My “maybe reads one book a year if that” boyfriend knows what excites me 😂😂
He has the Barnes and Noble Collectible edition of Dune (being his favorite book of all time) and is wishing the rest of the series is published in the same manner. 🤞
My “maybe reads one book a year if that” boyfriend knows what excites me 😂😂
He has the Barnes and Noble Collectible edition of Dune (being his favorite book of all time) and is wishing the rest of the series is published in the same manner. 🤞
Came to join in on the hype! That trailer tho 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👌🏻
Happy First Day of school for everyone going back! We‘re all virtual here and while it‘s a whole new experience, it‘s been just as exciting as any year. Looking forward to the scheduled reading time 😉
So glad Barnes and Noble has these abridged chapter-book classics for kiddos (and with super cute cover work!)
My six year old also wanted different books to keep her mind off things, so we hand picked this summer haul together!
And to update, thank you all for the kind words and recommendations for my dad. As it turns out, I am not ready to read on the topic like I thought I was. But I have each book on a list for when the time comes. I very much appreciate having a community like this to turn to for hard times ♥️ He starts chemo either this week or next, when scheduling gets worked out. So good vibes are needed! Diving into the tagged book in the meantime.
In case there are any makeup fans on here... or just fandom collectors. ULTA is dropping their new Harry Potter line day by day this week....And it‘s magical. (Small screen grab of some items in the line)
Hey friends... 2020 continues to just not be the year on my end. Last week, my dad was diagnosed with stage four liver & bladder cancer. His life expectancy isn‘t what we hoped for, and are all having a hard time dealing with it.
I am looking for novels for myself on coming to terms with losing my dad...? and also any recommendations for a six year old losing her granddaddy. Would prefer something with a hopeful outcome for her...
Thank you ♥️
Watching Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets with my six year old, and I pointed out that Percy (Weasley) was on the screen; so she can put names to faces...
And she goes, “Percy Jackson??”
So proud of the fandom knowledge 😂🙌🏻 Wrong fandom, but proud nevertheless.
Also while rearranging, I found a long lost package 😬 Books I ordered before 2020 decided to be a tish-show. Some I‘ve already read and loved, some I‘ve been wanting to read for a while!
Trying to make sense of my shelves and came across the tagged book.... Can‘t decide if it will now be relevant enough to be scary or not...
Came in right on time since today is day one of many I will be spending at home. I THINK I‘m gonna re-catalogue my books, and this beauty will come in handy! Not to mention help me jot my notes down so I can get going on the book I am co-writing.
I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy during all of this! And keeping busy... maybe flying through a tbr? I know I‘ll try to!
😬 I have been gifted the dead-space in the hallway outside of my room for a bookshelf 😬 the excitement is too much. My fingers could not type “bookshelf” quick enough in the amazon search bar. My floor books will have a home!!!!
Hi friends! Any gamers or parents of gamers out there?
I am looking for an easy to comprehend (easy for a six year old who reads a grade level up) Minecraft book! My mini is obsessed but is struggling following the on screen tutorials. I think a book would be more helpful for her but am not sure where to start! Any recc‘s would be greatly appreciated!!
Was gifted a mini shopping spree for my Valentines gift 😬 and this time I didn‘t cry in the middle of the store out of panic! 😂 Progress.
Did anyone else‘s ears perk up for the adapted screenplay award on last nights Oscars?
JoJo Rabbit is on my to-be-watched list.... but I had zero clue it was inspired by a book. Has anyone read it? Watched it? Read AND watched?
Ever look through your shelf for a certain book, and another one practically jumps into your hand as if it‘s been waiting impatiently for attention?
Silly, since it‘s inanimate, but I swear it yelled at me 😅
Rightfully so since I can‘t put it down.
Here‘s to hoping for a slow day in the office 🤞🏻
I‘m having a rough year. Feels like I‘ve been a funeral every other weekend between my boyfriends family and my own.
My grandmother passed this week, and I can‘t be there to say goodbye due to other reasons... so I‘m pretty down in the dumps right now.
I go back to this book when I‘m having a hard time. And each time I read it, I feel like I find a new peace. Learn something new or perceive a line differently than I did before....[comment ctd.]
*celebratory dancing* I FINALLY FINISHED A WHOLE BOOK!
I‘ve been in such a bad slump. I am so happy right now.
This one caught my eye in an ad for Book Outlet, so I reached out to Page Turners on fb for opinions; and they did not let me down.
I devoured this. Started a couple hours ago and just finished. So 👏🏻good 👏🏻 It had the perfect amount of suspense to keep me on the edge of my seat. I just wish it didn‘t end so quickly! 10/10.
This was fun! I scored two!
I‘ve never joined a book club; unless Litsy counts 😂🙌🏻
And I have lost a book. It still haunts me.
I am a dog ear offender but it‘s been over ten years since my last offense! I was young and naive. And I found a love in collecting as many bookmarks as I have books; so I have zero excuses.
I‘ve been moping around the house, sick as a dog, whining about how I left my favorite tea at work; and then I remembered the cute Christmas gift I received 🙌🏻
Perfectly sweetened little bath bomb-esque tea drops! Going for the matcha green tonight, but super excited about the rose earl grey 😍 I think they‘ll be the perfect reading accompaniment.
January box confirmed 🙌🏻 Super nice perk of being a BFF and getting a free book, too!
I didn‘t do it 👎🏻 I‘ll probably finish the tagged book by Tuesday and officially be halfway done.... but oof, what a year. I hope I find the time again next year to indulge in my favorite hobby.
And...I honestly blame Paul Tremblay 😂 I read Head Full of Ghosts at the end of 2018 and STRUGGLED to find a fix better than that read (I know there is better/equal...but it did something to me mentally.... It broke me 😭)
I have a new reading buddy. That is a queen sized bed. And that is the only place he will fit right now 😂 I have not figured out how I, myself, am also going to fit on the bed to go to sleep. I need to rethink my Christmas wish lists next time... #noregretsthough
Hoping my email inbox doesn‘t pick up right as this plot line has🤞🏻
Saw this on fb. Solid chuckle for the morning 🤣
Little one had her girl scout meeting at the library today; so to the for sale section I went! Pretty excited for Scar Tissue as I also have Flea‘s memoir on its way from Amazon 🙌🏻
I finally have a day to just (sort of) sit in a comfy chair and indulge in a book and a show. Unfortunately, it is because my little one has food poisoning... but she is finally asleep after a rough night; so my coffee, my book and I are on watch.
Life has been nuts with school and work, sicknesses and the holidays.... but I‘m thankful I can still log in here for a moment and see all of your wonderful posts ❤️ I miss you, Litsy!
Anyone else get stressed out picking a yearly planner book?😂😭 I‘ve yet to find the perfect one that doesn‘t cost an arm and a leg!
Managers are off to a big meeting.... Study time it is. Fitting section for the spooky season?
Last post! And this is marked spoiler in case you are attending his event. If so, keep scrolling so you will be just as surprised!
Stephen read a brand new letter from Charlie that is featured in his 20th year edition of Perks of Being a Wallflower... and there was not a dry eye in the house. If Perks moved you, helped you, got you through a bad time, etc., find yourself the new edition and see what Charlie has to say. And bring a tissue.
Also, just to fan girl further. I was sitting in front of his friends from high school who all have small mentions in his books! He used an actual girls last name in Imaginary Friend simply because he loves the sound of it (she got an applaud.) And the “notorious drunk” was also in attendance 😂 They were all so kind and supportive of him; it melted my heart a little.
I laughed, I cried, I had the BEST time. What an amazing and kind guy! If he‘s coming to your town, I fully recommend stopping in and saying hi to him!
If all goes smoothly with my dentist appointment tomorrow, I‘ll be able to attend my first ever book signing and meet Stephen Chbosky! I‘m absolutely fangirling already... what‘s your favorite question to ask an author?! Any tips on attending a book signing??
Yay! I love a good tote bag! I also picked the tagged book. Something about children bursting into flames when mad just tickled my dark humor bone 😂 Couldn‘t pass it up!
I LOVED this. Fingers crossed it turns into a Netflix movie or something; I‘d love to see it acted out!
Brad Meltzer was on my (the one I listen to) morning radio show talking about his newest books in the Ordinary People Change the World Series... and I just forgot how much I adore these children‘s books. Currently adding all 19 to my amazon wish list even tho I believe I have two at home 😂😍
She asked to pick out ONE book, and came back with six 😂 I couldn‘t say no 🤷🏼♀️
1. The only book I‘ve thrown across the room.
2. The Office
3. Peanut butter crackers and some coffee.
4. EST
5. Multicolored Women
I do not have a favorite author. Not because I have so many that I can't pick just one; just that I do not have *one specific* author of whom I follow so I can read all of their work. Is that taboo? I feel like everyone has a favorite author...
Took me long enough to finish this one (nothing to do with the book) And I‘m glad I found the time to! That ending though. I was confused... but once it clicked, 🤯. Passed my copy along to a coworker instantly with good praise!
I devoured this in high-school; and put it on my then list of top reads, but I haven‘t read it since. I watched season one of the Netflix show when it came out, and was shaken by the rawness of it. I didn‘t hate the show, but did feel strongly for those who may have watched it and found themselves worse off. I‘m curious to see how I‘ll perceive the book now that I‘m older, would say I‘m in a better mental state, and have a child of my own.