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The City We Became
The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Spectacular. Jemisin is a powerhouse of imagination. The author not only made New York's boroughs come alive in a way that allowed me to relate to parts of a city I've never seen, in a way I never expected to, she made the reader feel for these characters as people, and then created a magnificent sci-fi/fantasy of multi-dimensional proportions, all while effortlessly conveying a continous commentary on racism, xenophobia and gentrification. 1/2

Robotswithpersonality Then Jemisin went and made me laugh repeatedly and introduced a love interest angle I was thrilled to discover. The audio book, by the way, is also a truly superb production. A blissful tandem read. Overjoyed to discover this is a series. Next, please! ☺️ 2mo
Texreader What an awesome review! 2mo
Robotswithpersonality @Texreader Thanks! Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did! 2mo
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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First book of the year! I found Jemisin‘s writing to be very precise and evocative on a sentence level. I love how she played with the characters‘ knowledge and how it is revealed. The urban fantasy elements were sort of reminiscent of Gaiman‘s writing but Jemisin‘s voice is unique. I can‘t wait for the sequels! P.S. I returned my copy to the library so the photo is a tessellation I folded appropriately called “Suction,” apropos of the antagonist.

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This morning I‘m trying to speed through the end of the tagged so I can return it to the library. Just in time for #weirdwordsWednesday, I found the word gormless, which I had never heard before. I guess it stems from a dialect noun “gaum,” which can mean understanding or attention. Throw in a spelling change and the current meaning makes sense. Still, I‘m surprised I‘ve never noticed it in British literature I‘ve read. #weirdwords @CBee

CBee New to me! Thanks for sharing 😊 5mo
Bookwomble This is a common dialect word in north west England, and sometimes I think it must be my true name, as I seem to hear it a lot when my wife's around😄 4mo
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I only got one pick read off @sprainedbrain ‘s #newyearwhodis list, but it was a good one & fantastic on audio. I was nervous about reading Jemisin because I struggled with The Fifth Season. I felt this to be more approachable, but don‘t take that to mean simple. It was complex & fantastic, Jemisin is a master of her craft. I am eagerly awaiting the next book. There will be a next one, right?
Thank you @monalyisha for another great #nywd pairing!

sprainedbrain I‘m glad you liked it! I believe there is another book coming… can‘t wait to see which city she does next. 2y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This was OK, but it wasn't as awesome as I was expecting.

It's about a series of New Yorkers becoming the embodiment of each borough and using their NewYorkishNess to fight off a Lovecraftian tentacle invasion. It was pretty cool, but most of the "battles" were a bit meh and overall I didn't find myself racing to pick it up each day.

Worth a read, for sure, but not one of my favourites.


The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I have never been so delighted with a book I struggle so much to describe. 💫

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This novel is a wonderful example of urban fantasy. It's not just fantasy in an urban setting but a story that celebrates and explores the different facets of a city. I've not been to NYC in years, but used to spend summer vacations there visiting my aunt. This book made me want to go back and rediscover its magic!

First book finished for #NutsInMay! @Andrew65

#hugoawards #hugo2021

Ruthiella I liked this one but didn‘t love it. But I can only imagine that the more the reader knows NYC, the deeper and more fun the reading experience will be! I‘ve only been to the city once, many years ago. 3y
Andrew65 Great 👏👏👏 3y
kwmg40 @Ruthiella I think you‘re right that it probably requires some knowledge of NYC to appreciate this book. I wonder if the sequels will be in other cities. 3y
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kwmg40 @Andrew65 Thanks! 3y
Ruthiella I think the sequels will continue in NYC because the Big Bad may be down, but they aren‘t out! 3y
kwmg40 @Ruthiella That sounds likely, but I‘d love to see Jemisin‘s take on a different city! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Wow! What a deep and thought provoking story. The analogies in this story take some time to manifest but when they do, they make you stop and wonder. This was an easy five stars, I can't wait to read the next book in the series. Wild, profound, amazing, deep.

Absolutely a favorite read, this needs to be required reading for college students, it's a great way to talk about gentrification, privilege, racism, white complacency.

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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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A copy of this was added to my Library's collection. Looks intriguing. I looked up the author on YouTube and listened to her. She said she was writing books that she would have liked to have seen when she was young as an African American. Cool.
Image from Amazon.com.

SamAnne She is a groundbreaking sci-fi and fantasy writer. World-building sci-fi/fantasy is not my go to, but I now want to read everything she writes. (edited) 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩Thank you so much for all these goodies @BennettBookworm !! I feel so spoiled! I can‘t decide which book I‘m most excited about - possibly the tagged one because Jemisin is my newfound love! The artwork on this journal is SO beautiful! Oh and the mug! I LOVE the mug! I opened it and exclaimed “oh, Witch mug! Witch mug!!!” 🤣

Thank you so so much!

#BlitsyHistoryMonth #BHMS

Chelleo Great books...love that card too. The witch mug is pretty badass 😉 3y
BennettBookworm Yayyyyy OMG I‘m so happy you love them! Enjoy!! 😍 3y
Jadams89 @BennettBookworm definitely having my coffee in the witch mug today 😍 3y
BennettBookworm Ahhhh yes yes! 3y
Scochrane26 Homegoing is so good! I haven‘t read the others pictured. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This one took me a minute to get into and now it‘s like I‘m itching to read it and see what happens next - it‘s soooo good. I‘m also slowly getting into wine. My favorite are the 19 Crimes and I‘m partial to Snoop‘s Cali Red (plus I get to say Snoop Wine.... 😉) 🍷 📚 ♥️

ScientistSam 19 crimes have several good wines for sure! 3y
britt_brooke 19 Crimes makes some pretty good stuff. I‘ve never tried any of Snoop‘s, but now I must!! 😂 (edited) 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Afrofuturism! https://www.architecturaldigest.com/story/what-is-afrofuturism/amp

1. I love the Binti trilogy by Nnedi Okorafor! ❤️
2. Added! 👆🏻
3. Nalo Hopkinson has been on my radar for a while. Can‘t wait to get to her stories!

#SundayFunday Have a great day, and don‘t forget to tag me!

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This was a fun tour through NYC's five boroughs. New York City is about to be born, with each borough having an avatar that represents it's heart & history. As they each emerge, we meet a diverse bunch of people discovering the threat in their city's north right along with us. I think the middle dragged a bit, but picked up again at the end. I felt the strongest support for Brooklyn, the most curiosity about Staten Island, and ⬇️

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick the most disinterest in Queens. A follow up book could help answer some more questions. Jemisin certainly built a full world that's intriguing, but I hope book two brings a bit more humanity to our antagonist fighting the city's birth.
A tad late to finish #authoramonth for January @Soubhiville SORRY! and my first February #bookspinbingo book @TheAromaofBooks
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Cinfhen Great review 💜I couldn‘t get through this book, so I‘m extra impressed 🙌🏻 3y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Your review makes it sound pretty intriguing! On my shelf ... 🤓📚 3y
JaclynW Great review! I finished this in January and liked it too. So very inventive. I'm looking forward to another book as well. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I‘m finishing this one today for #AuthoraMonth. It is a very interesting premise, with cities coming to life when they reach a cultural strength that enables them to be born through members of the city who serve as “avatars” to protect the city. New York is being born with one primary avatar, and 5 other individuals who represent the 5 boroughs. They must find one another to fight against forces that want to stop New York from coming to life.

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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Buddy read with #BookSister Jenni @sprainedbrain
If only I could convey what a unique EXPERIENCE this was! ❤️it‘s character driven with some of the most fun, intriguing and entertaining characters I‘ve read for a long time. Such an engrossing storyline, it was about more than the blurb tells you: not just about New York. Lots of hilarious scenes! With socially relevant themes too. Bring on book 2! 🙌🏽#AuthorAMonth
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️/5

HOTPock3tt When those Evil STARBUCKS actually detached from the ground and started coming after them to attack them I was lmfao! 😂😂 I‘ll never look at Starbucks the same way again! 🤣 3y
DHill Loved this one! 3y
HOTPock3tt @DHill It‘ll probably end up on my favorites list this year! Of course along with “The Fifth Season”! ❤️😉 (edited) 3y
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sprainedbrain We MUST buddy read the next one, too! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 3y
HOTPock3tt Yess!! 🙌🏽🎉It was fun chatting about it with you! ❤️❤️❤️ @sprainedbrain 3y
DHill Same! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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My first 5-star book of the year, and I‘m not the least bit surprised it‘s from Jemisin—I LOVED her Fifth Season trilogy, and this book, while completely different, is no less stellar.

Glorious, original fantasy with an amazing diverse cast of characters (who just so happen to be avatars for NYC), lots of humor and social commentary, and fantastic writing.

The audio is awesome: the brilliant Robin Miles plus music/sound effects. 🤩


sprainedbrain Another #NewYearWhoDis selection from @TheKidUpstairs, plus knocked one off my tbr since I bought this last year, AND it‘s my #authoramonth book for January! 🥳 @Soubhiville @monalyisha (edited) 3y
TheNeverendingTBR I didn't get The Fifth Season at all, but I'm stacking this one 💫 3y
TheKidUpstairs Yes! So glad you loved it. I didn't realize going into it that it was the beginning of a new trilogy. Totally thought it was a stand alone. But I'm glad that I will be able to spend more time in this inventive, intelligent thoughtful otherworldly New York City! 3y
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sprainedbrain @TheNeverendingTBR I definitely think this one is less complicated than the Fifth Season...if that makes sense, and WAY lighter and funnier. 3y
sprainedbrain @TheKidUpstairs I‘m very excited for more! Do you know if they will be about NY again or will we get more cities? 3y
TheNeverendingTBR @sprainedbrain It definitely does, I didn't have a clue what was going on in The Fifth Season 😏 3y
TheKidUpstairs @sprainedbrain i don't know. She had planned on finishing it in 2020, and starting the third. And then 2020 was, well, 2020. She said she didn't write at all this year, so it's delayed. It will be interesting to see if the year that was 2020 will have an effect on the next book. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This was the first book of 2021; it is truly unputdownable despite a slow start. New York City is going to come alive but its avatar has fallen into a supernatural sleep. It can only be revived if its 5 boroughs, represented by 5 people, can come together and defeat the enemy. All the 5 avatars are the boroughs themselves. With themes of racism and gentrification and other important ideas, this novel is highly recommended. #AuthorAMonth

NeedsMoreBooks Also the book cover comes alive under Google lens if you have a hardback copy! 3y
LoverOfLearning @NeedsMoreBooks Okay very cool! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Grateful for @Soubhiville ‘s #AuthorAMonth , which nudged me to finally read Jemisin! This was wonderful. I fell hard for the characters. Audiobook vigorously recommended because of course Robin Miles portrayed all of those great characters brilliantly (and there were fun bonus sound effects - which I know is not everyone‘s cup of tea, but I love them).

HOTPock3tt I am grateful to #AuthorAMonth for the same reason! ❤️ 3y
Christine @HOTPock3tt Yay! Lucky us! ❤️ 3y
HOTPock3tt I know right! 😃❤️🎉 and it‘s so rare for me to do a challenge. So glad I picked this one. And found this amazing author (edited) 3y
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Christine @HOTPock3tt YES! Same here. I‘m usually not interested in challenges, but this one is so accessible and also full of authors I either love or figure I probably will love, so it‘s perfect. :) 3y
HOTPock3tt Yep! Those were my reasons too! 🤗I wanted to try N.K Jemisin and read MORE from Ann Patchett (since I adored The Dutch House) and also read more from V.E Schwab... 3y
Christine @HOTPock3tt Yes to Ann Patchett! I‘ve really enjoyed everything of hers that I‘ve read. I‘ve never read V.E. Schwab...anywhere you‘d recommend starting with her work? 3y
HOTPock3tt I really enjoyed her “Shades of Magic” trilogy ☺️ 3y
Christine @HOTPock3tt Thanks - I‘ll try to remember to start there in October! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I thought the house puma was sleeping in his cat bed. What a surprise to see he‘s stolen my spot when I returned with snacks and drink to begin #authoramonth tagged book.


Catsandbooks Sleepy little kitty! 🥰 3y
ravenlee It was very nice of you to get his spot ready. Very considerate. 3y
BookishMarginalia What a gorgeous kitty! #CatsofLitsy 3y
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Soubhiville Aw, kitty. They do love to take over the warm spot! Looks like he‘s smiling 😊 3y
SconsinBookyBadger @Catsandbooks there may have been floor reading while he snoozed 😸 💤 3y
SconsinBookyBadger @ravenlee @Soubhiville first time he‘s ever done this. He looked proud of himself 😸 3y
SconsinBookyBadger @BookishMarginalia thank you, he‘s quite the heartthrob 😻 (edited) 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I just started this one, but wanted to ask if anyone else‘s copy had this printing error? It has pages 55-86 attached upside down, and then starts with 55 over again. You can see that there are holes where they had already been scored once incorrectly. This is the #botm edition. 😬

Soubhiville Oh strange! I hope you aren‘t missing any part of it. 3y
BennettBookworm How wild! I didn‘t have that! 3y
tjwill @Soubhiville no, it doesn‘t seem like anything is missing. It starts over with 55 and continues normally. I just have a bunch of extra pages, upside down. 🙃 3y
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tjwill @BennettBookworm Good to know! Thanks! 3y
Karkar I had several books with issues like that with BOTM it is part of the reason I quit. ☹️ 3y
tjwill @Karkar That‘s awful! This is the first one I‘ve noticed, although I admittedly haven‘t read them all yet. Thanks for letting me know. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I tried, but I have no clue what is happening in this book. 🤷‍♀️ I'm going to shelf it for now and maybe come back at a later date. The concept sounded intriguing. I think I just need more available brain space than what I currently have to work through its complexities. #authoramonth @Soubhiville

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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EDIT: Nope. I wanted to like her writing; I really did. It's just not for me.

I didn't love The Fifth Season, but appreciated the storytelling. Multiple sources have told me that I might like this one better, so giving it a shot! #Authoramonth @Soubhiville

Laney1733 I love all of The Fifth Season books but just could NOT get into this one. Might try again someday. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I have so many books going on right now, but since I finished one last night I am allowing myself to start a new one! This is my first NK Jemison, but I know there‘s a lot of love out there for her writing, so I am excited to finally try out one of her books!

Reading for #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I've only read her Amazon short Emergency Skin. This is the one I've got on deck to start this weekend. 3y
RonniKlein I wasn't sure about this one when I was picking my BOTM but the more I read about it, the more I want to read it! 3y
Linsy Ditto! she has been on my list for a long time, and I think I‘m going to start with this one 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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It's snowing, but they don't care, because it's reading time.

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I don't know what I expected from this book, but it was definitely not the story it contains! I really wasn't sure I was going to stick with it through the first 100 pages, but it eventually grabbed me and pulled me in. It was my first Jemison, and while I have mixed feelings about this book, I'm sure I'll try the author again. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

bourne.shell yep, I felt the same way as you. There were times I wasn't even sure what I was reading other than I knew it was unique and creative. I stuck it out, enjoyed it, still not sure how I feel about it. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Oh wow! What cool chocolate 🍫 & I am SO excited for this new book 😭🙏🏻📚🎄 @bookish_wookish

bookish_wookish Looks amazing! 3y
StaceGhost @bookish_wookish haha! Yes! I was just looking it up lol 3y
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bookish_wookish Gotcha covered! 🤗 3y
witchyreader13 @staceghost I am so happy that you like everything! I spent way too long pouring over all the different dark chocolates on Amazon, reading ingredients and trying to find something beyond the ordinary offerings. Enjoy your new read & happy holidays! ❤ 3y
StaceGhost @abooknerdsparadise oh man!! It was SO good! I refused to share with anyone hahahaha thank you so much!! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Thank you @Cupcake12 fir the tag and the questions #MotivationalMonday

Halfway through the book and enjoying it.

1. Complete writing blog posts for Feminist Book Club Box
2. Gorging on goat biryani (my brother-in-law is staying with us and he cooked it). Biryani- https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biryani

Cupcake12 Thank you for playing ❤️ Hope you are well. When are you planning your next Reading Squad podcast? Goat biriyani sounds interesting! I had goat curry in Tobago and loved it xx Take care xx 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I‘m just not feeling this. The premise is kinda cool - that the NYC boroughs are represented by avatars, but 30% in, I know I‘m not going to continue with the series. While the #audiobook narration is awesome, I‘m just not connecting with the material. I can‘t push through another 11 hours. #itsnotyouitsme??

#authoramonth #aam

ETA #bookspinbingo sq 18

emilyhaldi I don‘t think this one is for me either 🙅🏻‍♀️ 3y
Megabooks @emilyhaldi no, I can‘t see you liking this. 3y
BarbaraBB I am kind of glad you bailed too! @emilyhaldi don‘t even try it 😀 3y
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Cinfhen I bailed too!!!!! 🙈 3y
Cinfhen Now I need to find a different title for #AAM 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen Soubhi will count a bail towards aam. I think the point is to try new authors, but whatever your own goals are is up to you, obviously. 3y
Cinfhen I‘m still gonna try another but I‘ll ONLY #BorrowNotBuy ...I‘m trying to cut my book spending in 2021 😉 3y
Megabooks @Cinfhen oh yeah, this is a library copy! She‘s too out of my wheelhouse to buy. 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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The City We Became takes place in New York City, in a version of the world in which great cities become sentient through human avatars.
After the avatar of New York falls into a supernatural coma and vanishes, a group of five new avatars representing the five boroughs come together to fight their common Enemy. -Wikipedia
Love the premise and was engaged for the first 1/3, but enthusiasm dropped after that. Tough keeping track of ⬇️ #AAM2021

Eggs ➡️ characters-many sound alike. If I have to make visual aids to understand, I lose enthusiasm. Also “mother-f_____” gets old when it‘s in nearly every sentence. My last point is that for over 50% of novel, too much talking and not enough showing. #bookspinbingo #authoramonth2021 3y
Weisubei Great review!! 3y
Eggs Thanks @Weisubei 🌺 3y
TheAromaofBooks Yes, I'm reading this author's Broken Earth trilogy and it's just relentlessly depressing with way too many f-bombs for my taste. (Thankfully it's a made-up world where they also have their own words for swearing which helps cut back a bit... but apparently 'f***' is universal 🙄) 3y
Eggs @TheAromaofBooks Agreed. Last year I read one of her short stories-Amazon original-loved it, but this one not so much 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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1. Tagged
2. I came to terms with the DNF and let go of books that just didn‘t interest me.
3. The Guardians by John Grisham. I haven‘t read a Grisham in a long time but this one sounds interesting.

#sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz

BookmarkTavern It took me so long to accept that not finishing books is okay! Thank you for sharing! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Favorite Reads of 2020

The City We Became - N.K. Jemisin
A Song Below Water - Bethany C. Morrow
The Price Guide to the Occult - Leslye Walton
Queen's Peril - E.K. Johnston
American Elsewhere - Robert Jackson Bennett
The Gift of Darkness - V.M. Giambanco
My Sister's Grave - Robert Dugoni
Ring Shout - P. Djèlí Clark
When No One is Watching - Alyssa Cole
The Last Emperox - John Scalzi 🎧
Dead Moon - Peter Clines 🎧

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This book. This audio. First time with this author and not my typical genre but all I can say is listen, just listen.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

GreenGrl87 Oooh the hype!! I have this book, and now you‘re making me want to bump it up my TBR... I just started The Inheritance Trilogy by her. 3y
BookwormAHN I also listened to this book on audio and it was fantastic 💙 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego She's one of my faves! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Here‘s my #bookspin list for January 2021!

The starred books fulfill challenges I‘m doing, like #IntegrateYourShelf #SeriesRead2021 #FoodandLit #AuthorAMonth and #MountTBR

I may not knock out all of them, but it‘s a good list to pull from! The tagged book will be my first book of 2021!

Butterfinger Can't wait to hear about your travels. 3y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
TheSpineView 👍🤩 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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#AuthorAMonth another Jemisin on sale on kindle in the US today, in case you were interested in picking it up to read January!


Read-y_Picker Saw that up in Canada also! I already have it but I‘ve been holding off reading it since I saw the #authoramonth2021 list come out ... (edited) 3y
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Andrew65 Looking forward to January for this author. Thanks for the tag @Soubhiville and thanks for the post @Riveted_Reader_Melissa (edited) 3y
Andrew65 Even better value for those in the U.K., currently 99p on Kindle! 3y
TheBookHippie 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 3y
jillannjohn Thanks! 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Lazy #SundayReading with my #readingbuddy Minerva 🥰 A good book, Irish Afternoon #tea in a bookish mug, warm fuzzy penguin socks, and a cuddly kitty are just what I need today! #CatwithBook #SelfCare

Leftcoastzen She‘s so adorable! 4y
TK-421 @Leftcoastzen 😽😺 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This was a really fun fantasy of New York City. A love song to cities and to NYC in particular, looking at cities as complex organisms rather than constructs. I am more familiar with Manhattan and Brooklyn but I loved how it got into the characters of the different burroughs. I wonder how readers from Staten Island will feel about the book but this is the first in a trilogy so we will see how the characters develop.

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Absolutely loved this audiobook. May he my favorite this month.

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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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#AuthorAMonth readers! Alert from @Cinfhen :
The City We Became is available from Apple Books for $4.99 today. NK Jemisin is our author for January. (And I loved this book!)

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Kimberlone I have this on hold from my library for January but thanks for the heads up!! 4y
Cinfhen Yay! So glad you shared with your readers 😍 4y
AmyG Ooooooo thanks!!!!! 4y
Lcsmcat Thanks for sharing. 4y
IndoorDame Thanks for sharing! 4y
NeedsMoreBooks Thank you! 4y
Andrew65 Looking forward to January. Thanks @Cinfhen 😊 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Another #BFdeal 🎉This audiobook is available through Apple Books for $4.99🤑works for #Booked2021 #SFWrittenByAWoman and January‘s #AAM Loads of other great offers in both Ebook & Audiobook format 💚💚💚#HappyShopper

BarbaraTheBibliophage I definitely need to curb my buying instincts after Jan 1. But the deals for the next month will be AWESOME! 4y
Cinfhen TRUTH!!!!! @BarbaraTheBibliophage i can‘t stop that one click auto buy button 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Have you shopped at an independent bookstore in the past few days? If so, you can get a free audiobook (selections pictured) from Libro.fm! Just go to https://www.shoplocalbookstores.com/ by this coming Wednesday so they can verify your receipt, and voila! You do not have to be or become a member and it works anywhere in the world (they say—give it a try)! I picked up Me and White Supremacy. Which one will you get?

rockpools Wow, that‘s super-generous of them! 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Current read. Only a few chapters in but it strikes me as a love song to New York. I love NYC so looking forward to seeing what Jemisin does with it.

SamAnne I just bought this last night. Two cocktails plus bookstore plus slow poke brower hubby meant the biggest spending spree in a bookstore in a decade. Helping local stores in the pandemic, right? This one, Migrations, Mill City and all my Litsy swap gifts! 4y
bernadette @SamAnne totally behind supportive our independent bookstores. 😀 And all my biggest spending sprees tend to be bookstores or stationery stores. 😂 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Lovin‘ the light!

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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Although I loved this book, I really don't know how to explain my feelings. However, it was such an engaging, creative, symbolic read that I encourage others to read it. 💚

Jemisin has become a must read author for me now because I never know what to expect from her writing, but I always love it.

SamAnne I can‘t wait to read this one! 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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This book was so unique. If you‘ve ever been to NYC, you should read it. Is it very heavy handed and overt in its symbolism? Yes. Was it still a beautiful homage to the city and its people? Yes. It‘s written in prose but really feels like spoken word throughout. I‘ve lived in NYC for over five years and I still felt like this story deepened my appreciation for the city‘s history and legacy.

JanuarieTimewalker13 I‘m so excited !!! Just have a few books ahead of it!! Most are library books, so, I need to get to them. Thanks again!!! (edited) 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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@BennettBookworm Thank you so much for this book!!! I LOVE the origami❤️

BennettBookworm YAY you‘re so welcome!! Enjoy!! I‘m a few chapters away from the end in my own copy and it‘s sooo good so far 😳❤️ 4y
JanuarieTimewalker13 @BennettBookworm that‘s good to know!!! Life‘s been a little crazy recently, but I will get to it hopefully in January!! I will be sending a proper thank you soon❤️☮️ 4y
BennettBookworm Oh no need to do so!! I‘m just so glad you‘re giving this book a home! 🥰 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Wow! One of my most anticipated new reads of the year just showed up on my doorstep yesterday along with a beautiful postcard! Thank you so so so so much for this random act of kindness @catiewithac !!!! I love #litsylove💛🧡 🥰💚💜

NeedsMoreBooks Have you checked the live cover through Google lens? 3y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I cannot say enough good things about this book. The concept alone is enough but then the themes, the symbolism, the characters, the language, the pace, the rhythm, the development, the representation... It's ALLLL incredible. Just damn good.
Read this book! You need it, I need it, we all need it.
Read the short story The City Born Great, which is basically the first chapter here: https://www.tor.com/2016/09/28/the-city-born-great/

Graciouswarriorprincess It was so good! I agree!!!📚🥰😍📖 4y
BillBlume Couldn‘t agree more with all of this. So much love for this book. If I wasn‘t already an unabashed N.K. Jemisin fan before reading this, I would have been after it. She just keeps getting better. (edited) 4y
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Bits @BillBlume This was my first Jemisin! And yep, I am now an unabashed fan! 🙌 Can't wait to dive into more of her stuff! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Which month is this for? It looks like an older post, but if you could do me a favor & let me know if your reviews are for a month other than October/November, that would be super helpful!! Thank you!! 4y
Bits @TheAromaofBooks whoops September doublespin 4y
TheAromaofBooks Perfect, thank you!!! 4y
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The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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I wanted this so bad from NetGalley but couldn‘t get it. Got it now!

The City We Became | N.K. Jemisin
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Tara, Meredith, and Jeannette travel to New York City in this month‘s book The City We Became. They discuss how the book is a love letter to New York City— yet also a critique on society with racism, and the interesting process of how a city is born. Listen at eclecticreaders.fireside.fm/90 or in your favorite podcast app under Eclectic Readers! #EclecticReaders #Podcast