Just starting this. I loved Song of Achilles. Madeline Miller is phenomenal and I hope this work is no exception!
Just starting this. I loved Song of Achilles. Madeline Miller is phenomenal and I hope this work is no exception!
Definitely more character-building and less action. I find it fascinating - and very poignant - that she wrote an entire novel about hope and rebuilding after a devastating last installment. I did miss her intricate story-weaving and plot climax, but I understand this book will likely play a huge role in the next installment. And I always enjoy follow-up with some of my favorite characters.
I found this book to be a very painful read. However, I think painful reads sometimes open our minds to the reality of the world around us. In some ways I think it was so disturbing that I actually*shut off* at parts while reading it, but I don‘t regret reading it.
I was both frustrated and devastated by this. Frustrated because there were some vast over-generalizations. Devastated because, as the mother of an autistic son, I relate to so many scenarios but not to the feelings my son has. This book, written by a 13-year old autistic child, attempts to answer questions through use of an alphabet grid. It‘s a pick for me, even with its weaknesses, only because I feel I understand my son just a tad bit more.
Somewhat predictable, but it was a fun read. For that reason, it‘s a 3-star pick for me. Will it stay on my shelf? Probably not. But I don‘t regret reading it.
Catching up on my reviews! Loved this audiobook but I think I need to read the print version to fully comprehend everything 🤯 A bit of humor mixed in with fun facts and theory is a recipe for success ❤️
THIS book. So many discussion points. It‘s written in verse and documents the “plight” of a boy whose brother has just been shot. He is trying to follow the 3 rules: don‘t cry, don‘t snitch and get revenge. He ends up riding an elevator with occupants who followed these 3 rules in the past. It‘s an easy fast read for the teen crowd and paves the path for conversations we sometimes need to have about inequality and racial identity.
Pick. I‘ll likely be buying this for the shelf. That‘s all ❤️
A plan is hatched by a young teen to record her father‘s voice during his last days and release it as a computer virus so no one will forget him. This short story of navigation through grief was heartbreaking, heartwarming, funny, sad, tender and harsh at the same time.
I very much enjoyed this audiobook. It really brought this to life.
When you realize you finally might be willing to learn what all this Star Wars hype is about. 😂
I read this to my kids last night. It is such a beautiful book. I don‘t always post about picture books we read together, but I feel this one has so many good talking points. Love isn‘t in having big things, it‘s sometimes found in the daily things - even things like looking in the mirror ❤️
This book is a short novel, written in verse from two different perspectives: that of Wren, a child hiding in a car that was stolen, and Darra, the child of the thief who stole the car. It shows how their lives intertwine through the years as they end up in the same camp together as teens. We hear all about Wren‘s side - but what about Darra‘s? The truth is a hidden “message” within the verse.
A bit disjointed at times, but a firsthand look into two sides of what is going on in Syria. It is haunting as it follows the progression of war in Syria and the failed response to the war thereafter.
An easy, light read. I enjoyed the first and enjoyed this one as well.
Help! What books do you think every high-schooler should read? I need suggestions!
My daughter ❤️❤️ A girl after my own heart!! 📖 📚
This was a good one! It follows some of the typical YA plot lines, but I did enjoy it. I listened to it on audio and I found the narrator to be very compelling. I will definitely be on the lookout for the next in the series.
Current audiobook. I‘m not that far in, but I‘m enjoying it so far. The narration is engaging as well. I can‘t do audiobooks otherwise!
Literally can‘t make this stuff up. Good job, Amazon.
Eh. Could‘ve been better, could‘ve been worse. The first 2/3 was slow, so slow. The last 1/3 was much better paced, but the ending was abrupt and rushed after all the time put into the first parts of the book. There were some fragmented parts that bothered me as well. Still a cool thing he did with his daughter, regardless.
@MinDea #humpdaypost #shelfie
1. This is one of my MANY bookshelves (trying to minimize this year).
2. History, for sure.
3. Wine, usually. Liquor, sometimes. Beer, never.
4. Blue.
5. Currently reading Braving It by myself, Watership Down with my kids, and listening to Wuthering Heights on audiobook.
Happy Wednesday all!!
Starting reading this last night after picking it up from the library (such bad barcode placement - tsk tsk!). I‘m about 1/3 in and so far, it‘s okay. Not so bad that I‘m ready to bail, but not good enough to keep me awake at night. We will see how it progresses 📚
So, I bought my son this book as he is entering “high school” (he‘s homeschooled/unschooled so it‘s kind of all relative at this point). I decided to browse through it just to see how it could be useful - and now I‘m full out reading it. I know there is one for adults but this one is quite good so far. And, even more importantly, it‘s engaging (a must for the intended audience). Anyhow....#sidetracked #stolehisbook
I did not expect to love this as much as I did. I picked it up on a whim and I‘m not going to lie - I shed a few tears! I‘m not even sure if I can pick up another book right now - I need to sit on this one for a few ❤️❤️
Definitely not one of my favorites. It felt like Haruf was trying too hard to create a social statement. It read much more like an essay than a short novel. It lacked climax in plot and it felt monotone in nature. I‘m definitely in the minority on this one.
I‘m almost done with this, and I must be in the minority because I‘m struggling to get through. Hoping the last 45 minutes of this audiobook are better than the other 2.25 hours. I mean it‘s not bad, but it‘s not earth-shattering either. On the plus side, the narrator is pleasant to listen to.
Such a cute and fun series. I enjoyed it. Plus, a lighthearted book is just what I need to ease my mind off the storm. I'll be reading quite a bit tonight as I'll be pulling an all nighter. The worst of Irma is expected to hit us at 2 a.m., and I'm just too anxious to sleep! So, reading it is!
Much like the first, this sequel is fun, lighthearted and quirky. I enjoyed it as a light read.
I don't enter many contests, but $500 for books at Book Outlet?!?! I'm in! Fingers crossed!
Finished this book in a few hours, but I think it will stay with me for the rest of my life. Lakshmi, a girl from Nepal, believes she is going to the city to start working as a maid, only to find out that she has actually been sold into prostitution. She narrates her journey in short verse that is both beautiful and heartbreaking.
This was a cute, light read that I enjoyed. It was a nice refresh from some of the other reading I've been doing. Lara Jean's love letters get released and it causes her life to change instantly. Cute, quirky, fun.
Loved the characters in this story. Also, loved Maggie's unique approach to crafting her story (she is a genius!). However, sometimes I really struggled to pick up and finish the book because it is so slow-moving. As a series, I loved the 1st book, hated the 2nd, loved the 3rd and the 4th had a great ending but just dragged in many parts. So, it's a ⭐️⭐️⭐️ for me. Liked it, wouldn't necessarily recommend it and wouldn't read it again.
Listened to this on audio. It was good. The potential to impact teens of that age (or anyone for that matter) is worth a 5-star rating, but if I'm rating on the writing and storyline itself, it's a solid 3 stars for me. I hear the Netflix series is phenomenal but I couldn't watch the series without reading the book first. It's my rule 😂
UNPOPULAR OPINION ALERT! I have mixed feelings towards this book. Yes, it is full of philosophy and the message is a great one, but gah it is boring! I feel like the author just decided he would write a book about following your dreams while trying to disguise the message in some fable, and it just didn't translate. I pushed through, hopeful, but I found it incredibly dull. Kudos for the message, but I'd prefer it from a different venue next time.
Nighttime reading in our house ❤️❤️❤️
Apparently reading atop a basket is much more enjoyable than reading in typical places. In her defense, the basket is full of books so, maybe that's why she likes it so much ❤️
Loving this journal my friend gifted me!
B2G1 Free at BAM plus one clearance book! I couldn't resist!! But really, I need to stop. The amount of unread books on my shelf is ridiculous!
Not trying to force anyone's hand or anything, but....
My audiobook on the long drive to work! Happy Saturday friends!
My 6 year old in the bookstore. A boy after my own heart! ❤️❤️
This couldn't be more accurate. I'm feeling it more than ever today, since I stayed up late reading last night and the toddler woke up at 6 this morning. Bring on the coffee!
Things really started to pick up in this installment and I was hooked. I love Maggie's writing style as it is very character-focused and the plot is very character led. It won't be a read for everyone because the plot is slower than most, but the writing is rich and deep. On to The Raven King!
This is 1 of my top reads of 2017!! Not only because of the intricate (read: raw and brutal) plot, but the research the author did into the lives/professions of her characters is evident and phenomenal. It gives the book a sort of believability and richness that is often missing in similar stories. Even more bonus points for addressing a topic that is so relevant to our society today, and for not being scared to address it head on. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️