New winter tradition begun. Reading along in real time. I only learned about this as a thing last year too late to participate. I'm giving myself points for remembering in time this year. Who else does this?
New winter tradition begun. Reading along in real time. I only learned about this as a thing last year too late to participate. I'm giving myself points for remembering in time this year. Who else does this?
My #FiveStarReads this November included a Revisit of Dracula with #DraculaDaily
I missed the entire month of October and last entries for November of #DraculaDaily due to ending one job and starting another one. I‘ll be getting caught up to finish Dracula tonight. This was quite an experience to see those hilariously titled emails. I might repeat it next year or sit back and observe other people‘s readalong. 10/10 recommend pairing the book with Re: Dracula audio adaptation https://redracula.live/
The story of a rising evil, and the group of friends who through love, communication, working together, and a whole lot of research bring down something more powerful and cruel than themselves.
This ended up being unexpectedly and upsettingly timely. There will be heartbreaks there will be setbacks, but we will survive. 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 #DraculaDaily
Finished #DraculaDaily both by reading the emails and listening to the podcast Re: Dracula (which was great!). I have read this book a few times, its a #OldFav :) I am pretty sure I will do this again next year :)
This month's #HashtagBrigade pick was kind of a reread for me. I read it last year with #DraculaDaily which, while super fun, is also not exactly the best way to read this book for the first time. So I liked reading it in order and in one month instead of six 😂 Now I might do Dracula Daily again next year lol Anyway, while there are places where the action bogs down a little, and the ending feels a little rushed, this book still has some ⬇
Happy vampire info dump day! 🤣
Also, this entry always makes me wonder how the story would be different if everybody just listened to Mina. #DraculaDaily
Seriously, I'm so impressed by the clever structure of this story!
I loved how we are given all the details through the characters' personal writing and how all these documents come into Prof. Van Helsing's hands. And whe they do, the story start to build... I want to say in a new direction, though of course, it is not so.
Everything is do coherent and cohesive. And gripping!
I'm hook. I care deeply fir all the characters.
Ok #hashtagbrigade it‘s time to start thinking about October! If you would like to be tagged in next month‘s book, drop a comment below! Everyone is welcome, just remember, my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers, so don‘t read my post until you‘ve read the chapter. We will read a chapter a day in October. My version has 27 chapters so we will finish before Halloween!
#DraculaDaily is back where l left off last year.
Let's see whether l can finish it.