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El Clan del Oso Cavernario
El Clan del Oso Cavernario | Jean M. Auel
(Versin para Mxico y Centroamrica) Primera novela de la serie que ha cautivado a millones de lectores en todo el mundo y que recrea el pasado remoto de la humanidad. Tras sobrevivir a una catstrofe que acaba con los miembros de su familia, Ayla, una nia croman de cinco aos, se encuentra sola en un mundo salvaje donde el peligro acecha a cada paso. Cuando est a punto de morir, la pequea es adoptada por el clan, un grupo de neandertales que le ayudan a sobrevivir y comparten con ella sus conocimientos, habilidades y creencias. Muy pronto, Ayla demuestra una inteligencia sobresaliente que la llevar a cuestionar las tradiciones del grupo y a emprender una fascinante aventura en busca de su propia identidad. Jean M. Auel (Chicago, 1936) estudi en la Portland State University y en la University of Portland. Ha recibido ttulos honorficos de la University of Maine y del Mount Vernon College. Actualmente vive en Oregon, dedicada a la investigacin de la Prehistoria, su tema favorito. Las seis novelas de la serie LOS HIJOS DE LA TIERRA han sido aclamadas por su inconfundible manera de narrar y por su rigor histrico.
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Quest for Fire vibes
Extremely repetitive
Still, I liked this.. Why?
I watched the movie adaptation of this book with my partner as I was reading the end, and honestly, I was more a fan of the movie ending than the book one.🤫
Despite the Multitude of repetitive descriptions throughout the book (WE GET IT), and the fantasy ideation of Clan Life 25,000+ years ago... I still find myself checking out Valley of Horses.. *sigh

reading.rainb0w Valley of the Horses was immediately disbanded after constantly reading about a certain character's, "throbbing member." No. Thanks. ?? #dnf 3mo
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I may end up hating this. It's been on my shelf awhile, and I've been ambivalent about reading it due to the author not actually knowing a damn thing about Indigenous folks/their culture. I'm on Chapter 3. 2 things have irked me thus far. But I do enjoy the imagery/atmosphere of what it would be like living on Earth 25,000+ or so years ago. If it gets too cringe, I'll Ban the Clan, but I'm of an open mind thus far.


reading.rainb0w Update: I hate that I'm so into this like WTFFFFF - can't Stand the ignorance/repetitive storytelling, but the hunter-gatherer lifestyle.. reading about medicinal plants and how they cooked food is just too easy to get lost in. Hate the characters, yet love reading about their world and survival 🙈 4mo
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#TLT @dabbe

It‘s well and truly Friday here in Western Australia, but I‘ll play anyway 😁. For the last 25 years or so I haven‘t re-read books because there are just too many new ones waiting, and I‘ll never get to them all 😱. So these are from my teens and early 20‘s.

1. Clan of the Cave Bear.
2. The Shell Seekers.
3. The Outsiders.

Wanna play @Jeg @Rissreads ?

Jeg TBH I can‘t remember reading any books more than once. Unless I had to for school or book club! What they were I have no idea. Unlike me you have an amazing memory. I‘m just enjoying the quiet. Sitting outside. So still as well as quiet. 6mo
MrsMalaprop @Jeg Yes, I did think of book club reads. Maybe 1984 & Brave New World? Hey, speaking of quiet, maybe that‘s a book you‘ve read more than once 6mo
dabbe YES to all 3, and now I want to reread them! 😂 I agree with you re: too many books, too little time. A books has to be pretty dang special to reread these days! Thanks for sharing. 💚💙💚 6mo
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dabbe @Jeg #quiteisgood 💚💙💚 6mo
Jeg You are correct I‘ve read it many times and it‘s beside my bed right now waiting for another read. That‘s made me think of another book. Feel the fear and do it anyway by Susan Jeffers. I‘ve read that many times. Both books have been great for me. Quiet is very reassuring. 6mo
Rissreads Yep it‘s hard when you have over 100 books waiting to be read! And I‘ve read Clan of the Cave bear twice too! (edited) 6mo
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El Clan del Oso Cavernario es el primer volumen de la saga Los hijos de la Tierra. Narra la historia de Ayla, una huérfana niña Crogmanon que es adoptada por la curandera y el shaman de un clan Neanderthal.

Antropológicamente, es una obra excelente porque muestra cómo pudo haber sido la vida en las cavernas y el choque ficio-cultural de estas dos especies de que nos antecedieron.

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(1980) Almost forty years ago I read and liked this story about a cro-magnon orphan raised with a tribe of neanderthals. But the series has gathered such a reputation for "caveman porn" or "prehistoric Mary Sue" or both, I was sure I'd hate it this time. And yes, my response was more jaded than high-school-me's, but the world is still intriguing, the story engaging, and no trace of suck-fairy dust. Yay! Now as for the next books .... we'll see.

Bklover I loved this one when I read it back in 1980 when it came out. I was 20 years old then and thought it was wonderful. Reread it (part of it) a few years ago and didn‘t love it nearly as much. I actually stopped reading it because I wanted to remember loving it, and I knew I wouldn‘t if I kept reading! 2y
Ruthiella Glad to hear it holds up! I read up to the third book back in the‘90s and then stopped. 2y
swynn @Ruthiella I've only read the first, but the third is my target this time around, since The Mammoth hunters is next up in my Bestseller challenge. I suspect that by then I'll know what the series's critics are criticizing. 2y
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swynn @Bklover Rats. Sorry to hear that it lost the magic for you. I suspect my low expectations had something to do with my still-positive response. 2y
BarbaraBB I loved these series so much too back on the days. They were so sexy 😀 2y
swynn @BarbaraBB But very little sexy in this first one, and what's there is unpleasant. I'm told it ramps up in book 2, and comes with consent -- I'm a romance-averse reader, so not necessarily looking forward to it, but yay for consent. We'll see ... 2y
BarbaraBB It will be an endurance for you. Sex and romance are even more in the next installments. I don‘t think I should read it again. I loved it back then though 2y
swynn @BarbaraBB Thanks for the warning! 2y
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#Movie2BookRecs @Klou
Prompt: Quest For Fire

Klou Great! 2y
TheSpineView @Klou 🤩📖 2y
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Happy Tuesday everyone! Here are the #Two4Tuessday for this last Tuesday of September. Thanks to everyone who played last week!

My answers:
📘 Totally! The time period does not matter only the story and characters.
📘 The Clan of the Cave Bear (tagged)

Want to play? @eggs @wanderinglynn @Branwen @MoonWitch94 @DaveGreen7777 @CrowCAH @EadieB @RamsFan1963 @The_Penniless_Author @ozma.of.oz @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @JessClark78 @bthegood

TheSpineView @Kshakal @Nessavamusic @PageShifter and anyone else who wants to play! Hope your day is fabulous! 2y
AmyG I loved Clan of the Cave Bear. 2y
BookmarkTavern Thanks for the tag! 🧡 2y
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TheSpineView @ozma.of.oz You're welcome 2y
TheSpineView @AmyG 👍📘 2y
wanderinglynn Thanks for the tag! 2y
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#manicmonday #LetterC @CBee

📖 The Clan of the Cave Bear
✍️ Bernard Cornwell
🎞️ Clueless 📺 Clarissa Explains It All
🎤 Fred Chapellier
🎵 Capital T by Walking Papers

Would you like to play @Ruthiella @AmandaBlaze ?

CBee Thank you for playing 😄 2y
Ruthiella Thanks for the tag!😊 2y
AmandaBlaze Thanks! 2y
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Ruthiella OMG I loved Clarissa! Without her, there‘d be no That‘s So Raven or Lizzie McGuire, which I also loved. 2y
eeclayton @Ruthiella @AmandaBlaze You're welcome ☺️ 2y
eeclayton @Ruthiella My sister and I were both fans. She did indeed explain it all 😁 2y
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Finished this recently. It only took me 2 months!
I didn't have the physical copy but found the audiobook in my husbands audible account 🙂 I only have been able to listen to it in the car between trips to work.
Loved it though! I've started the second book Valley of Horses now and I have both the audio and the physical copy. Looking forward to getting through the series of 6.

MeganAnn I just finished the Valley of Horses a few minutes ago 😊😅 So good! 2y
StaceGhost I loved this series! The last one was sooo long coming but I loved spending time with Ayla 2y
Daisey Valley of the Horses is my favorite, but I really enjoyed all of the first four books. 2y
aa_guer2021 Wow this is a throwback for me!! I loved, loved these books and Ayla! ❤️❤️ 2y
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Day 219.
Here I will note 365 books (or as many as I will have before I get tired) that have shaped my taste in literature. No explanations, no reviews. Just the cover of the book.
I do not challenge anyone. You are all welcome to take part.

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Today‘s story—in college I helped at a book signing for Jean M. Auel. I asked her to sign a book for my then boyfriend (now husband). As she did, I told her I was going to graduate school to study archaeology—it seemed in line with her books (at least a little)—& for the next few minutes she told me why it was a terrible idea. She didn‘t change my mind, but she did make an impression!

I‘d love to hear your favorite stories!


TrishB Great story 👍🏻 3y
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Anna from Gustine
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It took me almost two years to read this book! I acknowledge the level of research and attention to detail is incredible, even today. Auel's ability to imagine the inner workings of Neanderthal culture, internal lives and spirituality is admirable and ground-breaking. My problem was with Ayla's story itself. I struggled with too much melodrama, the “chosen one“ trope and the often slow pacing. But I'm glad I read it as I learned a great deal. 🙂

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It‘s #jolabokaflod and I‘m super excited to start this book and eat my chocolate after my kids have gone to bed. Thank you @MaleficentBookDragon for organizing it and to @ShelleyBooksie for sending me exactly what I wished for! #jolabokaflodswap

ShelleyBooksie Yay! So glad you like it. Merry Christmas 3y
Tamra What a lovely new cover! 3y
Bookishgal71 Started rereading it last night - last time I read it was in the 80‘s. So glad I am experiencing it again. So much I missed the first time. 3y
Chrissyreadit This is a book I want to reread- for the same reason- read it in the 80‘s and I loved it. Glad it sounds like a good reread! 3y
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Oh my goodness! This was so fast and SO PERFECT!!! Thank you @ShelleyBooksie for the book and chocolate. I was just thinking about this book yesterday, wishing I had it for the two weeks off of school. And now I do!!! You are the best! I‘m off to hide my chocolate from the children… @MaleficentBookDragon #jolabokaflodswap

Ruthiella I loved this book when I first read it! 3y
ShelleyBooksie Yay!!! 3y
ShelleyBooksie So glad that you like them! Happy reading ♡ 3y
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Finished this for #bookspin August. Enjoyed the story, but didn't fall head over heels though. It was interesting to read about this time and it led me to some Wikipedia searches. I peeked at the end of the book to know what would happen, which was frustrating with all that happened with Broud. I have part 2 too; one day I'll read that too.
TBR since January 27th. 2015; 495 pages.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 3y
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Tackle the TBR 🤓📚 #boleybooks #theclanofthecavebear #jeanmauel #bookbeast #bookjoy #readwithme
What are you reading? 😊

Lsmoore43 I read this many years ago and remember it as a very good book. 3y
BoleyBooks @Lsmoore43 I‘m enjoying it! 😊 Did you read the rest of the series? 3y
bookaholic1 Such a great series1❤❤ 3y
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intothehallofbooks One of my favorites!! 3y
BoleyBooks @bookaholic1 I look forward to reading the rest of this adventure.😊 It is a massive undertaking. 3y
BoleyBooks @intothehallofbooks I am glad that you liked it! 😊 3y
EagleReader Awesome!! 3y
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julesG Roman empire cozy mystery series 3y
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MsMelissa Kate Quinn‘s Rome series that starts with this book 3y
Ruthiella Also John Maddox Roberts wrote a detective series set during the early Roman Empire period. I‘ve only read the first two. 3y
MsMelissa Edward Rutherfurd‘s books are sweeping sagas that often start in prehistoric times 3y
MsMelissa Ignore my Follett rec. It‘s Middle Ages. 3y
MsMelissa I heartily second @Ruthiella ‘s I, Claudius recommendation. 3y
DGRachel Jack Whyte has a series set in Roman Britain. I read the first couple decades ago and really enjoyed them. The Skystone is the 1st. 3y
DGRachel Also, Conn Iggulden has a series centered on Julius Caesar. I love Iggulden‘s work. 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego I like Conn Igguldens series on Ghengis Kahn too. 3y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego This one was pretty good too 3y
alisiakae I‘ve just started reading The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman, which is set in ancient Israel 3y
Neen32 i, claudius. one of my all time favorites 3y
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I read the The Clan of the Cave Bear and the entire series as a teenager, and now, as a 32 year old, I just finished reading them again. A must read,timeless series. 4 stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

BarbaraBB I loved them too in the 90s! 3y
JELEIGH @BarbaraBB I am so glad I reread them, they‘re even better the second time. Although the repetition can get annoying, when the author repeats things for the millionth time (I knew to scan over those parts this time) there was a lot that I didn‘t remember, or was probably too young to understand fully as a teen 3y
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I read the 1st 3 books in the series when they were released in the 80‘s. Listening to the audiobook book has been easing me out of my book slump. The story is memorable and worth a revisit. How many of you remember how popular these books were at the time? I‘m starting the 2nd book on my way to work tonight. 5/5⭐️s
(BTW the movie was awful!)

tpixie My two older sisters absolutely loved these when they 1st were published I never did read them but have always been meaning to! 3y
Allylu I read them way back when, too. They were doorstop books, but so interesting. I couldn‘t put them down. 3y
DogMomIrene I loved the first 3 books. I tried reading The Plains of Passage multiple times and I just could not do it. Bookish friend summed up for me, “They got there”🤣 So I skipped it and read #4 and #5, which were okay. I really wanted to love the second half of the series as much as I did the first half. 3y
BarbaraBB I loved the first four in the 80s/90s. All my friend read them at the time and we were all fans of Ayla and Jondalar. And the sex made us young people blush haha. I‘m not sure if I‘d reread them. Afraid to spoil the memories! 3y
JELEIGH I watched the movie tonight for the first time. (I reread the entire series recently).I have no words. I have never seen a movie fail a book so bad 🤦‍♀️ 3y
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The story follows Ayla, one of the homo sapiens to walk the earth when humans were still foraging and gathering. She ends up with the tribe, with all the problems that occur when you look and think differently. I didn't had that "I need to finish" urge, but you can pick it up wherever you left off and you're immediately immersed in the story once more. Beautiful story, decently written and the first of a series. I will be reading part two soon.

BarbaraBB I read these series in the 90s and was hooked. Looking forward to your thoughts on the next one! 4y
BookwormAHN Welcome to Litsy 😺 4y
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My favorite series is Harry Potter, but who doesn't love HP? And if you don't, I'll try to overlook that fact.

Thought I'd pick a series I loved when I should have been reading Harry. I read Clan of the Cavebears when I was in 7th grade. Maybe a little bit young, but I loved it and binged the Earth's Children series.

I haven't reread it in a long time, but it is one I want to revisit again soon


MonthlyBookClub Got your entry! 4y
Butterfinger This series was one I chose for #20Series20Days. 4y
Selena85 @Butterfinger It has stuck with me for years 4y
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Day 9 #20Series20Days @Andrew65

I remember babysitting for a couple who had an excellent, extensive library. I didn't know them well so I didn't mess around with the books - just gaze at the spines. I must have kept the title in the back of my head because 30 years later I came across the same book and instantly the memory came to mind. These books have wonderful elements of magical realism and touches of climate change in the prehistoric times.

Andrew65 I‘ve often wondered about this series. 4y
TrishB Oh I loved this series ❤️ 4y
AmyG I loved this, too. I remember gettinng up really early to read this is peace and quiet. 4y
Josee.lit.a.lu.et.lira Love that series, read that years ago. Yet Ayla (and Chagak, from Father Sky) is (are) often on my mind 🤍 4y
BarbaraBB I feel the same and also read them about 30 years ago. 4y
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"She could not feign a submission to a greater male superiority she did not feel."

Damn straight. Did you kill a hyena with one little rock? I don't think so, dude!

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"...It was something deeper, more humbling. It was the knowledge that she had overcome herself. It came as a spiritual revelation, a mystical insight..."

BarbaraBB This book! I read the series in the 90s and loved them. Ayla and Jondalar ❤️ 4y
ShelleyH @barbaraBB Ooo, something to look forward to. 4y
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I absolutely love the experience of reading a book that's been around forever, but is new to me. Books truly are timeless. And what a remarkable story so far. The human experience hasn't changed all that much in thousands years. What a comfort.

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Cinfhen Fantastic 🙌🏻🎉💜 5y
AmyG 🎉🎉🎉 5y
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This is the best book I've read this year so far. It's the first of six. Needless to say I've put books 2-6 on my TBR.

@Cinfhen @BarbaraTheBibliophage @4thhouseontheleft


DebReads4fun Loved the whole series! She is an excellent author! 5y
Rachbb3 @DebReads4fun It was fantastic! 5y
Cinfhen Wow!!!! That‘s amazing 😃 5y
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AmyG I loved this book too. 5y
JazzFeathers I read the second when l was a kid and really loved it. Didn't know there are 6 of them! 5y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Have read only good things about this series! Have yet to read it coz I'm not really good with series that has more than 3 books😅 5y
kyraleseberg This has been on my Kindle for ages! I'm like @Jee_HookedOnBookz - when I see a big series I ask myself if I'm ready to commit to the long term relationship 😂 Definitely looking forward to starting the series soon though. My dad has never been a big reader but this is the one book/series he recommended to me years ago! 5y
Clare-Dragonfly I read one or two books in this series, but I don‘t remember it well at all. What makes it cli-fi? 5y
Rachbb3 @Clare-Dragonfly When I was searching for books that were considered cli-fi this book was on several lists for it. This is what I found on one website: https://kcls.bibliocommons.com/list/share/550038607_spl_brittany/1192685267_cli-... 5y
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I'm 100 pages in and completely absorbed in this book. Excellent so far! 💗

Leftcoastzen Embarrassed I never tried it.Wish I had a nickel for every one of the series I sold as a bookseller! 5y
Rachbb3 @Leftcoastzen I wasn't sure going in on this one but I got hooked right away. 5y
merelybookish I remember my mother loving this series when I was growing up. 5y
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Tamra I recall reading the series as a teen and I have to say the first made quite an impression! 5y
WorldsOkayestStepMom My husband has most of this series. I may borrow the first one and see of I'd enjoy it! 5y
BarbaraBB I loved those when I grew up. Ayda and Jondalar ❤️ 5y
Kalalalatja Loved these as a teen! 5y
Gulfskye I read these years and years ago and have been planning to read the series again to see if it stands the test of time. I loved them way back when. 5y
Blaire I remember my mom reading these in the early 90s...have been wanting to make time for them. @merelybookish - just saw your comment! Same. 😍 (edited) 5y
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Check out my YouTube channel

Birdsong28 😂😂😂😂📚📖 5y
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This sounds like an interesting challenge! I‘m not sure I‘m up for a 22 hour #audiobook, though. What was popular your birth year?


Link is working now.

wanderinglynn Interview With the Vampire, which I‘ve already read, but haven‘t done the audiobook. ☺️ 5y
Megabooks @wanderinglynn I looked back to see who the narrator of Interview is, and Simon Vance is great! May be worth a try. 😉😁 5y
Geeklet Man, 1983‘s book does not look good. 😢 5y
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AlaMich Oooh, I have The Outsiders!! 😀 5y
AlaMich @Geeklet You are not wrong! 😒 5y
Emilymdxn Omg I got the first game of thrones book, which I have already read, but Jesus is it the longest one on there? Must be one of the longest! 5y
Megabooks @Geeklet @AlaMich No, it doesn‘t! 👎🏻 5y
Megabooks @AlaMich Lucky!! That‘s a great book! 5y
Megabooks @Emilymdxn I was just glancing at length and IT is 44 hours!!! How does Stephen King write so much? But at 33 hours of GoT is really long!! (edited) 5y
Zelma @Geeklet Tamara Pierce is supposed to be great. Ignore the terrible cover. 5y
Erie @Geeklet Oh my gosh, no! I'm so jealous, the Alanna books were my everything in middle school 5y
Erie I got IT which I've read but I've never listened to. Granted, 44 hours. Oh wow 5y
Megabooks @Zelma @Erie @Geeklet I guess we shouldn‘t judge a book by its cover! 5y
Megabooks @Erie I find even at 1.5 speed, I can‘t listen as fast as I read! 44 hours...the longest I‘ve done is 28 and that is doing a 12 hour drive both ways! 5y
Geeklet @Zelma @Erie I hope so, lol. That is one questionable cover. Good reviews on Goodreads though! 5y
KT1432 Lol ever since I did a Harry Potter audio binge I fell in love with super long audio books. 😅 I wanted to listen to IT last Oct but ran out of time. Maybe this year! 5y
Megabooks @lele1432 Awesome! 👍🏻👍🏻🎉 5y
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Ahhh! My current #knittingproject and #currentread are all matchy-matchy! 🍁🍂 It looks so pretty!

#knittingaddict #knitstagram #instaknit #readersofinstagram #booknerd #bookish #yarnlove

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I added this as a 'to-read' long ago when I saw it was on the list as a Great American Read. I went into it blind and thoroughly enjoyed it! What a different world you are taken into! 5 yr old Ayla is seperated from her family when an earthquake hits, killing them and leaving her alone to survive in the wilderness.
She is saved from near death by a new clan of humans unlike her own. Is she too different from them for her to be accepted?

Ruthiella I loved this book when I first read it!😍 6y
litmuggle1 Oh my I forgot about these books. 6y
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These are the new additions for my #FirstInASeries Display, have you read any of them? 😁

#LitsyLovesLibraries #MrBooksDisplays

Littlestbookshelf I love outlander but the clan of a cave bear seems interesting! 6y
rwmg "Outlander" is on my virtual TBR shelf. I have read "Clan of the Cave Bear" but wasn't impressed. The characters felt too contemporary in fancy dress. 6y
Jgotham I love Outlander so much. It has a few issues but all in all a great series to fall into 6y
Dragon Loved Clan of the Cave Bear 🐻 And Outlander! The beginning of two interesting historical series. 6y
Lexeegee Clan Of The Cave Bear and Outlander. 6y
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Different kind of book for me

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Boyfriends brother gave me a late Christmas gift; the book he‘s been obsessed with this month 😂

Has anyone read it? Opinions? I can‘t say I‘ve ever read prehistoric fiction... but I can say it isn‘t making me want to drop my books and pick it up 😅 But I told him I would give it a go.

mcipher I read it as a teenage and loved it - I remember it being pretty racy for me at at that age.😆 6y
Kalalalatja I loved this series as a teenager, too, but prepare yourself for some steamy scenes in the later books 😳 6y
abbielistenstobooks I enjoyed this one- it's a classic! 6y
MotionChickness @mcipher @Kalalalatja @abbielistenstobooks Thank you for the feedback!! I‘ll put it on my list for next year ☺️ 6y
brandybear22 I personally enjoyed this book, and I think I could‘ve enjoyed the series as it went on except it became very redundant so that each book could be read standalone but gave way too much background. I think I actually stopped somewhere after six books or so in the middle of a book and never picked it back up. But this first book, definitely I enjoyed. 👍 6y
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#winterwonderland #babyitscoldoutside

Baby it‘s cold outside, but inside the cave under the bearskins? 🔥🔥🔥🔥

😂😂 Read this when I was sixteen and it was eye opening!

TrishB Agreed 👍🏻 loved these at the time! 6y
Ruthiella Me too! Loved the books back in the day.😀 6y
laurieluna Just got the first one for 99p on Kindle! Looking forward to it. 6y
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Kalalalatja I loved this series too as a teen 😄👍 6y
readingjedi I loved this series so much! It does get repetitive as it goes on & the last instalment, if you take a step back, is a little ... weak, but I loved the characters so much by then I could get past it! 6y
MeganAnn I just read this book earlier this year and loved it! I‘m hoping to read the second one soon 😊❤️ 6y
Cinfhen Read this with my son about 5 years ago... he was into it!! 6y
batsy Sounds steamy 😆 6y
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This was really interesting. Not fast-paced, but a time period I‘ve not read about before (the Ice Age). I had a hard time with the hunting (particularly the pregnant mammoth), but I know they would have had to back then. With the way it ended, I would like to continue with the next book in the series. Even if I wasn't going to read the next book, I can't see myself forgetting this one anytime soon.

bookcollecter One of my mother's favorites of all time. I 've read most of the series myself 6y
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#makemereadit book 4/7 #theclanofthecavebear
I definitely have mixed feelings about this book.
On one hand I flew through all 465 pages in only 2 days so I must have liked it right? But also I got quite tired of some of the repetitive themes + very unsatisfying ending, I guess I have to read the rest of the series 😉
Has anyone watched the movie? Is it good?

(Pic featuring some handmade wooden figures my mom painted 😊)

rubyslippersreads I 💚 everything about this picture. 😊 6y
Aylandra The film is interesting, definitely shows which film era it's from, and yes, the rest of the series is well worth reading :) one of my fav series of all time. 6y
aa_guer2021 This is one of my most favorite series of all time. It shaped me in a profound way. Please go on to read it. And if you do, let me know how it goes!? 6y
AileenRR These books really stuck with me. Don‘t know if that‘s good or bad ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 6y
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My small early birthday #bookhaul arrived today! I'm working on minimizing my tbr pile so this may or may not be the last haul of the year, depending on my self control. #bookmail

DebReads4fun I loved The Clan Of The Cave Bear. 6y
Librarybelle Yay! And happy birthday! I thought your birthday was around this time. I‘m getting a smallish thing together for you! 6y
erista @Librarybelle Aww, thank you! My birthday always falls on the first week of school. :( Definitely can't take the day off work, but luckily this year it falls on a Sunday. 6y
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erista @DebReads4fun I'm really looking forward to reading it! 6y
Texreader Happy early birthday!! 🎂🎁 6y
erista @Texreader Thank you! 6y
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What happens when a Neanderthal medicine woman finds a small Cro-Magnan girl near death? She saves the girl‘s life and forever alters the path of the Clan she lives with.

A sweeping saga that follows Ayla as she grows up and struggles to follow the rules and to fit within the clan hierarchy. I had some issues questioning some things the author chose to do, but overall I really enjoyed it and definitely look forward to continuing Ayla‘s story.

MeganAnn #makemereadit book 8 📚 Thanks to those who voted for this as it was a perfect time to read it! 😘 @TheReadingMermaid (edited) 6y
MrsMalaprop I was obsessed with these books as a young adult. Still have all my original copies. 😊 6y
MeganAnn @MrsMalaprop that's wonderful! I cherish some of the books I still have that fell in love with as a child and young adult. ❤️ I would have loved this if I had read it then too I think. 6y
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I borrowed this once and let it expire and never went back until I saw it on the Great American Read list. I wish I hadn‘t waited this long as I loved it! I particularly enjoyed the descriptions of their surroundings from that time period and the ways they survive and enjoy life in such an unforgiving climate. I need to know what happens next to Ayla and I'll be grabbing the second book soon! #GreatReadPBS #GARbongo #102of2018

MicrobeMom The next one is really good! I just finished it. I loved Clan of the Cave Bear, and Ayla! 6y
Chellebearss @MicrobeMom I ended up starting it right away! Didn‘t want to wait 😀 6y
MicrobeMom ❤️❤️ 6y
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Still working on this one... had to switch to print, someone else wanted the audio! #greatamericanreads #pbs #pbsgreatamericanreads

bookandcat I'm working on the #gar books too, this is one of them for me! I have about 30-40 left I think. 6y
Hoopiefoot And a Dogfish Namaste to boot. Cheers! 🍻 6y
BeththeBookDragon @bookandcat I have 44 left - I couldn‘t believe how many of them I hadn‘t read - some I‘d never heard of! 6y
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BeththeBookDragon @Hoopiefoot It‘s a new fave for me! 6y
bookandcat @BeththeBookDragon I'm LOVING the one I'm working on now (it was new to me): 6y
BeththeBookDragon @bookandcat I just put that one on my ever growing hold list at the library! 6y
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I read these books (four of them, then I was fed up with them) in my early twenties, and blushing. I probably wouldn‘t now but I remember Jondalar and Ayla as very #promiscuous ☺️🤣!

Kalalalatja They definitely had their fair bit of “fun” 😉😄 6y
Centique I read some of these at seventeen or so. These were basically my expectations of “adult sex life” 😂😂😂 6y
BarbaraBB @Centique lol, I hope you know better now 😂😂 6y
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Cinfhen I always assumed this was MS reads...wasn‘t expecting any hanky-panky 😛 6y
BarbaraBB @Cinfhen Lots and lots 😂 6y
MrsMalaprop Loved these in my teens/twenties too. I‘d forgotten about the saucy bits 😉. 6y
readordierachel Ha! I read the first one when I was a teenager, with a similar blush I'm sure ☺ 6y
BarbaraBB @ReadOrDieRachel Haha, those were the days ☺️ 6y
BarbaraBB @MrsMalaprop Really? They still stick with me 😂 6y
LeahBergen I think I only made it through 4 before I got tired of them, too. 😆 6y
Centique @BarbaraBB oh yeah 😂😂 6y
jillrhudy Red feet, right? I‘ve never read them but I‘ve heard about red feet. This is a pretty set. 6y
BarbaraBB @jillrhudy I don‘t remember red feet, now you‘re making me very curious! 6y
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Another missing check mark from the #greatamericanreads on actual CDs! #greatamericanread

readingjedi I loved this series! 6y
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🎧 Delta Rae - After It All

🎧 That‘s a difficult one. Based on my listening history, Hans Zimmer.

🎧 Another toughie. Almost anything goes, but probably Classical.

🎧 Spotify

🎧 @glitterkitty459 😊

#hellothursday @wanderinglynn - fab questions 💙

@posierope thanks for the tag my sweet.

wanderinglynn Thanks for playing! 😀 Hans Zimmer has done some amazing compositions. 👍🏻 6y
Nu-Bibliophile Hans Zimmer ❤ 6y
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I read this because it's part of #TheGreatAmericanRead, and I have heard it given a lot of love through the years. Although I cringed periodically at the inconsistencies in the narration and the story, I still really liked it. I fell in love with many of the characters (Creb, Iza, Brun) and found the overall story engaging. #greatamericanread

mcipher I remember loving this when I was younger - I think there were a lot of racy bits and what pre-teen doesn‘t love those?! 6y
staci.reads @mcipher yep, lots of sex talk - real racy stuff about the men "relieving their needs" ? I bet to a preteen it seemed like smut ? 6y
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Planning on checking off some unread selections from #thegreatamericanread this summer, starting with this one. #greatamericanread

amb Great minds think alike! I'm doing the same but I started with 6y
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Well this one is an emotional roller coaster. Extremely well written, this book takes on one girls journey from losing her parents/people at a young age and learning to adapt to the customs/culture of the clan while she is Other. Although set in pre-historic times, I felt this book was a feminist anthem of being your true self. That journey to true self may be long and tortuous. A truly modern story during pre-historic earth. #GARBingo

readingjedi I loved this whole series! 6y
TrishB Loved these too 💕 6y
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