LOVED this book. I cannot wait until September when the next book comes out! The build up and the cliffhanger 😲
LOVED this book. I cannot wait until September when the next book comes out! The build up and the cliffhanger 😲
Really liked this book. The real life thoughts this brother/sister duo had relates to your own life somehow and makes you think. The ending could have been a little better but overall great read.
I haven‘t posted or read in 3 months! It‘s been a very long and emotional 3 months with my water breaking at 29 weeks and being on hospital bedrest until baby Henry was born at 32 weeks. He was in the nicu for 7 weeks and is home now! Need to get back to reading to help my emotions. Starting with The Giver of Stars! Hoping it will get me back in the swing.
Finally getting around to this one! Needing a good laugh and something not so serious.
I have been loving this book. Can‘t believe I live in KY and have never heard of the blue skinned people of KY. This is a very interesting read!
@HufflepuffGirl90 this is headed your way! I mailed it out on Saturday so it should be there soon. Sorry for it being so late (as usual)! Also, I have been looking for the bookmark my husband gave me for our anniversary. I had it last while reading the summer wives. Did I mistakenly send it to you? I have looked everywhere! 😭 It‘s blue leather with my initials. My toddler probably threw it in the trash or something but thought I would check.
I got this book back yesterday and I think this is the best part about #LMPBC!! Going through everyone‘s notes has been so fun. I am so glad everyone loved this book as much as I did.
@Bookwormjillk @Mynameisacolour @HufflepuffGirl90
Finally home from vacation and everyone is so exhausted. @HufflepuffGirl90 this will be coming your way tomorrow. @Mynameisacolour I feel bad about the fudgesicle that my 2 year old got on he book. While I was reading on the beach he ran up to me to show me the fudgesicle his friend on the beach gave him. I didn‘t see him coming and he touched the book with it. I can send you a new one if you would like, sending this one out tomorrow.
@HufflepuffGirl90 this was (finally) mailed out to you yesterday with fast shipping so it should be there soon! I am so sorry it took me so long to get this to you!! I‘m finally getting over first trimester nausea and can keep my eyes open for longer than a page again! Feeling like a somewhat normal person again 😂 I have already started The Summer Wives so it should be out to you very soon as well! #lmpbc
I haven‘t been very active the last month because I have been so sick and sleepy! I can not stay awake during nap time or after the toddler is in bed. (And when I can manage to stay awake we catch up Game of Thrones 😁) but this is why! We are having another little boy later this year. I need all the literary boy names you can think of! We are fans of old fashioned names (my first born is Theodore Holden aka Teddy)
@Bookwormjillk I received this in the mail yesterday! Excited to start soon!
@HufflepuffGirl90 yours was mailed out yesterday as well. Sorry! It‘s been packaged ready to go for a week but my husband‘s new car broke down a week ago so I have been without a car stuck at home ever since 🙄 (because he doesn‘t want anyone else to touch it) You should hav wit by the weekend!
Up next!! 😍😍
Last week was a really bad week (guessing the full moon!?) and when my husband got home one day he took over with the toddler and sent me to Barnes and Noble (it was bad, he never sends me to a bookstore 😂) and I ended up treating myself to this beauty!
Finally finished this one tonight! It was a slow burn but loved how it all came together at the end! In 1862 a group of young artists spend a summer at Birchwood Manor. By the end of the summer someone has been murdered and something is missing. Over the next 150 years there are many visitors at the house and they add to the big story! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Its not a favorite of Kate Morton‘s but I love her writing.
I always wonder when I see people at the zoo, aquarium or museum taking pictures what they do what the pictures later!? Do they really go home and look at the pictures? Why not just enjoy it in the moment!? 🤔
This book is good but not a favorite of Kate Morton‘s. It is slow going but I can tell the ending is going to be good! Just wish I could keep my eyes open at nap and bed time.
Anyone have any audiobook recommendations for toddlers? We listen to audiobooks while we wash dishes together (him making a mess play washing) and cook dinner together (him Cutting fruits and veggies and eating) and I would like for him to actually realize something is playing in the background 😂 Audio books with voice changes etc?
Monday morning PJ Masks play. This book is great so far. It‘s been slow going for me though with us all being sick. My normal reading times (nap time and bedtime) have turned into sleep time for me. But this book has been very interesting.
So excited to start this one on our sick day at home. It‘s going to be a rainy stormy day here in KY. They are calling for tornadoes so everyone in the area stay safe!
Thanks again to @BookwormAHN for this book! So excited for this one.
I finished this book for #lmpbc #groupb! I loved it and I can‘t wait to hear what the others think about it. This is a picture of the remains of the murdered Nathan Ketilsson‘s workshop in Iceland.
@Mynameisacolour @Bookwormjillk @HufflepuffGirl90
This book is living up to my expectations! My plan of going to our mom/child workout group was derailed by a toddler who did not want to get dressed or eat breakfast or do anything but sit in front of the tv on his bicycle watching Elmo on a rainy day. So I guess it worked out perfectly for both of us.
Starting this one for #lmpbc! I‘m so excited for this one! It‘s been on my TBR for a while. Thanks again to @Butterflyamore for this one!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved this book. It was a very short read at only 250 pages. I found her early life more fascinating, especially when she was married to Fritz Mandl and having to escape his castle. Now I really want to google every aspect of her life! Hedy Lamarr is the one on the left next to Judy Garland.
Hedy Lamarr was so pretty! Loving this book so far.
Stayed up late to finish this rollercoaster of a book! I could not stop reading this all day. I have never read anything like this before. The book journeys through Evelyn‘s 7 marriages and you learn so much more along the way! I can see this really happening in old Hollywood and I felt bad for Evelyn. She was a beautiful movie star that did things she was proud of and things she wasn‘t so proud of. I love Evelyn Hugo! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 stars!
#februarywrapup I only finished 4 books this month but started 4 others. Considering we were sick 3 of the 4 weeks this month I guess that is ok. My favorite book was Becoming Mrs Lewis!! 😍😍 I will reread this book several times in my life. Least favorite was Beartown. I guess anything with sports I should just stay away from it 🤷🏻♀️2 books towards #mmdchallenge
Some of my #bookhaul from the FOL book sale! 😍😍😍 it‘s like Christmas!
The weather has been amazing the past few days and it was perfect for some audio playing! I love listening to Anthony Bourdain‘s voice but thank goodness my toddler doesn‘t know what most of the stuff he is saying means!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I loved this story! Stella has Aspergers and hire escort Michael to help her practice dating so she can finally find a man. She doesn‘t even like anyone to touch her. Michael is the sweetest guy ever. Their story is sooo lovable and gives you all the feelings! This is definitely steamy but the sweetness factor is the best part of this book! I love Stella and Michael! 😍😍
It has taken a while to get into this. After just reading a few chapters I wanted to put it down but I kept going and I am so glad I did. I don‘t read a lot of romance but I‘m glad my husband got this for me. I am loving Stella and Michael‘s stories! I feel that there is usually an annoying character in these types of books but these characters are so sweet! 😍
Reading my new book in the dark with a sick toddler sleeping next to me. This is how I feel after cleaning up all the puke from everything and bathing everyone. The sense of dread is strong knowing I am probably next. Picked a happy, easy read for all the sickness. Hope it‘s a good one.
⭐️⭐️⭐️1/2 This book sucked me in from the beginning! I loved Sarah‘s story. She was definitely my favorite of the 3 women, which is strange because usually my favorite would be someone from the past and not the present. It makes me want to read more books about the Lusitania. I wanted more about the actual sinking of the ship and more about the mystery they were researching. It just left me wanting more! A great read!
I saw this in a little book shop in Boston years ago when my now husband took me to New England and proposed. Its my duty to get more books! 🙌🙌
Entranced from the beginning! I wish I could sit here all day and read this.
My husband told me we were not doing Valentine‘s Day when I asked him a couple of weeks ago and then gave me these today. 😍 Gotta love him but I feel bad I didn‘t get him anything! Plus I almost called 911 on him late last night when I got a notification someone was coming in the back door. He was supposed to be out of town. So it was a nice (scary) surprise. Happy Valentine‘s Day my fellow kittens!
#LMPBC #groupb Which one would you ladies like to read? I REALLY want to read Burial Rites but I will leave it up to you guys! @HufflepuffGirl90 @Mynameisacolour @Bookwormjillk
Post #2 for #cupidgoespostal! Look at these socks from @Butterflyamore aren‘t they really awesome! I cannot wait to wear these. The Mickey and Minnie pens are so cute! My toddler wants these really bad so I have to hide them from him but I can‘t wait to use them with my new journal! And thank you for the bookmarks! You are so kind and I hope you have a wonderful Valentine‘s Day!! Thank you for everything again!
I have to do this in 2 posts because this box from @Butterflyamore is amazing! Thank you so much for all of these books! You outdid yourself! I am so excited to read all of them. I was so surprised and happy when I saw the book journal! I never got one and I am so excited to start it. You are awesome!! Thank you so much! #cupidgoespostal
I have mixed feelings about this book. Half of the book was so boring and it made me hate sports more than I already did (if that is possible at all) and I wanted to put it down and walk away. I mean, do people really get so nervous and excited before a game they throw up over and over and over? Half way through it started to get good. The author touched on so many controversial topics but I wish I hadn‘t of wasted my time on this one.⭐️⭐️⭐️
Audiobook crockpotting (maybe it‘s a thing?) some Mississippi pot roast and washing dishes this morning on this rainy, dreary day.
Michelle Obama‘s voice is so relaxing. I love hearing her read the book!
Is this going to speed up soon? I‘m kind of tired of only hearing about how much everyone loves hockey.
Beartown starts strong!
Congrats @TheReadingMermaid and thank you so much for doing a giveaway!
My favorite genre is historical fiction! Can‘t get any better than multiple time periods for me!
@Laughterhp Congrats on reaching 50k!!!
The book I would recommend would be The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. I love any book set in Scotland with multiple time lines and a little mystery. It was my favorite book of 2018 and there is a sequel.
Oh my goodness this book was better than I ever could have imagined it could be! I was engrossed in Joy Davidman‘s life from the first 20 pages! The way the author describes everything you feel that you are there with Joy in the common room at the Kilns (CS Lewis‘s house) watching him stoke the fire while they read and he smokes a pipe. I have to watch the movie shadowlands now and find more books on Joy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ All the stars!!!
This book is so beautifully written and I absolutely love all the quotes throughout the book. I have been up with a sick child since 3 am but here I am reading when I should be sleeping.