My Barnes & Noble mini haul. I've been wanting to read Dracula and picked up this edition because of the cool cover.
My Barnes & Noble mini haul. I've been wanting to read Dracula and picked up this edition because of the cool cover.
The first read od 2025 was very satisfying. Although the theme was not appealing to me at all, I enjoyed the dynamic plot and greatness of Van Helsing.
It‘s one of my favorite author‘s birthday!
This month's #HashtagBrigade pick was kind of a reread for me. I read it last year with #DraculaDaily which, while super fun, is also not exactly the best way to read this book for the first time. So I liked reading it in order and in one month instead of six 😂 Now I might do Dracula Daily again next year lol Anyway, while there are places where the action bogs down a little, and the ending feels a little rushed, this book still has some ⬇
#spookoween #31by31
October was an incredibly busy month but so happy to complete my final read of the month. I loved the first half of the book, so sinister and creepy but the last half dragged on… I finished early ahead of Dracula Daily. Couldn‘t resist.
I reread this classic every two years. If ever the idea that things can change over time is true, this is one of those times. For some reason, I was more annoyed than ever at the men in this book and how they fawned not just over Lucy but even the one I think is really the heroine of this book, Mina. Without her, the men would never have been able to do squat. Maybe I'm angry because gender inequality is STILL such an issue in this country. #vote
Ch 27: the movie ends differently, but this is a badass photo so I‘m still posting it 🤷🏻♀️ #travelingtothecastle #minaisgettingworse #allsleepandnofoodmakesminaseemlikeavamp #minaandvanhelsingmeetthewives #poorhorsies 💀 #peaceoutwives #herecomesdrac #andalsothewholecrew #dracisslain #dusttodust #butalsoquincey #poorquincey #everyoneelsegetsanHEA #theend #hashtagbrigade
Loved this book. I‘m so glad my vampire aversion didn‘t keep me away. I should have known the #hashtagbrigade wouldn‘t lead me astray (except for when they do but we still have fun #thebros)
Thanks @BarkingMadRead
#31by31 @Catsandbooks #spookoween @TheSpineView #LongNights #PromptMaze @TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo #AtoZ @Texreader
Ch 26: everyone is cold #minafiguresoutdracsroute #becausetheserichboysareuseless #theyaretravelingingroups #chasingdowndrac #onechaptertogo #shouldbeinteresting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 25: Dracula foiling all the plans 🧛🏻 #usingminatogetinfo #detourtheship #sneakyboy #nowtheymustmakenewplans #butdoesdracknowtheyknow #hmmmmm #lotsofblahblahblah #butalsosomeaction #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24: did not want to stop reading today! Almost to the end! #vanhelsingmakingplans #worriesthatminawilltattletodrac #soobviouslywefgottakeepsecrets #minaagreea #untilahedoesnt #sonowsheplanstogo #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I read some of today‘s chapter while I waited to vote. The line was really fast, though, so I didn‘t finish the chapter 🤣
Ch 23: poor grey haired Keanu #dracisonthemove #headedtovisitthecrew #hespissed #andmaybealittlescared #keanumisseswiththeknife 🔪 #butmanagestocutthemoneyloose 💰 #thecrewlosesdrac #oneboxleft #vanhelsinghypnotizesmina #sheknowsdracisonashape #thechaseison #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
@dabbe #hashtagbrigade 2024
I know we read one of the Russian books, but I‘m also worried that I‘m getting mixed up with #randomclassics as well 🤣
Ch 22: yikes #dracbrokerenfieldsneck #vanhelsingtriestoprotectmina #thatleftamark #thecrewgoesonaspree #destroyingdracshideouts #isittoolate #timewilltell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21: I love finding fan art on google 🦇 #renfieldletsdracin #dracbeatshimtoapulp #renfieldcluesintheboysclub #dumbasses 🙄 #theyrushtomina #butnotbeforeworryaboutscaringher 🙄 #dinnertime #dracmakeaminadrinkhisblood #thiscannotendwell #dracflees #destroysalltheirwork #finishesoffrenfield #orrenfieldjustdies #unclear#anyway #dracpeacesout 🦇 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: Keanu does some research #theyfounddracshideouts #prigofthefirstwater 🤣#nowtheyplantodestroythem #minaisstillontheouts #stilltiredandpale #renfieldisbacktocausingtrouble #cliffhangerchapterending #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 19: so, I googled Dracula rats to look for a pic of that scene from today‘s chapter, and did not bother to look forward because this pic is everything #dracshouseiscreepy #thatmomentwhenkeanusawhim 😱 #minaisstillbeingbabied 🙄 #whatswiththatfogthough #ihavesomefears #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Interesting article about missing/found Stoker stories. The hospital mentioned in the article is the one I was born in, so I found that kind of cool too. ⬇️
Tagging #HashatagBrigade
@indoordame @thebookhippie @seabreeze_reader @larkken @bookwormjillk @dabbe @deblovestoread @catlass007 @currentlyreadinginco @rubyslippersreads @librarybelle @mcctrish@clare-dragonfly @julieclair @thearomaofbooks @peanutnine
#hashtagbrigade Count Enzo says please don‘t hunt him, he‘s a good boy and sleeps at night
Ch 18: we learn a little about the vampire 🧛🏼 #creepystuff #someiknew #someididnt #whatsthisnoonshit #renfieldissuddenlysane #thatsnew #thatlastlinethough #alittlethreatening #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 17: the dream team is assembled #minaiscompilingallthenotes #shemakesatimeline #itmakesmoresensenow #theyseethelight #orisitthedark #closinginondracula 🧛🏻♀️ #hashtagbrigade
Ch 16: the deed is done #poorarthur #thatwasgruesome #timetogoafterdrac #whatcouldgowrong #hashtagbrigade
I've been catching up with Re: Dracula podcast. It's been so fun reading it in real time.
Thanks for the tag @jdiehr #TwoForTuesday @TheSpineView
1) yes, but I will probably be repurchasing some of the more tasty kinds
2) suck your blood
Ch 15: doc loses his shit #temporarily #vanhelsingopensthecoffin #lucyisnotthere #becauseshesofffeedingonkids 🤷🏻♀️ #agirlhastoeat #secondtriplucyisback #lookingbetterthenever #getitgirl #nothingalittlegarlicwontcure 🧄#fornow #timetobringinhermansquad #youknow #thehusbands 🙄 #thiscantpossiblyendwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: van helsing connects the dots #heconfirmskeanusdiary #keanuisanewman #hefinallycluesdocin #imagineifhehaddonethatsooner #thebookwouldbeshorter 🤣 #lucyisavampnow 🧛🏻♀️ #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: so much drama #lucyistobeburied #vanhelsingleavesacrossonherovernight #tomorrowhewillbeheadher #forprotection #ofcourseamaidstealsit #lucycantcatchabreak #vanhelsingisfreakingout #minaandkeanugoforastroll #keanuseesayoungdrac #wtf #keanupassesout #whatawimp #vanhelsingwritewtominaaboutlucy #everyonearoundthatgirl ☠️ #staytuned
Ch 12: I almost forgot to post!
#whew #vanhelsinganddochavetobreakin #lucyisneardeath #morrisshowsupjustintime #hecomescloserthanalmosteveryoneinfiguringthisout #vampirebats #onelasttransfusion #doesntwork #riplucy #maybe #butfirst #renfieldislosinghisshit #whatwasinthathouse #drac 🧛🏻♀️ #also #minaandkeanucomehome #keanuinherits #staytuned
Ch 11: Mrs Westenra 🙄 #removesthegarlic #lucytakesanotherturn #draccanygetin #bringinthewolf #lucyisalone #momcomestohang #dracusesthewolftobreakin #peaceoutmom #lucysendsthemaidstogetsomewine ☠️ #thatendedwell #momisdeadlucyiscompletelyalone #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: an interesting medicine arrives #garlic 🧄 #itsgarlic #bloodtransfusionwentwell #untilsewardleftlucyalone #bloodyransfusionnumbertwo #willthegarlicwork #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 9: meet Van Helsing #minamarrieskeanu #lucyisntgettingbetter #artcallsdoccallsvanhelsing #vanhelsingknowswhatsup #renfieldisstilltryingtoescape #butonlyatnight #thatbatiseverydamnwhere 🦇 #interesting #lucytakesaturn #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#hashtagbrigade ... look at this adorable homemade card I just received from @PageShifter! A cute Count Dracula! He could be our mascot! 🖤🧛🏻♂️🖤
Ch 8: so much drama #lucyisstillsleepwalking #shegetsdowntothecemetary #minaseessomeonewithher 🧛🏻♀️ #yeahmina #thoseholesarefromapin 🧷 #lucyseemstogetbetter #butdracisfinallyhere #andnowlucyisunwell#coincidence #renfieldtruestoescape #anothercoincidence #butwait #keanuhasescaped #wtgkeanu #thenunsaskminatocome #whew #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
@PuddleJumper @Jadams89 #FrightClub
Found 1 word in DRACULA, though it's spelled differently.
+16 points
Ch 7: well, that was hella creepy! #draculaiscoming #avampsgottaeat #thatstormthough #yikes #lucyssleepwalkingisalsocreepy #allthepoorpups #thatbigdogisamenace #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Another pre-dawn wait at the bus stop scaring myself silly with Dracula #HashtagBrigade @BarkingMadRead
Usually I avoid illustrations in books, but they‘ve been good in this book. Maybe because I‘ve never read it before or seen the movie. I don‘t have any pictures in my mind yet.
Ch 6: well, that took a turn #renfieldandhisflies #youknow #tofeedthespiders #whichheneedstofeedthebirds #whichheneedstofeedthecats #…. #minaisworriedaboutkeanu #thatfakeletterdidntwork #andlucywalkinginhersleep #andletsthrowintjatrandomshipattheend #orisitnotrandom #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 5: so many new people! #lucyandminaarebesties #lucyisquitepopular #enterrenfield #thedocseemsintrigued #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4: well, this took a turn! #keanutriestoescape #climbkeanuclimb #keanufindsdracinacoffin ⚰️ #soheleaveshimthere #hetrieswritinglettershome #busted #dracmakeshimwritepostdatedletters #whatcouldgowrong 🤷🏻♀️ #hetriestoescapeagain #ashovel ⁉️#dude #thatendedwell 🤕 #trappedagain #thiswassodark #poorkeanu #itlooksbleak #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3: don‘t fall asleep Keanu #dractellskeanunottofallasleepawayfromhisroom #becausethatsnotcreepy #keanueatchesdracscalethecastlewall #alsonotcreepy #soofcoursekeanunowgoessomewhereelsetosleep #petulantchild #enterthegirlievamps #keanualmostbecomesdinner #dracstopsthem #fornow 🧛🏻♀️ #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 2: well now we know about the blue lights #treasure #thecountnevereats #arethereservantsanywhere #noreflection 🧛🏻♀️ #notsuspiciousatall 🙄 #staytuned #draculadoeslondon #hashtagbrigade
#hashtagbrigade @BarkingMadRead
Perhaps a too scholarly approach this time around to DRACULA. I'll give it a try, but I am not sure if I will have the tenacity to read every annotation. I don't know how mine compares, but Ch. 1 is 41 pages with all of the annotations. 😳