Trying Dreadful for the flight home. Don't fail me! 😭
Page 1 was animal cruelty. Automatic bail for me.
"You're a lawyer"
"And a priest. I think that makes you the closest we have to a legal and moral authority."
"Yes, but I handle property cases, not murder!"
"Would praying help?"
Trying to pick my next read. I've had a few bails recently, and the ones I've finished have been meh. Bride was...fine? I enjoyed it, but there were too many cringe moments for me and I'm not inclined to read the companion novel when it comes out. I guess I'm just in a bit of a reading rut.
Grabbed this one from the library. Really enjoying so far.
"Did you just say you were going over my head by going to Kraken?"
"Your Majesty, it's just us two here. We both know if that cat wanted it to be so, he'd burn the castle to the ground with us inside and still be worshipped by all of Daxaria. Of course he's our superior."
I thought I'd be fine after reading the content warnings, but it just wasn't for me. Too many passages in the first few chapters squicked me out and I had to bail.
I just found out that the next book doesn't come out until Sept 2025 and I am unwell. 😭
Finished book one, am currently devouring book two...when the music schedule permits.
I was 100% the target audience for this book. I've been following Andrew his entire career and have a standing rule that if he's playing a show within a 2,000 mile radius of my house, it's fair game. Getting more insight into the life he's lived behind the music that has been the soundtrack to my life was a delight.
Starting this one before my flight at oh darn thirty tomorrow morning. Or maybe I'll just stay up all night to finish it, like I did book 1. 🤷♀️
Trying to pick a book for this weekend. I need something light and distracting. Maybe You, Again or Silver & Gold.
"I'm done playing by the rigged rules of an unjust world." - Bucky Barnes
As if I didn't already love you with my whole heart, sir.
Really interesting so far. Kinda terrifying, but also...kinda soothing at the same time?
I stayed up way too late reading this. It is not even worth going to sleep at this point. #worthit
Sometimes things aren't like you imagined them, but that doesn't mean they aren't still good.
Because good people rarely hold power. It gets taken from them by others who are greedier and crueler. Good people get killed.
I like money insofar as it brings me pleasure. I would get no pleasure from selling you your own death.
Did I have other things I was supposed to do today? Yes. Did I read this book in one sitting instead? Also yes.
Devoured it in a day, already well into book 2. I love this take on Loki and Manny (ahem, sorry - I mean Muninn 😂) is the best side character.
Wasn't what I expected, but still burned through it in a day. I'm undecided if I'll read the sequel, as I liked how this ended.
"Ask me not if god exists, but why he's such a prick."
That's one way to open a novel. ?
I didn't read nearly as much as I intended in March, but I did catch up on the Namor 5 issue mini that recently wrapped. Cantwell is one of my favorite comic writers and he didn't disappoint here.
Loved The Necromancer's Reckoning, love the entire Beacon Hill Sorcerer series.
But Captain America: The Ghost Army still wins. ☺️
It was a close call this month, but of the 40 (!!!) books I read in January, I have to say this GN was my favorite.
This one was fun. Great characters, a neat take on the magical world building, an adorable pet dragon, AND it's the first in a series. Just checking off all of my boxes, one by one.
A Beauty and the Beast retelling but with werewolves?!? Yes please! I stayed up until 3AM to finish it in one sitting. It was a good story, it was well done, but I have to give it a so-so because the MC had a few character traits that irk me, usually to the point of bailing on a book. The premise and the writing kept me with this one, but I won't be rereading.
Book mail is the best mail. So excited to dig into these beauties.
Just stab me in the heart next time, it would be kinder.
I have had the Longest Day but it is finally over and I survived! 🎉
I've been looking forward to this GN since it hit shelves a few weeks ago, so I ordered some takeout and am settling in with this guy.
If you need me, call someone else. I'm reading. 😛
How dare Marvel make me feel my own feelings like this.
I am not OK.
"I didn't want to...drag you into this. I... Steve... I thought I was alone in this."
"Bucky. You've been my best friend for eighty years. Thought you would've learned by now. You never fight alone."
I'm fine. ???
(Also, if Alpine doesn't make her MCU debut soon, we riot. MCU!Bucky needs a cat looking after him.)
#cats #comics
My work is hosting a "Wellness Wednesday" session around the concepts in this book, so I decided to read it ahead of time. There wasn't anything new to me here, but it was still an enjoyable read. Looking forward to the session to see what recommendations they have as well.
Fascinating. Devastating.
The use of language was soul-shakingly effective. I found myself gasping in places, not because of the subject matter (although that happened too) but because of the subversive descriptions that challenged history as I had learned it.
162 books in 2022! It's a new record for me. My goal had been 200, but I'm okay with where I ended up.
Happy New Year all!
It's not blackmail, love. It's politics.
A charming, easy read that had me rolling around in giggles at times.
And everyone needs a cat like Kraken. 😻
He had sanity to lose? Wow, he'd thought that had fled for safety ages ago.
"It was either make jokes or start weeping at your desk, so Lily made jokes."
I feel this one in my very bones.
The rumors are true. This book redeems the movie. 😂
One of the good things to come out of the pandemic - virtual book events. Looking forward to digging into this one after hearing the author give a talk tonight.
Credits didn't drop into the hands of the polite. Neither did food, medicine or shelter.
"We've stood by you and we'll be damned if you throw that loyalty aside just because it's inconvenient to your pride."
Nessa's words and determined loyalty hit home today. Everyone needs a Nessa in their corner to smack them in the head, occasionally.
"Have you no conscience, sir?"
"None that I can afford."
Same, Sir Philip. Same.
"I'm about to implement a policy of throwing people out the window whenever they make my life harder instead of easier."
Same, Sarrica. Same.