I am a huge fan of Stephen King - but this did nothing for me at all - silly language and unappealing characters tied to an odd story ( but not odd good as Stephen King usually does )
I am a huge fan of Stephen King - but this did nothing for me at all - silly language and unappealing characters tied to an odd story ( but not odd good as Stephen King usually does )
This was not an enjoyable read. I could occasionally sense the bones of one supporting the garish and confusing framework of Lisey's Story, but it just couldn't support the weight of the weirdness of it all. As a habitual lover of all things weird, I should have loved this too, but it was ultimately too bogged down with painfully slow revelations, and invented "smucking" slang. Apologies to King, who says this is his most personal work. 2/5
It pains me to say it as I know Stephen has said this is his most personal novel, but this is my least favourite so far.
I could not connect with Lisey, her sisters, her dead husband. I can get on board with most wacko ideas Stephens throws into his books but Boo'ya Moon and the bad gunky didn't sweep me away.
There was a massive disconnect between me and this book sadly.
It hurts that I didn't like this one. Ugh.
Book 11 for #Scarathlon2022
I‘ve heard mixed reviews on this one but my knife and I are digging in.
#TeamSlaughter #StephenKing #Readathons #Spookoween #Pointsathon #Fallreadathon #Readlikeahellathon #OutstandingOctober #Wordsearching
Try as I might, I could not get into this book. I didn't find the characters interesting, and I could tell we were going to get into child abuse territory. No thanks. And I hated the “smucking“ made-up language. Still love Stephen King but it's hard to top The Stand and 11/22/63.
One of my absolute favorites by King. It was written so well I got sucked right into the story and taken on an emotional rollercoaster ride.
#AlphabetGame #LetterL
A book you‘d recommend whose title starts with the featured letter.
In the past month I have read a total of 4 chapters. There's lots I want to read but I'm just not in much of a reading mood. Has it stopped me from buying? Not when my library has a Christmas in July sale and some titles I couldn't pass up!
Welcome to the #LosersClub open discussion for #liseysstory Please be mindful of spoilers. We have new readers to King who haven‘t read all of his books. When referencing his other work, please keep this in mind for our new-to-King friends. Don‘t forget to tag each other in the comments so your friends can see your reply. Have fun! #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost
So many dislike this book, but now even after finishing my second read I still found myself enjoying it.
It's not like typical King, but I feel there is a lot here that was extremely touching in regards to child abuse and the trauma that never leaves a person who goes through that. And the co-dependent relationship between Lisey and Scott felt real to me because I've seen so many friends and family experience similar relationships.
Not spelled correctly, but if you‘re reading along with #thelosersclub right now, there‘s a word on there that should look familiar! #stephenking
I‘m ready @TheAromaofBooks I have four books on my kindle that I need to read in July, so I put it on top lol #bookspin #bookspinbingo
This month‘s book is #LiseysStory! Grab your copy and check back around July 18th for open discussion! #LosersClub #StephenKing #StephenKingInOrder #KingFromTheBeginning #ConstantReader #ReadAlong #BuddyRead #BookDiscussion #ghosthostpost
This was my second read of this book, and I really enjoyed it. It has the King element of being transported into another (paranormal) world in a way that just works, but it also deals with the grief of loss of a loved one, of having to go on without someone you thought you couldn‘t live without.
One thing I could have lived without was the “Scott talk.” The “smucking” thing got old REALLY fast! 🙄 Other than that, an excellent read!
Well, this wasn't as bad as it seemed at first it would be. For a book called "Lisey's Story", there isn't much to the title character besides her husband. Her vocabulary is Scott's vocabulary, everything she does revolves around him, and even after his death, she takes instructions from him. He's this damaged, magical man and there really isn't anything left that's "Lisey." But, maybe that's how that generation of men sees "successful" marriage.
First King in I don't know how many years. I'm not sure if I'm liking this one (and I hear that torture is on the way, which I don't think is going to make me like it more), but it occupied me while I cleaned the stovetop in preparation for the plumbers arriving this afternoon to fix the kitchen sink (🤞) because for some reason, I like to give people I hire to do repairs the impression that I'm meticulous in my housekeeping.
The weirdness that is Stephen King shines in this one. I considered bailing a few times but I persevered and made it all the way through. He definitely has better ones out there that I‘d recommend before this one.
Books I read January 2022 📚 I had to tag one book so I tagged my favourite out of the 8 which was Lisey's Story.
#book #books #booktok #reading #january #januarybooks #stephenking #janeaustin #kerstingier #andrzejsapkowski #markzdanielewski #bookworm #booktransition #houseofleaves #rubyred #sapphireblue #emeraldgreen #mansfieldpark #doctorsleep #liseysstory
I went into this book blind and was hooked from the beginning!
I could not put it down. If anyone wants a soft-mystery/suspense book to read, this is it!
Book 9
I listened to Lisey's Story by Stephen King. I knew it was going to be dark, but it was much weirder than I'd expected. It was a long fantasy with other worlds. Not my style, but it might be yours. ⭐⭐
Here‘s my #bookspinbingo and #wintergames2021for December! #mistletoemaniacs @TheAromaofBooks @Clwojick @StayCurious
Willing this stuffy summer heat away with some chill by the King.
Would recognize his style in a heartbeat. Despite the crassness and the gore, his characters are always so deep, so real. A master storyteller if there is one.
Two separate evenings I dove in and tried. I simply can‘t wade in enough to lose myself to King magic. It could be there, but I only felt a strain. It didn‘t grab the gentle reader by the hand and pull them in. I still long for his earlier writing that was inescapably compelling and terrifying. Kind of like there was an early period of Bob Dylan that set the stage for future disappointments. Love me some good old King.
I‘ve had this book since 2006, but have never taken off the dust jacket. What a cool cover!
Double post day 😁 I finally got a bingo last month. I was so close to two.
Lisey‘s Story is low on my favorite King book list, but it was very intense and had straight up scary moments at the end. Now I get to watch the mini series 💃🏿
FINALLY finished this door stopper! Definitely not my favorite Stephen King. I felt it was waaaayyyy longer than it needed to be and the strange baby-like talk through out got pretty annoying. That being sad the parts dealing with Scott‘s childhood and all the scenes in Boo Ya Moon were terrifying and brilliant (people under sheets staring off into water is just….😳🥺🙈). I also loved the ending which was actually pretty sweet. 🌟🌟🌟
I read this years ago when first published (translation: I‘ve forgotten all of it!) and am listening to the audio for a reread. I‘m a big SK fan, but I‘m only 20% in and already so over the “Scott talk!” The whole “smucking” thing might have been cute if mentioned a couple of times, but on its 47th usage—not so much!! Enough already! 🤦♀️ The cover is cool, though. I do have this edition.
Stephen King‘s version of a love story. But being SK, it definitely doesn‘t belong in the romance section. I‘ll be thinking of Lisey and Scott for a while after finishing this. One thing, though, I felt that their special word “smuck/smucking” was overused in this novel 😂.
After 20-yo son reads this, we plan to watch the series…if there‘s time before he goes back to school.
Stephen King‘s version of a love story? Yes please! I really enjoyed this one. I acquired an older copy last year and decided to tackle it in case I decide to watch the Apple TV adaptation. I stayed up a little past the pupper‘s bedtime to finish it up.
Because of the new series based on this book, son (he‘s 20) & I decided to buddy read this! (Last summer we buddy-read The Stand).
Any of you doing the same? We want to finish before we start watching.
although son has several SKs, he didn‘t have this one, so I ordered from ThriftBooks because he prefers HC editions. When the order went through, it said “large print edition “. I was like, oh no! But it ended up actually being regular print.
I was disappointed in this one. I wanted to read it before the series came out but now I‘m not sure I‘m even going to watch the series 🤷🏻♀️ at least the cover was pretty
I skipped my #botm for June (nothing caught my attention/I already preordered Malibu Rising) but I don‘t feel too badly because these both came in today!! Starting with Lisey‘s Story so I can watch the tv series, although I‘m a little nervous to see whether it can keep my attention. I‘ve had such a hard time with that lately!
This book cover is too interesting to leave the dustjacket on! I've had this on my TBR pile for awhile now ( 510 pages ) but I see there's a movie so now I must read it before watching!
Tagged by @squirrelbrain (Since you used Dracula, I'll use my other current read)
1. Long, dull, questionable mental health
2. Reading material, music, & lip balm.
3. Hmm... I'd love to experience everything but stick to the devil you know, right? How about 1993? Grunge & old friends 💛
@candc320 @mdm139 @Traci1 wanna play?
#wondrouswednesday @eggs
1. It won‘t be too different. We haven‘t been able to do much for Halloween the past few years so we‘ll just be snacking and watching Halloween movies like we usually do.
2. October has finally arrived. 🧡
Has anyone else read this? Thinking of making it my next read. Is it worth the commitment? #StephenKing. #Lisey‘sstory
Number 4 for #covercrush
Man I'm really bad at keeping it together 🤣🤣🤣
1. I actually love this book. It just sucked me in and screwed with my emotions so much.
2. Big Bang Theory, American Housewife, New Girl
3. Coffee smoothie
4. EST
5. Black Firestarter
Day 7: #bookstack 📚
Stephen King is one of my favorite authors, and I own 99% of his books!!!!! 🖤
1. This book emotionally wrecked me. I could never throw a book, though.
2. Not currently working so I eat at home.
3. When I was a teen, I wrote a saucy short story in the style of a corny romance novel for my BFF to make her laugh. My mother found it and read it. And also laughed.
4. Patchouli, coffee brewing, vanilla, earthy/woodsy scents.
5. Black Thrones
Loved this to pieces...taking suggestions as to what to read next. I‘m horribly indecisive. Please help!
This started out slow for me and I almost gave up but I‘m so glad I didn‘t...it‘s turned into a page turner! Can‘t wait to reach the end! #stephenking #liseysstory #goodbook
A so so start for me but built and built to a powerhouse ending.... So much heart in this 💖💖
Atypical love story/horror/fantasy/thriller. This was a bit different but I enjoyed it very much in the end, despite feeling unusually annoyed at King‘s writing in spots. I love the post-script (above). ❤️
📚 Book: Lisey‘s Story- Stephen King
👩🏽💻 Author: Dennis Lehane
📺 TV show: Law and Order (the original and SVU)
🎞 Movie: A League of Their Own
🍝 Food: Lasagna
#manicmonday #letterL
Started this on #kindle the other day..... The usual SK references to the wearing of the sport coat come thick and fast 😂😂 #sportcoatspot
1. Lisey‘s Story - Stephen King
2. The past preferably the earlier half of the 20th century
@SilversReviews #tuesdaytidbits