The rumors are true. This book redeems the movie. 😂
The rumors are true. This book redeems the movie. 😂
What fictional book would you choose for the apocolypse?
I would choose Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover, the greatest novelization of all time.
Revenge of the Sith is a novelization you should read if you, like me, are fascinated by Star Wars' more intellectual elements.
10/10 Amazing
'The dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins' - Matthew Stover
We know that usually the book is better than the movie. Interestingly, it's the same in this case. Even though the movie was first. But Stover writes the characters with so much depth and explores their paths that well, even though I really like the movie, I admit to like the book even more.
There are just so many books that have made me cry and outright sob that it was hard to choose for the #ReadingResolutions #TearJerker prompt. I decided to go with obvious and not so obvious choices.
At least I have something to keep me entertained while I work on a Sunday! #starwarsweekend
Starting the morning off right! With a matching coffee mug and book combo. I'm so excited to finally get my hands on the last book in the series. The other five were fantastic. ❤️❤️ #bookanddrink
OHMYGODTHISBOOK 😭😭😭😭 Ahhhh it was soooo good! It goes way deeper into the events of the movie and why things happens the way that they did. And we get so much more emotion from all of the characters!! Definitely the best Star Wars book I've read!!
I'm now convinced that it doesn't matter which way this scene went, there is no hope for anyone anymore - Man is this book good!!!
This is why I am so obsessed with the prequels and the fall of Anakin. People want to believe that if he had let go of his fear and followed the Jedi the day could have been saved - but it is so much bigger than that. The Republic was torn apart by lies. Palpatine lying about his intentions, Anakin and Padme hiding their love. And the Jedi not trusting and helping the person who needed them most.
This!!! Finally someone said it!!!
Now I'm wondering how often Obi-Wan stars at Anakin's butt....... 🤣 #brotp
Oh shit...... and this is only pg40!!!
Revenge of the Sith novelization
The rest of my motivation! #awomansplaceisintheresistance #myfavoriteprincess