I stayed up way too late reading this. It is not even worth going to sleep at this point. #worthit
I stayed up way too late reading this. It is not even worth going to sleep at this point. #worthit
My top 10 reads of the year.
The Change has to have the top spot. I will recommend it to anyone, regardless of what kind of books they read 😂
Verity I read it &then read the special edition. It‘s so chaotic, it has some problems.. it has many problems.. but wow
Song of Achilles & ACOTAR series, #booktokmademedoit #worthit
Lavender House deserves as much hype as any of the above.
Sager‘s newest is probably the most controversial 😅 on my list
I was so excited to get my first subscription box from The Strand that I ran out to greet the postal carrier looking like this 😂
I‘ve made it to 130 pages but I‘m still not loving it. Is it worth it? #worthit #thecruelprince #struggle #shouldikeepreading
All righty then! Poor male honey 🐝!
A really good psychological thriller! Had me engaged from the beginning. The way the book starts, you almost think you know how it's all going to play out. But this is no Lifetime movie. It gets pretty suspenseful. I liked the mix of characters. Such an array of personalities. #IshouldbecleaningforEaster #couldntstopreadingthis #worthit
Where to begin?
"My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness, as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute." - Ayn Rand
What if the titans of industry left? Rand uses a theoretical #economic #dystopia America to present her what-if.
Regardless if you agree with her, she opens your mind. #worthit #JohnGalt #Objectivism
I #stayedupreading The Scottish Boy until 3AM and am super annoyed I have to work and can't continue reading this until tonight. #ineedcoffee #worthit
So I ran my first 10K this morning and extremely proud of myself and the time I managed (3908th looks a lot but considering that over 10,000 people took part, that's pretty good for someone with no training). Anyway, my legs ache so I'm gonna lie on the couch and finish a book. #WorthIt
Also part of my haul . But i felt it deserved a separate post . A 1st edition alice in wonderland cost more then i would ever pay on a single book . But i haaaad to have it :) it is a bit tattered but that only means it's been read and loved and what more could you want in a book :)