I‘ve always wanted to do the whole South East Asia tour. It‘ll be extremely hot so pack lots of cotton👍 2y
Bookwomble Sounds like an exciting trip 😊 2y
Andrew65 Great to have you with us, good luck 😁 2y
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#bookspin for March! Also scooped a line in #bookspinbingo for Feb after finishing my book spin choice which was a chapter a day of Les Mis 😁

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! That's a series book to tackle!! 2y
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This is my #BookSpinBingoCard for #March. #Bookspin @TheAromaofBooks

The books I read have the Goodreads ratings on them.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 2y
LeticiaToraci I feel like reading the #DoubleSpin this time. 17, only counting on the list. 2y
LeticiaToraci 17 is Fire & Heist. 2y
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Unbelievably, March is less than a week away! I know there has been some wintry weather across the country, but here it has been unseasonably (and honestly suspiciously 😂) mild - one of our warmest Februarys on record!

ANYWAY time to start thinking about your March #BookSpin & #BookSpinBingo lists!! Some of you have already posted yours, so apologies if you're being tagged unnecessarily!!

As always, let me know if you would like to be added ⬇

TheAromaofBooks (cont'd) or removed from the tag list!!

Here is the link to the masterpost about how this challenge works - https://thearomaofbooks.wordpress.com/bookspin-bookspinbingo-litsy-challenge/ - or feel free to ask me if you have any questions.

Finally, the link to the 2023 Google Form for tracking your BS/DS reads is here: https://forms.gle/tc6U17AuVw4ssG2v8

Can't wait to see your lists & I'll be back on the 2nd with the winning numbers!!
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Lcsmcat It‘s supposed to hit 80 here today. Crazy weather. 2y
TheSpineView March 😱 2y
Zoes_Human I was wearing a tennis skirt and a t-shirt COMFORTABLY all day yesterday. 72 in February in WNC makes me nervous. If I disappear this summer, it's probably because of spontaneous combustion. 2y
BarkingMadRead I made mine before I left for Disney but I didn‘t take a pic 🤣 can‘t wait! 2y
SpookyMazeOfBooks Can't wait , to see what books I get because I feel like I'm out of that reading slump. 2y
Sarahreadstoomuch Our weather in New England has been all over the place! 60s a couple days ago, snow, sleet and ice storm today! 2y
Nessavamusic This weather is wild, but it didn‘t shut us down. 2y
Julsmarshall Yay! Love Bookspin list time! Our texas weather is all over too-low 50s on Monday, was 80 yesterday 🤪 (edited) 2y
Bookwormjillk Warm here too. I‘m bracing for a March blizzard. I was working on my list this morning. I‘ll post a pic soon. 2y
Librarybelle I‘ve been thinking about March…hopefully I can pull it together this weekend! 2y
Cinfhen Ohhhhh, I almost forgot 😅 thanks for the March reminder 😘😘 (edited) 2y
Eggs Working on the list!! Texas- -ice one week, 80 the next 🤪 2y
Ash.on.the.line This month I‘ve read so many library and netgalley books so my March list will mostly be the same as February 😅😆 2y
SheReadsAndWrites I can't believe it's almost March! We have a frosting of snow this morning in Idaho. It looks like the yard was sprinkled with powdered sugar. 🤭❄️ I love winter. 💙 2y
bookandbedandtea Oh gosh, I haven't even thought about my March list yet! 😳 Guess I'll get on that. 😁 2y
BarbaraJean I‘m gearing up for a rainy weekend here in Southern California—oh no, guess I‘ll have to stay in and read 😂 I‘m putting final touches on my March list; I‘ve been trying to fit in too many different reading goals/challenges! (edited) 2y
Clwojick I‘m ready to rock! 2y
claudiuo Still trying to finish a book, hope to get the list ready this weekend. Thank you so much! 2y
MatchlessMarie It was 88 degrees here yesterday 🤨😄 I am hoping to have a better reading month in March because I have spring break week off work 🎉 2y
BookishMadHatter I started working on my list this week and will (hopefully) get my kids to assign numbers to the books this weekend. 2y
UwannaPublishme Yikes! Still trying to finish at least one book on my list. 😄 2y
Bklover Oh yeah!! Thanks for the reminder!❤️ 2y
gossamerchild Think I might be working on this list right up to the last minute. I did NOT get many of my titles read this month. 2y
Bookbuyingaddict Yes 🙌 please 😀im on my last book 📖 for 2 lines I think 🤔 I wonder 💭 if il ever get a full house 😂 2y
KristiAhlers I just posted mine. I can't believe how fast this month has gone! 2y
JenniferP Can you add me to the tag list? I have my list all ready for March! Thank you! 2y
CSeydel Already? 😂 2y
TheAromaofBooks @JenniferP - Absolutely!! 2y
Grrlbrarian Ahhhhh! Eep! How is it almost March 😳 I‘ll get my list up Monday. Thank you! 2y
Bookgoil Oh sheesh I‘m so behind this month for once and I don‘t think I‘ve finished nearly any of my Feb list so therefore I may push a bunch over from there I‘ll make one up tonight! 2y
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I set my #20in4 goals low and still didn‘t meet them all! I did finish Rage Becomes Her and The Other Bennet Sister, my main goals. I caught up on This Life but not 1619. I started Gods in Everyman. Overall decent reading for a really busy weekend. Thanks @Andrew65 for hosting!

Untitled | Unknown
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Me with my cousin MaCio Teague #31 on the Baylor Bears! Wishing you and the Bears Good luck tonight! #NCAA

BooksCoffeeNurse Wow, that‘s impressive! Good luck, Baylor! 3y
RebelReader Go Bears! 3y
Bklover Woohoo!! Just watched the game- Congratulations Bears!!!👍👏🏀🎉. Also congratulations to your cousin MaCio on 19 points!!! (edited) 3y
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Megabooks So cool!!! I was rooting for Baylor!! Congratulations to him!!‘ 🎉🎉 3y
SamAnne Baylor played awesome ball! Still sad for Zags but wow! 3y
AmyG Oh WOW. What a great team and a very well-deserved win! 3y
S3V3N @SamAnne I am proud of both teams. 3y
S3V3N @AmyG Thanks! 3y
NikkiM5 Awesome. My daughter toured Baylor a few weeks ago (she decided on TCU) but that was an amazing campus. 3y
S3V3N @NikkiM5 That‘s awesome. TCU is a great school too! 3y
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My wrap up for this month. 2,096 pages total with 7 books. Think moxie and with the fire on high were my favorites this month #marchwrapup