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Dracula | Bram Stoker
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CatLass007 No Keanu or Winona today? It‘s good to take a break every now and then. “But doctor, can‘t I just get extra garlic on my pizza?” 1w
mcctrish Going to run out of blood suppliers quickly at this rate 1w
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Bookwormjillk And suddenly I get a craving to cook Italian food with lots of garlic. So technical question. If I donate blood and a vampire bites the recipient does the vampire then crave my blood? 1w
BarkingMadRead @Bookwormjillk 🤣🤣🤣🧄🧄🧄 1w
Clare-Dragonfly Tell me blood types haven‘t been discovered yet without telling me blood types haven‘t been discovered yet… 1w
BarkingMadRead @Clare-Dragonfly so glad I‘m not the only one thinking that 🤣 1w
rubyslippersreads @Clare-Dragonfly @BarkingMadRead I thought that too. 1w
rubyslippersreads @Bookwormjillk Probably not if you‘ve just eaten garlic. 🤣 1w
julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly @BarkingMadRead @rubyslippersreads I had the same thought! Uncle Google says blood types were discovered in 1901. Dracula was written in 1897. 6d
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Fun and interesting account of how special flavors have influenced American cuisine over the years, mostly with a focus on certain spices like curry, garlic, and sriracha. I am not really a foodie yet but I enjoyed it.

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Starting a book about food and basic flavors.

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When the recipe tells you, use 2 cloves of garlic, but this translates to you as 2 BULBS of garlic 🤣😍🧄

dabbe 😱🤣😍 10mo
Kimberlone Haha this is me with garlic and onions! 10mo
JenniferEgnor @Kimberlone do you have a tip for cutting onions without burning, teary eyes? 10mo
Kimberlone @JenniferEgnor I know there are lots of life hacks for this, but I honestly just submit to the tears 😭 10mo
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Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a cook but I do enjoy reading about food usually through a travel memoir. Was surprised in 2017 to find Eight Flavors a 5🌟 read. Who knew the history of food could be so interesting?

Other 5🌟 for the year: One of Us is Lying, Midnight at the Bright Ideas Bookstore & All Our Wrong Tomorrows.

*I'm thinking of buying all my 5🌟reads for my home library. Anyone else do that?

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I read 3 books for my 2 books clubs this month! Find out my thoughts here: https://amysbookreviews.com/2019/11/19/3-november-book-club-picks-and-reviews/

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When your snack is an accidentally perfect match for Chapter 8.

Also? The racism this book chronicles will make your jaw drop, which is inconvenient if you‘re drooling over the recipes, but not as inconvenient as RACISM ITSELF, so pay attention!

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#TBRtemptation post 1! America may have a unique culinary landscape. And the young historical gastronomist has determined that is united by eight flavors: black pepper, vanilla, curry powder, chili powder, soy sauce, garlic, MSG, and sriracha. She combs through economic, religious, and economic records, cookbooks, manuscripts, & bills of lading, from the early colonial days through today. An interesting history indeed! #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎

slategreyskies I almost checked this out on #Hoopla last night. It looks good! :) 7y
SauerPatch How disappointing that MSG is listed as one of them... 😒 7y
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After hearing this dynamic author I eagerly jumped into reading this and felt like it dragged for me. I wanted more of her experience and less technical stuff, I guess. Great concept and very interesting but slow reading.